We Are Watching The Bigfoot Files: Episode 2 (Update #5: Boots Had No Viable DNA)

The Bigfoot Files Episode 2 is currently airing in the U.K. We are waiting for the results from Dr. Bryan Sykes regarding the sample taken from Justin Smeja's boots. After allegedly shooting a juvenile Bigfoot in the Sierras, Smeja sent his boots to Sykes testing -- Smeja, a bear hunter, had been hunting with the boots for several weeks after the shooting.

[Update] Yep. Bear. DNA Results from boots came out as "no viable DNA". The hair sample, came out as black bear.

[Update #2] Here's a statement from Nadia Moore, who was at the filming of the episode: "The host outright lied TWO TIMES when he claimed Justin claimed the hair sample found 3 weeks after the shooting incident was from either of the Bigfoot he shot, let alone the juvenile. He has never claimed it was from the baby and has only said it was found in the general vicinity of where he shot the ADULT, three weeks later and under the snow where it was sniffed out by his dog. I was there during the filming of this episode and during the interview later between Sykes and Justin, and he never claimed any such thing about the hair sample, it is only the boots that he claimed had the blood of the young one on them. And I want to make it clear that what Sykes told us was that whatever was on the boots was too degraded to give viable DNA or to even show up as blood by Spectrophotometry. He did not say there was nothing on the boots to begin with.

[Update #3] Moore adds: "He wore those boots for about a year after the shooting incident before he turned them over to Bart Cutino for analysis, so what could have been good evidence at the time, was made nonviable after a years time and wear."

[Update #4] Oops. Made a mistake. Justin's boots had no viable DNA. The hair sample results came out as black bear.

[Update #5] Justin Smeja's entire story will be made available through a documentary at DeadBigfoot.com.


  1. Replies
    1. Shhhhh,don't worry about it.

    2. Take it up the ass like a man MMG.

    3. Shhhhh,don't worry about it.

    4. Did he just say 'nails in the coffin'??



    5. MMG- Shhh, don't worry about it.

    6. Shhhhh, don't worry about it.

    7. ...I dare say, I've been buggered by this Sykes chap..bad show, old bean....

    8. Shhhhh, don't worry about it.

    9. Just another win for the man named Dan Campbell and another severe thrashing for footers everywhere. LOL bigfootology

    10. Shhhhh,don't worry about it.

    11. Ball boy.....nuff said....

    12. Human history, people! This is going to set precedent for all footers and humans alike! Origin of life people, Native American tales, Settlers diaries! You people just don't know what Joe Fitzgerald has seen! Ro said it at the 29 minute mark of this podcast!!

      Tik tock!

      The time is among us people! How can you not see where this is heading? Only a blind fool could see bigfoot is real and I took a picture of him with my mind!

      I feel like PJ needs to sound like Alex Jones now while we all throw popcorn and food-on-sticks at him.

      What a fag.

    13. high five for Dan Campbell!

    14. Today i learned Dan Campbell is a bigot

    15. What did you win exactly Dan?

      Not self-respect or self-esteem. You waved goodbye to those old friends a long, long time ago.


    16. Listen,this is a bigfoot site,forget self esteem

    17. the triumph of reason and rationality over foolishness and self-delusion...that's what he won

    18. Trolls win nothing.



    19. Well I'll give them Sykes,and Melba,and the Matilda footage but thats it,oh,and Daisy in the box,and Dyer's Vegas bigfoot

    20. They are welcome to them Rum!


    21. Daniel Campbell is our new American Hero !

    22. Daniel Campbell is our new American Hero !

    23. If danny is your hero you suck pretty hard.

    24. True dat.True dat.

    25. The whole Smeja story is nonsense from beginning to end, they only included a made-up juvenile victim to increase the public outrage and interest in this bogus tale. And the poacher thing helps making him as despicable as it gets.

  2. It's weird watching Justin on tv!

    1. Why did Justin change his story?

    2. One ad break then results

    3. I thin Dr. Johnson ruined the whole sleeveless genre. I'd like to shove that dish up his ass so we could hear what he was saying.

