Watch this: Night of the Bigfoot Halloween Special Fisherman Angers Bigfoot [Real Bigfoot Encounters]

These avid fisherman tempted fate and angered the Bigfoot. Somethings that go bump in the night are better left alone. It could have been far worse but it was indeed another Real Bigfoot Encounter.


  1. I saw a guy dressed up in a bigfoot costume at a halloween party last year. The costume was super realistic. I think if it was filmed properly it may look close to patty.

    1. I always knew you skeptics were gullible.
      Wow,just wow.

    2. I also saw a gorilla once and it was really big. Could be we have escaped circus gorillas running around.

  2. Ok... This response is to the two people on the 'Listen to: The Squatchers Lounge Podcast with special guest cryptozoologist Scott Marlowe' thread that have helped to prove me right further from the point I was trying to make to King Klown. This point being;

    STEP 1. Enthusiast point made...

    STEP 2. Skeptic counter point...

    STEP 3. Enthusiast counter point made...

    STEP 4. No skeptic counter point? (Syndrome)

    STEP 5. Schooled.

    ... The two gentleman on the thread I referenced sugger from STEP 4 syndrome which inevitably leads to STEP 5 as a conclusion for their theories. This is something extremely common in this theory group, because they assume that because there is a counter point (STEP 2), that a counter to that should not be acknowledged, when in fact there is a demand for them to explain that counter point or the point in hand; regardless of the way mainstream science approaches it; stands up. It stands up because Bigfoot it is not a fair playing field and researchers and enthusiasts have to have the daily battle of getting mainstream science to look at the facts, to which are in turn ignored and ridiculed. This is how we can suggest an agenda of mainstream science; when you have the frequency of sightings that are in complete conjunction with what one would expect to see from a highly intelligent nocturnal type of human, at a duration of ten thousand years to the present, paired with the amount of evidence there is to suggest there 'could be' something to it... The decision to not investigate is far from the scientific method. When that doesn't happen, and you have numerous reasons to suspect that the economy would have to suffer for habitat, then it is not too unrealistic to those who wonder if this subject is being censored. It keeps getting ignored; and the fact that there is now a branch of wildlife biology that identifies new species by the tracks they leave, with the decision to not investigate, and in light of all the other evidence there is for this creature, is a very odd one and indicative of the same STEP 4 syndrome that the gentleman I am responding to's positions highly suggest. Ok, shall we begin? Let's...

    1. Christopher Crankshaw...

      "You really don't have any proof at all. Not only do you not have proof, there is no proof. Thousands of people claiming they saw the Virgin Mary is not actual proof that the blessed mother of Christ is actually visiting anyone."

      You see what I mean? Here is a prime example of someone with STEP 4 syndrome. What Christopher fails to acknowledge, is that if he cannot adhere to the requirements of STEP 4, then there is no truth in his statement because he has failed to counter the points in STEP 3 which have countered his in the previous STEP 2... You all with me? Cool! I find it extremely strange that someone should invest faith in something that has been suggested is real for the last couple of thousand years (religion), relying heavily on eyewitness accounts that are so far distant they can be challenged way easier than any of the accumulation of eyewitness accounts Bigfoot has that in turn has physical evidnece to back that up, and he contradicts himself that ten thousand years of consistent accounts, transitioning natives to Norsman settlers, to European Settlers, to modern day Amercian citizens, in comparison is not good enough for any mean of proper recognition?

      "If I walked around bare foot in the woods and left tracks, my print could easily be mistaken for an unseen hominid. In fact, weren't the first tracks in modern history "discovered" by a man that who was a proven hoaxer?"

      You wouldn't have the same size tracks that are being found. The Virgin Mary does not leave tracks that are found 40-50 miles into the interior of wilderness regions. It then comes down to whether every single one of these tracks found are found by 'credible people'... This is not science. Implying that all researchers that come back from these areas with such evidence are hoaxers is trying too hard to dismiss them and is not in line with the scientific method skeptics claim is being used properly here. If these people really would 'love this subject to be proven', then they wouldn't dismiss every track as hoaxes. It is here that we have a very obvious STEP 4 issue, because when confronted with various points that counter these accusations (STEP 3), nothing materialises to which sees the mere accusations moving towards STEP 5 and terminal for skeptics. It is also very silly for anyone to suggest that no tracks were acknowledged prior to those that were seen as hoaxed in the mid 20th century. To suggest otherwise is either conveniently ignoring those facts or simply doesn't know enough about tracks.

