Les Stroud, Please Don't Tell Us You're Going Bigfooting with TimberGiantBigfoot (or Sasquatch Ontario)

Les Stroud just got done filming in the U.S. it seems, and we're a little concerned about where he's going to be Bigfooting with next. We know that Canada's Todd Standing is his partner, but our question is what or who (besides Bigfoot) is in Ontario? Oh yeah. That's right: TimberGiantBigfoot and Sasquatch Ontario. To be honest, we're not really sure if TGBF is even in Ontario, but most Sasquatch researchers in Canada are from that area. Where ever he's going to be, we sure hope he's not planning on spending anytime with some of the questionable characters up there. Les posted this message on Facebook last night:

well thats just about it!! I will likely head off into the Ontario bush one more time in search of Bigfoot, Survivorman style. The experience out west was fantastic - pretty bizarre - but you will have to wait for the show to see what happened!!! In the mean time we have 8 brand new Survivorman shows to get edited for the air dates starting some time in December i believe - but until then we are still rolling out the Survivorman; Secrets of Survival shows!....L


  1. Replies
    1. First of Shawn Evidence you jack ass - You think that Todd Standing is doing anything ? bud, you support the biggest assholes in this industry why, BECAUSE THEY SUPPORT YOU FINANCIALLY. So it doesn't matter what evidence they show, you support their bullshit because the push $$ MONEY $$ your way ... This will all be exposed in due time

    2. First of Shawn Evidence you jack ass - You think that Todd Standing is doing anything ? bud, you support the biggest assholes in this industry why, BECAUSE THEY SUPPORT YOU FINANCIALLY. So it doesn't matter what evidence they show, you support their bullshit because the push $$ MONEY $$ your way ... This will all be exposed in due time

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7HJhH9VVGU

  3. Tim fasano and shawn absolutely pwned timber giant on that podcast yesterday.

    Tim fasano is the most credible voice in the bigfoot community.

    1. I don't do annons. He is right that Shawn and I exposed Timber hard last night on Monster X.

    2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-2nOSnSqyE

    3. Tim is also the only bigfoot researcher to capture an actual primate on camera. It wasn't a bigfoot, it was a population of monkeys that live in the wild but at least it wasn't a bear.

    4. Good job Tim and Shawn. Couldn't agree more. M

    5. How did you expose them Fasano?

    6. Tim, you do realize that saying you exposed timber hard last night might be taken the wrong way, don't you? Idiot.

    7. Tim, you do realize that saying you exposed timber hard last night might be taken the wrong way, don't you? Idiot.

    8. Tim,do you keep your poop in a jar too?Your fans want to know.

    9. Exposed hard timber,tee hee

    10. Right, John Wayne Gasey says he caught a serial killer.

      Hey everyone, check out my Fasano impersonation ----------

      "If you WANTED to do a HOAX, this is how --------
      and "God dam it, knowbody better get caught HOAXING but me! I'm aloud because I'm trying to get my fat ass on T.V.. BUT NOBODY ELSE BETTER HOAX GOD DAM IT!!!!!


      Take down my VIDEO GOD DAM IT. Check out my new vid of me and shaun exposing timber!!!!!

  4. Is that survivor man all made up stuff just to get the audience interested in the show?

    1. Probably just an intriguing way of saying "I got nothing and you will like it."

  5. Any monkeys yet?

    Remember you only need the 1 and this whole thing is proven.

    So... got monkey?

    1. got any proof that there is no monkey yet

    2. You have been told multiple times so please listen this time:

      You can not prove a negative.

    3. are you sure about that


    4. Ok then MJA. I propose that there is a species of flying spaghetti monsters. Prove that there isnt. Good luck.

    5. One time I went out with a really skanky chick and she had so many tapeworms I think she would qualify as a spaghetti monster.

    6. maybe there is maybe there isnt a flying spaghetti monster to be honest who cares about your spaghetti monster

    7. "Let's sum up. If "you can't prove a negative" means you can't prove beyond reasonable doubt that certain things don't exist, then the claim is just false. We prove the nonexistence of things on a regular basis."

      MJA pwned himself.

      Bigfoot is one of the things that is beyond reasonable doubt that it don't exist.

      The nonexistence of bigfoot has been proven time and time again by all evidence leading back to hoaxers / liars / uneducated and a complete lack of a bigfoot anywhere ever.

      Absolutely smoked.

