Fasano Demonstrates How TimberGiantBigfoot May Have Pulled Off "Big Red"

Florida Skunk ape hunter Tim Fasano is still standing firm on his theory that TimberGiantBigfoot may have actually captured a known animal (something other than Bigfoot) at an animal sanctuary instead of in the wild as he claims. While he continues to rant on TimberGiantBigfoot and he gives us a lesson on how animals are kept in the largest wildlife refuge in North America. At the end of the video, we get a whiff of what Fasano is capable of if he wanted to go rogue and use his film editing skills for evil.


  1. Replies
    1. I see timmie had a recent birthday.You think he'd edit his dl# when panning by his ID info. And what's up with the farts on tape at the end...gas xxx..

    2. He is a sick sick man, he always expects everyone to believe him but cuts everyone else down. SOrry excuse for a human. tisk tisk.

    3. He is a sick sick man, he always expects everyone to believe him but cuts everyone else down. SOrry excuse for a human. tisk tisk.

    4. He is a sick sick man, he always expects everyone to believe him but cuts everyone else down. SOrry excuse for a human. tisk tisk.

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2M52Q1qELE





    2. I remember an anonymous post here that claimed Merchant was a cast member..People on the show most likely signed NDA's to insure they don't provide the media with spoilers. That doesn't mean their friends and family don't know there taking part. Maybe the Taser guys know if SWP is involved...
      Dish Shawn...lol...

    3. s/b 'they're' not ' there'...ugh..sry

    4. Johnny Lindsay, meet Joe F. I'm sure you two will hit it off.

    5. Michael Merchant, aka SnowWalkerPrime is a fool and a known hoaxer. But considering that the bigfoot shows on tv and most personalities in the bigfoot world are all hoaxers too, i wouldnt be surprised. Its people like him who have made this field into even more of a joke

    6. Hoaxer? He was a skeptic right up until he made his exit when he had a claimed encounter. To what are you referring?

  3. I was hoping to see Fasano place his camera on the car and try to hop the fence. Make his way to the top and get caught in the barbed wire lol.

    BFE Conspirator

    1. But then some hunter would have to free him by cutting the wires and watch Fatsano bound off free and with not even a thanks--


    1. Impossible, that's where he lives

    2. I wonder if the company that actually pays this guy to drive a cab (lol) knows that he spends his time looking for bigfoot rather than do his job.
      I am not a Timbergiant supporter but this Fasano guy is so obviously jealous of him that it's sickening.
      Worried maybe that Timbergiant has more supporters and You-tube views I bet. There are dozens of alleged bigfoot researchers on You-tube who do much worse than Timbergiant does, but Fasano hardly (if ever) rants about any of them.

    3. Timmy-Fat Timmy-Fat Timmy-Fat Timmy-Fat

    4. T-Fat is an American hero!!!

    5. T-fats is also an American Cork Soaker.

  5. If anybody knows how to fake, hoax, mislead, falsify evidence......it's this guy....takes one to know one....pot calling the Fasano black.

    1. Yea.And I bet T-Fats doesn't even keep his poop in a jar.

    2. I keep my enigmatic anomalies in a jar.

  6. What's up with the Malware report on the BFRO site?

    1. Same thing with me. Message said it would attack my site and to leave. I know they have had some problems as of late.


    2. Yes sir.I wonder if they know.

    3. BFRO site does know, it was on their facebook page that it had a virus.

    4. BFRO site does know, it was on their facebook page that it had a virus.

  7. Someone in northern Ontario ran into a sasqwatch with a transport late last night it was on the radio here this morning lots of people seemed to be evolved now no pictures yet but they said the body is dismembered cause there was a full load of wood on the 18 wheeler I wonder if the driver will get any money for this or will they get rid of it?

    1. People r going to ask, the accident was between town of upsula and the English river but north of those to places on a logging road !

    2. It's true! I just got home from the scene. I am being payed to keep quiet....ooops

  8. DWA doesnt like scientists because they wontblet his monkey man fantasy be real

  9. Prove he got the shot there Fasono, shoot one yourself.

    Otherwise ... you're wrong.

    We're waiting ....

    1. Fatsano will prove it, with another one of his hoaxes

  10. "Maurice, bring me my nuts and snails on a silver platter..." King Julian.

