Bigfoot Bounty Fans In For A Treat

According to Bigfoot Bounty fans will get a special treat this week. The network will be airing two brand-new episodes back to back! That's twice the squatch for the price of one! Be sure to tune in, as the teams are being narrowed down.

Friday, February 7th Spike TV will be airing back to back episodes of 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty starting at 10/9c PM.

Get the full scoop right here.


  1. Replies
    1. Have you ever felt like you knew something special, something that most people just can't understand? Do you feel it will all be worth it once it's validated?

    2. ^ Breakdown boy right on cue!!!

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

    3. Joe's argument summarized: "I'm rubber, you're glue. Anything you say bounces off me and sticks to you!"

      You are a textbook schizophrenic, Joe, I think it's time for your meds.

      Still waiting on that answer...Have you ever felt like you know something special? Like something no one else does? That someday you will be validated?

    4. Here's your answer;

      Leave it go bro... Don't let it ruin your life, like it so clearly is.

      Breakdown boy.

    5. Really, answer the question Joe.

      - different anon

    6. In case you missed the questions during your banter -

      Have you ever felt like you know something special? Like something no one else does? That someday you will be validated?

    7. Hey joe fitz ! It's. Ttl!!! I left u some messages on the yowie post page anyways I don't now u from a hole in the ground but it's funny how mad some people if someone was going to help a complete stranger out or even do something for them just to be nice !! I explained the not having a email thing which is pretty funny to everyone I now lol! I'm still setting up the camera for u come spring, I'm guessing there's not much bf action on your side of the pond and u seem very interested in everything to do with it so I'll get the ball rolling for u over here and maybee it will work out good for u and others could do the same for other people regardless of the outcome or evidence!! I think of people need to learn some of the basics in life it's seems everything these days are all about the wrong things . Anyways ttl joe fitz

    8. TTL!!!

      Hey buddy, I'd definitively like to talk to you on email ifnt were possible, don't worry about these anons; they're pretty upset cause I stick around and bully them about.

    9. Joe fits ! We will talk off here it's going to be like a slow death the way I type and spell! But who cares!

    10. Ya joe! I'm way more excited about what u end up with on the trail cams! Cause I'm not going to view them I'm just going to send them to u when your ready! Ttl cheers!

    11. Hardly Joe. I think it's hilarious you've driven away every regular poster and the place is now you, ball boy, Eva, Chuck, and all those 16 year old geek anons you love so much.

      Even your precious Harry up and left you.

      But hey, it's everyone else that's wrong, condescending, has a bad attitude, and unsporting....right?

      I mean no one would ever take offense to your pedestal candor for which you have nothing but a big mouth to back up, would they?

      Christ, the King of Bullshit Mikey Brookreson even see's through most of your deceit.

      Have you ever felt like you know something special? Like something no one else does? That someday you will be validated?

    12. Also joe fits ! This might sound dumb but I'm kind of hoping u get some wolverine pics cause my wolverine hat is getting ready for retirement and I really want another one made but the chances r probably better seeing a bf bf! Lol

    13. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

      Hey bro, have you had much luck using trail cams then?

    14. Hey Joe, aren't you the one who always harps about what a failure trail cams are, infrared light sources this, camera positions that, highly intelligent creatures this, bioluminescent that?

      What's the point of putting out a trail can for you when you spent the last 6 months dragging them down?

      Two facing yourself again, Mr. Hypocrite.

      Have you ever felt like you know something special? Like something no one else does? That someday you will be validated?

    15. I have yes, but when someone goes our of their way to out one up for me, this means I can have direct access to someone trying such, and then I can have a better understanding of the whole process... Easy as that.

      Still boo-hooing?

    16. Joe if a woman who was boo hooing gave you a weeping golden, would you hold it against her???


    17. Have you ever felt like you know something special? Like something no one else does? That someday you will be validated?

    18. Have you ever been a little bit scared to spit something out?

      Have you ever been left so frustrated at debating something that you are left obsessive?

      Have you ever grown a pair, taken a deep breath and admitted you've been best up?

      Have you ever thought to yourself that all this effort is gonna be for nothing?

      Have you ever thought to yourself; 'Joe ain't going anywhere, so I better go and find something else to do'?


    19. Yes joe the trail cams work but I have left and not aprroached this area in three years almost four because I don't want to disturb anything until my plan is 100% and I'm Shure I want to pull the trigger but I really thought someone else would have by now I don't understand how these so called researchers have gone this long and not pulled the trigger they r not warm and fuzzy forest people I can't stress that enough they are monsters when they want to be and will ripp u apart in a matter of minutes!! These people who r saying they habituated these animals r so full of beans it just blows my mind! I could not belive or understand how someone could spen 20 years on something like this subject and not have anything very good to show I belive they should have spent 19 off those years with a real hunter instead to really learn how to hunt something before wasting all that time when they could have been learning way more, sorry about the rambling and grammar I now it's terrible but whatever I guess! Ttl joe fits !!! Ttl!

    20. Joe fitz!!! Hey it's ttl!! I was just reading how u want to understand the process of setting up a trail cam and I'm not here to judge anyone I will film the whole process with a my gopro camera and walk u through it step by step in the forest I don't care if u can't screw in a light bubb u have the right idea and that's learning and asking lots of questions so after I walk u threw it while I film it I'll send u the video of that process and maybee u could find some falts or even think off different ideas? Who's nows ? Anyways it will be something different and u could have some fun with it, also like I think I said before I'll get a map sent to u and u could try to pick out a couple camera areas in the future and I'll let u pic a area as long as its not in some terrible spot where I now your not going to have some action!!! Ttl joe fits have a good day!! Ttl!! Out

    21. Dear Joe,

      I posted this comment on another thread but wanted to make sure you see it before I loose control and give in to my horrible obsessions.


      I am having a moment of Lucidity and am doing my best to make up for my inappropriate and cruel behavior. I speak of doing disgusting things because I do not know how to communicate my most inner feelings to others. Joe you do not deserve any of my rude comments. I must apologize in advance for the things I will probably say soon as I have no control at times. It would be best if I was forcibly removed from the situation because I do not have the ability to go on my own. If I slide back into my old patterns, please know that the only way you can help me is to completely ignore me.

      Sincerest apologies,

      Sweetcheeks, Fake MMC, and all the other aliases I use.

    22. That was a long one !! What r my other aliases ??? Ttl!!!

    23. Well I was the Canadian guy!! But other people started saying they were the Canadian guy and started posting all sorts of stupid crap so now I guess I'm TTl !! Which sounds terrible but I just don't care what anyone thinks so have a good day sir!

  2. So basically, the want to get the series over and dumped as fast as possible.

    1. Kinda what I was thinking.

    2. They just signed a deal for season 2 actually. Ratings up 27%

    3. Doubt that.

      Ratings up ? LOL

    4. What, they went from 100 to 78 this prime time week?

    5. I think this show had some potential.

      Disappointing...I think the lack of "legit" footers kinda doomed it. And also - the "eliminating" after each week (ala Survivor) is not working. I personally went into this series not realizing they were going to be eliminating everyone.

      I actually liked the first team who got eliminated the first week. They didn't have any evidence and said they weren't going to bring back some bullshit - just to say they had they ended up getting booted. Getting booted because they didn't bring back cow manure? Didn't bring back some moss? A snapshot of a squirrel? Dumb..da dum dum.

  3. yay !
    Double the sleeveless action !
    I'm getting hard wood over this !


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