    2. This brings me to the next point about DNA. Here I will draw on the statement made by the gentleman about the 'Monsterquest Sasquatch Attacks 2' episode also to prove a point. In this episode, the geneticist clearly states that the samples appeared to be 'quite degraded having been accumilated a few years ago'. There is also an offered explanation for the samples that though not definitive, is more evidence of STEP 4 syndrome; in that the samples could have degraded to the point that from the original testing, had not been able to yield any DNA at all. The genericist clearly states that the samples may benefit from next generation sequencing, however it is increasingly apparent that Monsterquest were not willing to part with the money to get these samples tested further in such a manner.


      "The finger (supposed Yeti) has been studied since the 90's, science has come along way in 20 years. It's been identified as all human."

      ... Again, this would adhere to my previous example but would also suggest a much longer amount of time to have had the DNA initially tested degraded.

      This brings me nicely to the guy from Yorkshire in the UK...

      "He also repeatedly uses debunked evidence in his so called "schoolings" of us sceptics."

      Here, in black and white is more evidnece of STEP 4 syndrome. What the Yorkshire guy seems to avoid, is that all the points he put to me did not adhere to the requirements of STEP 4. He did not provide an explanation for any of the counter points I made and merely had to resort to sensationalist comparison such as David Icke, other mythical creatures, dragons, shape changers, giant carnivorous birds and vampires. Laughably; libraries don't lie. This is something he avoided in an attempt to attack Jim Vieira. The giant skeletons is something Jim Vieira transitions from his long professional talks on stone structures and burial mounds. I am not an anthropologist, but the beauty of libraries and research is that our entire educational system is set up so that anyone can access history and truth, and if this is presented by a even butcher, then that still doesn't make the truth lies... Only an effort at censorship attempts that... Which is essentially what the Yorkshire gentleman was trying to do by suggesting settler's diaries were used by the printed news media of the day (many years later form those diaries), merely to sell newspapers, ignoring further the fact that consistency over regions that were not linked geographically; are a big problem for him to explain... More evidnece of STEP 4 syndrome it seems.

    3. I can't defend Melba... I really can't, and to be honest, I don't know enough about geneticism to make a point in all confidence, but I do know that there are scientists that are starting to look at her work and ask the questions that the scoffing mainstream scientific world wouldn't. What Melba did, was make some very bad choices and some worse moves with associates and researchers, to which has tarnished outright any decent and honest work she has done. This has no doubt played into the hands of people who really never wanted to accept anything from her, but there are academics that are starting to see things a little more impartially it seems...

      ... David H. Swenson, Ph.D. who is a Biochemist and has over 39 journal publications to his credit.

      “There is an unknown animal that appears to be some kind of a hybrid between a human and something else," Dr. Swenson said.

      “You read this DNA sequencing and you’re like, this could be a real animal?”

      Though I agree that in an ideal world all sources of Bigfoot evidence should be peer reviewed and backed up with a second opinion, but it is not realistic to the few people willing to put their reputations on the line; hence the reason why so many researchers apply their expertise after their retirements. With the dogma and hate surrounding this subject, people cannot perceive researchers with evidence such as unkown primate DNA as a pioneers as opposed to loan quack theorists. Comparing this subject to mainstream scientific research accumulation as an example is not sufficient, because mainstream science has done everything it can to ridicule and censor this type of research.

    4. "Could it be the tall tales of eyewitnesses of Bigfoots stealing pigs, household pets or it attacking deer? Or maybe it's the hair brained conclusions of amatuer researchers making huge jumps in logic with no physical or biological evidence to support their claims of the big guy loving venison or even herding deer! Lol!!! Love to hear the explaination for that one!"

      Yorkshire guy clearly haven't been into this subject for very long at that moment of expressive nonsense, because these creatures are either seen eating, hunting or crossing roads during the day time. It is little wonder that as deer numbers are sawing that more accounts are being reported. It is laughable and also more evidence of STEP 4 syndrome that because the old argument that there is not enough vegetation in the States to support a large creature like Bigfoot should get countered by STEP 3, in all there ignorance or nativity that STEP 4 should then materialise because "researchers are making huge jumps in logic..." Convenient don't you think? More accusations in the face of information accumilated by hard research as opposed to offering explanations when it makes total sense that a creature that size should have to depend on everything it can get it hands on.

