Watch The Squatchers Lounge Podcast: Science Proves the Yeti is Real

Here is The Squatchers Lounge podcast from Wednesday. Due to technical difficulties, the live show failed to archive property on YouTube. The geniuses at Squatchers Lounge managed to recover it just in time for the weekend. Listen below:


  1. Brilliant that this has been sorted... I was very much enjoying it!!


  2. Dude, how stoned are you?

    Still the cut short version

  3. ... Wondering if the good reverend woke his momma up hosting this ridiculous "show" in her basement...

  4. Hello everyone,in the past i have read some debates on this blog concerning the rights or wrongs of science and of course bigfoot opens all sorts of questions about where we come from,here's a link which i think some of you might find interesting xx

    1. That's awesome Eva I always say that as well how can you state something as science fact without scientific physical evidence as proof

    2. Eva, that is the biggest load of crap I have ever had the misfortune of reading recently and is clearly just pushing religion. To be honest when it started to go on an anti-atheist rant depicting us all as uncaring, vivisectionists who are willing to experiment on humans with no ethical considerations I stopped reading. If you look back in history the people who commited the worst atrocities and did human experimentation were men of religious faith, mostly Christians. Sorry but it's pushing religion and demonising atheists and very anti-science, more importantly it's just plain old bullshit.

    3. Hello Anon 8:03,I'm not religious myself,in fact i think religion is about control,you can i think be spiritual without going down the religious route,science has done wonders for us all but it could do with taking its blinkers off now and again,i certainly don't have the answers and it seems science and religion don't either,i just thought it made an interesting read ,xx

    4. ..Obviously, the one true religion is Roman Catholicism...If not, why would God give us the best food? Ha! ..Pwned by

    5. Hold it right there, 8:03. You said:

      "If you look back in history the people who commited the worst atrocities and did human experimentation were men of religious faith, mostly Christians."

      You are mistaken.

      Stalin the atheist slaughtered ten million people. Ten million. You can also look to pre-Christian Romans and loads of other races/groups/civilizations for mass slaughters and torture and executions which reveal many men of religion who were not Christians committed these acts.

      On Stalin:

      Raised in the Georgian Orthodox faith, Stalin became an atheist. He followed the position that religion was an opiate that needed to be removed in order to construct the ideal communist society. His government promoted atheism through special atheistic education in schools, anti-religious propaganda, the antireligious work of public institutions (Society of the Godless), discriminatory laws, and a terror campaign against religious believers. By the late 1930s it had become dangerous to be publicly associated with religion.

      So, an atheist extremist. A torturer, executioner, genocidal mass murderer, who had a policy of suppressing religion and teaching atheism in school.

      Karl Marx: Became an atheist.

      Vladimir Lenin: Atheist.

      Leon Trotsky: Atheist.

      You can see the obvious pattern, and the results on a scale of mass tragedy.

    6. Yup 11:33..All Utopian visions, religious or social, have a common defect: there will always be adherents who think "We found THE answer, and those who disagree logically must go"...However, you can't beat the communists when it comes to the number of people who suffered at the hands of the true believers...

    7. Anon 8 03. Nobody know the number Stalin put down. Some think over 60 million. Don't forget about the chairman Mao. Put him down for over 50 million.


    8. The Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the Nazis, the Witch Trials, the current state of the Middle East, the treatment of Native Americans during the 19th century, the treatment of South Americans by the Spanish and Portugese, slavery in the US, the KKK, 9/11, the 7/7 London bombings, the British Empire's treatment of it's subjects, the conflict in Northern Ireland, the IRA, the Taliban, the treatment of women in Islamic countries, on, on, on, on..... By the way Chuck you get a rebate from Melba for the $30 you gave her?

  5. No one debated anything of merit on this site. Peas.

    1. Remember when Satuday mournings were for cartoon watching..Space Ghost and his monkey was the best < B-)

      morning hb and co.

    2. I loved the praying mantis his evil look and rubbing his hands good good

    3. Zorack I believe> I loved Brax. WTF was he? He was always telling Space Ghost to never trust a monkey..True story.

    4. SM what happened to your allie

    5. Yeah SM!

      We want the pooch back!


  6. Hey JoeF & Mike B. This is John Jones, I am just finishing up our expedition now, and am packing up. we will leave the woods tomorrow. This will be my last communication until Monday or Tuesday. These trips are taking a toll on us physically, except for the "Old guy" he raring to go again! Already! My Ex-football player friend suffered the most. Would you believe it, he's the youngest of us and in terrible physical shape. To much civilized living for him.

    It was a very exciting trip. me and my team used some new innovative methods and got some positive results. We learn a lot for our future trips.

    We will come back here again in May 2014. I've finally lined up a true "Skeptic" for that trip. He's from Maine, a Bear hunting guide, just like me, a seasoned outdoorsman, who thinks that all this Big footing business is all BS! And. . his wife, "may" come along to and she's a anthology major, beside being a "Skeptic" to. Paying for them both will cost me well over -$3,000+ or so, but it will be worth it. I feel very, very confident, that we will "Open their eyes' and will record they're every response.

