This Is What It's Like When You're In Hot Pursuit of Bigfoot

On September 18th, whatever stole Arizona Bigfoot researcher Mitch Waite's hot dog seemed like it wanted to play games. In this latest research video, Waite gets a rock thrown at him while in pursuit of a foul smelling Bigfoot. Watch what happens to Waite below. Also, don't forget to un-mute the Vine video to hear Waite's reaction:

Here's the full video. The action starts at the 3:30s mark:


  1. Replies
    1. ^ plays hide the hot dog with Mitch

    2. Google monkey suit. They exist.

      No monkey though.

    3. look a monkey

    4. No miraculous mythical magical mystical monumental mysterious monkey man suit has so far been proven to exist.

      This is required, for your friends Bob H and the BBC both created monkey suits, and both violently flunked out in trying to duplicate the individual in the PGF.

      The monkey suit you dream of, so far does not exist.

      Got donkey?

      Check mirror for ass.

    5. monkey man suit has so far been proven to exist.

      prove it then

    6. monkey suit really. come up with a better argument. you have nothing other than what someone else has already said before you. not original, not funny, not witty. go back to sleep and troll some where else maybe a fairy blog or your flying spaghetti monster blog

    7. Look at this JREFing fantasy:

      'That point is irrelevant so far as defending beliefs in supernatural entities against the charge that science and/or reason have established beyond reasonable doubt that they don't exist.'

      Right there is the admission that the entire philosophy and activity of JREF is based on a bedrock of error and falsehood.

      Let's train the JREFers once again:

      The supernatural by definition is outside science. Therefore, science is incapable of measuring the supernatural or founding an opinion either way on its existence.

      You are using the wrong tool.

      You can't approach the supernatural with science.

      You are trying to pound in a nail with a pair of pliers.

      You are trying to translate Tagalog with the Rosetta Stone.

      Again, you are using the wrong tool.

      Science is impotent to measure or prove or disprove the supernatural.

      By definition the supernatural operates outside of physics, science. That is rather why they call it the supernatural, remember? You need to hold the definition in your mind while you think about this and make lunatic claims.

      People who have experienced anything supernatural see the flaw and ignorance in these erroneous and arrogant assertions of the JREFing brigade.

      Keep science for what science can accomplish. Don't make claims for science which are beyond the capabilities of science.

      This JREF mindset says there is no 6th sense. The JREFer will use what tools to attempt to prove there is no 6th sense? You've got it: The other 5 senses.

      This is it in a nutshell. The 6th sense by definition would be beyond, outside the 5 senses. The 5 senses by definition are not equipped to measure, sense, locate, prove, or disprove the 6th sense.

      JREFers insist on using inadequate tools with which to make claims..

      You can't measure or disprove the 6th sense with the 5 senses. The 6th sense would be outside of the 5 senses' set of Knowns.

      Likewise the supernatural is by definition outside science's set of Knowns.

      In both and all cases, JREFers are ignorantly and insistently using the wrong tools.

      JREFers hold science and reason as omnipotent, godlike, as a religion, a cult.


      Science is utterly impotent as a tool to prove anything about what is outside of science. The simplicity of that basic truth eludes the JREFers.

      They are like rats in a maze declaring every day that nothing exists outside of the maze, because the maze is what they see, and they refuse to look outside its walls, and they vigorously refuse to use their imaginations.

      The JREF cry:

      Refuse to Use!

    8. It is patently ignorant and erroneous to state that nothing exists outside of science. Uknown to the JREFers, that statement is an admission that science is unable to declare a verdict on anything which is outside of/beyond itself! They admit these things accidently in their own claims, yet deny them at the same time.

      Science is based on the 5 senses. If something requires a 6th sense to access, measure, observe, the 5 senses are not able to access, measure, observe the thing in question. Further, the 5 senses obviously cannot prove the 6th sense does not exist.

      The same with science. Being based on and absolutely limited to the 5 senses, science is incapable of proving or disproving something which can only be viewed or experienced with a 6th sense.

      It is shameful to see, day in and day out, these cultists insistently smashing their skulls against the floors and walls in incapable attempts at declaring that science can prove/disprove something which is outside of the capabilities of the very tool they are using to claim nonexistence: science!

      This is a pitiful, wasteful endeavour.

      Science is limited, not omnipotent. It is false to make claims for science which are beyond science. JREFers in this case again step right in it, because science would have to be supernatural, in order to disprove the supernatural.

      You can see the deep errors of their ways. The whole philosophy is having your cake and eating it too: There is no God they say, while ignorantly not realizing that you would have to be a god or have godlike knowledge in order to make that statement with any awareness or truth.

      Because the entire philosophy and attempt at logic by this organization is based on an error, you may dismiss all of these claims made by members of this group.

    9. they also still claim "you can'y prove a negative" after i posted a link that states you can. they must have rocks in their heads

    10. That's some heavy schooling right there! Lovely to see!


  2. Replies
    1. ^fantastic false first, congrats!!

    2. nonarchaic becomes instantly archaic due to flunked first.

  3. Hey Mike wheres the pictures?

  4. Figboot must be in rut. Everybody's having encounters.

    1. October is peak Sasquatch social time. They gather together in groups to socialize and of course mate. It is the time to have your camera on you whilst in the woods. True story.

