Watch This New $10 Million Bigfoot Bounty Commercial

This is the new bad ass commercial for Spike TV's new series, The Ten Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty that airs January 10! Watch it below:


  1. Replies
    1. I will watch it, but you can never make me like it.

    2. This show is going to be shittier than the finding bigfoot shit show.

    3. Of course it is, it's all a scam. If they knew that there were thousands of wild ape or even wild men, out there an unethical show like this would never happen. Practically hunting humans is what it is, a modern slave hunting TV show, so forget it no way. It can only happen because they know the species won't be found not because it isn't out there it very much is but because it won't let itself get captured due to the fact it's an ET (or other dimension) species. Case close until further notice.

    4. If (on that slim chance) they did discover/verify a bigfoot...think of the BILLIONS of dollars that would pay off in return for that network for the next hundred years ?! It would be huge!

    5. Over estimating the value of bigfoot to John Q. Public, over looking terrible corporate staff at Spike TV, and assuming television will be as it is now in 100 years there anon8:40.

      In other words, you're naïve.

    6. I don't think so. Think of what the owning the "rights" to a video of bigfoot. Or some other "firm evidence" (such as DNA) would mean over the long haul.

      Gold...forever...whether t.v is the "same" or not folks will be wanting this info to look at.

    7. Still over estimating the value of bigfoot to John Q. Public.

    8. I predict, (in the beginning) this show will have high ratings. It's left to be seen, how the producers handle this show, and how much of the "Teams" personalities and their abilities shows!

      If you ever watched the "Mountain Monsters" show, then you can see how quickly the search for Big foots, can easily be made into a laughing joke of a show.

      Interest in Big footing is getting more and more popular! There are now many "Researchers" making good money taking gullible people out on expensive expeditions.

      Hardly anyone, knows of Me and my teams research. Yet. . . We get "hundreds" of requests to take people out Big footing!

      We are all retired, and are financial well off. I know this sounds crazy to some, but we don't need the money! Money does not motivate us at all.

      Some of the "Young bucks" from our tribe, want to make money this way. (Even though, it's against our tribal laws) they want to do it anyway.

      Up here in the Catskill Mountains, it's very hard for the young ones to find decent jobs. They can only do #1 Logging/firewood, #2 Work at the Ski resorts. That it!

      So some of these "Young bucks" are creating Websites, and advertising for "Big foot Expeditions". I'm torn on this, but at least they want to work and make money! I really don't see anything wrong with this (Maybe)? They are a lot of gullible people out there, that thinks (Thanks to the Finding Big foot show) there are Big foots everywhere!

      This is happening all across America!

      John W. Jones Spoke

  2. What the hell is everyone sleepin off Christmas dinner or what

    1. Hi Harry! I didn't get a chance to say to you, have a Merry Christmas, and a happy new year!

      John W. Jones Spoke

  3. If you boys go through all this to talk to each other, you must love each other very much. It's so awful you have to hide it away. Perhaps some day society will change. The curse of forbidden love was always thus.

  4. Unless Dallas and Wayne are on this show I'm not watching.

    Another Big year for Bigfoot.


    1. Wayne's bucket will have a guest appearance.

    2. Hey MMG! Dallas and Wayne, would be a perfect addition to the show! but I don't think it's going to happen. I would love to meet these 2 in person. I think their the Laurel& Hardy of Big footing,and I mean no dis-respect to them.

      Great Idea!

      John W. Jones Spoke

  5. Hmmm... 10 extra large. I am going to hunt me down a podiatrist dream.

    1. In America you have bigfoot and dogman but we have in the UK....The Wererabbit,try not to be afraid xx

    2. fuck the uk. who cares what you have, you all want to be american. you have police with no guns, stupid idiots. brush your teeth.

    3. In Britain, firearms murders are 30 times fewer than in the US per capita.

      That dreadful statistic will be lost on the troll above.


    4. Looked for your wererabbit EVA. What came up for me was a live video recording of LYNYRD SKYNYRD at the Knebworth Fair Festival in England in 1976 during their One More For the Road Tour. Said 370,000 people attended. Enjoyed the heck out of this.


    5. You can have your fake Hollywood smile. Want to be Americans but have no guns, how does your warped mind come up with that Little contradiction? Of course there's no guns, only criminals have guns you backwoods loser, it's a system built on trust not violence.

    6. you can never trust anyone, especially the system you moron

    7. Firearm murder rate is lower but their violent crime rate blows America out of the water.

      This includes assault and battery, rape, carjacking, muggings, etc.

      UK also has a way smaller population than US and most are condensed into tight living quarters.

    8. By that remark 8:30, you're contradicting your whole covert operation purpose here... lol

    9. Then America must have 30% more negro's.

    10. If all the Negros were shipped off to Africa, then crime in America, will drop 90%! Just saying. . .

    11. We still have the Mexicans.

    12. if we got rid of all the white devils then america would be a better place. no more racism, no more corned beef hash, no more inbreeding, no more school shootings...

  6. Is SWP on this show? I swear I saw his gay ass in that commercial.

    1. No I think that's the biologist from northwestern who was on ancient aliens Todd disotell I think his name is

    2. That dude has me killed hands down in the arrogance dept

  7. 8;01,did you really have to start a fight at Christmas? xx

  8. Hello Chuck,glad you enjoyed Lynyrd Skynyrd,did my were rabbit link not work? xx

  9. i have leaked information from a friend who knows a friend that worked on the show. He said if I tell anyone they would know who leaked it, The information is that [spoiler alert]: they don't catch a bigfoot. He said ro and team are the first to be ousted. I said to much already.

  10. Michael Merchant on thanks, I'll pass. Dude can't tell the difference between a deer snort and a possum fart.

    1. This problem afflicts every BF 'researcher.'

  11. Right now, Matt MoneyMaker is shitting in his pants! He's worried shitless over all these new Monster hunting shows. already the FINDING BIGFOOT rating are dropping.

    Something like46 episodes, and all[s they found was NOTHING!
    Smart viewers already know that all their episodes have been already filmed in advance. This Sunday, they will go on a "Yeti hunting" expedition. We already know, they found nothing!

    This new show with Dean Cain, will end up being the same. The only difference, is way more dramatic scenes and more "Hunters" ( of dubious quality)!

  12. How do you make your reality show stand out in a world full of absurdity - just add bigfoot!


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