News Alert From The Squatchers Lounge Podcast: Bigfoot Eye Shine Evidence

Alright, folks. Today is The Squatchers Lounge podcast day! Here's a message from Rev. Jeff about the show that's airing later today:

The show starts tonight at 7PM PST. Head over to for the live video stream.


  1. This guy lost all credibility when he defended the pgf. Failure to accept that's a hoax when deep down you know it is (its so obvious you'd have trouble trying to convince a 10 year old its real) then anything else you say on the topic is worthless and bias.

    1. Have you got evidence suggesting PGF is a hoax that you can post links to?

    2. With zero, yes zero, evidence that this is a real creature then by default it is a man in a suit.

    3. And where exactly do the prove the creature is fake. It talks about how they could fake the casts nothing at all to do with a suit or the creature being fake

    4. how is a anonymous blogger credible. any one could write up a blog on blogger and make these claims.

      the least credible sources are

      blogs with out links to credible sources
      anonymous posters
      ars technica

      also the post only suggests that the casts are fakes nothing about the creature being faked.

    5. because of the diaper butt???

    6. If the casts are faked do you think its reasonable to believe that patterson actually filmed a bigfoot first time, on a trip to film a bigfoot, and the bigfoot he films looks exactly like the one he drew in his book previously, and noone else has ever done something similar since, anywhere, ever.

      I mean where do you people draw the line?

      Also why did Patterson never return to bluff after the pgf? I mean if you were out looking for bigfoots and actually saw a bigfoot wouldn't you spend all of your spare hours back at the location trying to find it again? Gimlin never went back either, also he just went home didn't even bother seeing the film viewing. I mean he had just seen a bigfoot... no biggie right?!

    7. Ars technica destroyed mja's fantasy

    8. "Ars technica destroyed mja's fantasy"

      what fantasy i have never claimed pgf is real infact i think its a hoax but their is better arguments than "a bloke in a suit". personaly i think a suit would have been destroyed so that it could not be found. the person who wrote up this blog have some good points but as far as credible come into play its not its just an opinion.

      and for ars technica they are just a bunch or fictional writers.

      job advertised on ars technica
      science analysis expert
      must be creative and have a minimum of high school english.

      last time i heard thats what you needed to write a childrens book

    9. Since Patty's limb lengths so far match those of no human being, you are wrong that by default she is man in suit.

      The aptly named Arse Technica site, the article's subtitle reveals bias: "honest" = dishonest

      The writer also conceals the ID of this supposed scientist who did the work for him. That's a red flag.

      You can dismiss the Arse Technica article.

      Keep on tarding, skeptools.

    10. Waiting over 46 years for Patty to reappear. ^

  2. That is interesting. It's the best evidence I have seen that Ketchum actually submitted her manuscript to Nature and that they actually sent it out for review!

    I cannot tell if Ketchum's response to the 4 referees' comments is a complete representation of their comments, but I can tell this (assuming this document is really what it purports to be):1) Nature, the premiere scientific publication for a potential discovery like this, took Ketchum seriously and actually allowed her manuscript to go through the peer-review process. That's huge. Actually getting your manuscript considered for review is a big deal because most submitted manuscripts get returned without review - they never make it through the first panel of editors. This should be an enormous kick in the gut for every woo-slinging bigfooter who whines that "science won't consider the evidence".BOOM. DONE. We are completely DONE with that conspiracy, Ivory-tower crap. Please never forget this fact in your dealings with such people.2) Read the actual referees' comments (again, assuming that's what these are). These people are quite open to this paper and the idea of describing the new taxon based on genetic analysis of putative tissue samples. Their primary beef is that Ketchum & Co. didn't know what the heck they were doing and misinterpreted the results they obtained. There was no "there is no bigfoot so this is poppycock"; these people really evaluated that paper.From referee #1: "I would definitely like to see this paper 'salvaged', but it would need a thorough revision and re-organisation. I wish the authors the best of luck in their continuing efforts."Yep, that sure sounds like a classic Ivory-tower blow-off to me!

    1. One or two replies from one or two peer reviewers for Nature aren't enough to make your slam dunk case you think you make.

      There is wide evidence of suppression. We'll see how Sykes does.

      You might have noticed the attempted preemption of Sykes' results by the tin foil cap smear campaign which is struggling for traction.

      There is not wide acceptance of this. There is wide rejection of this.

