Ro Sahebi and Justin Smeja Will Be Guests on Coast to Coast AM This Sunday

Look out cryptid freaks. Justin and Ro Sahebi will be on Coast 2 Coast tomorrow night at 11pm to discuss Dead Bigfoot: A True Story with host David Schrader. If you haven't seen the movie yet, Shawn Evidence (that's me!) is co-producer and you can guarantee that it's a great movie. Here are some awesome reviews from regular folks at the premiere:

Click on the following link to watch the documentary online:


  1. Replies
    1. I wanted to congratulate you but your just being gross.

  2. So guys, I'M NEW AROUND HERE and I need explanations about these terms:

    I keep my poop in a jar

    Also, is it really true that that guy, Joe Fitzgerald, is from Wales? Initially I thought that it was a joke, I thought it was crazy that one that proclaimes so hard the existence of Bigfoot actually lives in the other part of the world, but it seems that he doesn't fight against this sentence.

    Is he really from Wales?

    I'm really curious to know the answers, PLEASE ANSWER ME!

    1. Lol YGNALI is a person and also means you'll get nothing and like it a taterhole is an asshole and there's I like turtles but no turtlehole

    2. so taterhole and turtlehole is the same thing? And what about the Wales part?

    3. I keep my poop in a jar is both a person and a statement I thoughts it's like hunters keepin it in a jar instead of burying but apparently some crazy dude said bigfeets keep their poop in jars and yes joe is from wales

    4. There's no turtlehole someone probably got screwed by autocorrect

    5. Joe is an American government agent.

      He may (or may not) know it.

      Think about it.

    6. No I won't I don't believe in conspiracy disinformation yes conspiracy no sorry hope the info helped you sir

    7. To the new guy: You will also want to familiarize yourself with early settlers' diaries, Deep sea self-aware disembodied taterhole fishes, menstrual cramps, steamy turd sandwiches and Zagnut bars....hope this helps.

    8. disembodied taterhole fishes? what's that?

      Thanks harry for the informations!

    9. Same shit new day you know the drill lol

    10. HE is really from Wales? I cannot LOL enough!!

    11. Deep Sea Self Aware Disembodied Taterhole Fish is only the most credible voice in the Sasquatch community....You've got a lot to learn, Young Flannigan. Nevertheless, a Warm Welcome to you from Trollandia.

    12. " HARRY BANDINI " RULES !!

    13. Joe is an American troll. His posting times make no sense for someone who claims to have a job and live in Wales.

  3. I wish I lied about shooting a bigfoot sometimes.

    But then again - that whole Karma'll bite cha'.


  4. Next time you are taterholing a hot babe and you have finished. Try this trick. Pull it out really slow and watch the taterhole will stay wide open. For those of you who are successful please submit a photo and we will have a contest for who's old lady has the nicest interior.

  5. You people are just so dumb. Anybody that buys this movie, has got to be the most gullible people on this planet! Dumb, dumb, and dumb!
    A movie based upon a lie! Only in America!

    I have a bridge for sale, CHEAP! Or i can sell you Elvis hair, Madonna's pubic hair, talking rocks, and fairy wanes!

    Fucking dumb Americans LOL!

    1. Yeah if you want to watch a bigfoot movie based on the TRUTH I suggest Harry and the Hendersons.

    2. Talking Rocks? I'm listening.

    3. does that SHill chick still hang out here.

  6. lol the title said comments from regular folks. obviously he was not referring to comments here. these comments must be the "experts" section.

  7. NO, it's not a great movie, it was panned as a rehash of all the drama that played out publicly already. The only reason for it is a greedy desire to cash in some how after the brutal facts.
    Hey murderers, YGNALI. Oh, except maybe a few thousand, but that's it.

  8. Im seeing is a bunch of jelli monsters venting. lol this is going to benefit all of the bigfoot community. If ever I was going to put a person up to speak for us in a whole it would be Ro Sahebi the guy is very smart and knows how to sell it

  9. Weak story/hoax. Problem is, there's so many gullible people out there they'll probably still make money off of this scam. What a joke. I guess this is what happens when you don't work and have too much time on your hands.

    Listening to Justin on the radio doing an interview was just brutal.....I mean, it helped explain WHY this thing is so stupid to begin with, because the creator is a moron, but I should have just brushed aside my initial curiosity when it actually became painful listening to him stutter words and make other incoherent sounds during the interview. "Errrr....I don't have an answer for that. I guess errr... umm, you can.... I errrr, have social issues...ahhhh, yeah, people, you know, I ahhh don't do so" God, you shouldn't have CLAIMED to shoot bigfoot, you should ACTUALLY shoot yourself. Might even be an improvement.


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