Couple Leaving Bigfoot Calling Contest Photographs Two Bigfoots Near Kinzua Bridge

Last Saturday, while driving home from a "Bigfoot Calling Contest" at the Kinzua Bridge Festival, a man and his girlfriend spotting two possible Bigfoots near the side of the road. The creatures approached the couple as they tried taking better photographs from the road. According to forum user "Stony", who shared the photographs on the website, BradfordToday, the creatures appeared to be bipedal or walking on two legs. His statement is below:

Somebody asked me for more detail, so here is as truthful and accurate a description of our "encounter" that I can come up with. I'll choose my words carefully.

As I stated, there was a "Bigfoot Calling Contest" at the Kinzua Bridge Festival on Saturday September 21st 2013 in the afternoon (3pm perhaps?).

On Sunday September 22nd, my girlfriend and I were leaving the Kinzua Bridge State Park at approximately 4:30 PM.

We were driving north (not sure of the road name) on the road that passes the park. About 4 or 5 miles north, I spotted out of the corner of my eye, something dark in the woods that looked like the shape of a "bigfoot or yeti".

Then I stopped the car in the road. I then determined there were two "creatures". One larger and one a bit smaller. I took photos out of the window, and slowly advanced the car forward for a better view through the trees and some brush along the road.

At first they seemed to be moving toward us, and then they appeared to turn and head away at a slow pace.

There were two distinct creatures and the space between them varied at times, but one appeared to follow the other.

We were on a narrow road and there was no shoulder or the shoulder was wet and soft, and we could not pull off. Soon there was too much brush and trees between us and the "creatures".

There were more cars trying to pass us, so we finally drove off and headed home.

I am not one who would believe in Bigfoot or Yeti's. I only believe what I see or can prove. I am not sure to this day what I saw there in the woods. They were very dark. I would say black. And it appeared it was long hair. I'm sure they were not black bears walking on their hind legs. They never seemed wobbly or unstable.

This is all the info I can offer.


  1. Replies
    1. Plop! ... and i want some freekeh man lovin

    2. Plop! ... and i want some freekeh man lovin

    3. Plop !

      (the real "Plop ! guy)

    4. Yeah right we all know you want a weener plopped on your face

  2. Dang - missed it by THAT much!

  3. Man that looks a lot like wood.

  4. These photos are pretty awesome - best I've seen.

    1. Best you've seen??????

      Brahahahahahahahahahaha okay.

  5. So wait, let me get this straight.

    You are driving back from from a park where a day before there was a "bigfoot calling contest" and are on a populated road in the afternoon. You see what you think are two bigfoots hanging around, maybe waiting to get their pics taken. But there are too many cars trying to pass so you leave.

    That's like Shawn and his posse going up with the "Sierra" shooter and seeing bigfoots at night.

    TOO convenient.

    1. This is nothing more than the back of an uprooted tree. I live near there and I'm sure uprooted trees are more common than sasquatches.

  6. Looks like those Tegamami (however it's spelled) pics. Which were hoaxed, right?

  7. Who won the damn contest? Let's focus on what's real. Was it Bobo? I bet it was Bobo.


  8. Second, third, MK, MDF, MSDS... taterhole, skeptard, Sean, Bobo, MMG.....what else???? Trolls, fozzie and Mulder...... Bigfoot exists then he doesn't, PGF is real, PGF isn't........that should cover about 90% of what's normally talked about on this blog.......can we try skipping all of the kindergarten bullshit of name calling and actually talk about the topic of these pics? Or is that too difficult for some of you?

    These pics are interesting, I wonder if any of the other cars passing by caught a glimpse

    1. I'm pretty sure everybody caught of glimpse of the trees, but only one decided to stop and take pics.

    2. Thank you 6:23! This is such an interesting subject and it sucks, sifting through all the non sense.

  9. i knew they were real..i totally believe in these pictures..i knew i was not crazy as my doc prescribed some medicine for me which has really helped..all you non believers suck

  10. i knew they were real..i totally believe in these pictures..i knew i was not crazy as my doc prescribed some medicine for me which has really helped..all you non believers suck

  11. i knew they were real..i totally believe in these pictures..i knew i was not crazy as my doc prescribed some medicine for me which has really helped..all you non believers suck

  12. They're trees. Hell I see em every day.

  13. Bill Munns has proven Bigfoot exists.

  14. Zoom in on the second photo, and you'll see, it's a hoodiesquatch!

  15. Amazing photographic evidence.

    Changed my life.

  16. Replies
    1. You'll get more stumps and like it.

    2. You're saying we've been stumped?

    3. You're saying we've been stumped?

    4. I bet if they drive back to that same stretch of road the stumpsquatches are still right where they left 'em.

    5. Trees?moose?stump? You can say it's a guy in a suit(s) anything else is simply ridiculous.

  17. wooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! when you look at greatnesss! look no farther than old slick ric himself! woooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have the gold, the money, the rolex watches, and all the ladies! wooooooo!!!!!!!! so listen dusty rhodes, terry funk, harley race, the list goes on and on. wooooooo!!!!!!!!!! ive beat the best, i am the best! the nature boy ric flair! now eat squatchcrotch! wooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. ^I thought you meant the nature boy Ric Dyer

  18. (clive squashy)

    I love the smell of Bigfoot in the morning.

    1. I used deodorant last week <B-)-'

    2. Chillin&Grillin...Hope Eva R comes home. I'm a bit worried !

    3. evas on the news alert thread. <B-) <<<<< like the shades

    4. Man I am honored ! It looks like you are growing a braided beard..

    5. now that would be interesting. dont asians have braided beards though?

    6. Coolio! Did you see the one above(11:42).I got a blunt glowing !

  19. Good Pictures. And thank you 8:18 you are the man and you beat the man!

    1. woooooooo!!!!!!! thank ya buddy! i will be back. i gotta take all the ladies in my jet up to space mountain to show them what old slick ric is packing. cuz its the best thing going today! wooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

  20. looks like some goth kids in the woods

  21. will go down in history as the worst faked image ever!

  22. Whilst I am a believer, they do look a lot like Ghillie suits. Sorry

  23. Replies
    1. Get some work done Mark....Also If you mention another bad word about Bradford i'll smash your bloody face in.


  24. This is the real megatarsal....there is an imposter in the house. Annon 6:14:00 go wash your mouth out with Gentlemen's Relish

    1. We have conversed on BFF before. Always thought you were a jackass!

    2. grow some balls and reveal yourself then so i can delete you from my facebook page. too easy to hide behind 'annon'.

    3. I shouldn't have to reveal myself to anyone. Your views shown in the past on BFF have been comical, you are a JOKE man!

  25. Is that joes dog everyone's talking about ??

  26. so you were driving home from a Bigfoot Calling Contest??? Try again.

  27. You see Big foot calling does work. they must have heard Bobo or Matt Moneymaker at that calling contest and came in. Maybe it was Ranae? did someone stick her? that's when she screams the best1

  28. The shape never changes. If it was alive, it would move.

  29. Simply trees. You can see knots in the last picture quite clearly.

    These guys know what they have photographed and wish to pass it off as something genuine.



  30. look at the 4th photo... copy it, zoom it... figure on the right... I see a face. Facing the camera. Eyes, nose mouth... not a stump or tree. Not saying it's a Bigfoot, just saying it's not a tree, bear or gillysquatch.

  31. look at the 4th photo... copy it, zoom it... figure on the right... I see a face. Facing the camera. Eyes, nose mouth... not a stump or tree. Not saying it's a Bigfoot, just saying it's not a tree, bear or gillysquatch.


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