Hack Emails From Mike B. and Joe Fitz, September 30th 2013

Mike B. and Joe Fitz are two of our most outspoken readers in the comments section. Apparently, some guy who claims to be from a skeptics forum (JREF?) got a hold of their passwords and decided to release their email conversation. It's quite a fascinating read and they touched on several topics such as TimberGiantBigfoot's "Big Red" footage and Todd Standing in Canada. The hacker claims to have more emails and we'll be posting them all here on Bigfoot Evidence.

Mike B:
Good morning Joe!

How are things across the pond? I have to tell you the truth, I couldn't sleep last night. I was up listening to my boy Johnny Bigfoot and his panel discussion as they interviewed our favorite cab driving, skunk ape chasing, protagonist Tim Fasano, about his thoughts on the latest post of Timbergiantbigfoot and his recent posting of 'Big Red' and the fallout and aftermath of the controversial video.

Now, Joe, before I get into specifics and name drop the guest panelists like Paul 'BamaBuckster 1' Hulsey, your Blogtalk Radio Monster X host, my boy Johnny Bigfoot and his cohost Shane and none other than the sexiest man in Bigfoot Mr Shawn Evidence himself, on the show things started by Bigfoot and his partner launching right in with Fasano. Now Joe, you know I like a good story, but from the beginning I've been screaming that something is foul In Denmark, er, Ontario. From the moment I saw a supposed 'experienced researcher' Jim 'Timbergiantbigfoot' purportedly sneak up on the Willie Nelson Red Headed Stranger and 'shot of a lifetime'. My Hoax alarm went OFF. First he hears a nut cracking sound (insert joke here), then he begins to film a red haired subject in the bushes? He then mysteriously pans away at least four times as he searches for a better angle and ultimately makes the critical no-no and let's out a loud wood knock while the subject is in close view?!

A wood knock is purported to be either a deep woods communication or a warning. By the time he'd done this and panned away for at least 4 edits the creature was long gone. But that didn't stop our hero from taking off his crocs and scoobey-doo sneaking up on the mystery critter only to find a buffet from Whole Foods, replete with snails, fresh apples and hair samples galore which he grabbed with his bare hands?? Say it ain't so Joe, what does your hung over Welsh ass feel about these anomalies from what the panel unanimously agreed last night was a guy who was no stranger to controversy... ???

Joe Fitz:
Well siwmae Mike and SHIVER ME TIMBERS!!

Nobody in the Bigfoot community likes a hoax, or at least the hardworking, honest folks that are in the field for sometimes months at a time, busting their guts trying their damnedest to put together research that would provide a platform for this species to be taken seriously by both the mainstream media and the scientific world. Todd Standing for example is someone who in the minds of many; not a total hoaxer in the conventional sense, because his actions would suggest intentions to contribute to getting wider acknowledgment and protection for the species. Yeah, sure, he may have an agenda to make himself filthy rich in the process, why not? He's putting in the time and effort in the field isn't he?? I firmly believe that his muppets (if that is indeed what they are) have been a tool for him to propel his research, and look where it's got him?

So here's the bombshell - Does hoaxing sometimes work for the greater good?


What is Timbergiant's agenda here? Does he merely intend on getting a bigger name to which he could then reflect the attention for the greater good of this species? Hard to say, and I am by no means suggesting that his intentions are good cause I simply don't know, but his laughable attempt at quite clearly staging a Bigfoot capture on film has not appeared to take the mainstream world by storm (neither did Todd's). It will be interesting however to see how this develops in the next few weeks and see if this much called for 'unedited version' of the film materialises or get's forgotten about, only to be brought up ocassionally on Shawn's blog and not for any positive reasons either.

I for one have spent a lot of time pouring over the 'Athletic Auburn Bigfoot' video that was promoted by FB/FB. Here, you have what looks to be some kind of ape jumping around the wilderness. It's fascinating to study the reactions this video gets, as most agree, enthusiast and skeptic alike, that it at the very least appears to be some kind of ape, possibly a gibbon with a liberal owner, which would suggest how well accepted the motion of the subject is. What are the repercussions of this piece of footage now that this latest video has come about?

