Year in Review, New Bigfoot Movie, Crucifixes in Cheesecake and Alien Artifacts Under Seattle

Episode 17 The Fortean Slip Year in Regret. In this episode Chris and his cohorts revisit the past 16 episodes of the show. We look at a kickstarter campaign for a new Bigfoot movie, crucifixes in cheesecake and possible alien artifacts under Seattle. This webcast is uncensored for your pleasure.


  1. I hope Bigfoot eats all humans including Justin Smeja.

  2. wow 2 comments! viewership must be picking up for this quality show which by the way is uncensored for our pleasure

  3. ahm sayin agin watchin out fer tham thar 3 toed critters – tham beez skoocooms critters eatin U right-up fer shure gotz to shootin them ritely proper like.


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