Clingman's Dome Looks Super Squatchy At Zero Visibiity

Emily C. took this photograph from the top of Clingman's dome, the highest peak in the Smokies. It's also the second tallest point east of the Rockies. The peak stands at 6,643ft tall and looks extremely creepy in the morning, which makes a Bigfoot encounter even more frightening. This footage was filmed at the dome about two years ago:


  1. Replies
    1. Congrats Count!

      Mike Brookreson and the Texas Hillcountry Cryptozoological Society have two new videos uploaded on their channel; these are 'THCS Woodknocks & Samples, and 'THCS Tree Breaks'. I will supply the link below, please subscribe and let us know what you think of the videos.


    2. Schooled you good, that's all care about today. Liars don't deserve any sympathy.

    3. Once again for Fartzgerald..............

      Joe, most of the people you bring up as "credible" are a fucking joke. Just like your tired and bogus arguments. Just shut up already. You make it hard for anybody to enjoy anything about the subject on this site. Believer or are one of the true trolls of this website. You make it hard to even consider the evidence. While you sit there and pound the pavement about skeptics never looking at your "evidence," you never once bring anything remotely valid to the table. Not to mention you don;t take anything the skeptics say as worth anything. You are just as bad.
      Try something new for once. Go out and get better evidence. The reason the skeptics reign supreme is the fact that your "evidence" has been mostly picked through, and torn apart. Not all of it, but mostly. So just stop for once, and look at yourself. You look like a lunatic at best, and you are what everybody makes fun of with 'Footing. You do more harm than good. Yes there are trolls on here, but you seem to be the most uninformed one. Do us all a favor and try something new. Most importantly, admit when your stupid ass is wrong, which is quite often, as that would bring some humility into the shit you post.

      King of Reality

    4. You are very welcome bro. Let me know what you think.


    5. That was obviously directed at The Count...

      King of Reality... Or should I say; King of Butt Hurt BS?

      "Blah blah blah blah blah... Repeat, burp, fart."

      Counter my points for once instead of dribbling on to the keyboard bro... I am going nowhere and there is nothing you can do or have ever said that has or ever will counter my points that are backed up with experts and professionals, and that is all that is important to me.

      How about you try something... Instead of sitting there and typing little in the way of reality, try and actually debate me and counter my points for once as opposed to just saying they have been... What's that?

      Oh yeah...

      "Blah blah blah blah blah... Repeat, burp, fart."

      Now run along old boy... You're just a little sore from the last time I made you look silly.


    6. ^ JOE ,pay" that king of reality"? no nevermind as he is nothing more than a sick fool, pity him,,

    7. Poor Joe. He has to keep getting on his knees and taking my scepter. He can't come up with anything better than talking smack. Joe there is nothing to counter you silly boy, as all you can do is try and make fun and you aren't even good at that. You aren't fit to carry my jock. So be quiet, and simmer down. I wasn't trying to get under your skin, which I clearly did. I was only trying to let you know what a dip-shit you are. You have to wake up every day, clean your room, get poured cereal by your mommy, then look in the mirror and realize that you got called out and completely owned by people like Daniel Campbell. My, my, my, what a shitty existence you must live. Poor little chap. Now, back to what I originally said....oh will just try and deflect, and not take any of those very valid points won't you? Get your silly little ass out there and do something. In the end you know absolutely nothing. Your tired and untrue rhythmic typing of same old same old won't cut it sport. So get to work, and quit trying to deflect what is said. And don't make me tell you again you little weasel!


    8. "He can't come up with anything better than talking smack."

      I'm sorry... I think you need to come up with something to counter Dermals, a transcribed language, unknown primate DNA, footage, hair, scat, tens of thousands of eye witnesses, 100 years of printed news media of skeletal remains, before you suggest what other people can cope with. Cause as long as those things are not debunked, you can celebrate Sykes all you like.

      "Now, back to what I originally said....oh will just try and deflect, and not take any of those very valid points won't you?"

      ... And this guy calls himself the King Of Reality? More like King Klown. Look at what you have never confronted with regards to my comments on this blog... You have never once, not once even attempted to debate me, but try and abuse me. That is 'deflecting King Klown. That pretty much says it all and reason enough for you to continue down this road as opposed to trying anything else, because... You wanna know reality?

      You are just plain stupid.

      ; )

    9. Gimme a hell yeah! if you haven't read a single sentence PJ has written since the Sykes fiasco.

      Hell yeah!

    10. Joe everything you have to bring to a debate is just timeworn bullshit pure and simple...and you're the stupid one

    11. And I feel it was more of a debacle than a fiasco.

    12. ^Shhh. Just sit there and breathe hard asshole.

    13. Oh I have read him. And enjoyed him lying his way out of previous statements. And this is obvious to anyone who has followed this story.

