Tim Fasano To Talk About TimberGiantBigfoot on "Monster X Radio" Blogtalk, Today at 4PM PST

On Sunday (today), Tim Fasano will be taking off his gloves and start putting the smack-down on TimberGiantBigfoot's latest "Big Red" video. Fasano will be a special guest on the podcast channel, Monster X Radio, and he's inviting TGBF "fanboys" to call into the show. It all starts this afternoon at 4PM PST. Here's the link to the podcast and below is Fasano's latest video regarding the show:


  1. Replies
    1. For a plus-sized guy he's rocking that pistachio shirt!

    2. He looks like a giant lime.

    3. Kevin can dress up like a coconut.

    4. Tim puts his lime in Kevins coconut and then they stir it all up.;)

    5. I can't believe anyone would want to listing to that Fat Pig talk about anything. He hoaxes so therefore anyone that finds anything at all he says is a hoax. I stopped watching his videos years ago because he blocked me for asking legit questions about his videos. Im sure that is one pod cast that wont have to many listeners...LOL

    6. I can't believe anyone would want to listing to that Fat Pig talk about anything. He hoaxes so therefore anyone that finds anything at all he says is a hoax. I stopped watching his videos years ago because he blocked me for asking legit questions about his videos. Im sure that is one pod cast that wont have to many listeners...LOL

    7. I can't believe anyone would want to listing to that Fat Pig talk about anything. He hoaxes so therefore anyone that finds anything at all he says is a hoax. I stopped watching his videos years ago because he blocked me for asking legit questions about his videos. Im sure that is one pod cast that wont have to many listeners...LOL

    8. Tim Fasano thinks he had it all figured out how Timbergiant faked it, but If he filmed this creature through a fence, how in the heck does Timbergiant get over the fence to the exact spot where it was sitting? Also instead of cutting Timbergiant down why doesnt Fasano find out what wildlife places are in that area and ASK the owners there if it is one of their animals. Isnt that more logical than trying to ruin someone elses reputation by calling them a liar and hoaxer, just because he is? All this back stabbing in the bigfoot community is ridiculous, so what if someone finds something before the other, shouldnt they all try to pull the evidence together and see just what is out there if anything..I really feel sorry for Fasano, that he is that wicked hearted kind of a person.

    9. Tim Fasano thinks he had it all figured out how Timbergiant faked it, but If he filmed this creature through a fence, how in the heck does Timbergiant get over the fence to the exact spot where it was sitting? Also instead of cutting Timbergiant down why doesnt Fasano find out what wildlife places are in that area and ASK the owners there if it is one of their animals. Isnt that more logical than trying to ruin someone elses reputation by calling them a liar and hoaxer, just because he is? All this back stabbing in the bigfoot community is ridiculous, so what if someone finds something before the other, shouldnt they all try to pull the evidence together and see just what is out there if anything..I really feel sorry for Fasano, that he is that wicked hearted kind of a person.

    10. Tim Fasano thinks he had it all figured out how Timbergiant faked it, but If he filmed this creature through a fence, how in the heck does Timbergiant get over the fence to the exact spot where it was sitting? Also instead of cutting Timbergiant down why doesnt Fasano find out what wildlife places are in that area and ASK the owners there if it is one of their animals. Isnt that more logical than trying to ruin someone elses reputation by calling them a liar and hoaxer, just because he is? All this back stabbing in the bigfoot community is ridiculous, so what if someone finds something before the other, shouldnt they all try to pull the evidence together and see just what is out there if anything..I really feel sorry for Fasano, that he is that wicked hearted kind of a person.

  2. Holy hell but Tim is obsessed over TFBG's silly video.

  3. Where do you suppose he keeps his piss bottle at?

    1. Not sure, but he definitely doesn't keep his poop in a jar. Only the best researchers do that, like our dear president,
      Pop in a Jar Guy.

    2. Do, please elaborate.


  4. Where do you suppose he keeps his piss bottle at?

  5. Where do you suppose the gentleman's urination container is located?

  6. Replies
    1. Meester President! Trollandia salutes you!



    3. Trollandia


  7. blah blah blah you trolls are annoying now. go back to where you come from

    1. We cn't. perma-banned from BFF. Why don't YOU go THERE you diaper buttsucker?

    2. Hahahaha.Now that's PHUNNY right there. ^

    3. wooo that's the best you can come up with. weak little troll.