    2. Wide evidence of suppression? You are serious aren't you? Holy shit are you paranoid.

  3. Replies
    1. I dont know MJA, i havent heard from him in awhile....i called a friend in Washington named Marty Huggins....he said, "bring your broom, cause......its a mess!" And why is everyone talking about Lars Ulricha, drummer for Metallica, I didnt know he had his own magazine.

    2. Has he. i did not know that.
      i am sure joe will show up. looks like there's a troll missing him

    3. MJA Lets use our green van, detective dog and hippy driver to find him....pick a character on Scoobey Doo . Do they have Scoobey Doo in New Zealand?

    4. we have scooby doo. if i have to pick one i have to say shaggy

    5. hey mike i was reading a article today about how people had hoax the photographic and video evidence of the tasmanian tiger. trolls trying to say that the never existed even though they had them in zoos. i think the same will go for bigfoot. if they catch one and put it in a zoo they will come up with some reason why its a hoax and not real

    6. tell that to the German photogropher who got evidence of the Thylacine without even knowing it many years after it was alleged extinct. So MJA, are there any left?

    7. I will be Fred. But i have to pick out a cool ascot. Im seriously interested in relict populations of the Thylacine and if they could exist. I also think i took some Thylacine once, wrong prescription bottle, so what do you know about anything recent?

    8. in 2001 we went for a holiday to Tasmania and we sore a animal that looked very much like the Thylacine it was to far away to take a photo but in am certain it was one. i very much believe that they still exist. over the next 12 months i am going to go to Tasmania to try and get a photo of one.

    9. Dude, I know I probably couldnt survive out there without you, so count me in. Thats a seriously cool animal And how it was killed off is terrible...but i believe that theres some legit proof there are still a few out there

    10. Tasmania is a very dangerous place. the things to watch out for are spiders and snakes. the hunting of the Thylacine was only part of the reason it was wiped out there is a carcinogenic virus that caused cancerous tumors that was believed to also be a factor. it still effects the tasmanian devil today. any tasmanian will tell you that they still exist and there is hundreds of sightings every year

    11. Now that is truly cool, as are you my man. Did you notice one of the Anons has taken my flair character and run with it. And to make matters worse, he's a better Ric Flair than I was. Oh well, ya gotta pick your battles. MJA, have a great day. If you see Joe, MMG, Stevie or the fellas, tell them hello...i'll be checking back in throughout the day. As usual, much respect my man.

    12. i will do that when you get a chance check the video on this out

    13. Hi Mike. Loving your work as always.

      Watched a doc recently about the cancers that are decimating the Tasmanian Devils. Heartbreaking. A species on the edge.

      The Thylacine is also of interest to me. We seriously need to prove it's existence to allow us to give it the protection it needs.

      The parallels with other creatures are obvious right?


  4. If we all want Scientific Content today, please watch "Uncle Grandpa" on cartoon network. Recommended by my son, he says the characters, Pizza Steve and Mr. Gus have alot to say about todays politics and science and the cryptozoological creature of the week is "Giant Realistic Flying Tiger" As Uncle Grandpa says, "Good Mornin"

  5. Does anyone now if joe fits dog is ok

    1. whats up with you guys going on about joes dog

    2. MJA, Back to the Thylacine aka Tasmanian Tiger, you got any scoop on that, Im interested, MK Davis has some wild theories on them. Thinks they were spirited away to different continents and are sometimes responsible for chupcabra sightings......

  6. What kind of dog does he got herd it's pretty cool?????????

  7. Joe was really letting people in his kitchen yesturday and they were just smashing his pots and pans around lol

    1. I think we can tie up this thread nicely by assuming Joe's dog is a Thylacine. And they are both currently missing. The answer may lie somewhere in the Ars Technica journal on the Ketchum report. But virtually everyone on this blog is too lazy to look.

    2. i emailed him it was too much to accept. im no expert but it would take a lot of work to maintain ponytails on a dog. ive dated a few dogs with ponytails, but that was long ago Lets let Mr. Fitz fend for himself. Hes quite capable....good day MJA

    3. a pet Thylacine now that's a interesting thought. you wont have any problems with the cat from next door

    4. The Thylacine never has existed no evidence anywhere. The chances are the same as fairy's and unicorns.
      Just another example of pot smoking footers imaginations

    5. More than #tooneytard. How can you say no evidence. Google Thylacine or Tasmanian tiger. You will come up with thousands of results of evidence.

