Cliff Barackman Publishing Major Report on London Bigfoot Trackway

Finding Bigfoot's Cliff Barackman has been extremely busy within the past year documenting the London Trackway that was discovered on February 14, 2012 near a logging road in London, Oregon. The tracks represents one of the most "significant findings" in the last 40 years of Bigfootery. Between filming his Roadtrip DVD and Finding Bigfoot, Barackman has spent an entire year cleaning and photographing the track casts. It now looks like all the necessary data , documentation, and analysis are ready to be published in the journal, The Relic Hominoid Inquiry, founded by Dr. Jeff Meldrum of Idaho State University. According to Dr. Meldrum, Barackman is putting the final touches and we'll all have a chance to gloss over the report soon enough:

"Cliff Barackman is finishing up a report on the London (OR) trackway site for the RHI. Earlier, he visited The Idaho Virtualization lab and we had a selection of his casts scanned. Here's a preliminary composite figure of those casts. Interesting to consider them laid out like that. Be watching for his paper at the RHI ( in the next couple of weeks." - Don Jeffrey Meldrum

Watch How One Of The Most Significant Bigfoot Evidence Was Discovered:


  1. Anyone else think this was in England?

    1. I did too...cause I just skimmed the headlines. But more reassuring that its Oregon

    2. Yeah, If I wrote the article I'd say, Oregon bigfoot track way research.

  2. Significant findings? Ha ha ha. Some hoaxer had a lot of fun with this.

  3. I thought they found out this was hoaxed?..what ever happed to The bigfoot that ran in front of The car with a cam and you can see The penis?

  4. Just another 'never seen BF' footer.

  5. At first Prof. Meldrum thought these were hoaxed, but changed his mind after the second the examination of the casts and the 3D scans..If the report is thorough and unbiased it will discuss the reasons for the initial reservations as well as the events that led to the discovery of the tracks...

    1. s/b " after the second examination of the casts...."

  6. At first Prof. Meldrum thought these were hoaxed, but changed his mind after examining the potential revenue stream he could enjoy if he claimed they were real.

    1. times $50 per cast makes $3200 for a complete autographed set...


  7. I say, these tracks are hoaxed. But with all the publicity about them, Matt Moneymaker and Cliff will cover this up, like all the others!


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