    8. you can't prove a negative if the negative no longer exists. but its the negative is claimed to exists you can prove the negative dose not exist.

    9. "You cannot prove a negative" is itself a negative. So, if it were true, it would itself be unprovable. Notice that any claim can be transformed into a negative by a little rephrasing—most obviously, by negating the claim and then negating it again. "I exist" is logically equivalent to "I do not not exist," which is a negative. Yet here is a negative it seems I might perhaps be able to prove

    10. If John claims there's a unicorn in the tool shed, I can quickly establish he is mistaken by going and taking a look. We could similarly establish there's no Loch Ness monster by draining the loch. But what of the claim that unicorns once existed? We can't travel back in time and directly observe all of the past as we can every corner of the tool shed or Loch Ness. Does it follow that we can't prove unicorns never existed?

    11. If "you can't prove a negative" means you can't prove beyond reasonable doubt that certain things don't exist, then the claim is just false. We prove the nonexistence of things on a regular basis. If, on the other hand, "you can't prove a negative" means you cannot prove beyond all possible doubt that something does not exist, well, that may, arguably, be true. But so what? That point is irrelevant so far as defending beliefs in supernatural entities against the charge that science and/or reason have established beyond reasonable doubt that they don't exist.

      Read it, it says

      "We prove the nonexistence of things on a regular basis."

      MJA is correct in saying you can prove a negative

    12. MJA the bottom line is you can not prove bigfoot does not exist. At least not to footers. What ever you say that points to bigfoot being complete bs, footers will sweep it under the rug and carry on.

      Footers can do something that skeptics cant. They can actually prove their argument. They don't seem to want to do that though. Not through a lack of trying but through a lack of a monkey.

    13. "Let's sum up. If "you can't prove a negative" means you can't prove beyond reasonable doubt that certain things don't exist, then the claim is just false."

      the claim that you cant prove a negative is false you idiot
      go back to school

    14. yea anon 4.36 footers will sweep it under the rug. but on the other hand non believers will sweep what the footers come up with under the rug

    15. But the footers come up with nothing every single time. Don't you see?

      Its not like a footer has dropped a bigfoot body on a skeptics doorstep and the skeptic has gone "nope that's not a bigfoot, bigfoot don't exist". No verifiable evidence has EVER been presented. If it had we would know about it.

    16. but their has though their has been dna recorded. some say bear but i sore no bear in the dna results. is sykes replicates ketchums results does this mean that ketchums were correct. there is numerous sightings and even videos recorded every year. but non believers not skeptics write them off almost straight away.

    17. By the way.
      Skeptic: Can and will accept evidence and keeps all possibility open.
      Non Believer: Denies all evidence through ignorance.

    18. I guess when me and my team is out deep in the wilderness, after 30+ years of hunting & trapping, we are not experienced enough to know that what we are chasing is a negatives!

      Hell! Then, we might as well be chasing ghosts! We can't see the ghosts, but we can sure as hell can see & hear those negatives!

      These non-believer Anon's aren't out there with us to see & hear those negatives!

      You non-believers, keep on with the same lame excuse: "They don't exist"! Well then, I guess I will be spending the rest of my life, chasing something, "You say" don't exist, but "You" do not have the "Balls" to come out here with us!

      John W. Jones
      And for that Anon, that hates that I use explanation points, really? Is that your concern?

    19. John because you hear a sound you can not identify does not mean bigfoot exists. Because you see a shadow move in the woods does not mean bigfoot exists.

      You call yourself an experienced outdoorsman so you should not have any trouble getting some evidence of this magic monkey you claim to be chasing round the woods.

    20. JJ, you are so full of shit. Nothing you say is true, It's just a prolonged fantasy that you are having that may be drug-related, a sign of encroaching mental illness, or, as our Brit friends say, you're taking a piss. Could be a combination of the above I suppose.

    21. John. As always spot on. I was calculating what it cost me to squatch full time this summer. Came up with about 1000 a week. Maybe a little less. What do you think?

    22. "as our Brit friends say, you're taking a piss."
      its taking THE piss you idiot and when your taking THE piss you are making a joke.
      "prolonged fantasy that you are having that may be drug-related, a sign of encroaching mental illness"
      drug related yea right he shows no signs or drug abuse in his posts. mental illness thats more likely a person who comes to a evidence blog and tells everyone they are nuts.
      "you are so full of shit. Nothing you say is true"
      well thats a bold claim. have you got evidence to back this up. i guessed not.
      go back to class and try tell people there they are full off shit. just remember your mouth guard so when youget punched in the mouth your teeth dont get knocked out.