    5. And moving on... Yorkshire man...

      "As for the transcribed language, again Joe the animal needs to exist first!!!! The Sierra Sounds are weird and spooky and all but like Joe Rogan showed they are well within the human range."

      Scott Nelson...

      "The existence of the Sasquatch Being is hereby assumed, since any Being must exist before his language... Sasquatch Language is spoken approximately twice as fast as any known language in most analyzed recordings, therefore it must be slowed down to be transcribed accurately. 50% of real-time will be the standard; transcription at any other speed will be noted, e.g. (75%). Real-time will be noted as (rt). Tape-time hacks will be given as minute:second.1/100thsecond, e.g. 17:23.54."

      Yorkshire man...

      "You need to get an actual linguist or a primatologist to back up his claims that it's not just some guy in a wood talking gibberish plus YOU ALSO HAVE TO PROVE IT EXISTS FIRST!!!!"

      Scott Neslon again... Try and break down the barriers of STEP 4 syndrome a minute...

      "The existence of the Sasquatch Being is hereby assumed, since any Being must exist before his language."

      Is it apparent that the Yorkshire man will
      move from STEP 4, in light of the comments made? It is increasingly unlikely as it is evident that repeated accusations of Scott's expertise are the source of his focus as opposed to offering any other explanation. Let's look at his CV shall we? Let's...

      Retired from the U.S. Navy as a Crypto-Linguist with over 30 years experience in Foreign Language and Linguistics, including the collection, transcription, analysis and reporting of voice communications. He is a two time graduate of the U.S. Navy Cryptologic Voice Transcription School (Russian and Spanish) and has logged thousands of hours of voice transcription in his target languages as well as in Persian. He is currently teaching Russian, Spanish, Persian, Philosophy and Comparative Religions at Wentworth College in Missouri. His method over a long term period had contributed to a war effort (the cold war)... He has also uncovered a lost Russian dialect.

      Now that is a pretty excellent CV, yet you require a mere linguistics expert to back up his claims??

    6. It's really quite simple... If you slow what sounds like ape chatter down to half it's speed and you come up with a complex layered dialect; you don't have to really try too hard to hear what's in front of your ears that's unless you have an agenda to not do so. It is hilarious that you would suggest that he is not a 'proper linguist'; what does this guy do for a living? What are his credentials? Is he qualified to make such a statement?? Clearly not if he has STEP 4 syndrome and refuses to acknowledge the face fall that a mere linguist expert has nothing on the expertise Scott has. This guy is just some bloke from Yorkshire, anyone who challenges a professional under anonymity is simply dubious in comparison and until you can present a counter professional opinion, his work stands up to the people who are not afraid to look at the facts. This is the way enthusiasts and skeptical stances work; to skeptics a loan theorist is a quack (conveniently without offering anything to back it up) and to enthusiasts a loan theorist is a pioneer in light of all the facts. It would take someone with an equivalent level of expertise seconds to identify a flaw in his research... Why hasn't that happened yet with all the attention the Sierra Sounds have had; this being some of the most profound evidence this subject has? More sensationalist examples and accusations as opposed to offering any real explanation for the transcription. All these points were put to this gentleman in the STEP 3 stage of the debate on the other thread, yet this gentleman has delighted in me further proving my point that STEP 4 syndrome can no way fail to reach STEP 5.

      These are creatures that have evolved to survive in a different environment than we as urbanized humans are used to, so it's difficult for us to understand. We now know that animals like dogs can predict epileptic seizures happening and even recognize tumors within the human body. This is down to their very advanced, evolved and sophisticated senses. Science is just barely starting to understand infra-sound and who knows what a highly evolved version of this could achieve? Tigers use it to shock and paralyze prey and elephants use it to find mates. The military are now conducting experiments where people have become very confused and even in some cases vomited and felt quite ill. This is science and not 'tall tales'.

    7. Christopher... Again...

      "And here's an article from a guy who faked dermal ridges to see if it could be done complete with citations. And this was in the 80's. just think how easy it would be to do today."

