How Many Bigfoots Are In This Photo? [9/27/2013]

They say if you try really hard, there are at least three Bigfoots in this photo. :-) Full resolution photograph is below.

Happy Friday everyone!


  1. Replies
    1. Happy Friday to you as well!!

    2. Joe lost the bet before it even started. What happened with that? First he's so sure that he demonized Honcho, then he welched on his own agreement. That says all we need to know about one Joe F.

      All of a sudden Sykes means nothing...

    3. Look. The truth is, I don't know how the study is gonna go. All I do know is what I've always maintained is the truth; that he is an active Bigfooter that has had his own experience, and has leaked his intentions to associates.

      I have not brought Sykes up out of respect for the people who frequented this blog who had to read that embarrassing crap. I stand by what I believe is someone who is one of the most credible people in the world, theorising that this creature is real. That is obvious by the extension he has given himself. He may prove me wrong, but it will have no baring on the way I look upon this subject, have no baring on the accumulative evidence that would drown 30 samples out a tens of thousands of times over, and it would have no baring on me blogging on this blog.

      If bringing that up again is what makes your day visiting this blog, I would suggest you man up and try and debate me, or go away and attain your attention somewhere else. You are sad and everything that is wrong with this world.

      That is the only thing I am going to say about the subject tonight.

    4. Ketchum also got involved in bigfooting. Sure hope it goes better for Sykes and you. There's nothing to debate, there is no bigfoot so far, no peer reviewed novel hominid DNA evidence, you can't debate something that doesn't exist. Debating a negative is pointless. Maybe when you come up with actual scientific evidence leading to a giant hairy half human running around America we can have something worthy to discuss. Until then, you're on the losing side of the battle.

    5. Judas Priest, there is evidence in the PGF, like it or not. God damn it these idiotic skeptards are devolving into lower life forms.

      Wake it up, delusional 2:33. Damn it.

    6. Interesting 2:33 considers this a battle, that a battle exists at all, and that there is a losing side.


      If you go and read the aims and tenets of the JREF, you might see why this lunkhead is writing about a battle.

      Have fun!!!

    7. 2:33...

      You must prove that the evidence we have in support of this creature is not there and therefore proving the creature is a 'negative' before suggesting it's a negative. Until then, there is plenty to debate I'm afraid... Or is this the typical 'I can't debate cause I don't have the brains cells to do so, so I'll imply there is nothing there to debate so I don't look silly' tactic again? No doubt in my mind. Man up, grow a pair, you are schooled.


    8. I don't jREF or give a damn what they do. The word battle is used metaphorically, you dolt. PGF is neither evidence or proof of anything other than to prove the 60's had terrible cameras and what seems to be the only "bigfoot" ever caught on film in 50 years conveniently by a known con-man. If it was filmed by someone who wasn't a known con-man who was already breaking his bank to film a bf documentary then maybe we would have something better talk about.

    9. Oh dear...

      You see, if you can't disprove the analysis of a costume expert of 30 years, then in the PGF; there is your Bigfoot. You see, if you can't prove that Roger Patterson was a con man, then you are full of BS. We have experts that back out corner and you have lose theories, sketchy stories and useless hearsay... Anything than explaining how a 'suit' that real can be made 46 years ago.

      Matching specimen? Leaping Russian Yeti... Schooled.

      Not too smart are you?


    10. I got a dozen top experts who laugh at your failed costume designer but that's not good enough for you.

      It's a known fact that Roger made his own casts, that shows his desire to hoax.

      Leaping Yeti is nothing like patty, at least with patty even though a terrible camera you can see certain details of the suit. Leaping yeti is a bouncing blob hoodiesquatch.


    11. Ok... Let's see those experts? Yeah, thought so... Full of BS. Leaping Russian Yeti is what it is a little nightmare for you and I love seeing you dance to that. You have nothing in that comment... Again, that you can back up with any evidence or anything that anyone can look at and think 'yeah man, you're right there', because you don't know what you're on about and struggle to bring anything but your silly opinion and lies.