If I had the opportunity to state something to Timbergiant, somewhere that it would be seen for all to read and that would hopefully in turn entice him to get the ball rolling and give this fiasco some closure, I would say "release that unedited version Timber" and in the words of Fasano...

"You have 72 hours, RAAAAARGHHH!!!

Mike B:
We have a saying in Texas Joe, when something is a tall tale told by a city slicker then he's 'All Hat and No Cattle'. Joe, until we get Mr Jim Timbergiantbigfoot off his bicycle and into his editing room to produce the uncut unedited video of this subject, then I'm going to keep referring to that 'wig and a stick' video where Phil Poling caught him acting bizarre as he allegedly had a 'subject' strolling along in the bushes and then cut away and panned to his son walking through a field like it was the land of Oz and they were simply following the yellow brick road.

Joe, the road or path I follow requires me to provide some proof that my content or any other researchers has enough veracity to at least give the apparent transparency of an unedited copy to 'clear up' these inconsistencies. I'm no Bart Cutino, the only thing we have in common is good looks, but Fasano was right and Tim Fasano gets out into the woods and actually looks for his skunk ape. Johnny Bigdoot, Paul Hulsey and Shawn Evidence agreed with each other as well.

Jim, either show us the full unedited tape or take it down. So says the man from Texas... Post for me now Jim and I will hold your oath fulfilled, What say you?! Joe, until he does he's gonna be what's referred to in Texas as a 'whistle britches'. A guy whose supposed to be decked out as a real cowboy (researcher) but whose methods (ie. new noisy wranglers) simply make him a target and object of ridicule to others. This coming from a guy who is new to Bigfoot, but as you'll see, never panned away. A point Fasano made last night; "... say what you want about the PGF, Roger got down off his horse and chased that thing!". Mr Timbergiant, won't you get down off your bicycle and do the same??

Joe Fitz:
Well Mike... We'll have to show Timbergiant how not to pan away, what ya think?



  1. Replies
    1. No firsting allowed because i'm a big whiny bitch and i think i'm having my period ... Last ..anti first

    2. HOW DARE YOU!! you woman hating,, MAN LOVER!.. as always mellissa H.

  2. So PJ thinks hoaxing is ok if your intentions are good?

    1. Try and drop the vendetta against me for a second... Try and leave your 2-bit brain cell unit for a second, and try and think outside the box for just two... Ok?

      Are you psychic? No... So we can't actually categorically claim we know why Timber giant would hoax, can we? Why would someone hoax? It's either to make money and a name for themselves through cheating and lying... Or we have a suggested example, a very unique situation in Todd Standing where his work is edging towards the ideology of attaining protection for these creatures.

      We don't know the facts and I am trying to offer a small level of sympathy to encourageTimbergiant to make a statement.

      Jeeeeez, you people are so dumb it's hilarious!! Talk about dancing!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      Pesky hackers! Why I auta... !!!!


    2. So I come back this week again and there's still no bigfoot. Now PJ is being apologetic towards hoaxers...for their nobility! Hahaha.

      Just like him going from knocking Ketchum and then defending her.

      Pick a view and be consistent for once, dude. You change sides like a politician.

    3. It seems the lack of bigfoot makes anonymous footers butthurt.

    4. Dear Mr Campbell.

      You twist and distort things to suit the vulturistic trolls who frequent this blog to applaud your ignorance. It actually makes me smile, because it proves to me that you have to resort to lies, 'versions' and exaggerations to stir up the remotest peace of endorphin release in seeing it all written down on a blog to which is greatly needed after you pouted and went away, leaving this blog a better place.

      I suggest you actually read the comments I made, read between the lines and go on to a search engine and learn the meaning of the phrase 'tongue in cheek'.

      I would also like for you to provide the bloggers here with an example of where I 'knocked' Ketchum? This is again some sort of twisted, almost perverse attempt at clawing back some self esteem by watching the vultures that can't debate me, flock to your lies and poison.

