Eagle takes down deer, another reason why you should visit Siberia

Besides being home to the Yeti, Siberia is apparently also home to an eagle that's large and powerful enough to take down a small deer. Researchers from the Zoological Society of London had set up a game camera to capture images of endangered Siberian tigers, but instead, found images of this golden eagle capturing a young sika deer. The researchers, Linda Kerley of the Zoological Society of London and Jonathan Slaght of the Wildlife Conservation Society, recently published several images of the "deathmatch" in the September issue of the Journal of Raptor Research. They were quoted in Fox News:

"I saw the deer carcass first as I approached the trap on a routine check to switch out memory cards and change batteries, but something felt wrong about it. There were no large carnivore tracks in the snow, and it looked like the deer had been running and then just stopped and died." said lead author Kerley, who runs the camera trap project. "It was only after we got back to camp that I checked the images from the camera and pieced everything together. I couldn't believe what I was seeing."

Slaght noted that golden eagles have a long history of eyebrow-raising predation attempts.

"The scientific literature is full of references to golden eagle attacks on different animals from around the world, from things as small as rabbits—their regular prey—to coyote and deer, and even one record in 2004 of an eagle taking a brown bear cub."

[via Fox News]


  1. Oh deer Mr.T..congrads are in order <B-)

  2. So I would guess a baby bigfoot might make a hungry eagle happy.

    1. ^eagles like every other animal in the forest are scared of bigfoot

    2. Eagles are only scared of animals that actually exist in the natural world.

    3. Deer are Squatch food, Cows are people food, and baby Squatches are Eagle food.

  3. Yea!!!!!Travis..show all the haters....thank you...Howard Stern

  4. New Zealanders are raised on the ocean yet still can't beat Americans in yacht racing.

  5. They're too busy fartin around with those longfin eels.

  6. but it took new zealanders to make the americans win. do you want to know how many americans sail orical 1. american engineers 0. americas more a team made up or every where but america

  7. Well it's day four of the standoff at the canyon. The specimen got deeper into the motte and into some kind of den. JB got the chainsaw and cleared a tunnel to the den but can only be accessed on hands and knees. The specimen is injured judging from the blood trail but no dice getting to it still.

    1. It's a BF version of 'days of our lives'...

      Wonder what will happen next week? The nation is gripped.


    2. Lol I like the story about telling your wife about raccoon nuts

    3. We all have our pastimes Harry.

      If I told her about 'Poop in a jar' Guy my laptop would be confiscated for a considerable period.

      And quite rightly so...

      Amidst all the pro and anti footer stuff it's only right we pay respects to guys who made this blog fun.

      You know who you are folks! Post more OFTEN!


    4. ^^^ Apologies. Too much Cruzcampo Gran Reserva!

      Post above my MMG


    5. Haha my wife just laughs at most of the off the wall shit we all post I'm glad I can be here for her amusement lol

  8. MJ A- we;re all sick of your shit

  9. Shhhhhh! That is a premptive Shhhhhh.

  10. MJA please tell us about the apple infused 30ml shots of horse semen they sell at the Green Man Pub in Wellington New Zealand. Sell for 12L per shot. What kind of sick mutha fucker thought that up?

  11. What is wrong with you people down there?

  12. Joe fitz did u blow a wheel on that twister u went on last night

  13. Eagle takes down deer, another reason why you'll get nothing and like it.


  14. Clearly a squatch with wings--Thems is 'daptable critters

  15. anon 3.13 look it up for your self and you will see only one american.
    anon 4.13 i have never heard of it but i dont drink in wellington its full of homos and lady boys.

  16. MJA,I thought you had Evas back.What are you,a hypocrite or a homophone?


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