This Is What It's Like To Get "Zapped" By Bigfoot (Updated)

Many accounts of Bigfoots manipulate their EMF (electromagnetic field) to zap animals is well-known among Bigfoot researchers. All animals have an EMF that they give off and the theory is that some animals can give off high EMF -- if they know how to use it. During an encounter with Bigfoot, some researchers have reportedly experienced a sort of calmness where everything goes quiet in the woods causing animals to panic. Some researchers say the feeling of being "zapped" becomes so overwhelming that it causes them to be "disoriented".

According to one account, Erickson Project founder Adrian Erickson, claimed he was once chased out of the woods by a Bigfoot that was disorienting him and making him delirious. He was so affected by the EMF that it made it navigation around the woods difficult.

In a more recent account, an EMF was actually caught on tape. During the 2011 BFRO expedition to Tennessee, investigator Ron Boles believes he may have been subjected to the phenomenon referred to as "zapping". His audio recorder was running at the time, and seconds after making a provocative vocal into the forest, Ron's recorder captured a deep pulse of audio, from the direction in which Ron had vocalized.

"At first it felt like I stepped barefooted on a live-wire and then it felt like the energy was sucked right out of me and I went down," Ron explained to us on Facebook.

Listen to the event below:

[Update] We spoke with Ron Boles a few minutes ago, and to clarify, he believes he was a target of infrasound. Researchers believe Bigfoots have the ability to stop prey by zapping them with low frequency sounds. Infrasound and low frequency noise can be dangerous and very effective, due to its strong vibrations, or oscillations. These waves hug the ground, travel for long distances without losing strength, and are unstoppable. According to experts, infrasounds can be felt up to 25 miles and its amplitude can produce negative effects in the human body. Even mild infrasound exposure requires several hours, or even days, to reverse symptoms. Bigfoot researchers reported feelings of being disorientated and sleepiness after being zapped by infrasound.


  1. Replies
    1. I used my telepathic powers to unleash an electromagnetic pulse that causes Adrian Erickson to poop in his pants.

    2. Won't work.Adrian has a jar that's hermetically sealed around his taterhole.

    3. If bigfoot researchers think bigfeet use infrasound to hunt their prey, what's with all the physical and graphic attacks on whitetail, elk, and pig?

      Historian and amateur hominologist Dr. Igor Burtsev has called Janice Carter Coy the 'Jane Goodall' of Sasquatch, and she goes into decent detail of watching them kill and gut whitetail.

      All I have to say is either one of yins are lying garbage or all y'all lying garbage...

    4. The only lying garbage is in your living room!

  2. Me thinks someone is trying to give Dr. Nosleeves a run for the money on this year's Batshit Award.

  3. Facebook is the most credible voice in the bigfoot community.

  4. 40 years from now bigfoot will still be a myth except the evolution of bigfoot will that be that he is more stealthy , has emf powers, night vision, telepathic powers and wait a minute he can already do that right?

    1. He'll also have a cellphone, but alas, will always screens his calls.

    2. And 40 years from now, you'll still be an asshole!

    3. And 40 years from now, anon11:03 will still be alone.

    4. Why you so mad 11:03? Is your worldview that closed off that anyone who disagrees with you must be shouted down,taunted or just called names? Are you a child?

      Please enlighten me. Why does it matter so much that bigfoot is real to you believers? No one else really cares one way or the other. But for some of you it is an absolute must that it be real. The only other time I see behavior like this is when religious fundamentalists are challenged about their beliefs. So is bigfoot your god or what?

    5. For someone to not care one way or the other you sure do push the ONE WAY pretty damn hard.You're a special kind of stupid aren't you. LMFAO!!!!!!

    6. I see it no more than a retort to the Evangelic Skeptics who have been told to 'Take Action' against the infidel.

      This is a BF site. This is why we're here.

      Can you explain your presence without using the word troll in any way?

      You say no one cares but you seem to belie that statement by taking the time and effort to launch a very bitter attack.

      No one cares huh?


    7. Dude...why are YOU so obsessed with JREF and 'taking action' crap? You're as big of a troll as anyone man.

      Butthurt MMG and butthurt footer are the only two people to ever reference JREF like they matter at all.

      Were you tater'd that bad back on BFF v.1 when you drama students went at each other?

      Let it go man, just let it go.

    8. He's a special kind of stupid MMG.

    9. MMG, what's your BFF handle?

    10. Anon 12:23 seems to me you need to let it go.What a dufus.All I can do is laugh at your dumb ass but I know we're taught not to laugh at the mentality disabled but you're the exception.Like anon 12:15 said you're a special kind of stupid no doubt.

    11. I just enjoy a good civil war and provoking people. Nothing more, nothing less. Been an instigator my entire life and if I feel the need to call bullshit on something, then I will.

