Igor Burtsev Just Nabbed Himself Some Impressive Yeti Evidence

For Russian scientist Dr. Igor Burtsev, an expert in the Abominable Snowman, 2013 has been an impressive year. Numerous evidence of the Yeti has surfaced this year near Siberia, including a video of a possible Bigfoot carrying a baby. This year, Burtsev has been actively involved with some major scientific studies, including the Ketchum DNA study, and the controversial Yeti episode of Bigfoot Files that aired in November. Just as 2013 is coming to a close, earlier today, Burtsev reported on some amazing evidence coming from the Kazakhstan region. He posted this statement claiming he had just obtained evidence of gigantic footprints, and  even has audio that's "amazing". He explains the photograph and the audio in the Facebook group, Bigfoot Community:

Two men independently almost in one time for last couple of days sent me reports on evidences from one small settlement in Kazakhstan Republic (former of the USSR). One Kazakh (on the nation) informed me about big Snowman-Bigfoot 10 feet tall and after sent its sound records of very nice quality, made with his mobile phone left by the feeding place. Another man, Russian on the nation, sent me the pics of big footprints on the snow and also wrote about his BF encounter. Both didn't acquainted with each other...

Unfortunately I cant download the sound record here, but it was amazing! And was at the first time in the history of the research in the former USSR!
[Update] Burtsev has consulted with crypto-linguist R. Scott Nelson, and Nelson believes the audio given to Burtsev is probably fake. Nelson explains: "I am sorry to tell you these clips are fake.  They sound very much like some clips I'm receiving from Canada.  It is a human using some kind of voice modulation, but one can really tell because there is no creative element of language in it.  In other words, it is someone trying to sound like a dumb Sasquatch (thinking that Sasquatches are supposed to sound dumb), when in reality the Sas's on the Sierra tapes have a fully developed, complex language which they deliver at much higher prosody than this fellow."

Though the audio may not sound genuine to Nelson, Burtsev's believes the Kazakhstan encounter happened.

Nelson is an expert at analyzing Bigfoot language, and has broken down several recordings of Bigfoot, including the famous Sierra Sounds. For those unfamiliar with Scott Nelson, here's KCTV5's interview Nelson from earlier this year:

Thanks to Suzy Matiash of the Bigfoot Community Facebook group for the updates.


  1. YEAH BABY!!! FIRST!! ;)



    1. Hey Chick, you and I should lick Joe's balls together.


    2. Careful, you'll get your pants removed by the blog administrator!


    3. Hey Chick.
      Dec, 5th. Strange Creatures In The Oregon Forrest, USA.

      Hat trick. one was even un-apposed making it a very special FIRST!

      IT ALSO CONTAINED A " HALF", Another first if you will for BFE.

    4. I think Chick is Rictor. I dont think you could get 4 in a row without cheating!

      I think cheaters and hoaxers are scumbags!

      Long live Phill Robertson

    5. Leon, go jump off a tall building and see if you can fly.

    6. Chick is from Texas Leon.What's your fascination with Rictor?I thought you despised him.

    7. Leon has a tattoo above his taterhole that says 'Enter Here'.

    8. You know, it's funny you should mention that. Went parachuting once, the plane crashed after i jumped out! new piolet, forgot to put gas in the plane after going up and down all day long. Guy lived, broke his nose and trashed the plane. Insurance was out because of human error!
      But the sweet part is, God has always got my back!
      Ya though I walk through the valley, i shall fear no evil -------

    9. No problem chick.

      From a fellow Texan.

    10. Evening Chick,

      Will you ever forget your first first ?

    11. Sorry Chick, There are very few woman around here. So you have to be pretty careful. Lot of people who are perverts and liars round here. What part of Texas. My Ancestors started Abiline. I lived on Lake Texoma, and also Dallas, Arlinton, and Haltom near Fort Worth.

    12. Lol Clive Squashy! I will never forget the first first. :)

    13. Chick, don't listen to 8:02 he's really from Arkansas.

    14. My skin has become thick in here! So many nice guys too. I would love to go camping in the Dallas Fort Worth area, haven't been around there yet. I am a transplant from Oregon. I got here as quick as I could about 9 years ago. I am almost all the way to Dripping Springs in the hill country. I love it, so beautiful here! Big blue skies and lots of oaks :) Nice to meet you!