    23. For Anon 7:43: "We are" experienced hunters, we "are not" chasing shadows. ( Nor are we hearing known North American animals, we are hearing Monkeys and chimp sounds, which make us feel like we are in a Zoo)

      I 've offered to take a skeptic fool like you out with me, to see for ones self, but no one has the "Guts" to go. 'What are you afraid of'?

      Therefore, Since your not there, how can you make a judgmental statement like that?

      For Anon 8:00 So you lower yourself with name calling, instead of responding in a mature manner like Anon 7:43 just did. I live in the real world, it is your type that gets lost in "Cyber space"!

      Put "Your" reputation. where your "disgusting Big mouth" is and come with us! If you had the "guts" to come, maybe when the trip is over, it will be you, taking the drugs, It will be you, that may develop mental illness after the trip, Your weak"! Like ALL THE LITTLE GIRLY BOYS THAT TROLL HERE!

      Anon 7:43, thank you for your mature comment, which I rarely get on this site.

      John W. Jones
      Trolls, last chance to prove your point. I leave for 3 weeks this Friday 10/4. I am paying for your entire trip, no cost to you at all, call my Bluff!
      Contact me at; healthyhappylawns@reagan.com

    24. their moms and dads wont let them go john

    25. Why would anyone want to run around the woods knocking on trees and looking at natural tree formations pretending that a magic monkey did it?

    26. For Mike B: Thank you for your continued support. As you read all these negative comments, you can easily see a pattern.
      The "Trolls' that don't believe, are the ones (mostly) that respond with in-mature childish comments. If they don't believe, why are they on this site? Why do they bother?

      As far as your big footing expenses go, $1000 a week seems to me very high. You must be doing a lot of travelling. To lower your costs, why don't you just concentrate on one geographical area?
      like we are doing. Stay in one area, until it is exhausted for lack of results.

      When I get back, I will E mail you privately, about any encounters/sightings or evidence gathered.

      John w. Jones

    27. you must be new here. john has posted repeatedly what you see on finding bigfoot is complete BS. wood knocks only scare away a bigfoot. natural wood structures. do you know what these look like

    28. For MJA: Thank you for your support and response. Yes, most of these 'Trolls" must be in-mature children, I cannot believe a grown man would respond like that. Here in America, the youth of today are all spoiled and have no respect for anybody. They know nothing of hardships, they only know the comfort and safety of their home. Go help us!

      I've been reading your comments all a long, and think you are a great guy. If you give me your "private" E mail, we can then write each other about big footing related info. Your from New Zealand? I also E mail with Joe F. boy, does he get trashed here, but, can easily stand up to the "Trolls"!

      John W. Jones

    29. I look forward to hearing from you today John. Stay tuned for a wild ride as Joe F and I take over briefly for Shawn TODAY!!!

    30. For Anon 8:48, for your information, we do not do wood knocks at all. (that is a warning call).

      And we do not believe at all in tree structures etc.
      Over 10 years of doing this, we came to the conclusion, that these tree structure are just natural formation of nature. We have seen NO evidence, that Big foots are doing this. We "do believe" (From experience) that these creatures live in and use Pine/Spruce trees a lot more than reported.

      We also do no calling at all. We stay as silent and quiet as possible, like any experienced hunter will do. And. . . we never, ever go out on night investigations (Which is the stupidest method there is. Duh, you can't see anything)!

      For over 50 years, 95% of big foot researchers have been; Doing night investigations, call blasting, and wood knocks, and what has that yielded NOTHING! Of course, with that statement, the "Trolls" will attack me this; 'Where's 'your' evidence"?
      My evidence is not for you idiots to examine!

      For Anon 7:43: I apologies for an earlier post where I called you a Skeptic fool, your not a fool at all. and just a skeptic, who is entitled to his opinion. Sorry about that!

      John W. Jones

    31. hey john
      we have the same problem with youth over here in new zealand. they are to accustom to running water, power and a roof and four walls. back when i was their age when we turned 13 we were brought a rifle and a box a bullets for our birthday. we would spend every afternoon after school and every weekend hunting. these days its all xbox and playstations and that all they know. my boys don't know what a xbox or a playstation is. i have taught them to have fun outdoors riding motorbikes and hunting rabbits. i think the parents are alot to blame promoting staying home and not learning basic bush skills.