      Now run along again Mr Campbell... Before you embarrass yourself even further.

      Oh and here's your Bigfoot...




    5. You want to know one difference between you and I?

      Someone tells me something - I say prove it.

      Someone tells you something - No way man!! That fits perfectly into my obsessive narrative!! This is so true and amazing, everyone must accept this unreplicable hearsay!!

      I'm not spending an hour on each post because I'm currently iPhone only and you're not worth that time.

    6. Dan. I sent u a Bigfoot pic. You aren't so jaded you don't see it are you. I'm giving them

    7. Do you wanna know the difference between you and me? Honestly?

      I'm not butt hurt like you. I haven't been into the subject as long as you and as a result; I haven't been let down by the research field.

      What you do is petulance in the respect that you are quite literally throwing your toys out of the pram and every bit of research, research at some point you would have supported, is now at the complete opposite end of the scale, and you are never honest about it... 'everything is a hoax'. You have intelligence and at times have even made me laugh at your comments, but you are too stubborn and too butt hurt even admit of you were wrong or maybe wrong about something. I can do that. I have been wrong about things and in all your attacks against me, never focus on what I myself can be skeptical of.

      Something tells me something, and as long as it fits the research I have made and as long as it fits the research experts and professionals have accumulated, then it's good enough for me, because believe it or not, I CAN siv through the crap and find what's hot and what's not.


    8. Butt hurt?well I'm going to side with Joe on the existance of bigfoot,although that Erickson video does set things back

  3. isn't that supporting criminal behavior? Shawn you have stooped to an all time low. Is there not anything you wont do to get views?


    2. better call the internet police.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Long Live The Mayor. And Someone Wake up Harry and Fozzie and MMG and MMC and Eva and MJA and Rushfer and Rumfer and Big Jim and Skeptic Mike and True Dat and Poop in Jar and Bob Wire and John Jomes and Chuck Alpha Dog and Stevie Strings........

    5. And Rictor and Ro and Bart and Smeja and Shawn and MK and Kelly Shaw and Fasano.... And SBJr and you tell the skeptics........that we will fight them in the streets and we will fight them in the hills.... And in the air in our balloon.....and in the moat surrounding Muirs Castle........and we shall never....surrender.

    6. We will post real Bigfoot Pix today......and we will party like its 1999........ And I will befriend Joe.....and I shall insult Joe....... And I will stay until the fight is over!!!!!! Or the pub closes...

    7. I'm with Mike,til the rums gone anyway

  4. this blog is nothing but scum

  5. I had someone hoax all over my taterhole yesterday

  6. Athletic Auburn Bigfoot Clears The Gap.


  7. JREF is filled to the gills with spooks, retired spooks and acne faced adolesence kids living with their parents. They didn't hack those accounts. They intercepted their emails because that is what they do to gather data. Spooks think that Bigfoot should be secret, otherwise they would be out of a cush job minutes from 20 restaurants, and suddenly be shipped off to afghanistan where there new mission will be waterboarding the taliban 24/7.

    1. Anonymous 10:01
      It appears that understanding humor when one see's it, is above your pay grade. I recommend putting in for a reassignment to the ufo/space alien disinformation squad because this board will make no sense to the serious minded.

  8. Those read like the authors expect others to be reading them as well. This does not look or smell right. In fact in smells like manufactured controversy. Would not put it past Joe. After all he think the ends justify the means.

    1. Yeah if this was real they would be crying and spamming the hell out of the comment section. HOAXERS!

    2. Don't forget Jo is Welsh and there is a big time difference so expect his usual verbal diarrhoea soon as it's just coming up to 7am on our side of the pond. I'd personally like to reassure the readers of Bigfoot Evidence that not every British person is as gullible, fanatical and biologically naive as Joe. Most of us are sane rational folk who do not make massive logical jumps when presented with blobsquatches, hoaxes, feeble attempts by veterinarians to defraud millionaires and no truely authentic varifiable evidence.