      ... Tip for you Chris, always make sure the link works before you post it. As far as what you are suggesting, I can only assume you are referring to Esteban Sarmiento. His technique does not account for prints that have been cast over the past few decades and prior to this being aired on a notoriously skeptical Nat Geo documentary. Sarmiento is no longer a skeptic, I wonder why that is? Stamping dermals is cheap and does not account for the same complex pattern that is found consistently in a number of different tracks, attained decades apart from different part of the country. There are many first time prints that have a similarity in style of dermal ridging in the same way that two sets of finger prints from opposite sides of the country would look similar in style at first, regardless of apparent uniqueness under analysis. These cannot be explained away with desiccation because they have scar tissue and toe bending that many people who have done proper analysis like Jimmy Chilcutt, have sited as the creature gripping into earth. What a one in a billion lottery win chance that would be to somehow get the same pattern decades apart from opposite sides of the country?! Explain casts that are attained 40 miles into the interior of wilderness areas? The hoaxers would have to be either psychic or mind controllers to predict to the exact yard where the researchers are going to be to the exact moment eh?

    8. These are points that I have always made to skeptical people on this blog, but I never get anything back in the way of a decent counter argument... It is always STEP 4 syndrome in the respect of not acknowledging those points as a counter point for STEP 2.

      Yorkshire guy...

      "As for eyewitness reports, people make shit up, people misidentify other animals and some people just see shit that isn't there."

      It is an equally great leap of faith to state that every account for the last ten thousand years... TEN THOUSAND years is lies and missidentification. Someone said it on here a few weeks ago and I loved it; that in all those accounts... That have yielded cultures even (pretty significant), that for just one modern account to be real means Bigfoot is real.

      Step 4 syndrome is very much rife in the minds of most skeptics, and though I very much appreciate the manner in which these skeptics presented their points (constructive skepticism in comparison to militant Tardists that try and bring down the quality of this blog), it is a major statement that I am trying to make with this piece in that all points must be acknowledged and not ignored. Even if these people were to eventually debunk this subject, then they are not getting any closer to that outcome by not acknowledging STEP 3 points and clinging to those of STEP 2 in the hope of there theories washing out the important facts that need to be taken into consideration.

      I understand how long winded this was, but very much enjoyed myself in the process.

      STEP 5. Schooled.

    9. Something I forgot to put in about the suggestion that the Sierra sounds were within the human range...

      Scott Nelson...

      "Note: Since the Sasquatch Being has the ability to produce utterance at frequencies above and below those of human ability, he must also be capable of producing utterance within the limits of human ability. Consequently, utterances that that fall within human levels, while evidencing characteristics of unknown language, remain useful in comparison studies of Sasquatch Language."


    10. I doubt anyone will read that.

    11. It's there if they want to anyway.


    12. Big Foot isn't nothing but the hopes and dreams of some guy that rode unicorns while he sang with the fairy's on the leprechaun's stage while they hide the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

    13. ... That leaves physical evidence. Good logic numpty... People like you drive my points home perfectly.


    14. There're always after me lucky charms.

    15. Greetings friend:

      I see you have been busy here today. I also listened to the podcast with Scott Marlow. I recently was at Universal studios for a film fest where I got to meet Mr. Marlow and purchase his first book. I attended the seminar with the panel of authors and science researchers on many subjects. Even though we didn't agree on some issues, he took my points in respect and I find him to say the least an interesting man and respect the time he has spent over the years in his research. One thing that we did come to a conclusion is that once one has an encounter with the subject at hand at a close proximity , nothing anyone will say can change their views that it could be something else.

      I also listened to the previous podcast on the Dr.Sykes and some very interesting points where made about the gatherings of the samples that I find that could cause debate on the topic.

      Once again I will be on the road and working on the Myakka investigation with the team and I appreciate your diligence and hard work on this subject and I learn so much from both sides of the fence. Here's is the link for the Sykes podcast my friend.

      thanx to all and I send solace to those who desire.

    16. Hi Joe....King of Reality here. What I've started to notice is instead of debating the facts that myself, and two other people blew you apart with, you are now resorting to "debating" whether there is countering of points going on. Nice try weasel but everybody can see you are now deflecting and got your ass handed to you. The Court has spoken, AND YOU SIR SUCK! YOUR POINTS SUCK! AND YOUR DEFLECTING AND ESCAPISM IS OBVIOUS!


