Watch: Bigfoot Files - Episode 2 - Bigfoot/Sasquatch

We're pretty certain this episode of The Bigfoot Files featuring Dr. Bryan Sykes will disappear off YouTube in about 6 hours. Watch it before it gets taken down:

Bigfoot Files - Episode 2 - Bigfoot/Sasquatch

Air Date: 8pm, Sunday, October 27th 2013 on channel 4 UK
Program duration: 46:30


Mark Evans visits America's Pacific Northwest in search of 'Sasquatch'. In 1958 a digger driver called Jerry Crew found a series of huge footprints in Willow Creek, Northern California and the Bigfoot legend took off.

Since then the region has had over 1000 Bigfoot encounters. But for decades science has scorned the idea of Bigfoot, and anyone who studies it.

Mark meets some of the Bigfootologists who believe they've come face to face with these creatures: Justin Smeja, who claims to have shot two Sasquatch; Vietnam vet Dan Shirley, who claims he can communicate with Bigfoot by 'wood knocking'; Derek Randles, who's been a Sasquatch obsessive since a close encounter in 1985; and Native American Marcel Cagey, who says a Sasquatch changed his life.

And Professor Sykes reveals the results of his DNA tests on the hair samples he's collected. Will the results confirm the Bigfootologists' stories or will it be bad news?


Yeti, Bigfoot, Abominable Snowman, Sasquatch and Almasty are just some of the names for mysterious creatures across the globe that have fascinated crypto zoologists and confounded scientists for decades.

Are they an ancient hominid, a member of the human family like Neanderthals? Are they giant apes or some other species? Or are they simply hoaxes? A leading British geneticist believes he has the tools to finally answer the riddle.

Oxford Professor of Human Genetics Bryan Sykes has assembled substantial physical evidence, which he subjects to the most sophisticated DNA tests available, as he and presenter Mark Evans hope to answer scientifically, once and for all, the mystery of Bigfoot.



  1. Replies
    1. Much respect Rush... You are a true legend sir.

    2. 12:56, You know what? YOU SUCK!!

    3. "Hear here" ! Spoken like a true sportsman.I had my "Snakes&Arrow" tour cap on ealier sir
      < B-(/)
      hey joe and co.

    4. megadethferlife! long live your name..Hang em high clint-mmg < B-)

    5. You cant get DNA from a bigfoot idiots, they are not from this planet! They have a different genetic makeup from us and the other species from this planet. Wake up you delusional idiots and realise we are dealing with a creature that's completely different from what we are used to.

    6. Joe will never get - peace - around here.

  2. Sykes claimed towards the end of the study two samples were tested that are claimed to be groundbreaking, and deal with human evolution.

    His paper is in peer review.

    There is a Nat Geo documentary set to air Nov 17.

    Either these two samples are featured in the upcoming Almasty episode, or there were samples found in North America that could not yet be discussed on the Bigfoot Files episode.

    1. Who cares, Ketchum already proved it this Sykes is just a coathanger.

    2. The results of these two samples can't be presented to the world in a doncumentary. If they as groundbreaking as has been suggested then they have to be peer reviewed. I would expect more of the same this Sunday, but I'm hoping... Really hoping that he has something.


    3. You're hoping anyone has anything. So far you've been wrong on every single account.

    4. Probably in this last episode Sykes will reveal results from Zana and this gigantic Russian boxer, relating to Neanderthal or some such. He probably won't produce anything almasty.

      Channel 4 is partly commercial but is basically public service TV, and government funded. What you are "privileged" to see on a Channel 4 doc will be up to, basically, the British government.

      For all the great things they have produced over the decades, think of how the British people fund the BBC through taxes, then are "fed" what info the British government chooses to feed them. They are literally paying the government to give them info which the government chooses to give them.

      It adds insult to injury: I give you money in order for you to misinform me. It's a double-slam-insult. Here's my money; now lie to me or give me tiny scraps of half-truths and hide the truth from me. Thank you. I appreciate it. Lovely arrangement.

      How corrupt is that picture?

      You can apply a similar scenario to Channel 4. This series has already utterly blown its credibility by their outlandish joke of an explanation for the Shipton footprints. This mess calls into question what else the series has delivered, including DNA results. They aren't credible; like the Packham/BBC debacle, they are silly. It's turning into the Monty Python of documentaries.

      This series is also bending over a little too far backwards in an effort to claim that by testing two hairs, they have disproved the yeti, and making similar assertions for bigfoot. That's totally unscientific; even Disotell violently disagrees with that.