  11. Tim, as you contemplate whether Jim hoaxed, perhaps you could help me in my compaign to get someone to identify the creature in the video. Its about the color of Ronald McDonald's hair....hmmm. Anyone seen the Mayor? He may have vital information on this.

  12. Doesn't Fasano have anything real to do? Other than fantasy rants?Who cares about what he thinks? Actually the picture looks like a brown bear digging.

  13. If anyone would know how to bs it Fasano.

  14. Why does Bigfoot Evidence give Gilderoy (Fasano) Lockhart space for his rants. It's clear if it isn't Gilderoy with the breaking video he's gotta rant. Fasano's ego is too big to believe their are other field researchers out there.

    1. The answer is b/c Shawn, who runs this site, and Fatsano have developed a new found friendship. Shawn promotes clowns like Fatsano for several reasons. One is b/c their is little other news going on now, and Shawn wants to keep people coming to his site. Even though he knows Fatsano is a hoaxer doing harm to this hobby. Shawn used to constantly expose Fatsano, now he is good friends with him. He promotes Fatsano also b/c Fatsano gives him a little something for his trouble. Website hits and youtube hits can bring in a nice chunck of change each month. And advertisements like the added hits. Shawn knows all this and is in on it with Fatsano and others and deserves just as much criticism as Fatsano. You talking about the same Shawn who promoted Team Tazer, Snow Walker Prime, Steven Streufert, and Phil Poling just to name a few. And now Poling has turned into a star in Shawns eyes. This is the same guy who made Shawn start deleting negative comments about him in the responses. He told him if he didnt that he would not post on the site. So now most negative comments are removed by Shawn and possibly a staff member. Poling and Streufert were so jealous of MK Davis, that they couldnt stand it. So Poling started this ridiculous hoax channel known as Parabreakdown. Which is just as much of a clown show as Facebook Find Bigfoot. Which Shawn was only against b/c it took hits away from his site. And of course Shawn shares the same "arrangement" with Poling as he does with Fatsano. They all exchange money, and they all know their work is a joke, that they hoax, and that they really know little to nothing about what they are doing. The best question of all, is who the hell would actually watch any video made by any of these clowns. If you are curious to whats in the video, just read the comments and you can find out what a joke the video was. Of course if your Poling, you cant do that, b/c he made Shawn delete negative comments about him. Poor little fat boy Phil. Your such a victim. Wahhh Wahhh Wahhh

  15. Every time a new Fasano video gets put up here I prepare some tea and scones and sit down to view the latest episode.
    Can't wait til next week's video where Tim hops the fence, wrestles a few lions and plays patty cakes with the great apes....and then picks up a strange hitchhiker in his cab.
    You know AMC will be looking for some new show now that breaking bad will end in a few days ....hint, hint

  16. All Fasano ever does is criticize every other person squatching NOT named Tim Fasano. He's almost as bad as Dyer in that capacity-ALMOST, except Dyer adds the element of evil to whatever he does. Just ask FB/FB who had their YouTube site hacked and destroyed probably BY Rick Dyer as he was screaming FOUL at the mythical "Haters Club" of who was made up of anyone who wasn't stupid enough to fork over money to him, while he and Musty were busy evil bees working overtime to hurt them and their credibility. Dyer thinks he's so smart and Fasano is just one more ego-crazed attention seeking shyster.

  17. & what exactly did he prove with this?

  18. Prove it Fasono. Get a shot there yourself or shut up. It's that easy.

    But you go there and don't even get a shot? Fail.

  19. "I'm not lion I'm not lion"-
    At least we got his Birthday from the taxi badge--
    go to it hackers.

  20. Why in the world do you people watch these videos by Fatsano???? Why do you watch Parabreakdown, or any of the other ridiculous excuses for "real" bigfoot news. Each and every time its the exact same thing, trash talking, blobsquatches, and some moron claiming how he knows this or that is a hoax. Oh yeah, and using photoshop or paint to draw little circles that are supposed to prove something. Dont you get it????? Its all just to garner hits to line these people's pockets. There is never any real news. And if there was, it sure as heck wouldnt be broke on a site like this.I enjoy making fun of Fatsano and the other schmucks, and can understand the comments bashing them. But it appears you guys actually watched the video. LOL, well you successfully just put money in Fatsano's and Shawns pocket.

    1. No I to only come for the teasing and the occasional hot girl video

  21. Fasano picking his nose in the car,classic shot,send it to Mike Rugg at the bigfoot mueseum.Just a classic.


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