    32. Look at this JREFing fantasy:

      'That point is irrelevant so far as defending beliefs in supernatural entities against the charge that science and/or reason have established beyond reasonable doubt that they don't exist.'

      Right there is the admission that the entire philosophy and activity of JREF is based on a bedrock of error and falsehood.

      Let's train the JREFers once again:

      The supernatural by definition is outside science. Therefore, science is incapable of measuring the supernatural or founding an opinion either way on its existence.

      You are using the wrong tool.

      You can't approach the supernatural with science.

      You are trying to pound in a nail with a pair of pliers.

      You are trying to translate Tagalog with the Rosetta Stone.

      Again, you are using the wrong tool.

      Science is impotent to measure or prove or disprove the supernatural.

      By definition the supernatural operates outside of physics, science. That is rather why they call it the supernatural, remember? You need to hold the definition in your mind while you think about this and make lunatic claims.

      People who have experienced anything supernatural see the flaw and ignorance in these erroneous and arrogant assertions of the JREFing brigade.

      Keep science for what science can accomplish. Don't make claims for science which are beyond the capabilities of science.

      This JREF mindset says there is no 6th sense. The JREFer will use what tools to attempt to prove there is no 6th sense? You've got it: The other 5 senses.

      This is it in a nutshell. The 6th sense by definition would be beyond, outside the 5 senses. The 5 senses by definition are not equipped to measure, sense, locate, prove, or disprove the 6th sense.

      JREFers insist on using inadequate tools with which to make claims..

      You can't measure or disprove the 6th sense with the 5 senses. The 6th sense would be outside of the 5 senses' set of Knowns.

      Likewise the supernatural is by definition outside science's set of Knowns.

      In both and all cases, JREFers are ignorantly and insistently using the wrong tools.

      JREFers hold science and reason as omnipotent, godlike, as a religion, a cult.


      Science is utterly impotent as a tool to prove anything about what is outside of science. The simplicity of that basic truth eludes the JREFers.

      They are like rats in a maze declaring every day that nothing exists outside of the maze, because the maze is what they see, and they refuse to look outside its walls, and they vigorously refuse to use their imaginations.

      The JREF cry:

      Refuse to Use!

    33. It is patently ignorant and erroneous to state that nothing exists outside of science. Uknown to the JREFers, that statement is an admission that science is unable to declare a verdict on anything which is outside of/beyond itself! They admit these things accidently in their own claims, yet deny them at the same time.

      Science is based on the 5 senses. If something requires a 6th sense to access, measure, observe, the 5 senses are not able to access, measure, observe the thing in question. Further, the 5 senses obviously cannot prove the 6th sense does not exist.

      The same with science. Being based on and absolutely limited to the 5 senses, science is incapable of proving or disproving something which can only be viewed or experienced with a 6th sense.

      It is shameful to see, day in and day out, these cultists insistently smashing their skulls against the floors and walls in incapable attempts at declaring that science can prove/disprove something which is outside of the capabilities of the very tool they are using to claim nonexistence: science!

      This is a pitiful, wasteful endeavour.

      Science is limited, not omnipotent. It is false to make claims for science which are beyond science. JREFers in this case again step right in it, because science would have to be supernatural, in order to disprove the supernatural.

      You can see the deep errors of their ways. The whole philosophy is having your cake and eating it too: There is no God they say, while ignorantly not realizing that you would have to be a god or have godlike knowledge in order to make that statement with any awareness or truth.

      Because the entire philosophy and attempt at logic by this organization is based on an error, you may dismiss all of these claims made by members of this group.

    34. I'm liking your style SotF!!

      Makes we want to join the JREF forum. How long do you think I would last?


    35. http://departments.bloomu.edu/philosophy/pages/content/hales/articles/proveanegative.html

    36. John Jerkoff Jones

    37. Richard, "Borned out of your mother's ass, how you doing?

  6. MJA it's worthless to argue with a person with such a low IQ. It's like banging your head against the wall!

    1. Says you and what monkey?

    2. you are right arguing with someone that denies through ignorance and a lack of intelligence is like arguing with a brick wall.

    3. Actually MJA, I've met some pretty Interesting brick walls. These guys wouldn't stand up to them. :)

    4. i agree mike. the brick walls in the footers castle are more interesting than these guys

    5. Agreed. I'm doing a comment wall in Muirs Bigfoot Castle

    6. ^^Circle jerk alert!! Where's your buddy JF?


