Check Out Bigfoot Bounty's Greene Giants

Dave and Dan Greene, aka "The Greene Giants", are one of the teams trying to win the $10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty on Spike TV. Check out this cool video they made to promote themselves:

Bigfoot Bounty airs on Spike TV Friday nights. Check local listings for times.


  1. Second! Getting closer.
    Regards, LL

  2. Grossed Out By Bigfoot Bounty's Greene Giants

  3. Mike Brookreson lights wrong end of cigarette !

  4. They outta sit them fat ole injuns on some mini bikes and give them cowboy hats to wear!

  5. Yay! The giants were sent home!

  6. I am a fan of them! They went pretty far! Mohawks rule!

  7. My eyes can't stop staring at their boobies!!! Is that so wrong!!!

  8. Lol Rictor, you looked like an asshole, shoulda stayed outa the show :D you are gay right?

  9. They block out the sun!
    Earthquake Boys!
    Big foots hide behind them!
    Their wives are roadkilled after sex!
    Big Belly's means little weiners!
    They plugged all the toilets!
    Their footprints were mistaken for Big foot prints by Stacy brown!
    The knock sounds are them bumping into each other.
    I wish they got use of that Boat, THAT would of been EPIC!
    They're Bobo's cousins!
    They're BIG FOOT!

    1. They were eliminated because they were Native America

    2. There nothing but a couple of fat Mexicans, they lied when they said they were mohicans,,


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