    2. Social groups ?

      You sayin that they have orgee's

    3. Not orgies per say, but they definitely will find a mate or a new mate.

    4. They probably mate for life

      Can't get a divorce

      They need each other


  5. Replies
    1. You want to see one? Before Joe releases them?

    2. Just enlarge my icon pic. It's not hard. Someone else already figured it out. If you can't ill acquaintance you to my google account. There's a face shot there that is unmistakable M

    3. When is Joe releasing them

    4. Hell MJA. If we enlarged both our photos we'd have your dog chasing my Bigfoot :)

    5. ha you would to. my dog probably would chase a bigfoot given half a chance

  6. Mitch Waite is the king of the youtubers !!

  7. Get em Mitch, damn thing stole your dog, and you'd just put mustard and relish on there.

  8. And speaking of cool cats and hot dogs here I am: the blonde bandit, the Wes Anderson of the Bigfoot World. You wanted the best you'll get the best . ..,.,. The hottest band in the world .. .,,..KISS...,.."Now Joe show us every thing you got....... You keep on posting and Anon gets hot, you drive us wild well drive ya crazy! .....

  9. ......"you keep on shoutin, YOU..,,.keep on shouting .,,.,......I ..,..want to laugh at trolls all night ..... And party every day......"

  10. Now cue that badass Ace Freehly guitar solo and let's get this show on the road. Gotta go addi my two cents worth, which in today's economy is about tree fiddy

  11. Ok Shawn. I got John Jones and Joe F on my ass telling me I can't release my first two photos today. People. If you want to see a Texas Bigfoot today you better comment and sound off cause I'm being Ganged Up on by some heavyweights about releasing them. Shawn, please email me man. They are stealing my thunder.

    1. honestly mike. releasing your first 2 will only get the trolls off your back and it will give them a taste of what you have. if i was you one or 2 and that would be it. if you let rip and release the lot the trolls will only have a big laugh and dis credit the lot.

  12. Ok. Agreed. One or Two. But Joe and I are totally into it now. We've got a guest blog to do and we are in a major disagreement over content and release. Before I was having fun with the hype. Now it's serious.

    1. just put you foot down and say this is whats going to happen

    2. Why don't you guys just write separate blogs? I reckon the content and style would be very different and would warrant two blogs.

      Not sure I could write in conjunction with someone else.


    3. What the fuck has Joe got to do with it

    4. What's Joe got to to do with it.......what's Joe.....but a secondhand drunk Welshman ?

    5. Michael B!,you cheeky monkey,i've just got that joke,i walked into that one lol xx

    6. I didn't does that mean you're a little lady type and a little lady beating type? Or are you just smokin rocks lol

    7. It means I can hit the high notes or the low notes when I'm Rollin :)

    8. I'm good man lol that's one of the few drugs I've never messed with

  13. MMG, of course you could. You would write the script like Chuck D and I'd be in the background yelling Yeaggh Booooooyee, like Flava Flav. No in all seriousness, the disagreement is over the release of content. Hey MMG, u want to see a Bigfoot Face? Send your email to

    1. Lol!

      Totally get the difficulties that putting pics 'out there' poses.

      One of my BFF colleagues had a very interesting trail cam pic that in hindsight we should have kept under wraps.

      Good luck which ever way you go Mike! We're right behind you friend.


    2. You are the man MMG. So glad to share this day with you. Just drop your email address in my account and you'll get em all. The Welshman HAS to release a few tonight. And he's not happy about it. I just read his guest post. It's pretty brilliant. M

  14. Release the pictures.

    The only reason to delay as proven in the past is because the pictures are worthless junk.

    If they are good then just release them.

    1. Release The Hounds!! Release the Kraken, very well. I shall. I'm giving out previews if ya wanna. Even skeps are invited. Anybody seen Danny Campbell?

    2. Release the hounds of love! xx

    3. Oo oo oo oo oooooo, the hounds are hunting...

      Kate Bush is the shit

    4. Oo oo oo oo oooooo, the hounds are hunting...

      Kate Bush is the shit

    5. Anyone have Daniel Campbell's email?

  15. This is what it's like to be in hot pursuit of Bigfoot:.............heavy breathing................puffing and weezing.................I really need to start working out.......damn, that Bigfoot was right here.

    IOW, nothing, nothing, and more nothing. And you'll like it.

    YGNALI stand-in guy

    1. Tonight I fear, for the first time he may get something and love it.... And then ......oh there he goes............two of em!

  16. Mike B, You did it, you showed your hand, now you opened Pandora's box! Good luck! You're going to need it!

    John W. Jones spoke

    1. John. Here me out. I just wanted to have everyone realize how serious I take this subject matter when it comes to the research end. But this icon will be dropped. And I've not released any photos to the public. Joe has my catalogue. And he's contacting you know. I am sorry if I've offended you and will give yo

    2. Carte Blanche to do as you wish. Please my friend. Do not let my exuberance to post some Bigfoot photos here cloud our friendship. I will gladly take the content down as per your request. M

  17. John. I haven't released a thing yet. To my knowledge. Why? Tell me it's not posting.

    1. I repeat. I have not opened Panteras Boxed Set. Please listen to reason John. I'm your race horse. You know that.


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