    8. ^^Circle jerk alert!! Where's your buddy JF?

    9. Why Texas of course. How did you access it and good job. I was waiting to see who noticed.

    10. In case you are wondering its a full on face shot of a Texas Bigfoot. I decided to post it as my icon this morning. I

    11. But I'd still like to know to whom I'm speaking and how you accessed my google account to enhance it?

    12. 8:06. Still pining away for Joe while a brand new Bigfoot face just magically appeared on my icon. There's your magic monkey man you fools. He's been found by a smart man using all capital letters I noticed.

    13. 8:03. I am a Bigfoot Researcher like my friend John Jones. Today on an open forum blog I'm releasing two photos of real Bigfoots captured on iPhone s at close range in Texas. But all caps is smart.

    14. He somehow caught my Google profile icon is a full on face shot of a belly crawling Sasquatch near my feeder bucket in Comfort Texas. Kudos to you my friend.

    15. I'll post them born for everyone on an open forum discussion of Timbergiant and Tim Fasano today when Fitzgerald and I guest blog for Shawn. I hope you all tune in. M

    16. Dear Anon 8 and 8:06. He's getting ready to post a guest forum on Bigfoot Evidence with me. Perhaps after talking about Timnergiant and Mr Fasano we will discuss the photo one poster here has already located.

    17. how did he get into your google account mike

    18. If you are smart enough to blow up my icon or access my open google account then BOOM. There's a Bigfoot for ya

    19. Don't know MJA. But I put you on as an a acquaintance. Have a peek. It's blondebandit070

    20. i have seen that. it is a good photo mike

    21. Yes MJA. It's a real Bigfoot. And it posts today. On Mr Joe Fitzgeralds guest blog. :)

    22. So. For every cry of got monkey. For every pan away shot of something. For all you he men who won't join a real footer like John on a real expedition. I'm your huckleberry. That's just my game.

    23. MJA. He's prepping. Joe and I are guest blogging for Shawn Today. And we are gonna discuss Mr Fasano and his calling out of Jim Timbergiant on Monster X Radio last night with my main man Johnny Bigfoot. And then........I'm gonna show you a Bigfoot. It's just that damn simple.

    24. well in looking forward to seeing your research.

    25. So, as my man Last Call Scott Hall of the Outsiders used to say, and of course he was paraphrasing Tony Montana, "Say Hello to the Bad Guy!"

    26. No, it's not a full on fave shot of a Bigfoot belly crawling. It's pareidolia. You're just a couple of Looney tooned buffoons. Smoked.

  7. This site should remain unbiased!!! I'm sick of this site selecting who they like or not. Like to stir crap up. Shame on Shaun!!

  8. They already filmed the episode with Sasqwatch.Ontario in my home town I now because we only have 2500 people living here and it was a big deal for us. We live in Terrece bay and it was big news for are little news paper which is about 5 pages long and less is a great guy he was very nice to everyone here hope he comes back agian they said they would.

    1. Thanks. Give us a preview.

    2. How about you show us the article? Waiting, waiting...

    3. How would I do that find the old paper and take a pic of it come on I got better things to do thanks

    4. Why doesn't anyone just go to Jim's camp and do a bf search or whatever u guys do with them it's only like 15 min out of town and it's a beautiful place to camp

  9. Shawn is a biased piece of shit. Dickhead yankee douchebag.

    1. Im just wondering what Fasano paid Shawn to have him on his side all of a sudden? Shawn is like one of those kids in highschool that takes whos ever side is popular at the time. He doesn't give a rats ass who is truthful or lying as long as he gets hits on his blog. I use to love coming here and reading what he posted but anymore this site has gone to the poop people. Its just not a good place anymore.

    2. Very few researchers are willing to let shawn post about them, he takes what he can get

  10. Hopefully next time turd shaun climbs in the sleeping bag with johnson a squatch drops a tree on the two of them. Itd b a great episode and good start to another stupid reality swow. Add Fasano for girly drama.

  11. By aligning himself with a hack like Todd Standing, Les Stroud has already killed any credibility he might have had.

    Even Sasquatch Ontario's stuff is more believable than the shlock Standing has been touting.

  12. By aligning himself with a hack like Todd Standing, Les Stroud has already killed any credibility he might have had.

    Even Sasquatch Ontario's stuff is more believable than the shlock Standing has been touting.

