Best Real Bigfoot Encounters of 2013 #9: Salmon Surveyor Encounter Bigfoot Deer Kill

We're counting down 2013's best Real Bigfoot Encounters, narrated by Rev. Jeff. This incredible report by a salmon surveyor for the Dept of Fish and Wildlife in Raymond, WA was submitted to the BFRO on June 28, 2011. The witness and her partner reported the incident to higher-ups explaining how they came upon an unexplained, steaming, freshly mangled remains of a deer. Watch this "Real Bigfoot Encounters" video with Rev. Jeff about the sighting:


  1. Replies
    1. Blowup dolls are the most credible voices in PJ's Mom's Basement Community

    2. Joe doesn't have a mom. He is a machine, a terminator. He was sent here to educate the idiot masses. Thats why he needs no sleep. He just keeps delivering the info.
      Joe is a force, unstopable, relentless, hominid information MACHINE.

    3. ^^^ Dannytard Baldwin, the two faced unemployed gimp. Hey when you think you get real good a "rolling" Come on out to Cali and get choked out in about 45 sec. That is if i don't knock you out first.

    4. no, but close. You heard the old saying about insanity being right over the line of Genious. WELL, There you go!

  2. Replies
    1. ^^^^ joe could learn from you


      When they get too quiet, he picks up the jar and shakes it a little. Blah, blah, blah and then they buzz around for awhile. It is extremely intersting to see how easy these Anonas get thier chain yanked and then how they go on and on.

      Man if we could tap into the hatred in these idiots, we could make quite a dent in the worlds energy needs. Pointless bablers these Anona's.
      You guys are just lke a yo-yo. Up and down but you never go anywhere. And you wouldn't do a God-damn thing if you weren't on someone else's finger. All you can do is Re-act. No thoughts of your own. No original ideas or concepts. Just hate, hate, hate.

      You guys really have no idea how easy it is to to spin you up ------- hillarious

    3. The world does not recognize Bigfoot.

      You lose.

      Here is your fact

    4. You believe I care what the world thinks ----YOU LOOSE, IDIOT!

    5. Ignorance of of Bigfoot is no is not verrification it does not exist ---- what a dipshit!

      How many new animals did we find this year? ha ha ha ha ha ha idiot!

    6. Hooked on Phonics didn't work for TBP (Toilet Bowl Patriot)

    7. Whats up Harry?

      I think I got AC excited. I'm sure will get together at somepoint and I'll show him a few spots where the old boy's will HOOOOOWWLLLLL!.


      Thats funny, mom had to get him a lot of help growing up. He still can't learn his name, soe someone showed him how to right A N O N A !

    9. That's cool I was reading that man how about everything else the cars and such

    10. And now we have Joe Fitz writing with a second account. So that seem that someone agrees with him

      Good stuff bro!

    11. OH Man Harry. The old Z is tough. I think I'm going to replace EVERY servicable part on that car. If I don't quit fixing stuff ------- I'll never get around to the engine upgrade!!!!
      I was hoping to get the TT in so I could do some dragracing this year. But just staying to broke. Had to pull the dash last week to stop this repetitive thump when i had the heater on. Damn that was one of the worst dashes I've ever done. Old . loose vaccum lines, trying to pull diaphrams against return springs.

      thump, thump, thump, thump. Maybe there was a squatch in my dash, ha ha ha.

    12. That's the hamsters workin the blower motor sorry I was never a fan of Nissan/Datsun I'm not big on any import really except the rx-7&8 but only because the unique engine

    13. THEY LOOK GOOD, But the bodies and chassis is very soft in these things, cross300, you probably need a cage.

      I've got an 86 rx too, way , way stronger car. Can handle 500before caging. The only thing stronger on the Z is the 3d member. Thier is also 10 times the suspension and swap kit stuff for the RX7. But i'm really going to have to drop some coin on that one because i want an LS7 and a six speed in that car. Have you seen any of those converted 7's on youtube?

    14. Not on YouTube my buddy had one with the shitstang 5.0 in it though if you take that rotary out I'll buy it from you and pay to get it shipped to me

    15. If the trans has a unique bolt pattern I'll need that too

    16. Hell Bro, Id give it to ya. But One bank is down and the Gearbox already had bearing noise. Bought the whole car for 200. Drove it home parked, that was it. Some people don't realize. Even though that motor is very small. An LS series aluminum engine is lighter that the Rotary. Those blocks had some of the densist steel ever used in an automotive engine. There actually heavy for the space they take up. Also, they turn R's, but hard to make torque. So transplant into something lite like a dunebuggy!

