Finding Bigfoot Explains Why This Footage From Nassau NY Was Rejected

The video was filmed in Nassau NY back in March 29, 2009 and posted on YouTube by user catchingcadence. There are a number of "redflags" with this footage. Animal Planet just released their reasons why they decided not to investigate it. Keith Hoffman, Executive Producer of Animal Planet's "Finding Bigfoot" says if they're acting, they did a good job, but why were they filming each other having a beer and smoking in the first place?


  1. Replies
    1. It's LOSER"s there Ole Wangus.

      If you are going to should spell words correctly ;)

    2. Hey, good job in correcting the spelling. But I'm not entirely sure the punctuation is correct on LOSERS. There shouldn't be an apostrophe, and in any case you've put quotation marks. LOSERS is plural here.

    3. as sentence LOSERs is not capitalized either.

    4. Everyone pwning themselves today! Let me know if I spelled something wrong, it's quite possible I did! Lol!

    5. It does mean "possessing".

      Like "possessing" ignorance. ? Haa...

      "Loser's like to try to call others loosers."


    6. I believe I'm the one that pointed this video out the first time ! This video was just an off the wall video about some friends out partying something weird happened during the recording. Everyones complaining about politcal corretness, so quit with the accusations of why they were out parying !!

    7. Man, I've got loads of videos, my mates have loads of videos of us all partying.

      It's very natural.

    8. You idiots don't get it. I put "Loosers" intentially for all the losers on here who spell loser, looser.

      With love,

    9. Specifically TBP - Toilet Bowl Patriot from the last thread who couldn't seem to figure out the correct spelling.

    10. That was over our heads wanganus,don't do that

    11. ACHTUNG!

      Heil grammar.

  2. Hey Joe explain why in 4 seasons they have found zero evidence for bigfoot? Remember they are going to the hot spots with the latest sightings and still nothing? Explain that joe...

    1. Hey Dummy. We have evidence. We don't have Proof. Can you wrap your head around that concept. It's what drives us all nuts, bleevers and tards.
      You got a crush on Joe. How sweet!

    2. stfu this isnt a blog about joe

    3. Maybe it's not a blog about Joe. Maybe. But it MIGHT be a blog about Joe visiting a Bigfoot blog.... ever think of THAT?

    4. 1:23...

      You ever try and find a deer in the wilderness at night: screaming & with a film crew?

    5. Have you ever shot a deer?

      Any creature bigger than a sparrow or hitting a cat with your car?

      Just wondering.

    6. you STFU 1:23 this is joes blog.

    7. oh and joe is an american troll. check his posting times

    8. I don't care about any of above anon stuff, I asked you a question...actually two.

      Are you going to answer or continue to play patty-cake?

    9. Oh dear... Wrong side of the bed much?

    10. Answer his questions you troll.

      Of course he has never shot anything or even been in the woods.

    11. Judging by your deflection and silence, I guess it's implied that you have never successfully taken any game. I don't think you've ever even been in the woods.

      Why again should someone believe a word you say? Just because you say so?

    12. Listen bro... Don't take it so personally, you're on a Bigfoot blog and there's plenty of evidence for Bigfoot.

      That's just me helping you being aware of it, I've never claimed to have accessed your country, but I don't ignore the people who live in your country, that know more than you.


    13. Even in your own country, you've never killed or hunted any game? You've never even been in your own woods, yet we're supposed to buy a single word about a country you have never been to in the first place? Not even abroad in college? What degree do you have? Anthropology? Biology? Paleoanthropology? Archaeology? Where did you get your degree? What wilderness areas to you camp, hike, hunt, or otherwise participate in outdoor recreation?

      Vital questions that everyone can answer. I've seen tons of people on here answer all of these questions and beyond. John Jones, Mike Brookreson, Bigfoot Patriot, Brown's, etc.

      You seem to be the one taking questions personally.

      Peace bro

    14. Just as I suspected, you're nothin but a big lipped little boy trying to wear big boy pants. Just another keyboard patriot with zero credentials of his own.

    15. and yet again the liar deflects. can never answer any question simply.

    16. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

      Go cry to your mama's about it girls! I school you on your own back yard and it pretty much knocks your socks off!

    17. If one needs to hunt game to be allowed to be convinced of the existence of Bigfoot, what must one do to be allowed to be convinced of the existence of god?

      Bunch of hypocrits. Joe is just pointing to the evidence. There are no Sasquatch in Europe. I would be out there every single weekend if there would be a history of sasquatch here.

    18. Apparently you don't know bipedal creature history, anonjoe 4:10.

      Doesn't matter if Mr. Never hunted, tracked, and unfamiliar with the wilderness and life in it is convinced of something unproven.