  13. Since when did you care Bigfoot Evidence who hung out with who? I thought you were equally disrespectful of everyone and that was OK. But, now you just look jealous.

  14. Stunk ape to smart to be found.

  15. did i wonder into kindergarden. im first wah wah, no im first wah, im the expert whinge whinge, no i am, thumb suck thumb suck. . . . . wtf is wrong with you lot, oh thats right your guys x

    1. For Anon 5:12, You are a disgusting little man, how dare you call Debbie a cunt, for what? For making a true statement. Your lucky you can be brave on the internet, but if I ever got my hands on you, I would. . . .

      John w. Jones

    2. For Anon 5:12, You are a disgusting little man, how dare you call Debbie a cunt, for what? For making a true statement. Your lucky you can be brave on the internet, but if I ever got my hands on you, I would. . . .

      John w. Jones

  16. did i wonder into kindergarden. im first wah wah, no im first wah, im the expert whinge whinge, no i am, thumb suck thumb suck. . . . . wtf is wrong with you lot, oh thats right your guys x

    1. debbie, If you look at most of the comments here, the mature intelligent comments come from those that believe in Big foot existance.

      The in-mature name callings comes from the crowd that don't believe in Big foot!

      If you read all the comments posted here, you can easily see that what I stated above is definite proof that what i just stated is true!

      This site is suppose to be for discussions both pro and con about Big foot. However, this site is flooded with those that don't believe. So why are they here?

      John W. Jones

    2. Mature intelligent comments... lol

      You footers are completely nuts!

      8 foot monkeys strolling around America showing themselves to thousands of people (but only if they don't have a camera of course)!

      Absolute nuts.

    3. And yet a preeminent geneticist is studying Bigfoot. Is he completely nuts. Perhaps it's you my friend. Calling Footers nuts on a site called Bigfoot Evidence, that may be knee deep in pecans.

    4. Well, John Jones is back. Thought you were headed off on a three week mission, JJ? What happened? I will ask you again, can you give us any evidence that anything you say is true? How about a pic of you and your buddies on horses. Or ponies--we like ponies here.

    5. Debbie. Because you are a modestly attractive blonde, and I am an exceptionally attractive one. We may have certain commonalities. I direct your attention to the upcoming blog by Mr Joe Fitzgerald, the Machiavelli of the Bigfoot World, the Minister of the Magic Monkey of Muirs Bigfoot Castle. Joe is coming. Straighten your hair. Fix those extensions. We are going to need smart, funny people such as yourself.

    6. Like I said on many posts before, I/we will not be stupid enough to show what evidence we've collected so far, after 10 years to anybody on this sight. You and others aren't qualified enough to understand what we will present.! I think Mike B. is making a big mistake, showing his crawling Big foot Icon to everybody on this site. I think he will come to regret it.

      Anyway, Our evidence, will be examined by well qualified Primate, Anthology experts, and by Photo/video analysis experts, not by the likes of you.

      And who the hell are you/ You want proof of our trips? Who the hell are you? Are you a friend? No! If you don't trust me, come on my expedition, I leave 10/4. Come with us, I am paying for everything, what do you got to lose?.

      John W. Jones

    7. Jesus what a suprise a woman crying who knew

    8. I'm usually nice but you're a pain in the ass lady

    9. It's Richard, Borne out of your mother's ass Dyer, How you doing.

  17. Todd standing wasn't with Less S when they were filming at Jim Te camp for Sasqwatch Ontario in Terrece Bay we only got to meet Less S but he was awsome And we all had fun telling stories together

  18. Les Stroud just lost any credibility he might have had. AFR, eh, Les? (anything for ratings)

  19. Tim Fasano is, unfortunately, an idiot. He can only film himself in 2 places; 1. Out in the woods pretending to be making a difference, and 2. Hiding in his taxi cab. Really? He acts for the camera and presumably thinks he's got us convinced that he's a serious outdoorsman. He really is sad and pathetic. Almost as pathetic as this site is, STILL posting stuff about Dyer. Wow. I won't be bothering with this site anymore.

  20. John. Joe agrees. He doesn't want to release it. But how else do I shut them up. They want my blood. They've crashed my hardware with malware. Stolen my content. Thank God I sent you Joe and Shawn my backup picks. Please John. Don't do this to me. I NEED to shut these guys up in a real bad way. Abe somehow I know they know this is real. John. I want them to know what you and I go through and what we spend in cash and hours and ticks and chiggers and countless troll bashings actually pays off. Don't abandon me now man!!!

