Montana Bigfoot?

Is this Bigfoot or Brushfoot? Albert Fuhs inadvertently filmed this figure while researching in Northern Montana. In our opinion, it's probably just a shadow.

Fuhs' the same person who filmed the "Fred" footage which looks similar to the figure in the video above:



  2. Two words:

    Ancient fucking aliens.

  3. Today is the day half wits! Kind of makes you wonder why Ro and Justin didn't have the brains to push that movie through before Sykes tells the world he shot a bear. Hindsight is 20-20 I guess. Where can I get some of that?

    1. Ya, cause you'll be saying --- geez, there really is a Bigfoot. stupid tard!

  4. this is just plain rediculous that i refuse to dignify this with a response. "..shadowsquatch ...".cheezus.

    1. That's the most believable clear picture of a Big foot as I ever saw! This proves they exist. And don't tell me that I'm looking at a shadow, I've been hunting since I was nine years old.

    2. Is Mikey submitting crap evidence again?

  5. Get up! Get up you drunken drones. You've got about 7 hours to go find me a bigfeets before Sykes tells the world how full of shit you are.
    Knock! Howl! Put your gifting basket on your head like the Chiquita banana lady and run naked through the woods! Especially you broads...

  6. This video is just plain BAD
    Shadow Bigfoot anyone???

  7. I don't think bigfoot would be that short even lying down.
    It's a freakin shadow!

    1. The grass is tall in this video since it's fall. 2-3 feet ushally and it's hard to determine the slope where the subject is sitting ( hole or side slope). They do get down low a lot either haunches or all 4. Don't discount it.

    2. Nobody can say that it's not a bigfoot until the entire scientific community gives up all of this other nonsense (curing cancer, solving world hunger and other stupid shit) and devote 110% to properly documenting the overwhelming evidence that bigfoot is real! Then and only then will I believe for one second that bigfoot do not exist. If even one scientist anywhere on the planet doesn't devote himself day and night to nothing else, then they haven't done enough. Now if you'll excuse me, they are kicking me out of Barnes and Noble again.


  8. I ushally have a problem with people who just film landscapes then later "Discover" a Sasquatch on the film. It's a big red flag. This one does have quite a bit if definition to be better than a shadow but it's the way it was discovered that still makes me cautious on this one.

    1. It sure looks like one of Mike B's photos!

    2. I thought the same thing.Woooooo.!

  9. Looks like M's credible work. Shadow chasers

  10. you are either a genius who can spot bigfoot no matter what the pic is or have a brain like a hard boiled egg.

    1. they did one of thum scanny things and it's perfectly flat. like a pancake

    2. Hey Harry, let me see if I can make you jealous. Headed out the door to the World Street Finals in Famoso. Ca

      How about those10.5 tired Turbo cars in the 7's and 8's Ya------Hooo.

      They'll be Tards on here--------- there is no such thing as a drag car, I've never seen one so that makes it impossible! ha ha ha .

    3. 7 and 8 holy fuck that's faster than a lamb ill be lucky to reach the low 10 when I blow mine

    4. Finishing my second cup / bake and out the door. Last year there was a guy with a 400 ponti with an odd-fire crank set up. Sounded like a flat v-6 on nitro. Thing made TORQUE and boogie'd! Sounded like an old airplane engine ---- bad-ass though

      I always seem to notice that the Believers have, and mention other interests in there lives.

      But the Tards have nothing but evil, anger, and closed-mindedness as hobbies. Huh?

    5. I have a 454 I have a forged eagle titanium pushrods there's tons of shit on there I ported and polished everything

    6. Sorry eagle crank I've got hbeam piston rods I can't remember if the pistons or rings were hyperpeutic this was a bit of foggy time in my life I've got it dry sump Pete Jackson noisy gear drive 100 hp nitrous shot I bored it 30 over

    7. It's at the body guy now I'm getting it metallic black with flames to make it faster lol

    8. Sweet, ----- just got back!

      street 10.5 class --- 6.80's fuck
      pro 10.5 class --- 5.80's shit , i remember whan top alcohol wasn't in the 5's

      They had an 1/8 mile class running on 8.5's all motor in the 4's.

      Saw one 69 firebird running in the 10.90 index class.
      One buick Skylark 12.30's

      Neetest car of the day. 52 chevy truck running 9.90 index. That thing would earn some money on the street ---- sleeper! ha ha ha ha ha ha.

    9. Damn dude my body guy did this badass gran national I know they're not quick but priceless none the less

  11. Mud helmet.It's a living breathing thing.

  12. look out for "Facile movements..."?
    It would help if these people could spell properly.


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