    3. What is your game here Shawn? The story just does not sound right. Nor the dialog. So you guys just goofing or are there more nefarious agendas in play here?

    4. To the British sensitive guy who has been schooled by me so many times, he's a little butt hurt.

      The only diarrhoea that lessens this blog, is from hateful little anonymous people like you. It is normal for you to make exaggerated attacks at someone who you struggle to contend with very regularly, but I invite you to suggest what what hoaxes I invest into?

      I expect you to snake out of this and then in a week or two's time post another comment highlighting the fact that I'm Welsh whilst offering nothing to counter my theories or the researchers I support.

      Schooled... Again.


    5. You support pseudoscience, hoaxers, con-men, geriatric farts, and failed careerists...that's a fact.

      Glad to see people continuing to call bullshit on you in my absence.

    6. Nope... I support lone academic, professional theorists that have applied their expertise under threats, censorship and ridicule, that have ten times more intelligence and expertise than you will ever have and who have nothing to be concerned with your lies, versions and poisonous opinions.

      Now run along boo-hoo boy, your tail belongs firmly between your butt cheeks.


    7. Same shtick still, PJ? You never were much for actual creativity in your posts, which is why you probably cut and paste so much. How many green M&M'S do you eat before you want to eat another color?

      Don't get snappy with me just because the only credible expert that you like to name drop hasn't came out with his genome project yet.

    8. Muir. It's Shawn having some fun. I emailed Dan a Bigfoot Face. I've asked Joe to post them all. Muir designed the castle Joe. He deserves to know they're real

    9. Campbell, if Sykes doesn't deliver, I don't care... And I don't know how his research is gonna drop. But I do not ignore the facts of is actions and obvious intentions and I'll still be here, whatever the results.

      I quite enjoy cutting and pasting, you want one to read now?


    10. No one reads your cut and pastes, PJ. If anything they skim to see if you actually posted your own words or not.

      Sykes is the final nail in the coffin for mainstream bigfootery.

    11. (Sigh)

      Sykes will be as good as his samples... Something you conveniently forget every time. It's 30 samples... Not even one per State.

      And my cut & pastes serve a purpose... Routine equals learning in the mentally fragile.


    12. You forget HE'S the one who cut his project at those samples because he had what he was looking for. I mean Ro said it, therefore it's true, right?

      Top researchers with their top samples means even your best in field have nothing. Heretofore you have nothing and like it.

    13. Danny. Joe and I are posting pix of a Bigfoot here today. You know I'm no hoaxer. What say you?

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. You will draw on a comment made by an associate of Sykes as BS, yet you suggest that the samples are given from 'top researchers' and are 'top samples'... How do you know thins Campbell? Are you expecting that to trump anything I have regarding the way this study looks to be going already? Come on bro... You can do better than that... 30 samples are 30 samples.


    16. And I like Joe Welsh. Good guitar player. Like his work with The Eagles and The James Gang

    17. Bigfootery is not in a coffin.

      There are no nails.

      There is no final nail.

      Sykes carries no hammer.

      Sykes can pound no imaginary final nail nor any nail into any imaginary coffin.

      Delusions of imaginary nails and coffins. Strange.

    18. Sasquatch the quest,is that site back up?

  9. Hoaxers?

    How about this:


    When do the readers get some kind of follow up on this ?

  10. Delighted to see so many take the bait!

    Good work guys.

    Death to hoaxing scum.


    1. hey joe. is it true you guys got hacked.

    2. does not look like anyone bought this lame story.

      good work indeed,

    3. Hackers. Only cowards hack. I suggest you scan your computer for spyware and change your passwords. Hacking is illegal and a a federal offence holding a maximum of 20 years imprisonment.

    4. It's been on hold for a few weeks but we have some nice stuff together and once Mike, myself and our advisors come to an agreement as to when to release it, you'll be the first to know my friend.

      How are you today bro?!


    5. yea not to bad. been dealing with money hungry lawyers most the day im looking at buying a 3rd farm and the amount of work and costs involved is just ridicules.