      Yep! Lies, lies, lies and more stumblings and fumblings from you... None of your comment was in the realms of reality! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

  2. Replies
    1. ░░░░░▄▄▄▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▄▄▄▄▄▄░░░░░░░

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Wow! Only a platinum level cryptozoologist could do that...I wish I had the money to become one...

    4. ^^Get yerself a microscope, son, and you'll be platinum level fer sure.

    5. Thanks...Then I can examine these hairs I found near the dogs water dish. Maybe bigfoot wanted to kidnap them...Very interesting....

    6. My pants have been removed by the author.

  3. Replies
    1. Give it a look, forget what source it comes from, forget who posted the video and edited it, forget what is being suggested, and let me know what you think.


    2. Ok, I think if it's anything other than tree's blowing in the wind, it is a known primate.

    3. Interesting. Surely it can't be just leaves blowing in the wind??


    4. If the majority of people can agree that this subject moves like a primate, then it comes down to whether a gibbon say, would be trusted to be let roam that free in the wilderness?

      Who has gibbons to let loose in the wilderness??


    5. Honestly Joe, from what I see in the video it could be a squirrel, it's too hard to tell being so blurry, just my opinion... I have seen much better stuff than anything put out by those guys, or just TGBF for that matter.

    6. Joe, look up Florida and all of the private exotic pets that have escaped from captivity or were released from captivity into the wild. Primates, Amphibians, Reptiles galore, Fish, Cats, Etc... Wealthy people have some strange interests.

    7. I hear you Rush. This footage was captured in Ontario I believe?

      I'm trying to get as much opinions on it as possible, so thank you for your input buddy.

      (I think it's pretty OK so far)


    8. Joe, it's the scale of everything around it, whatever it is really does look small.

    9. I think you're right you know... But just trying to get my head around it.

      Thanks Rush, hope all is well with you buddy.


    10. I know your not from America but let me tell you something: Florida itself has over a thousand Reese's Monkeys living wild, not to mention countless other species. Ohio is the same way, there is an insane amount of known primates and other species wondering the wild. I know PA has also had a major train crash in the past were a circus car was smashed and exotic species ran wild.

      Nothing of this is remotely bigfoot and as per usual lacks complete consistency with known bigfoot sightings.

    11. Joe, you do realize that TGBF lives within an hour drive of a place called African Lion Safari, where you can drive through a forest in your car and ...wait for it...photograph monkeys?

    12. I'm not even kidding. And yes, this is in Ontario. I live about 45 mins from the place. If you're not careful the monkeys come and mess up your car and break your mirrors and bend your wipers and shit.

      I'm not saying that is what is in the picture, I'm just giving you information you seem to sorely lack.


    14. Thank you guys... Much appreciated!

      And hey Don, hope all is well with you.


    15. Replying to the Canadian about the liOn safari place I dated the elephant trainer there in 2003 she was total opposite of what u think she look like blond hair blue eyes and drove a killer bike and had a smokin body, happy elephants u.brought back some old memories thanks, just thought it was funny and wonder if she still works there? Lol

    16. "Athletic Auburn Bigfoot Clears the Gap" was busted by Phil. At first he thought it was a squirrel, but realized he was wrong.

  4. Replies
    1. Give it a look, forget what source it comes from, forget who posted the video and edited it, forget what is being suggested, and let me know what you think.


    2. Ya joe what kind of approach r your friends taking in texs ?

    3. Just one friend... Mike Brookreson who blogs very frequently here. I can't go too much into detail cause we're trying to get a post on here together... But we have, in my opinion, some very interesting stuff.


    4. When u say interesting stuff what u mean give me a example ?

    5. Buddy... I'd love to tell you but I can't. You'll find out soon enough, thank you for your interest, it means a lot. Are you from Texas?


    6. Canada joe in a smaller town that has now major city for 10 to 12 hours driving in any direction which is probably any big footers dream we really have it all here as far as wild life and privacy goes

    7. Ever had any experiences of Bigfoot? That sounds like a dream.



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