      The series seems to be produced by skeptards. Only a skeptard would say two hairs found 800 miles apart disprove the existence of a totally different creature. It's your classic logical fallacy.

      How Sykes fits into the picture, whether he's complicit with Channel 4 in their aims of discrediting the subject, or if the producers are creatively editing what Skyes says and delivers, we don't know.

      This Sunday will surely be Zana and the giant boxer perhaps relating to Neanderthal, and no almasty.

    5. Thnx shawn for the link , that was a good show!

    6. ^^ as far im concerned a extant,(not extinct) neanderthal . is the same as a almasty !

    7. That's funny Joe...You quote Monsterquest and Ancient Aliens all fucking day long as proof....but you want Sykes shit peer reviewed now? You are an absolute delusional fucking retard. It is amazing how retarded you really are. You have absolutely no grasp on reality you dim witted shit bubble.

    8. I'm not sure where I have stated that I 'want Sykes' work peer reviewed'? Are you sure you know what you're talking about?


    9. And just why would any government care enough for this grand conspiracy? Serious question 12:42,do you have mental illness? I ask not to mock but out of concern for your well-being.

    10. The British government say nothing but the truth!

    11. Im loosing a bet thanks to Sykes. Neanderthal will do though. Its almosty enough.

    12. 2:39 please explain why any of this would matter to the British government?

    13. It doesnt, hence they don't lie about it..... :S

    14. """" Sykes claimed towards the end of the study two samples were tested that are claimed to be groundbreaking, and deal with human evolution.

      His paper is in peer review.

      There is a Nat Geo documentary set to air Nov 17.

      Either these two samples are featured in the upcoming Almasty episode, or there were samples found in North America that could not yet be discussed on the Bigfoot Files episode. """"""


    15. Oh dear, firstly Channel 4 is wholly funded from the revenue generated by advertising and is in no way funded by our government. The BBC is funded by the income from us all buying the compulsory tv licensing fee every year. It's content and programming is not in anyway controlled by our government, it acts totally independently and was set up to act like this and to inform and entertain with no political bias. If it was controlled by the government then why would it continuously report on stories that either harm the government or expose members of parliament and government institutions that are corrupt. The BBC worked very hard to expose the Iraq war debacle for instance to suggest that in anyway it's an agent of government control is dumb and ill informed. BBC news is respected worldwide as a source of unbiased news reporting something that the US sadly lacks. Channel 4 is also very respected for it's unbiased attitude to the government and has also exposed them on many occasions and made many documentaries highlighting their short comings and just plain old colossal cluster fucks. A simple googling of Channel 4 funding would put right Probably Another Letdown's point, obviously this was too much for him to fit in to his hectic daily schedule of banging his head against a wall, masterbating over his assault rifle collection and shitting his pants. We've already got a resident tard in Joe please don't give us anymore.

    16. Check out some Noam Chomsky... Go and learn something.


    17. I don't know I'm not a conspiracy theorist but news stations here will do political corruption pieces even though the government has the networks in their pockets

    18. I do know Noam Chomsky, I'm also a big Jello Biafra and Greg Graffin fan but I don't see how that relates to the BBC or Channel 4 Joe?

    19. I get what you're saying Bandini but the BBC is quite different to anything in the US, in fact all our tv news has be reported with no political bias so Fox News wouldn't be allowed to broadcast over here lol! I'm not nationalistic in anyway but the BBC and the creation of our Welfare State are pretty much all we've got to be proud since 1945 :)

    20. Don't feel bad the Chicago cubs baseball team haven't won a World Series since 1908 so I feel your pain and all our news stations here in the states are owned by 3 companies so even though they seem biased really they aren't considering they donate to both sides so no matter which wins they are owed a favor and not only that but they get tax credits for every dollar donated shit not only that but they give us the illusion that our votes count but whoever the electoral colleges pick wins and they don't even have to vote for the person voted for by their constituents sooooo it's just a big shitty illusion that we matter and yet no one calls them out on this complete fuckin bullshit crazy huh considering we went to war with you guys over tea tax in the grand scheme a tea tax is fuckin nonsense compared to the shit going on over here right now

    21. And dare you question anything you get put on some theoretical list and jailed for nonsense that's why everclear the band said it best........