      Funny you ask about the "God" question because bigfooters are akin to religious nuts. Bigfoot is a religion to these people.

      I'm highly patient and open, Joe, waiting for you to answer any of my questions that your peers and dear colleagues have already answered.

      I haven't 'come at you'

      I'm waiting...should I hold my breath?

    19. I grew up in Wales. i was born there. Now i think all hunting is banned. The woods in Wales and England (except Scotland, where i also lived) is more open, with a lot of farming. There is no "wilderness areas in Wales that are like our true wilderness areas.

      If Joe ever comes to America, he would shit his pants how forested and mountaineers America still is depending of course where he goes.

      There are a lot of Big foot researchers that never hunted, Matt MoneyMaker and his whole team never hunted and were 'city Born"! Ranae, actually has more "outdoor experience" then the rest of her team.

      John W. Jones Spoke

    20. I think you'll find this subject is rather about homonology and anthropology... That; has official bureaus and university studies regarding major discoveries of biological evidence.

      And damn you sound pissed... And slightly unstable.

    21. That post was obviously for 4:18.

      Hey John!

    22. I'm patiently waiting. I haven't held my breath though.

      So this is about hominology and anthropology now?

      Where did you study then?
      What degree(s) did you get there?

    23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Early settlers' diaries spoke of being second.

  4. I always thought this was some of the more authentic BF footage out there. Im surprised they didnt think so either. Theres several reports of them running fast and going on all four limbs liek a quadruped.

    1. If the Patterson film is genuine, then I can assure you they don't run on all fours. Patty is strictly a biped anatomically speaking. Add to that the complete absence of prints supporting this theory. The quadruped reports are probably mistaken identity or fabrications.

    2. Man, people report them on all fours very often, there's loads on the net to check this out about.

      Not all of them, but some of them.


    3. Suggestion: bears walk on four too

    4. True, but they also find hand prints ocassionally.


    5. Again, the evidence for quadrupedal locomotion in Sasquatch is poor. If Patty is a real Bigfoot, then running on all fours is out of the question. I've had to study human and zoological anatomy for years for the work I do. The subject of the film cannot run on all fours. There is no question about it.

      Joe, hand prints have been found. But not in a long trackway suggestive of a four legged animal in a run.

    6. I agree, no way Patty could be quadrupedal. There's a reason that quadrupedal animals don't grow giant bountiful 40HHH breasts. Bad enough running bipedal with big breasts, impossible to do such in a quadrupedal fashion...

      Not to mention the way the head is angled on the shoulders. Suggests 100% bipedal movement. It would be nearly impossible to see in front of you in a coordinate fashion with the way the spine enters the skull. Simply put, it's not positioned right.

    7. Lovely comment bro. Check out the Leaping Russian Yeti, the MK version if you will? You will see the creature in it's last moments switch to this motion quite easily.

      The longer armed type have long arms to pull there way through the brush, and even through trees. There is also archeological studies that have found giant skeletons with longer arms, sloped heads, etc.


    8. Nothing inhuman about leaping yeti.

      Patty couldn't be quadrupedal at anytime.

      No giant skeletons or the intricate study of them. Even in your highly touted old articles, it doesn't actually study the bones or any features indepth.

      Typical Joe Fitz response.

    9. I think you'll find, that I have posted account upon account to back up what I say. I don't make claims that haven't got a reliable (but not immune to denial) source.

      Maybe Patty was just bipedal? That's all I enjoy is the motion of the Russian Yeti, and watch you get all Panicin Skywalker on us.

      ; )

    10. Stories and hearsay do not validate anything to anyone except those seeking affirmation of their opinions.

      So far all this does is make the divide between 'research groups' and validation even more wide.

      How can you validate a remarkably large species of primate that people who have been 'researching' them for 50 years cannot come to agreement on high indicator features and actions?

      People lie, Joe, Native Americans, men, women, children, old, young, Chimpanzee's even lie!

      Facts don't. They aren't open to interpretation. You don't need to speculate on it, they are standards that do not waiver.

    11. That's pretty easy, old boy... Field's of study self correct and evolve. You had an entire theory group obsessed with a bipedal gorilla for 40 years. Things have changed, and we have the attention of someone like Sykes. A waste of time??

      Stories and hearsay; when it accumulates in the tens of thousands, that has physical evidence, for a duration of ten thousand years... Is a fact and I can list you countless elements that theory groups do agree on, remember that.

      That information will be determined as legitimate once mainstream science gets on board; thanks to Sykes; this is happening... The proverbial ball is rolling.

