Check Out These Awesome Photos From Mulder's World [9/26/2013]

Read more: Doctors Grow Nose on Chinese Man’s Forehead

Here are some fascinating photographs from, the front page of the strange and unexplained:

Read more: Internet sensation Papa Smurf (blue man) is dead

Read more: Development of a budgie, from hatching to adulthood

Read more: Couple ( Lauren and Justin ) loses 500 pounds in two years

Read more: Alaska Find!

Read more: Lucy recently underwent a ‘makeover’ due to newly discovered fossils


  1. Replies
    1. And you have an issue with that because?

      Vacation over folks. Got a bitch of a flight to catch from Madrid to get me home.

      Thankfully I have some plastic toy horses in my case to keep me amused on the long flight home.

      I'm coming home Skeptards!


    2. What happened to the TGBF post just four minutes ago? It's gone?

    3. yo harry, it was about someone coming forward claiming to be the guy in the "big red" costume or mask, something like that. It described it as a muppet head.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Wow were there actually any hold outs believing timbergayer Bigfoot actually had an authentic piece of footage pun intended

    6. I would like this comment removed by the author please.

      I am the author.

      Bye bye now.

  2. Replies
    1. Bigfoot is real until the skeptics prove otherwise.

    2. *MOD WARNING*

      Please keep on topic or I will be forced to issue temporary bans to those repeatedly breaking the rules.

    3. Bigfoot is gay until the believers can prove otherwise.

    4. I've not had a BFF ban since the insane Dyer threads.

      Things pretty dull over there these days. Although the bigfoot contactees cannot help but pique my interest...


    5. MMG is gay until he an prove bigfoot exists.

    6. Big ginger are you really a moderator?

    7. With this kind of logic, it is little wonder the tards take a hammering here.

      'Critical Thinking at its finest.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Man I would hate to have that guy show up at a cocaine party.

  4. That lucy ain't got nuthun on Patty.

  5. Hey shawn a 1000 Reddit points if you stop posting crap i see on Reddit two days ago

  6. Holy shit..I knew the chimp was gonna bite the guys nose off, but not this soon....Did he ram his poop into the gaping wound?

  7. Chinese guy wirh nose on his forehead is the most credible voice in the Bigfoot community.

    1. ...Clearly. Anyone who doesn't think there is something to this bigfoot stuff after a post like this is a goddamn troll...

    2. Chinese Guy With Nose on ForeheadThursday, September 26, 2013 at 7:29:00 PM PDT

      Please leave me alone, please do, do.

    3. gawd I'm sick of those trolls. This is sposed to be bigfoot share board for good and happy luck.


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