    4. Wow.. skeptics jumping the gun much? "AnonymousSunday, October 27, 2013 at 1:42:00 PM PDT

      Why did Justin change his story?

      "[Update #2] Here's a statement from Nadia Moore, who was at the filming of the episode: "The host outright lied TWO TIMES when he claimed Justin claimed the hair sample found 3 weeks after the shooting incident was from either of the Bigfoot he shot, let alone the juvenile. He has never claimed it was from the baby and has only said it was found in the general vicinity of where he shot the ADULT, three weeks later and under the snow where it was sniffed out by his dog. I was there during the filming of this episode and during the interview later between Sykes and Justin, and he never claimed any such thing about the hair sample, it is only the boots that he claimed had the blood of the young one on them."

      Where do you get that Justin changed his story?

      "[Update #4] Oops. Made a mistake. Justin's boots had no viable DNA. The hair sample results came out as black bear."

      "No Viable DNA" is neither a victory nor loss. It isn't changing anyone's opinion on the subject.

    5. Justin said the juveniles came out while they were at the car just after the shooting, not while they were looking for the adult... smoked.

    6. Justins obviously a meth head and borderline lunatic

    7. The Smeja account on the show was false.

      It stated that he buried the body, always meaning to come back for it later.

      It was Randles who finally persuaded him to go back to the kill site.

      The Smeja account seemed to be contorted to fit the theme of the show.

      So much for transparency...


    8. MMG how much more transparency do you want? They tested the samples, they got known animals. DNA doesn't lie. Sykes even had the decency to give them their results in person. Don't take your anger out on the show. You got smoked.

    9. Everything Smegma says is false

    10. I had very little hope that the samples would yield anything.

      Hair scraped off trees where BF's may have been is hopeful to say the least.

      They got Smeja's account incorrect. That is FACT.

      For a show that purported to deliver the truth this element was disappointing.

      Rum - You may well be correct, however you are passing off your opinions as fact. If you were Smeja's driver then I'd be more inclined to believe you.


    11. Listen MMG,the guy actually said he thought they were bears walking upright,he didn't know what the fuck he saw so he just shot the things dead,you want to look up to imbeciles like that be my guest,for all we know he killed actual people,a right fucking retard

    12. They got smejas account wrong?


      They said he shot a couple of bigfoots. That's the important bit, the details really don't matter.

      The results came back bear.

      The end.

    13. Rum before talking shit get your facts straight.

      I certainly don't 'look up' to Smeja. Is there anyone who does? I know a lot of good folks that spend a lot of time with the guy who think he's telling the truth.

      This of course doesn't mean jack shit but I'll take their opinions over a guy shooting his mouth off on a BF blog every time.


    14. Hes changed that story more often than his socks and thats a damn fact,I'm not impressed by people who are easily bullshitted and you shouldn't be either

    15. Demand some actual bigfoot evidence some time and these guys won't be riding you so hard,for god sakes man,I actually believe in these things like you do,go off the blog,you can contact and talk to these researchers,see which ones are plain nuts,its not hard.I do like you MMG so no offense,really,ok?

    16. No offense taken Rum.

      I personally find the Smeja story difficult to swallow and do not regard his tale as evidence as such but he's persuaded some good friends of mine so I give the guy the benefit of the doubt.

      Not a great day for footers Rum but hey what doesn't kill us.... Right?


    17. Listen,you and I know they ain't bears,screw the Sykes study

    18. Good night MMG,you have a friend in me,maybe tomorrow we'll get something good


      ALL CAPS

    20. ..lol...A real wolf in sheeps clothing, that limey bastard..I thought he was going to tell the world bigfoot is real and instead I feel like I was taterholed by a polar bear using a porcupine for a condemn....

    21. Where are you guys getting that Justin changed his story? He never said that he saw the juveniles from the truck. Go back and look at that interview he did with Ro while drunk.