    1. Mike, I know it's hard. I am just looking out for you. I know how vicious people on this site can be, and you know to I'm right! Why would you have degenerates analysis any photos you have.

      Look what happened to TG recently, any photo, any video shown here will be labeled as a fake, as a Hoax. You will then be labeled a Hoaxer, Then from that time on, anything you present, no matter how good will be called a Hoax/fake. Do you want to end up on a list, like known hoaxers Dyer or Biscardi?

      Do what we are doing, present your photos to an expert on photography, get his expert analyze on it IN WRITING! Then contact a leading University, in your area that has Primate and Anthology professors, get their analysis, again IN WRITING. (if you can) Or at least make friends with them, see what they would require, and follow their recommendations.

      I told you before, you need dates, time weather conditions, type of Camera, type of film etc. Document everything, keep a diary of events. You also need witnesses, I'm sorry but your son won't do. Also we need to talk on the phone, privately, this is an open forum, not good here!
      On your "private" Email, give me your home phone #.

      To all commenters here, Mike B. photos are impressive, he's very good at what he does. Way better than some other researchers that show grainy and illogical videos. If he lived closer, or had the time, I/We would be proud to take him along with us.

      Enough said,

      John W. Jones spoke!
      To that Anon that said I was on drugs: Your right! I'm high on living life to the fullest, I'm high on "Bigfooting" because once you see one, you just have to see it again.

    2. To Mr. Jones, no disrespect, but I feel I have to comment on a couple of issues that you posted earlier..I believe that not all who come here are trolls,but researchers who don't want to get involved with a lot of negativity that awaits them. Second, night research is not the most stupid way of investigation with the availability of modern technologies in thermal and night vision equipment. It gives me an advantage that I believe most mammal's don't have. You seem frustrated at times and that what a troll does to get you to react..So please don't give up the good work. I truly believe that there' is no field guide to Bigfoot. Only chances to find one is with lots field experiment in different ways to find it,even if it takes all day and night.

    3. Thank you anon 1:45 for presenting mature advice. I didn't want to comment at all, on any sight, because all I read is hostile, vicious negative comments,

      With shows like "Finding Big foot' or "Mountain Monsters" the viewer comes away thinking that:
      1. Big foots are found in almost state,
      2. Investigate at night, because they are very active at night.
      3. Do "Call blasting" to lure them in.
      4. Do wood knocks
      5. Stand out in the open, and they will come.
      6. Research 30 yards in from the road

      Fort 50+ years these methods have been handed down to each new generation of Big foot researchers, and all have failed.

      Me and my team, do none of that, we use a lot of "Out-of-the-box" thinking combined with tried and true hunting skills. While we fail a lot, we also learn "what not to do" and What works'.

      A thermal image, even an excellent one, with be meet with ridiculed and everybody's interpretation's. A thermal Image "will not" prove the existence of Big foot. Unless, there is very compelling features, that cannot be duplicated by a human being, like extreme size, weight and it's agile ability.

      Like a couple of years ago, me and team accidently boxed in one against a cliff face apx 200 feet high straight up. By the time we got the Video camera out, it climbed the cliff face and was gone, latterly in seconds. if "we had" captured that incident on film, no body could dispute it, as no human alive could climb that cliff face in seconds! maybe one day, someone will get lucky.

      John W. Jones spoke

    4. That's cool John I've always wondered why groups always look at night when the PGF and almost every credible sighting takes place in broad daylight good luck brother

    5. Richard allready caught one DyerMonday, September 30, 2013 at 4:57:00 PM PDT

      Johnny Jerkoff Jinglenuts Jones....don't shoot yourself in the foot running from bigfoot you big pansy...haw,haw

    6. Thanx Mr. Jones, and agree on your many points. I like to think if an elusive creature is going to check you out, that it will do so on it's on terms.I find that like you, I am the hunter and not the hunted. A good hunter will have an advantage with that at hand. I like to use black heat in thermal for it's pronouns' outline of the subject. I feel it shows better image with just skin and fur vs a subject with clothes or thick wear.I just watched a docu on a man doing night research for Grizzly's and the new Flir was unbelievable in it's imaging. Not to say he came across a lot of bears at night . Thanx Mr. J

    7. Everybody look who's able to write something, It's Richard, "Borne out of his mother's ass" Dyer! He's back!

  21. Joe is pissing emails as we speak telling me not to release my content today. Just two. You guys let me release two. Belly crawl and profile. I'll save the rest. And Les Stroud. You don't have to go to Canada man. Just call Stacy Brown or John Jones or myself. I'll put you 50 feet from one. M

  22. Listen you stupid fucks. John Bindernagel thought enough of Timbergiant to go squatching with him. Why don't you go squatching instead of sitting on your fat asses and pontificating about it. If you don't know what that word means you can google it.