      You gotta take your medication everyday
      Be a good dog livin life in a wonderful way

    22. And dare you say a word while on this list you can be detained indefinitely without due process as an enemy of the state

    23. Shit is indeed fucked up Mr Bandini hell I'd be amazed if Obama even knew how many different world leaders your NSA was spying on because no matter who is in the White House think it's alphabet organisations that do what the hell they want to with no questions asked. Hell us Brits are nearly as bad as we're helping you do it as we have a lovely agreement, you guys don't spy on us and we help you spy on everyone else! Hell no one in our country actually voted for our government as it's a coalition of two parties with totally opposing views! With all those government alphabet agencies and huge corperations there's no room for democracy and the fucked up thing is no one does anything about it, not much different on our side of the Atlantic either.

    24. Agree on the government/corporate/media/banking oligarchy. Oxford is part of the establishment--I had a feeling that they would do this. The show is like all the others, very biased towards disproving. Strange this project came out on the heels of the other dna study. Don't know if it was credible, but maybe she was on to something or close. So they come out with this to finally "put a nail on the coffin" of all of it. No idea why they don't want this known, it's very puzzling. I believe Derek Randles saw what he saw. As far as the BBC not being political---ha ha. Was it the BBC or another British channel that reported that Building 7 had fallen when it was still standing visible behind the reporter, only to fall some 20 minutes later? Even if that wasn't BBC, I know that Jimmy Savile was BBC. Anyone know who I'm talking about? The virtuous BBC out for public good COVERED UP this mangy pedophile's horrific crimes for years and is still trying to keep it down. Why? Savile was connected to British government insiders and was a buddy of the royal family, especially Prince Charles. Savile said he did "favors" for them. And now you have the chauffeur found dead before he could testify. Whatever the case, this show seems to have an agenda (debunking Bigfoot and unknown hair/dna existence) and the BBC is just as crooked as all the big media in the US. Anyone that thinks it is, research Jimmy Savile.

  3. And here Johnny Computer was tellin' us the other day that you can "get it anywhere!" moron... "Do you internet?"


    1. There is more to the Internet than mainstream sites like YouTube.

      Do you even Internet?

      - Johnny computer

  4. Replies
    1. Cause he's a lovely old man that deserves to be in front of the fire with a cheese sandwich.


  5. Kitekaze's patty suit bombshell

    1. Didn't he get caught out telling fibs?


    2. Joe is the only one who has been called out for lying in here. Idiot.

    3. Joe is paid by Shawn to try and convince people bigfoot is real, or at least make them interested to visit this blog for 'evidence'. He is paid to keep footers believing, therefore keeping the traffic for this blog high, therefore generating money through advertising.

      Just like every other sasquatch scam. Hes as bad as all the other footer cons.

    4. We need to keep an eye on you footers, can't let you get out of hand.

    5. That's what trolling's all about. love it or leave it.

    6. Troll/bigfoot same thing really, human beasts that only exist in legend. But after reading the 'evidence' comments on this blog, i'm starting to think the online monster actually could be real.

    7. ^ Yep trolls. They come in all size and age..I got the evidence. I found a pc in the basement and I believe it's got some dna on it.

    8. Clearly you guys are not seeing the connection, Shawn Evidence = joe fitzgerald

    9. I seen that connection long ago people told me I was just being suspicious/paranoid


    Mulder: I have a baseball
    Skeptic: Prove it
    Mulder: Here it is.
    Skeptic: Gee, you were right.


    Mulder: I have a baseball
    Skeptic: Prove it
    Mulder: YOU CAN'T PROVE I DONT!!!!

    1. love that picture, I think someone got banned on the BFF for posting it up

      funny though because its true...

  7. There is no such thing as sasquatch.

  8. What a fucking liar, this Moron is. He is just like Dyer! Don't forget Dyer shows the body in December! Anyone want to bet it is a Hoax! Americans, are just getting dumber and dumber!

    1. ^what?!? rick dyer hoax? surely you jest!

    2. I didn't realize Joe was American.

    3. Hes an American ancestor, us humans are descended from his kind. Its said they still exist amongst the sheep on a small island. But there is no evidence to support this theory.

  9. I sent Sykes a fist full of my pubes. Came back as black bear. I am neither gay nor african american.

  10. Can't wait until the results come out! Exciting stuff.

  11. From a recent BFF Mod Warning:
    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. On the BFF we accept very little at face value. We may have a tendency to over-analyze claims and be more skeptical than some other forums dedicated to this topic, but we think that is preferable to the alternative.