      If you are not getting the info from the source it's self, then you can't blame the guy.

      I admit the story keeps changing depending on who is telling the story. But Justin's story has never changed. Hell, how can anyone forget what he said. "They were nasty" followed by "They looked like little black kids.".. Seriously, who can forget that?

  3. It's weird seeing footers getting fooled so badly...

    1. Shhhhh,don't worry about it.

    2. Shhhhh, don't worry about it.

    3. Actually 1:45, writing the same shit all over the thread only weakens your case exposing the authority hoax even clearer.

  4. Replies
    1. Didn't see that one coming 93,000,000 miles away.

    2. Was it a polar bear? ..That would explain the white bigfoots in the Sells-Davis hoaxes...

    3. Sells didn't hoax shit. The more cynics scream smoked and bear the more people will actually realize this species is being unofficially kept hidden, probably the timber industry still behind the branches with the government's blessing.

  5. Replies
    1. Yeah they found Bigfoot on every sample lol

    2. Silly question, it is the same as saying "You are a liar, but tell us the truth..."

  6. Absolutely smoked. Smoking on another level.

  7. Completely smoked schooled joe were r u now your world just collapsed around u ha!!!

  8. Bear, Bear, K9, Bear, Horse, Racoon..... No Bigfoot

    1. Shhhhh,don't worry about it.

    2. Bear Bear K9 Bear
      Horse Raccoon No Bigfoot
      Bear Bear K9 Bear
      Horse Raccoon No Bigfoot

      It's catchy and I can dance to it

  9. One sample was a porcupine and a cow hahahahahaha smoked

    1. A porcowpine? At least he discovered 1 new species.

    2. Shhhhh, don't worry about it.

  10. Well folks the shows over sykes yet again proving magic apes don't exist.

    1. Here come the "you're only as good as the samples you get" comments plus probably some negative remarks about Mark Evans!

    2. Wow I didn't know Sykes was a god who could prove A doesn't exist by finding B C and D. What a neat magic trick.

      Wowee, he's a god, and yer sooper brite.

      Derp derp derp goes the sketpard

    3. Shhhhh, don't worry about it.

    4. 12 samples.

      The three featured were purely circumstantial with not even a sighting attached.

      The chances of any of these hairs being positive would be very remote at best.


    5. Shhhhh, don't worry about it.

    6. ...Failure...I am surprised..Sensational announcements like "There are 10 foot half-ton bipedal primates in North American forests" are always made on prerecorded low budgets documentaries aired on obscure foreign basic cable channels...lol....

    7. Smoke Hoax Munky and I hoax well, a tent in San Antone that's where I dwell


    9. Shhhhh,don't worry about it.

  11. another bear? i wouldn't expected anything less

    1. he's hotter than the sun
      and cooler than the rain
      with a chuckle down below
      he's gonna ease your pain

      big bear he's iron tough
      big bear gotta chest like a rug
      big bear don't take no guff
      he's big bear

  12. "Sykes is coming" - joe fitz

    1. Where is that fool now? Joe? Come on out and play with us now. hahahahahaha

    2. He's one of your own set-up puppets, all arranged this bigfoot denier shit.

  13. ..British Monsterquest is just like American Monsterquest, except over there they say "They found nothing, old chap, and I bloody well like it!"...lol...

    1. The Britain's pwned those crazy American footers

    2. God the grammatical levels of these skeptards says it all.

      Great achievements for you, those comments are.


    3. Shhhhh,don't worry about it.

    4. I think science needs to acknowledge bugfarts.

  14. Yes I have often confused a porcupine with a 7 foot tall biped.

    Or, that's what the skeptards want you to bleeve.

    Yipee for them.

  15. If u footers get to watch the programme as joe has said for months now fast forward to 48 mins and cry!!!!!!
    Pwned ygnali

  16. "Because it underlines his agenda to get his findings in line with his theories about the creature's legitimacy, and also explains why he gave himself an extension.