      Your facts are in the sources of evidence I post you day and day upon day here. And to deny these sources, especially from someone who feels a desperate requirement for reassurance here every day; is nothing more apparent than interpretation and plain old denial.


    12. Joe, we're not talking about 1 or 2 different groups or features disagreed upon here...we're talking 97% of the field! If anything, less people agree on anything now compared to 20 years ago! That isn't evolution, that's devolution!

      All the physical evidence the field has ever produced result in known animals. If it didn't, we would be hearing and reading about it everywhere, you couldn't hide from it.

      Quite frankly the idea of an unknown hominid is awesome and we would love it! However, we so not romanticize the subject like you do.

      Like it or not, tracks can and are hoaxed, they will never validate anything (other than to Don Meldrum and his laminated pamphlets).

      People lie...a lot...subconsciously and consciously. Why does it seem pathological liars are prevalent in squatching?

      You yourself say that you believe most stories and reports are legitimate bigfoot's. what was your exact statistic, 1 in 100 or 1 in 1000?

      That drastically cuts down your 'tens of thousands' remark.

      You say 'all it takes is just one to be real and bigfoot is real'

      That certainly may be true but having one real story in 100 stories doesn't mean you run around claiming 'tens of thousands of stories!'

      Accumulation of circumstantial evidence doesn't discount the complete lack of the smoking gun, 1 lone biological sample. A trillion billion stories and tracks doesn't make something real and validated, it makes it even more suspicious!

      All these sightings and stories, habituations....and no one can get a fecal sample? Not a hair sample? Not a bone? Nothing of organic importance?

      I'm sorry, Joe, but you are nothing but a long winded hopeless romantic with no proof.

      I shall remain calm and open though, while you continue to get emotional to provoke my emotions in an effort to discredit me.

      Peace bro

    13. "Joe, we're not talking about 1 or 2 different groups or features disagreed upon here...we're talking 97%"

      - claim, made up percentages are a sure sign.

      "All the physical evidence the field has ever produced result in known animals."

      - Lie, I can show you an example of unknown hominid.

      "Like it or not, tracks can and are hoaxed,"

      - True, however not all of them are; especially when verified by one of the best forensic specialist in the country, and one that doubles up as a primate print specialist too.

      "People lie...a lot...subconsciously and consciously. Why does it seem pathological liars are prevalent in squatching?"

      - Fitting, pathological denialists bent with fear spear head your theories.

      "You yourself say that you believe most stories and reports are legitimate bigfoot's. what was your exact statistic, 1 in 100 or 1 in 1000?"

      - Lies, I think 1 in 10 sightings are legit. That's tens of thousands.

      The accumulation of circumstantial and physical evidence is significant when we have DNA too. When paired with all the tracks... Panicin Skywalker??


      Hair samples - tested as unkown primate.

      Bones - Smithsonian Bureaus.

      Romance... Passion for the truth, old boy.

      Emotional? Bored to be honest at nothing new from you, goodnight.

    14. "A process to determine whether tufts of hair, recovered in the Blue Mountains of southeastern Washington state in August, could belong to the beast known as Bigfoot.
      The two tufts of hair, each consisting of about a dozen strands, were sent to Ohio State University. These samples have the best possibility of being real, said Paul Fuerst, OSU associate professor of molecular genetics. Fuerst and a graduate student, Jamie Austin, are using a DNA testing procedure being developed by the FBI for analysis of hair strands that lack the roots normally needed for identification.

      Austin, a forensic scientist, is using the samples as well as human and chimpanzee hair to do an independent genetic evaluation of the procedure. The technique should be able to determine whether the hair came from a human or another known primate, Austin said.

      Tests, which are being done for the Oregon Regional Primate Research Center, so far suggest the hair did not come from a known primate, Fuerst said."

    15. 12th Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1890-1891
      (published in 1894)
      (Kanawha County, West Virginia)
      Spring Hill Inclosure, Kanawha County, West Virginia. In the bottom of Mound 11 (upper left) was found a skeleton "fully seven feet long."

      Largest in the collective series of mounds, the Great Smith Mound yielded at least two large skeletons, but at different levels of its deconstruction by Thomas' agents. It was 35 feet in height and 175 feet in diameter, and was constructed in at least two stages, according to the report. The larger of the two skeletons represented a man conceivably approaching eight feet in height when living.

      At a depth of 14 feet, a rather large human skeleton was found, which was in a partially upright position with the back against a hard clay wall...All the bones were badly decayed, except those of the left wrist, which had been preserved by two heavy copper bracelets...

      Nineteen feet from the top the bottom of this debris was reached, where, in the remains of a bark coffin, a skeleton measuring 7½ feet in length and 19 inches across the shoulders, was discovered. It lay on the bottom of the vault stretched horizontally on the back, head east, arms by the sides... Each wrist was encircled by six heavy copper bracelets...Upon the breast was a copper gorget...length, 3½ inches; greatest width 3¾ inches...

