Some YouTube User Named "Matt Moneymaker" Posted This Video

Want to know what's funnier than a badly produced hoax? -- Guys who aren't rednecks trying to sound like one. Here's what they say happened when they filmed the "Bigfoot" in this video:

"We was lookin for a deer we done shot lookin by way of car and we scene sumthin we can't xplane............"


  1. I'd say this BF drives a taxi in Japan. Don't know any other reason why he'd wear white gloves.

  2. To stupid to even comment on!

  3. Real person on a costume, see the white boot soles.

  4. This Sasquatch obviously fears high water and emulates Michael Jackson.

  5. Looks like he's wearing an ankle bracelet, must have been a bad bigfoot.

  6. Hush puppy, thats a real samsquanch

  7. MATT...... bacon + bullets + rifle + scope = bigfoot.......

  8. ahm sayin agin watchin out fer tham thar 3 toed critters – tham beez skoocooms critters eatin U right-up fer shure gotz to shootin them ritely proper like.


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