    Skeptics welcome! Assuming you don't come in with preconceived and immovable notions regarding Bigfoot and those who discuss the phenomenon, you'll find a spirited and thought-provoking debate waiting for you here. But keep in mind, this is a Bigfoot forum. You must accept the proponents point of view if you expect yours to be considered. This is by nature a “Bigfoot House” and is intended to foster intelligent discussion of the subject. This is not “The Anti-Bigfoot Forum”.

    To the skeptical among us - If you can't accept the proponent's point of view and discuss the evidence without being combative and insulting, it might be time for you to move along.

    To the proponents among us - If you expect everyone to take your position at face value based on extraordinary claims without the evidence to support them, maybe you should also consider moving on, as well.

    Admittedly this warning had be delivered after some sceptical footers had been pounded pretty hard.

    Nonetheless after the torrent of abuse on the previous thread it is very relevant.


    1. Thats why we troll this site, now run back to your BFF where you are safe.

    2. "intelligent discussion of the subject"


      magic apes? come on.......

    3. basically the footers cant take the absolute pwning they get from the skeptics so instead of arguing their points with real evidence they just ban the people who even dare to question their faith.

      by default it means the footers lost the argument. (well that and the complete lack of a bigfoot anywhere ever of course)

    4. What in the same way Munns got banned from the JREF?

      As I said the warning was to protect Darrell and Drew from getting pounded again.

      As for pwning's from skeptics? It only happens in the dark recesses of their tiny troll minds.

      The 'argument' has raged for over 50 years my friend and here you are still flogging your dead horse.

      You don't believe in BF?

      Who the fuck cares?


    5. how exactly did Darrell and Drew get pounded?

      did someone produce the monkey? I must have missed that.....

    6. "The 'argument' has raged for over 50 years my friend and here you are still flogging your dead horse."

      you just hammered the final nail in your own coffin, if such a thing was even possible.

      50 years and no evidence. go figure.

    7. No evidence?

      Do we really have to listen to that circle jerk AGAIN?

      As for hammering nails... I see you are still here getting nowhere.

      Keep shouting Magic Monkey Man. It must help reassure you.


    8. Shit, they don't have the majic monkey that prooves evolution?????

      Why don't you tards go pester a bunch of scientists about that. now that is the real f'n hoax. Go ask those same scientists about the elongated skulls found all over.

      Come on you stupid tards, you don't have proof of the biggest lie of all.

      A stupid man seeks to elaborate on that of which he knows little! ---------- tards.

      Ever heard the old saying, lead, follow or get the hell out of the way. You stupid fucking, nay-saying tards are completely useless. Cry, cry , cry for proof ----------- go find it your self or just go the fuck away We knowers don't really care which, so long as you idiots go.

    9. You sir are a complete fucking idiot ^^^

  12. Thanks for the propaganda.
    I am baffled as to how any one would be naive enough to think that a discovery as paradigm shifting as the discovery of a relic hominid living today would ever be revealed on a cheesey spike channel style documentary on the BBC.... It is more absurd than the idea being "investigated" in this "documentary".
    all creatures know truth from lies, at an instinctual level, and so it would seem to me that the best evidence is still and will always be, looking a person that is claiming to have encountered a sasquatch in the eyes as they tell their tale. You can tell who is lying.

    1. Number one it's not the BBC, number two the guy presenting it is a biologist and a veterinarian, number three all they're doing is getting people to tell their stories and then revealing test results, number four it's actually been proven that it's easier to tell if someone's bullshitting by listening to their voice not their body language, number five quit pissing and moaning because they didn't tell you what you want to hear

    2. You are right on the money. Make no mistake, this is simply entertainment. A show of this sort is made to attract viewers, not educate them. Major discoveries are not presented via television programs.

    3. What major discovery we talking bout here, people finding bear DNA in America?

    4. ^^^anon 4:51... Number one, you're an idiot. Number two, you're an idiot. Number three, you're an idiot. Number four and especially number five, you are a fucking idiot... Make a sensible point. Douchetard.

  13. A little arithmetic: of 7 samples from WA state, they say five were deer, bear, etc. They did not tell about the other two. So guess what, those are his two groundbreaking samples.

    1. yea keep dreaming the dream bro......

      im sure THIS time you will be vindicated...

      ahahha you magic ape hunters are nuts

    2. I'd like to know why those two were ignored myself.

    3. Weren't they horse, canine or porcupine?

    4. Mullis has just released a very interesting statement giving insight into the 'difficulties' both he and Sykes had with Icon Films.