    Active Bigfooters have produced nothing for 46 years because they have been looking for a bipedal gorilla that isn't there. Which again; brings me to Sykes' results which will confirm everything I have been preaching for all this time, that this creature is a type of human."

    - Joe Fitz

    1. Shhhhh, don't worry about it.

      too emarassed to show his silly ass
      keeps repeating Shhh don't worry about it

    3. Shhhhh, don't worry about it.

    4. Joe is in the bar.

      MMG is certainly not the Shhh guy.

      Next week things get much more interesting....


    5. Melba smoked too as the keystone of her study is once again proved bear!

    6. How many times do you have to say that MMG?

      The entire game of bigfoot is 'Just you wait...NEXT week is where it's at!' and 'the next sample or area is where it's at.'

      You never get any closer...ever.

      Oh it's always the next story, the next project, the next sample, next week, next door neighbor...

      Where does this shenanigan end, huh, MMG?

      When will your side ever have a goddamned thing besides bear and coon hair and Owl calls?

      Cause right now you are batting a miserable .000 in history.

    7. Daniel Campbell. I've had more fun on this site than I've ever had in my life. But we had a bet. Congratulations my friend. You just won. I will never post on this site as a commenter again. You are a good man Daniel. I wish you. Shawn Evidence. All the hard working researchers. And yes, even the Skeptics and humorous trolls well. It's been a blast. I wish I had the words to describe what I feel right now. But mainly. It's just alot of cool guys and a few gals I'm gonna miss real bad. Goodbye all. Your Friend: Michael K Brookreson

    8. That's a hell of thing for you to say to me, Wyatt.

      This place will be a shithole with only PJ posting.

    9. Our 'side' has plenty Daniel as you well know.

      These shenanigans end with a body.

      Sykes proved nothing except that the 12 samples were known animals.


    10. I'll still talk with you Mike

    11. Mike, don't bail because of a TV show...This crypto business is about having fun, learning a few new things, sharing experiences and insights, and speculating...The more the merrier..No one cares about a stale "bet"....

    12. I think Dan would miss you Mike.

      Seriously though. Mr Campbell has been thoroughly decent about this so kudos to him.


    13. I for one rather have you stay Mike. It makes this blog more interesting. I'm sure everyone, including Daniel would prefer you don't leave. That stupid bet is forgotten by now. I hope you change your mind and stay.

    14. You don't have to go Mike.But I understand honoring a bet.Be safe out there.

      Mike H.

    15. Please stay and add some more crap evidence.

  17. I hear moderators outnumber posters on BFF by 7 to 1.

  18. Are you kidding me? Has the existence of bigfoot been depending on what's on a bear hunters boots, months after his encounter? There HAS to be dozens of samples with WAAAY better provenance.

    1. ^ go back to the BFF smoketard

    2. well no... these were the best samples remember

      an 8 foot ape should not be this hard to find

      its quite obvious that there is no such thing

    3. Shhhhh, don't worry about it.

    4. Best samples, my ass. Were these associated with sightings?

    5. Well, the ideal provenance would be hairs plucked from a corpse lying in a scientists lab...Second place is a long way off, but I guess that would be" hairs carefully gathered by scientists on a field trip...."

    6. ..lol...That happens a lot...

  19. Well it was good while it lasted.
    No mention of ketchum and no mention of meldrum. Smeja looked a broken man to me. Not a trace of blood on his boots and the steak was bear. Who had been teasing us saying that this week's episode was ground breaking? Looks like its over for now.....

    1. Shhhhh,don't worry about it.

    2. Next weeks is the big one. Save the best till last

    3. bigfoot is a russian boxer

    4. (clive squashy)

      643 - Haw !

      { :{ ) )

  20. Replies
    1. Shhhhh,don't worry about it.

    2. Lou Reed sucked. The worst part of him being dead is that we have to hear that shitty "walk on the wild side" song over and over for a week now.

    3. ..The early proto-punk stuff from his Andy Warhol days is pretty good...I'm surprised the guy who wrote "Waiting For the Man" and "Heroin" lasted this long...