      THE KING

    17. STEP 4 syndrome confirmed! Read the points I made, go away, you have been delt with comprehensively... Oh, and stop flattering yourself. It was pretty clear you run off when the limits of your 'debating skills' turned out to be nothing more than defection (ironically for you) and name calling nonsesne... Stop boo hoo-nig about it and take something up like friendship finding; far more self esteem and attention found in such an activity.

      Hey STEVE!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the link my dear friend!! I will check that out at the first opportunity. Expect a lengthy email too brother... Very soon.

      Much respect.

    18. Holy hell!

      Did anyone read even a single line of that bullshit?!!

      I bet it's the same material PJ likes to copy and paste in every thread.

      Sure has been a lot of schoolings for PJ lately.

    19. I do. 12 straight posts and replies to yourself sure does bring up a giant whiff of all your loosely opinionated and highly regurgitated SHIT.

      You have been wrong every time, you will still be wrong with all of this information tomorrow.
      You don't even live in an area with these creatures, therefore you're an even bigger fuck up than those actually looking for the creature.

      You're a leech, a pretender, a wash up, and more importantly you are mentally challenged. Seriously, you are handicapped and how you have survived till adult hood is an accomplishment.

      No one cares about your shitty non argument points. You're evidence isn't actually evidence, so there's the flaw of your actions. Crying about people not refuting this or that while givin out zero evidence to actually counter. You have no points. You have long made up stories, bad pictures, even worse stories, and a serious lack of biological evidence.

      Maybe instead of jacking your jaw about all this, you actually do something to help prove your're the laughing stock of footers and skeptics alike. The fact you only haunt this place, hiding from real footers at the BFF and hiding from critical thinkers at JREF. You're a weak POS.

    20. I love talking to Joe. We have an office pool to see what he will make up next.
      How about this Joe....nobody ran away, I waited patiently for your next post but you ran to another thread. You then show up this morning, and start posting as if nobody will see it and is around. You then decide to concoct a story that is laughable at best about what happened. Try as you might Fartzgerald....your constant SCHOOLINGS, SMOKINGS, AND BITCH SLAPS are on display in this blog forever.

      Dan: absolutely. More made up bull crap and garble from the spitting, drooling PJ.


      THE KING

    21. Did everyone know that Joe is a fake name, and he bought Rick Dyer's DVD's?

    22. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

      It's a sure sign of doing a job right when you get a lengthy comment with all sorts of colourful names and literal acrobats; but low and behold... Nothing more. This is how Crampz get's any attention on this blog. He is loathed around here and thinks people actually give a crap what he thinks. It was lovely to see him be put in his place the other day... No sign of him for days licking his wounds. People don't like me around here, but people are sick of you Crampz, it's time you really had a think about why you are here pal.

      King Klown...

      You ran away because you didnt have and still don't have anything to counter my pints. You have been served by me from the moment you started crapping on the keyboard and it is important to me, that you know that I love that fact.

      Get a load of the two greatest, saddest haters in the States.

      Absolutely schooled... I shall have to come up with a new syndrome for such extreme delusion and butt hurtitude.

      ; )

    23. Nobody can counter your PINTS you alcoholic.


      And your new syndrome should be called Fitzgeralds Disease.


      The King

    24. What the hell are you even talking about? Last time I saw, Mike B. is gone and you haven't changed a word. I've been traveling (something you wouldn't comprehend) and haven't looked here much in the past few days.

      Dude a sure sign of crazy is makin this shit up just to argue about it. You're really messed up, seek treatment please.

    25. Troll on Crampz... I'm off. I'll leave you express the limits of your intelligence about me in my absentia.

      Oh... And anyone go fishing and reel in a turd???

      ; )

    26. If you guys are gonna continue to stroke each other at least have the common courtesy of a reach around and to get a room

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Now if we could just remove Joe. He's the athlete's foot of the BF world.

    2. Yes we need to eliminate "Mr. Giggles".

    3. I pledge to not use Irish Spring body soap until Joe apologises to Dan.

    4. He is the pilonidal cyst of the bigfoot world producing copious quantities of pus.

    5. ^shut your legs then.