      Icon wanted to cut both Mullis and Sykes out of the Doc completely.

      Nothing mentioned about the 2 samples but looks like the corroboration between Bigfootology and Sykes will continue for some time.


    5. Complete bullshit. Rhettman (who names their kid Rhettman?) is a parasite. I seriously doubt that Sykes has anointed this idiot to speak to the masses for him. Mullis is just another attention whore.

    6. Attention whore^^^^^

      And threatened by the truth it seems.

    7. Attention whore coming from you Joe that's classic

    8. There are no more samples, all of them are accounted for when you add in Justin's bear and boots

  14. im going back to being a skeptic thanks alot sykes u opened my eyes

    1. Based on the second show in the series? I guess your mind is a little overreactive.

    2. Some of the stuff that desperate skeptic's post here is hilarious.

      'Thanks a lot Sykes u opened my eyes'

      That statement is skeptic's wet dream. Pity they'll never hear it said in reality.


  15. Holy cow. You mean there is still one more show in the series? How did Brookerson loose his self imposed bet with one show left? Would he not be kosher until the final credits roled on the final episode? So you mean I will have to keep my self imposed boycott and not eat Lucky Charms for what 3 more days? I realize Joe may not apologise at that point but at least I could be butt hurt about not having me Lucky Charms. I'm trying to man up to my obligations like Mike Brookerson. I guess a mans gotta do what a kids gotta do and abstain from the best thing to come out of England since the Beatles.

  16. Joe f they show two samples in last episode from. USA that are ground breaking and says they will be revealed on a special episode !

  17. Smeja is clearly a liar. When asked if his story was a hoax he answered "Why would I want to do that?" Classic response of a liar. Don't answer the question yes or no; answer with another question.

    1. ^^^ clearly an idiot giving opinions based on zero fact.

      I think if I see one I'm going to blow it's stupid head off. The thing isn't from around this dimention anyway. If it gets a chance, it will rip your head off. These things be bad mojo.

      Yah, I watched the show and it kinda made me think it was a hit piece. Why the hell would you even produce a THREE part show about noth'in?????????

      We'll see at the end if Sykes mans up, or falls on the sword for Science. So far, looks like a sword.

    2. ^^^^ You really are retarded are you?

  18. Can anyone please me why Matt Moneymaker is such a freaking fat douchebag?? Its beyond annoying that he thinks he knows everything about Bigfoots and the wildlife in the wild!! You can tell by watching Finding Bigfoot that none of the cast Cliff, BoBo or Ranea like Matt!! All them completely dislike him with a passion!! I would love to take one of Matts walking poles and beat his fat ass with it!! The show would be better if Matt wasn't on it!! F**king Fat a$$ Matt "Douchebag" MoneyMaker!!!!!

  19. Randles was the only one with his head on straight. The other ass wads are similar to religous zealots who put their imaginations in front of un-biased reality. I don't know about Smeja, his story is over the top. Sykes & company set out to make a comedy about some backwoods 'mericans who say goofy things about Bigfoot. Bill Maher made us laugh with Religulous, Sykes did with Bigfoot Files. He didn't go near credible sources (except Randles) like Meldrum, Barakman, Cutino, Moneymaker, and my favorite....Rugg. His sample group was small with some seriously botched provenance. Smejas boots.....months later? WTF? Sykes met his objective, to shut up the redneck Americans by letting them hang themselves with thier own rope, by not reaching out to credible resources and embarrassing them with a comedy series.

    1. Meldrum worked with Sykes at one point so that's crap. It was also Cutino who gave up Justin's boot sample so you're wrong there too and if the other guys had any credible evidence why didn't they send it to Sykes like Randles did?

    2. I was just saying who I think are people who can have intlligent comversatoin about the subject. Mr. Rug would have made a great case for Samsquantch. This whole thing is crap. Like you say....why weren't those guys part of this? They wanted Bigfooters to look stupid. " Its feeding time" "it was a monster" geeeezus! You misunderstood me, 1:02

  20. I was kind of on the fence about Samsquatch BUT Sykes has thoroughly removed all hope. Thanks for the kick in the ass Dr Sykes, back to reality. Bigfoot is Bullshit.

  21. Hey Joe, long time. How's things?

    tick tock Sykes is coming...tick tock

    lol. Sorry, had to pop in for a smirk.


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