    6. I'm ok thanks, you?i saw that posting Mk Davis did of the Thylacine a while ago,i thought it was really good xx

    7. i'm not to bad. see how things go after the race today. there is a good chance these creatures still exist and i am certain they do

    8. whos going to win the americas cup today eva

    9. Sorry MJ A, i've got no idea what your on about,sport?xx

    10. the yacht racing. new zealand against america today

    11. Who's your money on,or is that a daft question lol xx

    12. well america won the last 7 in a row. but it all comes down to the day. i think new zealand can do it though

    13. 7 in a row is good going,they must have had all the hot air from some of the anons blowing in there sails xx

    14. must have. there is not much anon blowing today so maybe new zealand has a chance

    15. It's still early yet,i wouldn't hold your breath but you never know xx

    16. Oh hasn't it started yet,how long does it last? xx

    17. Is that for the whole thing or is there more than one race? xx

    18. first to 9 wins gets the cup. as it stands both teams are on 8 wins

    19. I don't get that am afraid,i don't know anything about sport,i grew up a 20 minute walk from ascot races and in all those years i never went xx

    20. how can you not watch yacht racing its one of the best sports out

    21. I take it you live by the sea,must be nice,i suppose on a nice sunny day watching the yachts must be quite relaxing xx

    22. in new zealand everyone lives no more than a hour from the sea. most of us grow up on the sea. it is very relaxing during the summer watching the yachts racing

    23. some years we do. last summer we had 4 months with no rain at all and very hot days. it was good for most people but for us farmers it was bad because we need rain to grow the grass to feed the cows. when the weathers good its really good when its bad its really bad

    24. Do you work for yourself and run your own farm?xx

    25. i own 2 farms. i run one the smaller one and have a manager on the big one

    26. You must be busy,i would imagine it's nice to work for yourself in many ways but it must be a lot of responsibility,do you do ok out it and enjoy it? xx

    27. yea at times its busy but on the big farm i have 8 workers and on the small one i have 2 workers so its not to bad most the jobs go to them. there is alot on money to be made milking cows over here just as long as the cows are fed right. i have got to the point where half of what i make goes back into it so that not bad

    28. Given that you've got cows i see why your not so keen on possums with there bovine tb,i think we get that problem with badgers although some people disagree with that and i'm not sure who's right , just remembered we're on a bigfoot blog,maybe we should mention bigfoot now and again so were not trolling lol xx

    29. people disagree that possums carry tb over here even though its been proven they do. just a last attempt to stop us from eradicating them. yea i have cows all up i have 2820 cows i milk. 2500 on the big farm and 320 on the small one.

      its only trolling if its disrupting isnt it

    30. Not sure but that's an awful lot of cows,do you have other animals?xx

    31. yea i got some sheep and pigs. just enough for the freezer. and a few dogs. the cows produce 30 liters on milk a day on average and i get paid $6.50 per 10 liters. so the more cows the more milk which means more money. i do have 500 calves and 500 1 year old cows as replacements for the old cows and ones that i cant milk next season but they get send away for grazing until i need them

    32. What happens to the old cows?do you sell them?xx

    33. send them to the meat works. i kept one last season and she hangs around in the paddock outside my house. shes my friendly cow. she will walk up to people wanting a pat and if you ignore her she puts her head on your and and rubs it up and down until you pat her. you can jump on her back and ride her like a horse

    34. Sounds like a happy cow,i do feel sorry for the animals we eat though,i do see animals as sentient beings,i feel sad for them when i see them on lorrys going to the slaughter house xx

    35. she is a very happy cow a very lucky cow aswell. most the cows i send away is when i think they wont be able to have a calf because they are to old. its better for they to be put down humanly then suffer calving problems and die painfully

    36. the one in my paddock by my house is 24 years old so i guess 25 to 30 years

    37. Eva and MJA, turns out that ham n egger Joe Fitzgerald tied one on last night. He apparently got tighter than Dick's hat band. Lit up like a Roman Cathedral. Drunker than a barrell o monkeys. In other words, he imbibed in a bit o the drop......

    38. he should have schooled the trolls in that state

    39. he should have schooled the trolls in that state

    40. The last race I saw here in Spain was the US making it 3-8. I heard tonight it finished 9-8 to the US. Sorry MJA.

      I was on Elche earlier for the Elche vs Real Madrid soccer match. Spanish soccer is corrupt. Cannot believe what I witnessed tonight.


  8. Welcome back joe! Nice to see u agian how's your day going? The weather is brutal there!

  9. Come on joe tell us about the dog sounds interesting

  10. What grade does teach in school?


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