      THE KING

    6. Run along again Klown... You've been labeled a dick by too many for you to handle.


    7. Nope. Still here Joey.


      THE KING

    8. Yawn.

      Have the last word numpty... Ha!! I've proved my points and had the limit of your capable response. Smell ya later!!

      Ha ha ha ha!!

  4. Joe has still not apologised and admited that he was wrong about sykes

  5. Look people, both footers and skeptics alike. Just declare every big foot video shown here a fake! a Man in a Monkey suit! a Hoax!

    That it! no further discussion needed, End of story. Now go home and JERK OFF!

  6. There's a sucker born every minute

  7. Joe, you are just plain rude. Your endless commenting accomplishes nothing, as only you and 2-3 others actually read what you write.

    1. I agree we need to eliminate "Mr. Giggles"

    2. I promise to boycott Lucky Charms breakfast cereal until Joe apologises to Dan.

    3. Rude?

      Where have I been rude?? If you can't handle the points I've made or grasp why I am defending the subject matter, then deal with it or go away.

    4. Joe you are consistently rude and your mindset is what is not only wrong with Footers, but skeptics too.


      THE KING

    5. You're a Welshman with a complex who has an affinity for American old times and tall tales. You find solace in the friendship of people you will never know because of your self confidence issues.

      You've been so bullied in your life that the only way to continue to live is through complete denial as a defense mechanism.

      Every witness, every expert you celebrate, even Jesus Christ himself could walk across the channel and tell you that bigfoot isn't real and that it's all made up...

      Still you wouldn't believe it.

      Try showering you filthy POS

    6. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!

      Anymore Crampz?? You've been served pal and it's obvious!!

      Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      You can come up with more colourful stuff than that surely???

    7. You do enough 'make believe' for everyone, PJ.

  8. Ewww Scary!! thanks Rev Jeff!

  9. Bigfoot Evidence has a "needy" spammer. His need for attention is a real downer for this board. Good luck all...

    1. Bigfoot evidnece has someone who can stick up for this subject as opposed to rolling over and listening to the crap that people want post on here.

      Deal with it.

    2. Joe is the King of Taking Constructive Criticism I see.
      What a total jerk.


      The King

    3. Need a tissue Joe?

      The King

  10. Here goes Joe again with more garbage. He seems to ignore the fact that the King, and the two other guys completely schooled his ass. The only reason he is posting here is hoping that people do not go to see the other posts a few blog posts back. Joe is at best an idiot. I recognize the King is a dick, but he does nail Joe to the wall perfectly, and then these other two shop up with actual links disproving Joe.

    1. King Klown^

      Here is the link to that page...

      ... I invite everyone to look at it, there are no points that haven't addressed on this page that are worth reading, but read it by all means.

      'Nailing me to the wall' would be to counter the points I have made... To suggest that name calling is more important, which is all that King Klown really achieves... Is focussing on attacking me as opposed to challenging the subject matter and is merely evidnece that I'm doing my job right.


    2. ^boom....lmao...he said boom. what a fag.

    3. People oppose you because you keep posting the SAME shit on EVERY thread, EVERYDAY. That's what starts people off not liking you, you're a spammer. In addition to all of that, you're a looney old man with a bunch of stories and zero evidence. ZERO.

      Yet you just keep DANCING MONKEY!

    4. Dancing? You're the only one dancing Crampz... Cause you have nothing else but name calling. Those points turn you inside out and that's what your problem is bro.

      Come on Crampz, you can do better than that surely???

    5. Joe still hasn't made a valid point. He thinks that copy and pasting the same recycled garbage makes it better evidence. WRONG.


      THE KING

    6. I hate kings. They think they rule the land and step on the anything that not about them and then raise your taxes.We are Americans and take your punk ass king back to bed now boy. The king of reality? Real is in the word that you use and you post hatred. Being ex- military you are disrespect to this Country of the USA. You don't know the first thing about fear till an enemy is pointing a barrel at your fuckin head !.So walk on home boy and GOD BLESS America.

    7. ^The King of a Fake Military Record.


      The King

    8. How do you know it's fake. Show your evidence.


    10. ^ well said. that"ll learn them punks. ^

  11. In the research of bears alone thru the years an 8ft living "anything would also have been discovered & documented.

    No brag just fact.

  12. A wise old Indian once said, we have the same amount of evidence concerning Bigfoot as the White man.


    No brag just fact.


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