    17. What I'll do is build it and dyno test then decide what I'd like to put it in from what I understand they've got a powerband of torque like a dirtbike

    18. Mines an NA. you plan on Turbo? Helps but ups the cost. If you want to stay NA, checkout vids on half-bridgeport and full-bridgeport. Buy the time you get power, they suck gas and howl LOUD! BUT THEY ARE COOL.

      If you really want to do a rotery. Look up a 20b. Its a three out of Japan and people get them here all the time. Big-block rotary, oh yeah!!!!!!! 3 banks instead of 2! Thats what I was going to do if I stayed with the rotary eng!

    19. I don't know what I'll do with it yet I'll tear it down and get new parts as I put it back together but I'm serious man don't say you'll give it to me I'll give you something for it but do want it guaranteed

    20. The Lemans is finished so I need a new project

    21. Cars are my hobby I wouldn't want to get my hands all greasy full time I tried it but I love workin on engines making them better and faster

    22. I need an engine host here at the house. It'll cost me about a hundred for a good used one. I'll get it, yank the stuff out. You cover the cost of the eng host, good to me.
      Do me a favor though, look up the wieght and check shipping cost. Cause you really maybe able to get a Good 20b from a Japanees eng source, then I could send you my trans (5speed) to use behind it. They are the same. But its up to you. The reason the bank is down is due too oil fouling. it happens when you loose the side seals useually. So I would check. Also, you cant just take these things apart. There is some fixtures you need durring re-assembly. So make sure you got a shop around that knows what there doing. Thier cool, but different. I actually built a working clear model of a rotary engine when i was about 7. So I've had that picture of those little spinnig triangles in my head for a long time, ha ha ha.

      I really wanted to build a 600-800 hp rotary, plan on 20k for a 2 rotr, IT ACTUALLY FALLS BACK TO 12 TO 15 K ON THE 20B 3 rotor???
      Big single, or twin tubos and intercooled. Lots of the money is in the electroinics, fuel and boost management ---- besides turbos, intercoolers and plumbing.

    23. Also, I believe I remember hearing that someone had made aluminum / stell incerted rotor housing which dropped the wieght out of these things. But I think they were about 1200 each. 2400 to remove a hundred punds? Matters in drag racing!

    24. Yeah I was checkin them out on YouTube rebuilding and all I'll figure out the shipping and stuff and let you know next time I see you I'll take care of getting you the engine hoist too don't put any money out of your pocket when it's done just keep the hoist for you then fair enough

    25. I wish I would've known sooner I had a 4500 lb hoist I gave it to my neighbor when I moved down here cause he builds little imports the look on his face was priceless he was like really I go yeah take it it's brand new cause I seen him trying to pull a block with a pulley chained to the rafters of his garage lol

    26. I just rented in the past, but i have two projects so I'll just find one of those cheap fold ups. My garage is crowded. Got an I talian dirtbike project going on in thier too. Ever herd of a VOR or Vertimatti. One bad ass bike but they are defunct and I lost a cam hillclimbing. 500cc fourstroke with an intake port you can stick a small rolled newspaper down. They rocked, but the oiling system was not two good pointed up, ha ha ha. Damn Ducattis did the same if you wheelied em to much. You need to have a talk with your kinfolk about that.

      But man ---- nobody laces beauty into machinery like the Italians.
      I;m looking for an old KTM engine. Mid 90's 540/550 two stroke, right-hand chain drive.

      This vor, is black, plated for the street, has Ohlins suspension, Brembo brakes,
      I'm going to put it on Super-moto rims I have and will get about a 100 horse out of that 2-stroke. Doyou know what I'm going to do to the streetbikes around hear. -------
      Hear kitty kitty.
      I'm going to make some coin draggin. Strret outlaw!!! ha ha ha ha ha.
      They never see me comm'in Harry!

