Frustrated Derek Randles Asking Dr. Melba Ketchum To Return Sierra Kills Sample, Again, Or Else...

This stuff is getting heavy and the walls may start to close in on Dr. Melba Ketchum if she decides to wait it out any longer. Apparently, Ketchum is in violation of some sort of contractual agreement here between the owners of the Sierra Kills sample. According to sources close to the matter, in Ketchum's own contract (that she had written up), she does not own sample 26 (Sierras tissue). She was just given the rights to work with the tissue and own the results.

The Sierra Kills folks want it back -- at least what's left of it. She's been asked repeatedly by both Derek Randles and Wally Hersom to return the leftover tissue for the last 6 months and has not complied. For those not familiar with the story, in October 2010, a bear hunter named Justin Smeja reportedly shot two Bigfoots in the Sierras. Some tissue samples were found five weeks later near the area where the shots were fired. DNA results from at least two labs, including Ketchum's labs were conflicting. Ketchum says her results show that the Sierra sample came from a Bigfoot while Bart Cutino and Tyler Huggin's contracted labs showed that it was a black bear. It's quite messy, but you can read about the whole ordeal at

Here is Derek's open letter to Dr. Melba Ketchum requesting the samples back:

Dear Dr. Melba Ketchum:

I've made this request with your personal assistant, and I've also asked you directly, but still no response. Ms Ketchum, I want what's left of my sample back, and quite frankly I'm getting tired of waiting. The sample I'm referring to is sample 26. Just so there's no confusion, it's the sample Justin Smeja signed over to me, the sample that I gave you permission to test. I am the owner of the sample and I have the documentation stating so. You have told me repeatedly that there is some sample left. You have also told me you would send it to Wally for me. The least you could do considering Wally funded the majority of your study. The reason I want it back is simple. I want it re-tested. Posting this publicly is not my style, but in light of the fact I'm being ignored about this , and the BS seems to be getting thicker, I decided to post this publicly. I would very much appreciate a response from your "camp".


  1. Replies
    1. the circus show continues

      and still no bigfoot, anywhere, ever

      its over guys

      the study that for 5 years bleevers shouted at the top of their lungs would prove bigfoot exists once and for all and would be on all mainstream media outlets, completely failed in epic proportions

      no crow for the skeptics, ever

      you see folks there is no bigfoot

      if you are blinded by your fantasy don't be, please, its an incredible world out there full of incredible mind blowing things, but a magic monkey man isn't one of them



      ALL CAPS

    3. my,SNAPPER !! is PINK&WET,, ya"ll need to focas on SNAPPER, NOT derek an melba. ,.as always mellissa 31817 h,

    4. That's as may be, but can we see more copyrighted photos of the hair tuft? I imagine it is Ranae's brazen and untamed lady garden.

    5. 3:09, could you pluck the crow feathers from between your lips and teeth please?

      What HAVE you been doing?

    6. I agree all caps why the hell would you give a mentally unstable person then expect to get it returned this is just rediculous nonsense filler to keep their names out there or complete mental retardation it's a me me me look at me story you said you had the same bear sample so what fuckin difference does it make whether you get the one from her or not who gives a shit if you're so honest and sure it was two pieces of the same sample you'll get the same results unless you're a fuckin liar or just not so sure yourself in which case you're a fuckin liar still cause you swore up and down they were. Am I right or wrong?

    7. Sorry up and down they were the exact same samples

    8. I don't think they make them any dumber then you Harry. Obviously they don't believe it's going to be something different, if they test the piece from her they can prove the bitch is a fraud. Don't you get it???

      Shocking how idiotic and brainless the comments are here

    9. Prepare yourselves for the neck deep bullshit that's sure to be spewed here very shortly as to why I'm way off but not givin a direct answer to back their argument

    10. Oh yes I'm so dumb I'm sorry I neglected to realize a known fraud is a fuckin fraud do you have any other redundancies captain obvious


      ALL CAPS

    12. hey you may know she's a fraud Harry but it seems others don't seem to get it.

      I hope they get her but I'd be hella surprised if she sends it to Randles

    13. Maybe it is the beginning of a legal case against her?

      We can only hope.

    14. 3:09 is obviously one of the BFE employees, ranting the usual bull. There's only two reasons Bigfoot's not in the news as fact (though the species evidently exists) and that's firstly the government cover-up (they don't want this species to interfere with organized religion), secondly the origins of the species likely being otherworldly literally. So the reasons for the orchestrated ridicule is clear as rain, and with control over the press and media already it's easy keeping these things secret.

    15. Obviously Scott Carpenter^^

  2. FIRST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. When will Matt Moneymaker make a statement about Matilda the sleeping bigfoot ??

    He stated Matilda was real
    He is the founder and head of the BFRO

    Is Matilda real?

    Matt Moneymaker says she is a real Bigfoot, he is the head of the BFRO - he needs to follow up on this statement he made

    1. Mike G. Please get back in your cage and finish your zagnuts.


    3. I think he was supporting fellow BFRO member Adrian Erickson when he said that...

  4. The sample can potentially show that she is a flat hoaxer if the dna turns out to be radically different than what was described in her paper. She would have returned it long ago if this was not the case....Forget it fellas, that sample is compost, buried in her garden....