    6. Wow buddy! Keep up the good work MJA! At this rate you'll be able to afford to ship us all down your way for a party!!

      (Ha! Just joking buddy!!)


    7. i am thinking this will be the last farm. this ones just so that i dont have to pay to send my young stock away until they are big enough to milk. so it will be a grazing and siledge farm. it should save about $25000 a week

    8. Surprised you run 2 milking parlors without having a heffer farm. Should have bought it a long time ago.

    9. hey dan
      i use to send them away from grazing. use to cost $25 per animal.

    10. Did you keep your dry cows too or send them out with the heffers?

    11. Did you ever get really excited and hook yourself up to the milking machine?

    12. the dry cows stayed only heifers and calves got sent away.
      how sick in the head are you anon 5.07

  11. Those emails don't even sound like anything that mike B and joe Fitz would write. This smells of a hoax.

    1. It was. We didn't write that stuff. Thanks for noticing.

    2. Man That sucks !.I am glad this is the libraries' computer. I still have a beeper..Once some one hacked into and tried to make me call and apologize to all my ex's..!
      hey joe, mb and co.

    3. Skunkey, is Muirs Castle gonna be pager friendly?? :)

    4. Awesome ! How about 8track player. Got some old Mott the Hoople to catch up on <B-)-'

      Yo NZ sup?

    5. not much at all. i see you lit the joint with the shades. hey skunkey we have to find a room in muirs castle the designate as a purple haze room.

    6. It's all good !.If you don't per-take, then others can take advantages with the fiber.(clothes,oil,rope,ect.)...Scuse me while I kiss the sky !

    7. as the legend mr marley said. don't worry about a think because every little thing is going to be alright

    8. That's cool..I thought he shot a sheriff ?

  12. Boy there REALLY must be nothing left to promote as far as bigfoot evidence goes. Seriously grasping at straws.

    1. 1:32. Dear sweet Anon. Joe and I are posting real Bigfoot Pix here today.....just for you.

    2. is mr joe fitz letting you release these pics now

    3. Well. Since Shawn has all our emails. I've demanded he post the ones with pictures. I'd still like to know who hacked me. Cost me 300 bucks MJA to have my hard drive erased. But yeah buddy. All weeklong. They comin !!

    4. the emailed shawn. what is their email address. with a email its easy to find out ip addresses

    5. have you had any emails of recent with attachments from people you dont know

  13. Gerhard Reinke, platinum level philosopher, cryptozoological genius and my mentor once stated, "Bigfoot, ! Reveal Yourself !" Well the board is set, the pieces are moving......now is the deep breath before the plunge.

  14. BE you blew it.
    You are publishing emails you received from an anon hacker from two of your biggest commenters..
    You really have no moral or ethical precepts.
    It may seem like a hit builder today, but I really doubt it.
    I think many will react like me, and call it forever on BE.

  15. BE you blew it.
    You are publishing emails you received from an anon hacker from two of your biggest commenters..
    You really have no moral or ethical precepts.
    It may seem like a hit builder today, but I really doubt it.
    I think many will react like me, and call it forever on BE.

    1. This whole thing smells fishy.?

    2. As Mr Krabbs once said, " what's that smell, it's a smelly smell.....a smell...that's .....well ......smelly..............ANCHOVIES !"

    3. No Dan. I'm not smart and funny like you... I still think spongebob is funny. So does John Fogerty It's his favorite show. Wish I would have left your dumb ass banned and unlike other folks here I will kick it. M

  16. Good grief, people!! Is it not enough to have to put up with their idiotic banter in the comments here? Now we get to read their e-mail exchanges as well? Good golly, no. Just make them go away.

  17. Good grief, people!! Is it not enough to have to put up with their idiotic banter in the comments here? Now we get to read their e-mail exchanges as well? Good golly, no. Just make them go away.

  18. Just a suggestion to JF and crew: just write a damn book and get all of this fantasy crap out of your systems. I know of at least three people who would buy it. :)


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