    27. Yeah I hear that I had an 86 camaro rs body with an 89 tuneport 350 all the msd and dry sumped the oil it would chirp into 3rd

    28. I love when people go oh look at this shit then suddenly they only see tail lights

    29. By the way. That new tv show Street OUTLAW.
      Those guys are from OC and Dallas use to meet on the Border in Denison Texas where I grew up. That show was my childhood! They Were trailering cars back in the 80's. You ask anyone around Denison/Sherman Tx who was rolling smoke in the 80's who had the ORIGINAL FARMTRUCK. It was a rust brown 70's cheyen longbed. No Tailgate, corvett irs, and one bad ass old 4/bolt350. I whooped a lot of cars. If you came to town and wanted to call out the Bigdogs for a race? They would ask ya, have you ran the California Kid with the truck? Your Talkin to him!
      Some called me "Cali" and others called me "Sprockett" Man I have always loved anything mechanical.

    30. I poop next to a tree to mark where I have been : )

  3. Replies
    1. Joe gobbles D and likes it?

    2. Danish are very tasty. I like blueberry/creamcheese. Joe whats your favorite DANISH?

    3. The uh strawberry cream cheese toaster strudel is good and flying saucer pastries

  4. Just another Big foot story. I can think up a hundred stories, means nothing! This site IS becoming YGNLI

    1. ^^^Says the guy who hasn't had an original thought or idea in years. Probably an old drunk!

  5. ^ looky there- TBP is the LOOSER dude.

    What a fag. Always knew you had it in you. Them in you. Them up you.

  6. You think that up all by your little self. oh you so smart. you pass! And now you'll be in the forth grade next year. What a big boy you are growing up to be. Good Job!

    Hey somebody tell this kids mother she needs to get him checked. Theres some signs of mental retardation here and we need to get this kid some help. He's never going to make it out there in the big ole world. Theres spookey things he can't deal with. He is already in accute stages of denial , besides the retardation.

    1. Exceptionally well done, if you don't care about grammar, sentence structure or punctuation.

      Unfunny, unoriginal, and yet completely annoying, TBP ranks right up there with Peace Joe among those who should, for the sake of this blog, go fuck themselves.

      Rhettman A. Mullis, Jr., MS, PhD-ABD, CAF, MHP

  7. Leon gon' full retard...again.

    Shall we take up a betting pool on when his first homophobic comment will be uttered? Or did I miss one earlier?

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  8. I don't think so. He's hard to understand sometimes. Was he dropped on his head?

  9. Hey, how is your gimp leg and the Job hunt comming looser?

    Unemployed, libtard, looser Alec Baldwin.

    Called more people names than anyone here.

    1. You really don't help the curb the shouts of 'he's off his rocker!' with posts like all of these Leon.

    2. Hey Dannytard. When i was a senior in High school, I was already aware of the Liberal agenda in the education system and never really cared to march to the same beat. I hated school boring.
      When the military came to administer the ASVAB. Me and a couple buddies went to the back parking lot and got fadded and then went and tested. Nakes thing I know, my phoes blowing up. Navy, you could be a nuclear engineer. Airforce, anything you want. Army, anything you want. Marines, anything you want.
      97 fadded. My IQ was finalley tested at the request of a couple college professors when I did get around to college in 1998. Lets just say I JUMPED over the Genious score. Damn near a photographic memory.

      Cant Sing or Spell for shit though!

      So the possibility that you will ever impress me with anything out of your mouth, is ZERO.

    3. See ----- next, phone. Some of that is just my fingers out running my falling computer, ha ha ha.
      Oh and I hate computers ------ can't see inside. Pretty visual learner.

    4. Yeah...good luck with all of that and such.

  10. I love the witty, repartee on this thread....

  11. Ouch!

    Danny got smoked!

    Give em' hell TBP!

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    1. We know that you are TBP, fuckin' idiot

    2. Damn Joe, we got a newbie here. This one is fresh. You want to dump on this shithead first, or shall I?

    3. TBP!

      Man, when you go... YOU GO BRO!!

      Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    4. Enjoy your circle of "special" people!

      Reality salutes you!

    5. TBP is one of the most credible voices in the bigfoot community.

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Early settlers' diaries spoke of "Loosers"'

  13. poor old joe ,not much to say now a days. ever since he came out the closet, it's tough trying to get respect when your a faggot!!!!

  14. ahm sayin possibull tham hogs in da woods all twere typickull hogs out thar lookin fer vittles


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