    16. 12th Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1890-1891
      (published in 1894)
      (mounds at Dunleith, Illinois)

      Mound Group, Dunleith, Illinois.
      "Near the original surface, 10 or 12 feet from the center, on the lower side, lying at full length on its back, was one of the largest skeletons discovered by the Bureau agents, the length as proved by actual measurement being between 7 and 8 feet."

      Regarding the problem of "intrusive" Indian burials, what kind of a time gap were these men looking at between the original burials and the later ones? As his agents uncovered the physical evidence for powerful men of towering stature, Thomas held the position that any and all skeletal remains represented the direct ancestry of the present day people. Was it not plausible to consider an extended "family" or hierarchical group of very tall folk who served with the people? Were they selective enough in their sexual associations to appear, overall, as a race with its own peculiarities and even physical characteristics? The findings that didn't fit in to the guideline established by his superior were summarily recorded and forgotten by Thomas—a legacy we have inherited today.
      An old Indian mound has been opened on the farm of Harrison Robinson, four miles East of Jackson, Ohio, and two skeletons of extraordinary size and a great quantity of trinkets have been removed. Some years ago a party of relic hunters, supposed to have been sent out in the interest of the Archeological society visited the Robinson farm, and after a few days search removed a great collection of stone hatchets, beads and bracelets, which were packed and shipped to an Eastern institute, and until this recent accidental discovery it was supposed that everything had been removed by the relic hunters. It is thought by many that more relics are to be found and preparations are being made for a through investigation.

  5. I agree 1;33,i always thought this footage was really good but looks i might been wrong,maybe xx

    1. I still think it's pretty good!!

      What were the reasons they rejected? Are you kidding me?

      Who are they again??

    2. This is one of joes human bigfoots that hybridizes with humans yet can run along on all 4s like a bear

    3. Hello Joe,i lean towards this being genuine but i can't be sure,i hope it is though xx

    4. Pardon me but how do you know how authentic a film is of a creature you've never personally witnessed and has never been verified as to having any certain feature that people agree upon other than body hair?

      Really, is this a case of blindly believing the stories of people you don't know or is it more of another way to disagree with established opinion because you like to think of it as kicking at authority?

      Inquiring minds would like to know.

    5. Argh, you just way it up bro.

      You look at all the other sources of evidence there is for the bipedal giant, and then take the vast reports of them quadrupedal at times, look at the leaping Russian yeti and wonder why some of them have longer arms, and take it from there really?

  6. This video looks right out of the 1980's...


  7. People film themselves hanging out, smoking and drinking all the time, for that to be a reason to dismiss it is BS

  8. All this shit should be rejected. But as bigfoot doesn't exist and those fucktards that believe in it grasp at anything they can fit bigfoot into, there you go....

  9. Should Joe be banned?

    Selection Votes
    yes 54% 7
    no 23% 3
    who is Joe? 8% 1
    where is bigfoot poop? 15% 2

    13 total
    - See more at:

    I'm sorry Joe the tribe has spoken. It's time to leave.

    1. If you don't like what I do; complain. Easy as that... Otherwise I'm here and comin' a git ya!

    2. I like exposing you for the liar you are. pointless to complain you just wear it as a badge of pride.

    3. 7 out of N readers with N >> 7. Not convincing. I suggest Shawn ban you for being obsessed with Joe.

    4. Ha ha ha ha ha!!

      To these computer geeks; this is everything; their whole world.

    5. Easy on the name calling, Joe. You seem to spend more time on computers and technological devices than anyone here, anon or account.

      Those who live in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones.

    6. OH DEAR!!!

      Sore subject I take it! One word... iPhone...


    7. 12:45 AM in Wales. When do you sleep or work?

    8. Your posting history would suggest otherwise liar.

    9. man you really can not just walk away can you. always have to try to get the last word in.

      2:11 AM in Wales. Yeah you are in America for certain.

  10. it isnt even running bi pedal its running on all fours som good fb is

  11. im the producer of finding bigfoot and my "team" decide who becomes famous after we suck up all your info to make us look better.I only pray you fools run into a bigfoot with your aggressive calling and tree knocking and then it will be the show"not to mess with wild animals" idiot!

  12. My name is Don. I released this video to animal planet because it was real. I'm not an actor and I'm certainly not a fake. We broke into a camp site closed for the season to drink and smoke and yes people video tape. We just got done back yard wrestling which I had not taped so began the recording again in hopes to get fighting footage. This is what we got instead


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