Behind the Scenes of Bigfoot Bounty

Lights! Cameras! Thermal! I just read an article about the behind the scenes tech side of Bigfoot Bounty. It's amazing how much production work went into this show, and the amount of talented producers working on the reality series.

"The shoot presented its own daunting challenge, spanning four states with multiple indoor and outdoor locations. In addition, a wide variety of videotape and card-based formats from 124 cameras including thermal imaging, timelapse, quad copters and IR cameras were used. The producers called on Burbank’s AlphaDogs for post production services."
You can read the entire article by clicking here. 


  1. Replies
    1. shawn Crazy Irish & mkb squatch,,, Are homo loosers,....And yes i trust in Allah!

    2. Chick, shawn Crazy irish is devastated since his break up with henry may, soo sad soo sad its a sad sad situation,,

  2. its great seeing disotell pwn those footers week in week out

  3. This show has got to be a bit of a bust for Spike T.V.

    Think of all the expense.

  4. Not watching anymore since Rictor left.

  5. I killed a bigfoot . About an hour north of potter,pa. Called a ranger. Showed him the body he told me to leave and not come back. On my way out saw 2 helicopters and multiple rangers SUVs rolling in. I never looked back. Happened 10 years ago. I don't hunt any more I won't go near the woods any more. Believe me or not I don't care. I will go to my grave knowing what I saw was real .

    1. Do tell ?

      Why did you shoot it? (mistaken or on purpose)
      Where did you shoot it? (chest?)
      What did it look like?

    2. To any hunter. If you drop one these things don't call any one but your closest friends. Any branch of the law will run you off. Get the body out and head to a news agency. Dismember it if you have to.

    3. Bull. If you go an hour north of Potter County, you're in Southern New York on your way to Lake Chautauqua.

    4. I lived in Tioga and Troy for years, the next county east of Potter County and I regularly attend the Bow Festival in August in Potter County.

    5. thats how smeja started. an agent and film crew will be next to visit you. just stick to your story and who knows you could be raking in the big bucks.

    6. Did you shoot two juvenile squatches?

    7. Went on hunting trip in Canada. Didn't see a bigfoot or any thing. What's was weird though is the guides and the locals talk like these things are real. Very casual about it like they see them all the time. Don't bother them they won't bother you. It freaked me out.

    8. I'm not wearing any sleeves right now.

    9. I am VERY relieved that you remembered the removing of the sleeves. It seemed like sleeveless shirts were on their way out today.

    10. I killed a 12-pack. Does that count for anything? I'm new here and just trying to fit in.

    11. It counts more if the sleeves are off.

  6. Joe, if sleeveless (MMC) gave you a leathery golden, would you hold it against him???


  7. I'd laugh if one of the teams actually proved that bigfoot exists and they don't want to pay because they figured that no team would find a bigfoot thinking that they don't exist.

  8. You'll get no sleeves and like it.

  9. Seems like dissotell considers himself an expert on all matters bigfoot. He really is ruining the show

  10. Albert Ostman was a Canadian. Albert Ostman was a liar. Canadians are liars.

  11. article to long to read. need the fringe news lounge to read. problem is i refuse to listen to the lounge. just post another article .

  12. larry the cable guy went sleeveless before it was cool


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