    I've also decided to finish my book that I started in 2010, about our adventures, that will include pictures of us, our horses and mules, our equipment and of course, what we collected over 10 years in the way of "Evidence". I've already contracted with a publisher, and she thinks this will be a best seller!

    I might also, include some of Mike B's photos and experiences too. What do you think Mike?

    Joe F. If you ever get some extra time off, I would love for you to come on one of our trips. Then you could write about your experiences here, or in my book, and really school/Pawned your legions of detractors.

    My publisher also suggest an Audio type book, as to include the Yells, screams, chimp chatter etc in it.

    The book's real purpose will not prove Big foot exists, but to show people the strange encounters/ sightings we've had, that can't be explained away, as some common North American animal, and what it takes to really investigate/ research this animal in time, labor and expense. Plus I will include some of our innovative methods, how and why they work, so other researchers can learn from this.

    Any input ideas from you Joe F. Mike B. or likewise thinking researchers will be greatly appreciated.

    Go to go much to still do, Later!

    John W. Jones Spoke

    1. Hey John!

      Buddy, firstly... You can expect me to buy that book at the first opportunity, and secondly, if I can help you in any way what so ever with anything you know you can count on me 100% and I would be honoured. Glad you're all ok and excellent news that you have finally found a skeptic to go on your travels... I think the fact that he is an outdoorsman will help in the respect of him keeping up.

      It made me chuckle about the older gentleman of your team wanting to go again! Ha!!

      Frank has kept us informed and he comes across a gentleman. I think he was a little shocked at the abuse he had, but as I suggested; you have to take it to be able to express yourself.

      Peace buddy, I'll drop you an email about the book, very exciting.

    2. Can't wait not to buy it..You are so full of your self. Don't forget to dedicate it to frank the same person as you .

    3. lol at all the above^

      smoked footers chasing after magic apes in the forest

      ZERO evidence produced as always

    4. Leaping Russian Yeti and Party.

      You leaned something today.


    5. That was meant to say 'Patty', obviously.


    6. John, I live downstate in the city and have a question: Do we have giant trees with huge diameters like they do in the PNW? I've been upstate to Albany and the Catskills and haven't seen any forests as primal looking as the forests of the PNW...I want to see stuff like that but I guess it requires a trip to California....

    7. California is the place you oughtta be. You could load up the truck and move to Beverly........Hills that is........swimming stars. :)

  7. Yes, the yeti is a bear. It always was. But bears don't bring in international hype quite like the asian 'squatch.

  8. Hey John, I hope you get this before you turn off. It's Jitter, Frank is sitting right next to me. I got a partial email from you that Red was hurt? Is he ok? Please let us know asap! Jitter........

    1. Jitter, Red was hurt! He was washing dishes by a creek when a rock hit the water in front of him not 5 feet away. As he stood up, another rock, about the size of a ping-pon ball, hit him directly in his forehead. He blacked out for a couple of minutes. we found him lying on the ground.

      We administered some basic first aid, and now seems alright, except for a gash, and a splitting head ache. If it was serious, we would have a hard time getting aid. The field where are base camp was, would of been the only landing spot for a copter. I think he will be OK, but his head is already fucked-up from his football years, that's why he retired.
      We are leaving tomorrow, Sunday. I'll keep the Lap-top on till the very last minute we leave, just in case. otherwise, I'll see you at the pick-up point as scheduled.Please bring those leg packs with you, the large long ones, at least 12 of them. If anything more happens, of course I'll contact you.
      Oh, Joey P. says bring his cigars too.

      I guess we can add this to our adventure list. I didn't know "Bears" could throw rocks! What else could it be?

      See you tomorrow night!

      John W. Jones Spoke

    2. Wow, John. Another priceless story. Yes, please do keep your laptop on up to the very last minute, we will all be waiting here for you.

    3. ^^What a bunch of crap. JJ makes up these other people (Jitter, Red, Joey P.) " His head is already fucked up from his football years." Priceless. Just admit you're making this stuff so we can enjoy your stories without worrying that you are having a full-blown psychotic episode.

    4. Good at least I'm not the only one thinkin this is utter bullshit

    5. I think your all jealous of Mr. Jones

      Eve Stanly

    6. ^How many personalities do you have, JJ? On a serious note, I'm going to stop ripping on you. Keep the stories coming.

    7. I know Mr. Jones personally, and he has been a great friend to me, our town and especially to the Native Americans and Afro-Americans which reside here.
      I know the internet is full of very sick people. on almost every site whether it be about Big foots aliens ghosts sea monsters etc. they're comment page is full of sick vial comments like the ones that post here.
      But we all get at good laugh at these sick comments we sur do! and at the same time its sad what is happening to the youth of our country.
      Your all brave big men hiding behind an anon listing not man enough to write your own name. i bet you would never say the things you say to John's face!
      So keep it up we're laughing at youall!
      Linda Stanly

  9. I think everyone, including me that posts here is full of shit!

  10. ^You are right, friend. Best to just sit back and enjoy the goofiness.


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