    14. There's nothing more hysterical and sad at the same time, than someone who lies, cheats and then get;s exposed as a liar and a burger flipper.

      Burger King.

  2. I don not like this guys reviews
    he is to glib..... Please fire his ass.

  3. His break downs of clips SUCK. Please get anyone else to do this maybe the preacher who does the Youtube stuff

  4. Well, a blank page looks super squatchy to the squatchers. They see what they want to see. They are stupid.

    1. I tell you what; here's a little exercise for you on 'seeing what you want to see'...


      Leaping Russian Yeti (MK Davis version)

      ... Let me know what you see...


    2. Hey Joe,you know where MK is going

    3. I do yes... How did you find that out??


    4. For those of you playing at home, we've just heard from 'Joe Fitzgerald', best known for making a monumental ass of himself by pretending to know that Sykes' information was the exact opposite of what it eventually turned out to be. Let's listen now, and see if the trolls rise to the bait offered by this lunatic...

    5. ...Joe, why in the world did you think that a sensational announcement like "There are 8 ft, half ton bipedal primates in American forests" would be made on a prerecorded, low budget doc and aired on a second tier basic cable channel...Common sense alone indicated the guy had jack shit....

    6. With my belief for months that Sykes would deliver positive news to the enthusiasts was off the back off many researchers stating they felt that. I must also remind you, something that has conveniently been forgotten by you; that I was very, very clear in the respect of communicating that if Sykes should do the opposite, that he would be only as good as his samples.

      We all did some things in an effort to win a thread of debate... The trolls used obscenities and attacks, mine was to express a false sense of total confidence in that I 'knew' how the results would fall. Again... This is something I was quite open about not days after I apologized and was allowed back on the blog... I admitted this to you and I admitted this to everyone else. I would have had to have been a mystic to have truly of known the extent of his results, but the fact that he was aligning himself with top researchers would have suggested his agenda and in many ways still does as far as what his long term research will unfold as.

      I will always admit when I am wrong, and have been on a number of occasions, but unlike you I can admit that and put faith into the understanding that any field of research should be a self correcting mechanism to secure progress and understanding.

      I believe that he will find no Bigfoot in this series of documentaries and that the long term results of his peer review will either yield a genetic link from Asia to the America's or something that can be attributed to Bigfoot DNA... That is me being realistic and understanding that any major discovery cannot be put to the world in a documentary series, but must be peer reviewed. Now... It comes down to me 'hoping', not 'knowing' that the two samples he has that will reportedly 'change the world' so to speak... Will be what I want them to be.

      You be careful you don't set yourself up for a result that doesn't automatically align with 'Bigfoot', but something that could easily be interpreted as evidence for it being a possibility.

      You have been corrected.

    7. but...but...but...Patty! Leaping Russian Yeti (MK version)!


    8. Shhhhh,don't worry about it.

    9. Be loud, and worry about it.

    10. ..Yes, you did say he was only as good as the samples..As of now though it looks like his paper will be about this archaic polar bear..we will see...

    11. Oh Silly Joe, singing a much different tune, and trying to warp what actually happened, and what many people can go back and dig up on this blog as REALITY from the past.

      The Court HAS SPOKEN!


    12. King of his own reality. ^

    13. In Leaping Russian Yeti; you either see a creature jumping from bipedal to quadrupedal motion in very tricky terrain, leaping feet into the air in transitioning those motions, muscle tone in the back and arss, limb length and girth matchable to patty... Or you see a blob or a man in a suit without offering an explanation how that stealth would be accomplished; even in a bulky, no-neck outfit.

      ... At 1.47 mins, you see it pull itself along with it's arms in that terrain.

      King Klown...

      Run along, you are probably the dimmest out of everyone I have have drilled on this blog.

    14. Maybe it's a known primate. Ever think of that, boy genius?

    15. That would articulate it's non-human motion wonderfully thank you... And please don't call me a genius, my ego is inflated drilling you people as it is.


  5. Tough call. I know for a FACT there are no bears in those mountains.

    1. Big bear, he's sweet as a bird but smells like a hog.

    2. I have been from one end of the park to the other. Zip Zero. Nada. No bears. I did count 17 Almasties, 42 Orang Pendeks and a Manticore.

  6. Why is it, that EVERY Video, even some of the clear ones like this one, is ALWAYs deemed a MAN IN A MONKEY SUIT?

    If/when ever someone actually films a REAL BIGFOOT that, when presented will be called a fake, a hoax, and FUCKING MAN IN A MINKEY SUIT!
    So no matter what, any video no matter how good, you TROLLS will not except it as real! Because you don't believe in anything, except your own BULLSHIT!

  7. See the two people walking fast at the beginning of the video? They are actually two Sasquatches wearing people suits.