    4. You haven't lived until you've heard German granny Gerty Molzen's version of WOTWS. And let's not forget Reed's work with Kiss on their 1981 album The Elder.

  21. Replies
    1. Russian Almasty.

      Perhaps we'll get to the samples that will 'change our understanding of human history'....

      Or perhaps not.

      Nothing is quite as it appears on this show.


  22. Seriously, all kidding aside, other than 15 mins of infamy and stupidity, why would anyone put their ass on the line to tell a story like Justin's? If it were a hoax, which I'm more inclined to think at this point, why would you want to be proven a joke?
    Like the two jack asses in Kentucky with the monkey suit full of possum innards, and even worse Tom Biscardi validating it, can someone explain why someone would claim such bullshit?

    1. Any publicity is good publicity,look at Dyer,people actually believe him

    2. The name of the jackarses in Georgia that Biscardi got hooked up with? Duh duh dunhhh...Rick Dyer and Matt Whitton. To date no other team of hoaxers has pulled a flim flam of those proportions.

    3. Why? So they can use their name recognition and story to make a few bigfoot bucks...Just because you and I do not hold gullible people in contempt and have no qualms about lying and ripping them off, does not mean everyone feels that way....

  23. MMG continues to defend the faith.


    1. Here you are,looking for Bigfoot Evidence

  24. Any publicity is good publicity? I guess if you don't mind looking like an f'ing moron to the whole world. Anyone who would believe anything Dyer claims is just as retarded as he is.

    1. True,but people want that bigfoot so bad they throw logic and reason right out the window,look at FB/FB and Lindsay backing a retard like Dyer

    2. Dyer's crew included some very vulnerable people.

      Frank, Jackie, Pinkfoot, Cathee etc were not all playing with a full deck if you get my drift.


    3. Theres a whole slew of people following Dyer,look MMG,I want to see bigfoot but I want to see a real bigfoot not a bullshit bigfoot,it just makes me look crazier for actually believing and thats sad

    4. It's easy to cut through the bs though Rum.

      Guys like Dyer, Dr J, Ontario, Timbergiant are all out there trying to get famous but this is just sideshow stuff which I can see past.

      Lots of good work going on out there, hell today I saw some of the best BF footage I've seen for quite sometime.

      Don't get jaded Rum. There's the odd diamond in the rough from time to time.


    5. You're right there,I am getting a little jaded because I know there is good factual stuff out there

    6. Care to share this amazing footage?

  25. well there it is folks sykes just killed bigfoot and made us americans look like idiots. i was a believer now i have to go to work in the morning and get laugh at.

    1. They would have laughed at you no matter what Sykes said..You see, the "everyman" common sense view of this is "If you can get the hair, why can't you get the animal it is attached to"....This dna stuff is just fodder for debate within the community....

  26. sasquatch genome project press conference @23:30: Adrian Erickson- government has told me off the record that we know they exist, we are told to deny it.

  27. All I have to say is unless you have a body or some damn good video along with some DNA...don't friggin bother.
    Anyone claiming to have shot one, Smeja, Dyer...either prove it or shut the f*ck up.

  28. The only thing that keeps me believing is the Patterson-Gimlin film. If it weren't for that and a few assorted people like Jimmy Chilcutt and Jeff Meldrum I wouldn't even follow it.

    1. Chilcutt's great I don't know why he's faded out of it, perhaps he suspects or understands better than most the dark forces involved with this massive cover-up. Meldrum's just mainstream science's pro-bigfoot puppet, keeping the ape myth alive because they're aware people will have sightings.

  29. its over just like the sopranos time to find a new show

  30. Adrian Erickson, just another one.

  31. (clive squashy)

    Amnesty for Mike Brookreson !

  32. sasquatch genome project press conference @23:30: Adrian Erickson- government has told me off the record that we know they exist, we are told to deny it.