    4. If Fasano and Timbergiant were butt-up naked on a bed in a sleazy motel, I think a bigfoot would sense that. It would then be to preoccupied with sodomizing them to notice any infrared from a camera trap...

      These fine researchers could accomplish so much if they work together, IMHO...

    5. It's such ashame that Tim Fasano has to put other researchers down so much. I have never heard anyone talk about him like that on their sites, if any of them are asked a question about him they usually dont follow his work or just dont care what he is doing and say so honestly, but he has to all out trash others. Karma will catch up to him sooner or later. And he better watch out when it does.

    6. It's such ashame that Tim Fasano has to put other researchers down so much. I have never heard anyone talk about him like that on their sites, if any of them are asked a question about him they usually dont follow his work or just dont care what he is doing and say so honestly, but he has to all out trash others. Karma will catch up to him sooner or later. And he better watch out when it does.

    7. That is just part of his schtick: feigning indignation at a popular video that is suspected of being a hoax. It gives him a reason to make a video for his channel. Its all an act and he probably laughs about it in private..

  8. How come, every time there is a new video or information about big foot, after I watch or read the information, I go to the comments pages and there are 180 comments, how comes the first 30-50 or so, are nothing but name calling each other etc. How come Trolls?

    1. Because you're a gay fag that stinks.

    2. Because that is what we do...we eat, shit, post ridiculous remarks, and make little trolls...Marvels of evolution, really....

    3. A gay fag would be a heterosexual.

      Double negative.

    4. Need to ask Eva about that.

    5. Well i can't really answer that because i'm transsexual not homosexual and given that i'm attracted to heterosexual men that makes me a heterosexual transsexual ,hope that makes sense xx

    6. Oh right i see what he means about a homosexual homosexual making a heterosexual but i don't think a double negative would work in this case,in the uk the word gay also means happy,so maybe he meant "happy gay"xx

    7. You were born a male.Therefore you have the brain of a male.You just snipped your sausage and meatballs.What was your birth name?Pat?

    8. The latest research in Gender Dysphoria suggests i was born with a female brain hense why i am the way i am,some people are born xxy chromosome for example,life and biology aren't all ways black and white, if you have a look at gender identity disorder on wikipedia you might learn something and not be so quick to judge xx

    9. Wikipedia,ha.You are so wrong in so many ways dude.Anyhow,you are probably rushferlife just trolling or one of the many trolls on here.Believe me, I'm a troll too.:)

    10. Wikipedia,ha.You are so wrong in so many ways dude.Anyhow,you are probably rushferlife just trolling or one of the many trolls on here.Believe me, I'm a troll too.:)

    11. If i'm wrong why would the medical profession bother to treat me,i know your a troll but i am who i say i am and so is rushferlife,Your ignorant on the subject of GID and arrogant if you think otherwise xx

    12. I'm sorry to ask Eva which way were you born you lost me

    13. Thats ok harry, i was born a boy but never felt like one and after years of trying to conform and feeling confused and depressed i gave up trying to be what i wasn't and had a sex change and now i'm happy xx

  9. having decided to live in muirs Castle in the Woods that he mentioned on the other thread, I have to come to the very real choice as to who can live with me in my giant wooden fortress. More and more I think that Joe would not be allowed inside. Perhaps as kennel master, if the dogs needed walking or I needed firewood. But I cant let every drunk Welshman I know inside. I mean whats the point of having an exclusive wood fortress. i'll have to give this some more thought.

    1. ^doesn't think about what mega-delicious babe he'd let in- thinks about PJ. Where is this fort? Nerdsville?

    2. dear, sweet anon, did you just use the term "mega delicious babe". clearly you haven't been laid since God talked to Moses. I will have a serving wench, as every castle should, but that is for later concerns

    3. right now the topic in the giant castle for footers that muir has designed is who's in and who's out and all Ive stated is that Im on the fence about Joe and leading towards exclusion unless he can articulate a worthy purpose such as laundry detail

    4. Clearly Anon you will be in. As you pull up in your Camaro full of mega delicious babes you need do nothing more than honk the horn on that muscle car and the doors will swing wide open. Must go now. You took a very intriguing setup and, well did what you do best anon. good day

    5. Damage control fail.

      You got fucking smoked.