    15. I don't despise Anyone, I despise Idealologies that cause desease and establish the potential for some homo to get his hands on a kid and convience him that doing something wrong is ok.

      Seems like A and E was smart enough to count the numbers. Every vote in this country says the same.

      Takes a liberal commy judge to dismantle this country and thier trying.

      Remember ------ the rednecks have plenty of guns, and are far more equiped to shoot varmants, ----when the time comes!

      7:55, I envite you to come try. You can get my address from Ro. Say goodby to your loved ones because you will not survive an attempted assault on me!

      And you will just prove my point, your vile.

      You are suggesting Soddom and Gomorah, absolutel piece of garbage and defender of Homosexuality ----- thanks for verrifying my beliefs and Gods word. An Abomination. See Laviticus 20:13

    16. Watch out for a guy named Brookreson in your area.

      He might have the flu.

    17. Nobody wants that H1N1! Nooooo way!


    18. Well, Chick. I have been BACK AND FORTH Between Tx and Cali. Both are great, but Cali is going in the toilet fast. Sorry about the bullshit above. But I toy with these knuckle heads around here. Its really crazy. These wacks don't believe in bigfoot, but come around all day and cry no, and and then get all butt-hurt when you tell them to keep there sexual preferences to themselves. There are some very sick people around this place. Well, you will either love me or hate me. God said if you have the light inside , the world will hate you.

      By the way BIGFOOT IS REAL, I saw one

      and Obama sucks ------- EVERYBODY CAN SEE THAT! HA HA HA HA HA HA

    19. I was on an expedition 3 years ago and was flanked for a distance in the pitch black by something that wasnt human. Animals dont follow people like that. We had other activity as well. So awesome!


    20. Hey, while I'm on it. Thier was about half of you Idiots that just couldn't suck up enough smell off of OBAMAS underwhare.

      "oh ---hope and change, the mesiah, our deliverrror" witch one of you sums of bitches wants to admit it now????????

      Sorry, I watched John Wayne movies all day long on Christmas, ha ha ha ha

    21. Ya chick, I 'm a knower, but------------

      I keep telling people, these things are toying with us. I 've had three, possibly 5 encounters and while i didn't have any woo-woo stuff happen, I do believe these things have some powers / capabilities outside of the realm of understanding of any known animal -------- something isn't right?????

    22. I can watch John Wayne movies longer than you can !

    23. Have satisfied myself as to if they are real or not. I will never look for them again though. There is a chance in my opinion they are not what they seem.


    24. Here is a Brand new mind blowing idea to drive everyone CRAZY-----------------------------------

      Justin told the truth ---- shot two bigfoot!

      Melba Tested it ------ showed hybrid human

      Sykes Tested ------ Showed non- determinable!

      Sykes tested others ---- Hybrid bear.

      Others tested ----- oppossum, lemur, cat ????

      What does a Skinwalker claim to do?????
      Become something else!

      So if you tested a theoretical Skinwalker, what would you get???????

      What if he was just starting to transform??????

      Chick, you know anything about Nephilim????
      They had the ability to contort DNA, UH OH!

    25. Yes Chick, you are wise. I don't know either, but I have my suspecions!

    26. Hey all, goodnight! Gotta go to sleep or I wont be able to get up tomorrow!


    27. Nice exit Chick...Foreskinwalker was sneaking up on you again.

    28. Also Chick, the political crap is just to prod my loving followers. Wasn't directed at you. I would generally prefer it not be here. But you can read these guys like a book and thier easy to fire up. Shawn should pay me, ha ha ha.

    29. Shy? Guess he needs a little prod.

    30. damn x4 firsts is indeed an acomplishment here. not only do you hit refresh every 5 seconds. your dedication, perserverance, patience to do what no one has done yet is outstanding. you'll be getting a plaque in the mail soon as an appreciation of your how you demonstrate excellence in your quest. congratulations.


      ALL CAPS

  2. Dr. Igor wears rings on his fingers and bells on his toes !

  3. Sorry, to use an English term, Igor is a nutter. I saw him on the National Geographic Channel Is It Real bigfoot episode in which Igor said that Janice Carter was the "Jane Goodall of bigfoot." Janice Carter is the woman who claimed that a clan of bigfoot led by an alpha male named Fox lives on and around her farm and that Fox comes to her door and asks for thing.

    The whole story is so kooky that Igor has ZERO credibility.


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