    12. stalks mmg as anon pathetic lil ball boy

    13. I'm glad you are paying so much attention to my posts.

      You don't get to decide if JREF matter or not.

      You are the archetypal worthless troll after all.

      Perhaps it's time to get a new pastime.

      It's clear from your whining that you are not cut out for this.


    14. 12:31 isn't capable of critical independent thinking.

      BFF nor JREF matter. Both are over dramatic imbeciles that are not pertinent to discussion of topic at hand on BFE, yet daily MMG comes by and tries to make some lame ass wisecrack about some old gay dude and 'taking action.'

      No one cares if someone is gay, straight, liberal, conservative, JREF, BFF, or whatever else you can think of except for narrow minded bigots like Leon and John Jones.

    15. you can add ball boy to that list too until he apologizes to eva

    16. I want to see some Bigfoot poop, I don't want to see some lines on a screen to prove Bigfoot


    17. Hey 12:40 you ignorant coward piece of shit.

      You don't know a fucking thing. If i didn't have to deal with religious biggotry on this sight, you might have a point. But it all starts with you libtard commy bastereds thinking it's within your rights to tell others what to think or believe. Its just not the case.
      ---------- Phil, my boy!!!!!
      Take Daniel's post above for example. Basically admitting to just being a piece of shit trouble maker.

      I value my beliefs and reputation and i don't let people make foolish comments about me without rebutle. All the Gays, trannies and any other perverts on here can do whatever they want, accuse me of these disgusting behaviors, you will get called out. So fuck off, and have a happy holiday!!

      Ps. Hi Joe, Mike, MMG, Harry and a few other good folks. The rest of you, I couldn't give a shit.
      I personally decided to STOP WASTING so much time in the comment section. Way better ways to spend time than arguing with coward pussy Anonna's and Admitted POS like danny boy. Joe, your still invited. Mike , how is your search going?

      I'll be around, always watching!

    18. Wow. Leon has reared his ugly bigoted head back around here. Goes to show you that even the most homophobic racist trash can and will return.

    19. God 's word says not only that homosexuality is wrong (sin), but an ABOMINATION. Kind of puts it under a special light. God made a plan. Screw with Gods plan, you got a problem. He flooded the world over it once already. Adam and Steve is not in the plan.

      Special treatment for you perverts.

  5. its almost time to start a new batch of high level hoaxes. daisy was in the planning for 4 years and well played. dyer is till milking the dead bigoot like a jersey cow. smeja got a movie, melba and olympic really got a reaming trying pull a fast one we chewy then skyes laided the bombshell that should have put the nail on the coffin.. dn't forget the cheezie vids that was spawned off from these. o jeez those are hard to top off..

  6. I just got off the phone with Dr. Bindernagel. He said you're all fucking nuts.

  7. That must be the "brown note" because I just pooped my pants!

  8. I tried to use a psionic blast to stun a squirrel and shit my pants.

  9. totally legit. brush the microphone with your shirt or jacket, and BINGO! You have evidence of being zapped by a bigfoot. Fcukin loonies... lol

  10. Off topic a bit, but i was thinking about the tall Doctor who has the habituation site in Oregon. Forgot his name. Johnson? I believe he has suggested that about a dozen squatches live near his campsite. Sqatches must be eating quite a lot to grow to 800 pounds. Has he found scat? Should be a lot of it. Lets see some.

    1. It doesn't work that way 11:32. He only will appear to those who believe he is real. As for the scat it is well known bigfeets will go through garbage dumps to find diapers. They hang the used diapers high up in trees to keep their existence and location unknown. A drunk Indian told me this at a bar,and since he was an Indian you know it's not a lie.

    2. ^^^ what he said. bigfoots dont need proof. you gotta believe! (and pay me!!!)

    3. Bigfoots bury their poop.

      It's a well accepted rule within the woods, other animals were going mad because of the smell

    4. Bigfoot keeps his poop in a jar. His poop in a jar is the most credible voice in the Bigfoot community.

      Much respect.

  11. Ron Boles is regularly the target of his own cooking and chain smoking. He often has to take to a knee during BFRO outings to re-claim his cardio during a brisk walk. He is known to respond to wood knocks with huge amounts of diarrhea and rectal bleeding from his daily consumption of Van Camp's beans and undercooked meat products. The only large sound waves in the area are typically from Ron's bowel explosions in the woods.

  12. interesting summery of Ron Boles, have you met or went squatching with him then?

  13. i am aware of infra sound but bigfoot generated imf? would like to see report from credible biologist/source explaining generation/projection of imf zapping. i have followed subject since sighting in 1969 and only recently have heard of imf. feel it belongs in same catagory as ufo bigfoot,psychic,shapeshifting,escaped gov. experiment catagory. bigfoot already is amazing enough without wandering off to the fringe.


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