UFO Crash Wilmington Ohio Sept. 27, 2013? Military And Police Confirm? [MuldersWorld.com]

A group of neighbors call into a live podcast show last night (09/27) to report a UFO crash. The callers sounds legit and apparently, there were several witnesses. Listen below. The calls starts at 2:33 in the video:

See more videos like this at MuldersWorld.com


  1. Replies
    1. ...get out you firsting scum!!...

    2. calm down. It's Saturday night. Relax dude

    3. no HOT PINK SNAPPER .for you mr. LAST! as always mellissa h.

    4. Third Phase of the Moon put out this fake crap all the time on YouTube.

    5. Yabba dabba do, you hosers.

  2. Leaving for Wilmington shortly. Got a buddy who lives by the lake there. Stay tuned for live updates ( ETA 2230 EST)

  3. So, aliens travel thousands of light years, with ships that incorporate technology beyond anything we could imagine, come to visit earth, and then crash? Regularly?

    What, the first thing they do upon arrival is hit the liquor store, get liquored up, fly around, crash?

    Really? If you can fly across the universe without mishap, you sure as hell can fly around earth without smashing into things.

    1. They crash all the time! If not how do you explain all the tech we've invented since Roswell? Like humans could come up with computers, radar cloaking, Velcro, Lego, Green Lantern, VHS, lasers, P90X, silly string, Prius and Red Bull!! It was all reverse engineered from alien tech except for Green Lantern whose just out there reminding us not to make more Ryan Reynolds movies

    2. Why would alien spacecraft have lights to begin with?

    3. They aren't used to our atmosphere couples with them shootin too much heroine I actually see it the same way as you but for the sake of arguement I'll play craziness advocate

    4. The lights are created by exciting mercury in a closed system it's blindingly intense so you'd wanna do it on the outter edge so not to blind the pilots

    5. They come here for some taterhole action...Aliens do not have taterholes--There digestive system has an organic teleportation colon that transports their poop into deep space..

    6. Would that be the missing dark matter?

  4. THIS IS A BIGFOOT SITE not a UFO SITE!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Last I checked this was a called "Bigfoot Evidence". WTF is this about UFOs?

  6. Fake UFO crash is one of the most credible voices in the bigfoot community.

    1. No sir anon only you are the most credible voice in Bigfoot community

  7. It was just a meteor. Uneducated rednecks always think it's aliens http://thelibertarianrepublic.com/watch-meteoroid-explodes-skies-ohio-video/#.UkdvcmSG0a4 lion

    1. What about educated rednecks?

      What about formally educated rednecks?

      What about self educated rednecks?

      What about rednecks both formally and self educated?

      We hope you aren't a bigot.

    2. With out having to use their own name they'll never need to take responsibility for what they say causing tons of people to just be shitty human beings cause you'll never know who they are

  8. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. What I'm an asshole I know that but I don't trash under anon so I'm not talkin bad anon then tryin to be nice under my name and I don't just tell people random shit usually it's because they go around hoaxin


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