Bigfoot at Withlachoochee?

Thanks to Adam Bird for sharing this photograph with us. This strange photograph supposedly taken at a state forest in Florida. Bird writes:

Bigfoot: Believers Only just came across this photograph which we believe hasn't been published in the Bigfoot community yet. It was taken in Withlachoochee State Forest in Florida. The picture shows the back portion of some alleged creature. The legs are visible, as is part of the back. It does look Gorilla-like. It also could be a Bear. We wanted to hear everyone's opinions on the picture. Could this be a Florida Bigfoot on all fours? A Bear?


  1. Replies
    1. At first i thought you were cool, but i just don't care for skeptics that are rude to others for believing....

      have a nice day!

      ball boy

    2. I don't care what or who people believe in, especially if you can provide a reasonable explanation as to why.

      I don't care for blind faith.

      The only people I am potentially rude to are PJ and Leon.

    3. who the hell is pj? joe?

      ball boy

    4. Peace Joe, Pedestal Joe, Piss Joe....take your pick.

  2. Joe if ball boy gave you rude and nasty golden, would you hold it against him???


  3. If i were to hoax some bigfoot pictures or video, a group called "Bigfoot: believers only" would be the first people I'd release it to. There just setting themselves up with a name like that.

  4. I'm just sitting here on the river bank with-la-coochie. She's got a nice bikini on, we're drinking some beers...

  5. why is it that almost every bigfoot photo has only one photo ?
    Do you know cameras can take more than one photo unless that was the last one on the roll or his batteries mysteriously died after taking one inconclusive bigfoot pic.
    Bottom line- i would have kept shooting til it was either gone or I run in fear

  6. The photo doesn't match the description? Legs visible? All fours? Help me out here.

  7. iam takin 7.62 to takes care of tham critters!

  8. It can't be a bear..there are no such things as bears.

  9. I live next to Withlacoochee State Forest ... that is a bear, AND I do believe in Bigfoot.

  10. lots of tham thar bigfeets alookin lack bearz, cawz ifn U saw tham U thinkin bear bez abouts, not bigfeets ...

  11. Is Anonymous at 12:27 the only one who gets the A Dam Bird thing?lol


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