    6. yep put in my place by you, in your bitchin Camaro I yield to your masculinity. do you use aqua velva to attract your mega delicious babes, or maybe, cool water cologne, what is your secret? besides being a closeted gay?

    7. perhaps ill never know, what a tragedy....what a shame......keep doing the work you do though....it matters......to you

    8. You are dismissed junior. Go play in your castle.

    9. while your living in your castle this troll will be waiting under his bridge for you to throw out a chicken bone for his weekly meal. camaro ha thats funny can this guy even reach the gas. dose he know the difference between the clutch and the brake.

    10. YOu're making him look gayer. Stop it.

    11. yep ok then what even you say your the man. you can hide behind your computer screen and call people gay if it makes you feel like a big man. in reality its only covering up your insecurity issues. the fact that you were bullied as a kid. abused all your life. the pretty girls hate hate you and you cant work out why. keep hiding behind a anonymous account calling people gay dose it make you feel better like a real man. you have a sad sad life.

    12. Me and Tim can jack off and eat boogers at the same time. We're a special needs type of footers.

    13. Trollandia


    14. Perfect. You can move into this guy's castle with dogboy.

    15. Look Anon The only castle you've ever lived in is your current job at White Castle MJA and I also may have seen you at the Reaissance Fair dressed as a Fool. Meanwhile MJA and MMG and Joe and I and of course muir, who built the thing will reign supreme. Our Bigfoot Castle will have footers coming and going at all hours. Shawn Evidence will be there, as he's just offered Joe and I a guest blog. I was Thinking: Blobsquatch Tonight, Blobsquatchalypse or perhaps, A Welshman and a Texan Opine....we shall see....in the mean time Stay the F**K out of our castle

    16. Salutations Mr. Br.

      Received your recent info. My thoughts and prayers to you and your family. Sounds like you are an awesome father and look forward to a future chance to meet.

    17. In fact, Im tired of everyone sitting on the fence on this important issue. You are either in or out of the Muir's Bigfoot Castle. I hope Harry's in...I want to sneak into his room late at night and steal his cold beer. MJA will be there, he has all the animals we will need to sustain ourselves and great campfire stories to tell, but who else? MMG of course, he will be like Professor Dumbledore.....teaching us all the ways of Bigfoot.......hmmm anyone else want in?

    18. Cool! A blog FOR fags BY fags. Can't wait to troll the living shit out of it.

    19. Stevie, thank you so much, he's been the same no worse, no better, which is a good thing and my thanks to you and yours for the support

    20. Anon 823, that explains why youre here. as the pre eminent fag of your generation, you will do excellent here.

    21. Those poor kids are going to have health issues when they get a bit older xx

    22. hey eva

      mike have we got little kids trolling today

    23. Hell why not and why did you post a creepy video of fat kids with bitch tits what would lead you to even search for that I hope just laughter and not something way creepier

    24. yea im great eva. been busy working the last few days.

    25. harry who posted the video with fat kids with bitch tits, and searching for what, I must missed something

    26. The first part hell I'm in was to you mike the whole rest of the comment was about anon 8:10 above

    27. Muir's castle sounds the place to be Mike.

      I gladly accept your invitation.


  10. this is a site for 5 years old only. God help us!

  11. For Tim Fasano, his taxi is his castle. He's king in there.

  12. Hello Mike ,it was Anon 8:10 although i have no idea why xx

    1. Eva, you shall be first lady of the Court, all shall bow to your beauty. Harry, who will be master of potions, mixtures and ale and wine distributer, shall keep everyone properly lit, MJA shall be in charge of security and all livestock and Joe, will have to provide the drunken entertainment. MMG is the teacher and philosopher, and I shall keeper of the scrolls. Muir's castle will be the place to be in the Bigfoot Community........But what shall we use for security against anon trolls.....perhaps something simple, asking them their social security number at the gate should do it....wrong digit and its in the moat for them.

  13. Wow, this idiot is obsessed. Why not just send him a love letter Tim? Get a life.


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