Watch: Why Are Chimps Stronger Than Humans?

The last several years have seen a number of horrific maulings at the hands of chimpanzees. How can animals that share 99 percent of their genes with us, yet are only a fraction of our weight, possess such amazing strength? Watch below to find out:


  1. Replies
    1. ON the way to school there was a Retarded boy who would scream as we walked by. One day there was about 9 of us walking past his fence, he threw one end of a rope over the fence. We all grabbed it and after he picked 3 guys off the ground up the fence, we had all 9 hold on and pull which he then lifted ALL 9 Boys up on the fence. It was an incredible display of what we have dubbed as "RETARD STRENGTH". Are Sasquatches just big Retards? :LOL

  2. First for Howard. ...yea....

  3. There are probably big differences in things like adrenaline and testosterone that account for the difference in strength...As far as messing with one, like the scientist on "Orangutan Island" said, they have 4 hands so you have no

    1. This guy is right and I know this cause I fu(king said that's how

    2. Lol peace bitches lets BBQ it's Friday

  4. That was a wonderful video! Thank you for that!


  5. She was my big foot parts moving. ..thank you. .Howard Stern. ..

  6. I apologize, I ment my Private Parts.....thank you. ...

  7. Worst bigfoot hoax video ever!

  8. She could of simply said they have more fast twitch muscle fiber.


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