  5. LMFAO, anyone who thinks Derek is getting that sample back is surely mistaken. Melba will claim that it was lost or all used up EVEN THOUGH she has clearly stated to Derek that there was some tissue left prior to Derek's "rightful" demand. She doesn't want to be outed publicly and definitively as a flat out HOAXER, period. She'll DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to ensure that sample is NEVER RETURNED TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNER. However, people with an IQ above room temperature know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she's a hoaxer. People who trust her are the epitome of clueless degenerate schmucks. Send Derek his sample back Smelba, EVERYONE KNOWS you're not going to do that though because in order for that to happen you would have to have at least a smidgen of integrity as a human being. You're character is on par with that of a Snake Oil Salesmen.

    1. You tell everyone Sally! See, you give yourself away when you EMPHASIZE WITH CAPITAL LETTERS. :)

    2. She keeps that sample in a special place.

    3. OK, who the heck is Sally?

    4. 4:39 is a perfect example of a clueless degenerate schmuck I was referring too. You can easily spot them by their never ending yet clueless support for Smelba.

    5. hey, I emphasize with capitals once in awhile as well. I doubt Sally is the only one

  6. Your move Scott Carpenter !!!!

    1. ha! Most of what he posts is written by Smelba. No way he has the intelligence to post the drivel he spews out defending her.

  7. Replies
    1. How much of it do you have by now?

    2. While we're on the subject, will you please send me a sample? A sample from the President For Life of Trollandia would be awesome....

    3. Fascinating. Tell me more.

    4. He is our president. He answers to no one.

      Hail, Trollandia!

  8. retested?

    fucking hell are you footers for real?

    it tested as bear, more than once

    you aren't going to magic a bigfoot into existence by pure persistence if it doesn't exist in the first place

    1. Stop stepping on footer dreams.

    2. Tested to prove Ketchum is a liar. My god your dumb.

    3. For once footers are trying to test something in the hopes that is is NOT a Bigfoot and you people still can't let it go.

    4. Go out and get a real job!

    5. On the contrary, I think it is rather highly mitigated.

    6. Maybe so, but it's not your average bear...hey hey hey

    7. Yabba dabba do--and how exactly does one's cock become smoked?

      Wait...never mind.

    8. Lots of covert operational cocksmoking in this thread.

  9. Buckle up Mike
    Here it comes Flower.
    I won't debate ya Nephatia.

  10. He can huff and puff all he wants. If I was Melba I would wipe my ass with it and contaminate it with the Dna of about 1000 cats and dogs and bugs. Melba will not be intimidated by this roided out dude.

    1. Broad's been kicked outta how many labs? You think she pays the electric bill?

      C'mon Randles. Shouldn't you be glomming onto Sykes now? He's getting ready to lower the boom on y'all.

  11. Went to check out a bfro net site and it says this site may harm your computer. Anybody know about this?

    1. No its not false. In fact, theres real bad malware out there right now. It can shut you down. I had to wipe my hard drive. Its a good thing I sent Joe and Shawn everything first. Isnt it?

    2. Yep, saw that warning yesterday. Go you Conspiracy Theorists! Ha ha, Tim, U.K.

    3. And what, pray tell, did you wipe your hard drive with? :)

  12. So no more Icon, no more sunglasses, Ric Flair, pithy Mike, Skeptic Mike, or silly jokes. The photos are going to post. And then you can see what a Bigfoot looks like for yourself. M

  13. well well good to see DR put his foot down finally. he should've listened to his buddy (Cutino) from the beginning about this scam artist. obviously the piece is bear as how many labs tested it? Pretty funny,yeah I'm sure she'll send it back

    1. Everyone involved is a scam artist--hard to feel bad for any of these jokers.

    2. ^^^ says 6:06 scam artist/joker.

  14. And after the first two are released. The really close face shot and the huge profile. Im going to wait to release the other six. They will be open to debate Joe can do all the talking....Im tired. I wanted to go to Florida with Stacy for a few days and just chill and do some footing. But something came up......and so....if you guys want to see a Bigfoot.....get on Joe's ass.......i mean it ........M

    1. Joe's ass again? We can't even feel the walls.

    2. On to the topic at hand. If she wanted to salvage any credibility that she does seem to need. She should return it to Wally. Then let Sykes do his thing and it could rescue her somewhat, as the first person is always villified, see Nikola Tesla. M

    3. Joe is becoming the Machiavelli of Bigfooting, not the negative political connotation of the word, but the actual Niccolo di Bernardo di Machiavelli, who was among other things a humanist, politician, writer and philosopher......M

    4. I guess the question now becomes, since I have lost all my content, who is the Prince and who is the Pauper, eh Joe, email me, when you can...M

    5. Goodnight fellow footers, if I may rob Sammie T. Coleridge, "he prayeth best, who loveth best, all creatures great and small, but Timbergiant's is the test, I know not what it is at all" M

    6. Anyone have Daniel Campbell's email? I'd like to send him an email since he hasn't been here lately. Thanks

    7. PJ's becoming nothing and you'll like it.

    8. PJ is a babbling buffoon. If anything, he ahould claim Bigfoot WAS real, and probably died out 40 years ago, Haven't seen hide nor hair since.

