This Baby Bigfoot From The Cryptozoology Museum In Portland ME Is Damn Cute

We've seen many baby Bigfoot dolls, but this one takes the cake. This photograph was taken at the Cryptozoology Museum, in Portland ME by the facebook group, Life and Times of Bigfoot. You can check out other photographs from the museum here.

Check out the photo album here:


  1. Replies
    1. ...get the HECK OUTTA HERE firsting scum...

    2. Is that Loren Coleman's museum?

      and anti-firster=homosexual

    3. Rush pwns your existence, you have revealed yourself anon 5:35, it's obvious.

    4. Geddy? Such a stupid, stupid name.

  2. Replies
    1. ^kind of a false first, still, congrats!!

  3. Replies
    1. How can anyone stand to listen to Geddy Lee? And the songs are awful. I just don't get the Rush love. What I am trying to say is that Rush sucks.

    2. How can anyone stand to listen to Geddy Lee? And the songs are awful. I just don't get the Rush love. What I am trying to say is that Rush sucks.

    3. ^and you were trying to say???

    4. Not a Rush fan,people love or hate Rush

  4. That is not cute. It deserves to be kicked thru a set of NFL goal posts.

  5. I bet Todd Standing is FREAKING OUT right now

  6. I like the second picture. Is that Andre the Giant from The Six Million Dollar Man? Get your camera Joe!


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