  8. Perfect place to blurry footage of ... BugFarts

  9. I'm prepping for my bigfoot harvest down in Hoecke's Canyon, yep it's that time of year.

  10. So people who change the subject are trolls. Hmmm, since Sykes has not found anything from all these premier samples the best of the best. Then that indicates NO BIGFOOT hence the topic of bigfoot is not a "subject" to change. So they are not trolls they are intellegent people who want to discuss something real and meaningfull. Not a fantasy monkey. I suggest we get back to a subject that is on every mans mind. No I won't tell you what it is but it is a 9 letter word. But before we do that I suggest we gloat just a little longer. Watch the writhing and knashing of teeth. Here is a pointer buy stock in companys that manufacture anti depressants and anti anxiety drugs. The footers are going to be making a run on them and the stock should soar. OH and I guess we won't be needing to import a bigfoot "hitman" from New Zealand now will we. You can't make a 1000 yard shot or a 1 1/2 inch group into something that does not exist. Well maybe the dude does have some illegal mexicans running around in gilly suits on that ranch.

    1. Was that MJ A? What a paltroon! Is this some kind of international dick smoking task force?

    2. No trolls are folks, very much like yourself who spend inordinate amounts of time on BF blogs. Not because the subject is of particular interest to you but more importantly it provides an opportunity to make pathetic, weak attempts to mock and belittle others with a different viewpoint.

      You suggest that you are a wishing to discuss the subject in an intelligent and meaningful way but that facade slips by the very next sentence and the BS abuse kicks in again little some kind of tard autopilot.


    3. Lighten up dickhead. Talkin squatch is not exactly like discussing foreign policy now, is it?

      I fail to understand why your ilk doesn't flock to sites like BFF for your unfiltered nonsense.

    4. What part of Bigfoot f*ckin Evidence did you not understand?

      BFE and BFF are Bigfoot sites where folks discuss Bigfoot.

      Not very bright are you?


    5. ..MMG, maybe there is some degree of schadenfreude but people can be interested in cryptozoology while assigning a low probability to the existence of a particular cryptid such as bigfoot..Undoubtedly, there IS a bigfoot phenomena and people have different opinions on what is the cause..This guy probably thinks its hoaxers, mis-ids and wishful thinking, others think its due to an actual animal. Believers should have a place where the discussions take existence as a given, but this blog ain't that place.....

    6. "Lighten up dickhead. Talkin squatch is not exactly like discussing foreign policy now, is it?"

      'Unfiltered nonsense'?


    7. I love the skeptic"s,, we own them! we control them! They HATE the fact we dont belive what they do. They cant fucking handel it... I LOVE IT .. they are such weak CHUMPS..

    8. ^ go to hell you,you,assfagqueer.

    9. Footers: please explain how phenomena such as Hula girl substantiate your half ton biped theory.

      I'll hang up now and listen to your reply.

    10. ..I'll take that one guys..The truth is, not everyone likes getting nothing.. Hula girl, well, she sure sure is something....

    11. No No come back here. My weak little chump.. you

    12. You say you own us yet you are dancing for my entertainment. Not the other way around.

  11. ..One would have thought that after all these projects, studies and documentaries we would have no need for asinine,piece of shit, attention seeking garbage like this retarded video, yet here we are.....

  12. So now with no bigfoots we are discussing Clingons?

    1. OMG. Klingons, with a K! Are you TRYING to start an intergalactic war, moron?

    2. maybe it was the toilet kind he meant

  13. Replies
    1. ^ Shhhh. Don't worry about it asshole.

    2. Shhhhh,don't worry about it.

    3. Joe Fitz it's the Canadian guy is episode 2 of Bigfoot files on utube yet does anyone now ???????

    4. Is that the one where he fights Rocky Balboa?

    5. Hey bro...

      I don't think so bro. How's things??


    6. "Hey bro...

      I don't think so bro. How's things??



    7. ????? Was that meant to be clever???????

  14. Its over folks. Bigfoot don't exist. Well we already knew this but now bryan sykes has confirmed it.

  15. Leave them go Joe,you're on the cusp of great things I believe

    1. I'm trying my hardest every day to not respond... It's a tester.

      Thanks Rum.

    2. Ohhhh, dumferlife and fitzgargle sittin in a tree...

    3. great things like what? Stealing another mans work and claiming it as his own? Yeah we have seen how that worked out.

    4. time will tell...dumferlife?Indeed,consider the source

  16. Every redneck this side of the figure 8 track's seen bigfoot. But again no one can close the deal because he's a fantasy that man concocts in his mind. .

  17. anon 5:10 as your lacking in the dept, stated above^ i can understand your conclusion to the sasquatch phenomena, come back tomorrow and try again.. ocd..


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