      Peace my ass.

    9. You are offering a piece of your ass 5:41?

      My, oh, my.

      Any takers yet? I don't see any.

  15. Dr. Melba Ketchum is an American hero and fully decorated cryptozoologist!

    1. I am also a cryptozoologist. I have a lot of reddit points too. Ask me anything.

    2. I have one...If Rick Dyer took a dump and wiped his ass with a picture of Patty and posted the video on youtube, would Matt Moneymaker get mad and steal Wayne's shit bucket?...

    3. While Wayne's shit bucket isn't my area of expertise, I do believe Matt would attempt to steal it under those circumstances. Good question. Keep 'em coming folks!

    4. Thanks for the response, Professor! I can't believe how much I'm learning....

  16. What's the Hoecke's canyon update???

  17. How could the bs get any thicker? Really if it's in a jar and all?

    1. Are you calling for poopy jar guy?

  18. Leave it to an ace footer like Randles to give her his whole sample.

    1. Ace footer. U funnin? Does he pics of bigfoot's ace?

  19. I'm a real hunter, The kind that actually takes pride in being a sportsman. Any person that saw the Smeja spectacle knows at best he's a jack ass and a possible poacher, that is if he can hit a bull in the ass with a bazooka. The chances that a ass half like him actually saw then shot a REAL BF are so small it's beyond discussion. That makes anything that came from his so called kill drive by or whatever to be from the same shit can. Hell it looks like dog or coyote to me. Give it back for GOD's sakes and let all those hoaxers make a rug or hair piece from it. How about a new good story, with some new better liars for a change. SAME NAMES same bullshit but no new evidence???? Don't you guys get tired of printing the same old shit? We get tired of reading it...

    1. You are no hunter, you sir are a jackoff, know why? because you have no idea what you are talking about and you're calling a proven piece of contaminated bear a coyote or dog. Smeja would run circles around you out there. believe that!!

  20. (Dr. Matthew's Johnson)

    I believe in Bigfoot, Yeti, Sasquatch, Yowie, Abominable Snowman, and wait...there's one more...Wildman !

    Now gimme a hug.

  21. The upshot seems to be Wally Hersom paid the labs for the testing of this and other samples with Melba acting as the broker. In addition to her commission, she finagled the rights to the data and refuses to release it, save for a small percentage. Even that was enough for some experts to conclude she had contaminated samples of known animals.
    Releasing the full genomes would reveal the same thing as Justin's bear flesh: Melba was not simply a vet who got in over her head and failed to prove her preconceived theory, but is in fact a lying hoaxer...

  22. She probably burnt it up by accident over the bunsen burner.

  23. This is a dead horse if there ever is one. Tyler and Bart proved she was a liar/scammer/hoaxer the minute they shared the first lab results way back when as far as I'm concerned

    I give those guys props for doing what they did and this Carpenter character's undying love for the good doctor is hilarious. Wonder if he's boning her

    1. Stubstad and Erickson said the same in 2010, but not until these guys got punk'd did they complain. They were part of the power block that kept that information form being taken seriously while they cut to the front of the line with Wally Hersom's money. They want that book by Greene published, with all those weird drawings. They need that to happen quickly, because they are worried Sykes will steal the thunder. Or maybe even Dyer, or Spike TV. They are in a rush and the legal route is too slow. Smeja is now on a quest to kill "another one" to save the day.

  24. How do you know it wasn't the other way around?

  25. What makes you so sure Bart and Tyler are correct and the lab they used correctly tested it? I'll take 13 labs over just 1. That also brings into question if Justin is lying and Derek and Bart are not synonymous with their own research. What are you implying?????

    1. Ugh...13 labs could have tested something that she SAID was Justin' sample, but was in fact NOT Justin's sample. Who knows? All they want to know is if her report rightly describes the DNA of that sample..If she has nothing to hide, just turn the damn thing over...

    2. I've been asking for a Bigger Tax refund but da govt hasn't sent me the money! Was up with dat!

  26. OMG

    Very simple and you can make a list a mile long as it's common sense if one has followed all this

    Bart/Tyler have been transparent and deferred to outside lab(s)
    they then shared all this info

    Ketcum has tried to pull every trick in the book and now is backed up in a corner. what possible reasons would she not send piece back to owners???

    i almost feel sorry for the nuts that don't see it.

  27. Not one comment regarding the topic of this article.
    Says so much about BFE blog.
    It is infested with trolls like me.

    1. ooops my bad, I've been trolling so hard I forgot what the topic was....

    2. I was about to say. I even stayed on topic with the better part of my comments

  28. TRUE 'FOOTER FUN FACTS: Mike Greene (of "Squeaky" fame) adores the American actor Val Kilmer, and has bragged to many of his friends about his collection of Val Kilmer DVDs.

  29. Wally Hersom is in the process of suing Melba as we speak!


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