    1. 10:21. You don't have any idea what you're talking about. Bindernagel was being respectful to Jim. And I'm a fan of Jim. And I know more about the outdoors and John Jones has forgotten more than your sorry ass will ever encounter. Now have a nice gay.

  23. You guys do realise Tim Fasano is retarded, and a schizo right? No harm intended.

  24. Sorry. Thought it was directed at John jones and myself. Apologies

  25. This is fucking stupid. It's hilarious how Shawn picks and chooses who he worships and who he wishes to discredit in the Bigfoot community. What a knob.

  26. Shawn Evidence seems to give everybody a fair shot. And some people he even gives second chances to. I know he's a nice guy, a father, and he's been out with Bart and Justin in the woods. I'm proud to know him and I haven't heard him attack anyone. All he said on Monster X last night was release the unedited content. Is that an attack? Only if you're hiding something. What's in your wallet? :)

    1. Except that doesn't jive with how he chooses to title some of his blogs with bias.

    2. There is simply no way that you can credibly 'out' Timbergiant in the company of an other hoaxer.

      Not in favour of giving hoaxer's second chances. These folks need to be eradicated from the scene. Not be asked to guest on radio shows as minor celebs...


  27. Mike Brookreson: After viewing your icon, blown up, I have to say it looks much like the faces that Scott Carpenter has presented. As a firm believer in BF without actually seeing one myself, I do enjoy your posts, and those of Mr. Jones and Mr. Fitzgerald. I wish we (believers) could all just ignore the trolls, and that believers would stop replying to them completely--starve them so to speak. For what it's worth, I hope you guys all the best in your endeavors.


    1. That won't work because we reply to ourselves.

  28. Its a pitty that Shawn Evidence has no shame whatsoever and that he doesnt have the balls to call it like it is. Instead he simply promotes the hoaxers who benefit him the most at the moment. And when i say that, i mean the hoaxers who bring in the hits to this pathetic excuse for a bigfoot website. Real bigfoot websites, dedicated to research and breaking news, dont conjure up anything and everything they possibly can to garner hits. If their is no credible news for 2 months, then so be it. Yet when Shawn has no news, which is basically all the time, he plugs Mulders World, which he gets paid for, promotes known hoaxers, and tries to sling mud.

    So lets see, Stroud shouldnt work with these guys b/c they are hoaxers (which i agree with),and Shawn cautions that Stroud shouldnt work with them b/c of their dubious history. LLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLL!!!! How ignorant and hypocritical can you be Shawn!!!!

    You promote the biggest clowns in the industry. Its really a miracle you dont promote Rick Dyer. The only reason you dont is b/c he buddied up to FBF, which you didnt like b/c it took hits from your site. But really Shawn??? You clown on these 2 Ontario hoaxers, calling out their questionable history, and then you promote the biggest hoaxers in the industry??????? Tim Fatsano, Jim Lebouf or whatever the hell name hes using, snowwalker prime, team tazer, Stacy Brown Jr, and the list goes on. You have no shame and have no problem plugging known bigfoot hoaxers (which you have admitted too), and yet you try and trash these 2 Ontrario hoaxers. Your just as bad as the hoaxers Shawn Evidence. And why dont you go by your real name???

    If your gonna sell out a field, then thats your own moral weakness, but at least have the taste to promote all hoaxers instead of just ones that will cooperate with you. This is why your site has a couple hundred regular viewers who are responsible for all the comments and repeated hits. Any professional wouldnt think twice about your site. Kinda like looking at Robert Lindsay's Rick Dyer posts, one look is all it takes to know what the score is. You would think people would be smart enough to not buy into your garbage, but considering that there were several hundred morons who sent Rick Dyer money for gold memberships, and who even believed him, i am not surprised. This is just another example of what your motives are in this field. Time to head back to laos.

    1. Stop whining, where else can we have in depth discussions about the taterhole?

    2. About 85% of your list is right.

  29. Rick Dyer like shawn always entertains,you don't get bigfoot but you do like it


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