Join Ro Sahebi and Justin Smeja on Coast to Coast AM Tonight, For 2-4 Hours

Join Darkness Radio Dave as he hosts Coast to Coast AM tonight! Hours 2-4: Ro Sahebi, creator of the film Dead Bigfoot: A True Story, which chronicles the story of a pair of hunters who claim to have shot two Bigfoot in October of 2010. He will be joined by Justin Smeja, one of the hunters featured in the film.

Website links:


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah, I heard last night that it was gonna be good

    2. 'In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes."

      Or more.......He's gone too far now...he can't go back.

      But remember the video of him telling his daughter there is NO SANTA! She's like 4.
      So - he's and honest kinda fellow, yes ?


    3. ^^^ you missfired again tard.
      Prooves I'm in your head though!

      You do realize I have a marketing degree. It's working!

    4. Besides, I have believed and backed Justin from the beggining. He has spent time in Texas and Cali, same as I. I am an extremely intuitive person and it has always been my beliefe, for a lot of reasons, that he DID indeed shoot two Squatches.

      Besides, I've seen them for myself, so I dont have to jump any mental blockage as to wether they exist!

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. Getting stoned aint a bad thing Homer ^^^

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    8. ^^^^ Right on man !!!

      Right on Washington

    9. That's cool, Doris (should I say TBP) but that's not my country, I could care less about what a bunch of Arabs believe or do in their own borders. Hell, I don't care about the Jew Arab skirmishes because it's that stupid.

    10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    11. A marketing degree? I got one of those from U of Ariz. for just driving through the state.

    12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    13. Leon went to Devry.

      He applied.

    14. ^^^ now that's gotta leave a mark

    15. Thank God he got into University of Phoenix online though!

    16. A masters in gun repair,congrats on first Cajun

  2. Ro, Justin, Coast to Coast, Dead Bigfeets.

    Life just keeps gettin better!

  3. C2C has had their share of BS'ers over the years and they never call ANYBODY out on their crap. Tonight's the night to start. For instance, "Mr Smeja, so you are ok with shooting children and leaving there body left out to rot?". Now that would make for a lively show I am sure


    1. He didn't shoot at human children nitwit. It was a hairy, melon headed thing that caused him to 'stand his ground' as it were.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. ^^^
      Now if Smeja said he did that maybe he would seem more bleevable. Plus there is something to show people, maybe


    5. I am going to try to call in. I will put my money where my mouth is


    6. Learned it from dear old dad

    7. Have two daughters...

      They weren't acting.

      He's an American idiot. 100% (and no...I'm not Joe).

    8. " I'M GONNA LISTEN TO THAT SHOW FOR SHURE ! Hey, "MMC" dont forget to say your "MMC" so we all know its you OK ? B.D.

    9. I will state my name as MMC from Michigan, naturally and also put profs out there for the gang here, this site and Shawn


    10. I would like to see an interview with whoever was with him.

      I think that would be VERY telling.

    11. LOL 3:33. My 2 kids can cry on cue if I asked them to. Even moreso if you put a camera in front of them and tell them they will be famous. It is all an act and you idiot footers eat it hook,line and sinker.

    12. I hope you get on MMC. This site needs some new blood.

    13. 4:01

      Wow. So are you suggesting that - that was all an "act".

      You are going to tell you little child there is no some sort of a skit ? "act" ? But by the very fact you are TELLING her there is no Santa ? Um...isn't there a flaw here ?

      I am not a footer. However, I have taken many psychology classes (minored) in psychology.

      What I saw there - in that a man who's honesty has been called into question.
      Things are escalating. He decides to post a video ("subtle") showing what a tried and true honest guy he is. Just a good old boy...drinking ya'll.

      I think it's really really sad that he decided to include his daughter into his hoax. I feel sorry for her.

      Just my opinion...of which we are all entitled.

    14. Shawn is involved in the production of the "dead bigfoot" movie that will be highlighted on C2C tonight. Even if I don't get on let's hope they mention Shawn's works


    15. 4:16 - Are you by chance a woman?? It would make so much sense if you were.

      I had 3 straight years of psychology and philosophy classes (puke) and I found (pure personal speculation) that most people who have a reaction to things like you do are female and liberal.

      Don't take offense, I'm just curious is all.

    16. Curious ? You know what that means

    17. Cool MMC. I really do hope you get on I will be listening.

    18. 4:36 - it means my name is George.

  4. You might aswell have a movie called "Sasfootys cigar smoking bigfoot a true story"

  5. I don't know what to think of Smeja's story now

    1. I don't know a lot about his story. Heard bits and pieces.

      Wasn't there somebody with him during"kill". ? Or no...????

    2. His gf, Chesty McJuggs, played by Brooklyn Decker in the movie.

    3. Wouldn't a witness be very, very critical in this story?

      Wouldn't a witness frequently be "called" to 'vouch' or add additional information?


    4. If it was a true story yes. but it's all a lie.

  6. hmm smeja tells his kid there is no santa and dyer says he swears by his kids. Just like politictions and userd car salesman commercials, kids are good for ratings. anyone got a bootleg copy i was interested in the drivers version of the story.

    1. ^No google fu? Search a little, it's around. You see, this whole thing has already been done and all over the internetz for like, 3 YEARS.

  7. "If ever I was going to put a person up to speak for us in a whole it would be Ro Sahebi the guy is very smart and knows how to sell it."

    Ro is trying to sell us a taterhole?

    1. I hope To finds a job this year,congress took his unemployment check

  8. I miss the good ole Pre-PJ days on here with blowing leaves and Bigfoots riding bicycles. Times were so much simpler then.

    1. Yeah, even old MK was a little nuttier back then. He seems to be mellowing out a bit.

  9. It would have been more believable if they had santa on being interviewed.
    I don't believe he shot anything even close to a bigfoot. He's getting way more then his 15 min of fame over this lie


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