  33. This is not news as justin discussed the results from sykes on facebook.

    The boots yielded nothing on a small scrape of leather sykes tested. Justin said that when him and bart ,who was holding boots for a long time and has said he waited for a reputable scientist to test them, not kecthum, met with sykes in california, sykes took a sliver of the boot and bart provided him a sample of the cured tissue tyler and bart had already tested that proved kecthum was a fraud. sykes confirmed the skin sample and hair was bear and the boot sample got no animals because JUstin had walked in saltwater with them.
    according to either bart or justin, don't remember which, there should've been lots of animal contmaination on boots as well but he stepped in saltwater while fishing

  34. Just wait. Just wait. A little longer. The really great big world-changing information is coming. Besides, Melba got all the GOOD samples, right? Always wait. A little bit longer. Just wait. You'll see.

    1. Yes, you'll see the political police state mafia crumble as the people wake up...

  35. sasquatch genome project press conference @23:30: Adrian Erickson- government has told me off the record that we know they exist, we are told to deny it.

    1. why would you deny the existence of the government? seems pretty obvy to me.

  36. This shit was all for money and nothing more. Footards are epic degenerate schmucks.

  37. Randles look like a liar to me.

    1. Seemingly just another guy part of or unknowlingly caught up in agent Cutino and Smeja's web of lies.

  38. so smeja steak came back as bear,yet some commentator defendshim ,by saying 'It was foud 3 weeks later in the general site andJS never claimed it was the juvenile'. what she FAILED TO MENTION WAS WHY WAS THERE NOTHING ELSE IN THE SIGHT EXCEPT FROM A BROWN BEAR STEAK@?. face smeja is busted,hence the tears,as I think hes convincedhimself it was a bigfoot and not a bear. whats the chances the whole animal h killed disappeared but conveniently a same coloured anial steak was there instead,makimg him look the FUCKIN LITING PRICK HE IS'. THE UK was laugng its tits off at America once agan. rednecks and oddballs with their tall stories,cant produce one piece of evidence. the tools onhere with their qirky 1liners to eacj other must be devasted. probably not though as this site is ust a social one for like minded people.ie fuckin idiots who are sociopaths,people who spendtheir time looking for hairy men in wooods.


    yes,there isn't any?!!1 cow,deer,coon,bear-=that's what the samples were.then theres smeja,just another chancer trying to make a buck of dumb americans ala P/G 50years ago.ever wondered why theres never been a P/G 2,3,4,5,6,7,8etc...?


  39. i'll break it down easier for the beleevers. north America has bears, they get misidtifyed as BF,either by hoprful bleevers or idiots. mostly idioyts

    EVERY STUDY shows nothing unusual. this is just another show that ill show nothing

    how can 10ft 800pd apepeople amble about national parks etc...leaving not a shred of evidence forever

    answers please

    yes I now they know what a camera is, tooid people etc etc etc but if youa re saying P/G is proof,where is all the other films in out sgrinking digital aged planet

    smoked once agaon

    you fools need to accept the obvious. Its bears

    1. You want the answer to that question, cleverpants ? It's a combination of a successful myth and ridicule campaign orchestrated by the government, handed out to forest services (bear excuse) and falling under the press/media embargo that anything similar does. In other words, we're likely dealing with a species of ETs rather than the primitive apemen we like to dream about. This is where the magic comes in (that really isn't), but what they're capable of (slipping out of sight at will) will be regarded as supernatural or magic by Native Americans and the rest of us too essentially. In fact, they've been here a very long time and to confuse them with animals as it's sometimes deliberately done, is a huge mistake or joke rather.

    2. can i ask you to read what nonsense you just wrote.

      you are speaking factualy ,as if you have all the answers, spouting utter garbage about ET's/Government cover ups etc...where do you get all this

      Is America really this insane or is it just this site has pulled in 100 oddballs ,who speak about ET and conspiracies as fact, when they are just sone dude off the street like the rest of us.

      I can only omagine what you think about 9/11, boston bombings etc... wow you are fuckin insane dude


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