Watch: Mike Wooley's terrifying Bigfoot encounter, extremely convincing

Mike Wooley's story of an encounter with two Bigfoot sounds legit. Mike couldn't get himself to pull the trigger because the creatures "looked too human". Check out his body language and you can tell that there's not a lying bone in his body. While sitting on his deer stand, Mike spotted two creatures he tries to describe as looking like "gorilla" but had the face of a human. "It looked really really human," Mike said. "The face was human. With flat teeth." Watch below:


  1. Replies
    1. ...who cares anymore about the PGF?...

    2. I will have my boyfriend shawn kick you off this site! I'm so fricking tired of this!

    3. ^Joe, I wrote that. It had nothing to do with you, don't be so narcissistic. I was just thinking about it due to the recent MKD threads and thought to myself, why do we even care anymore? I know Bigfoot is real, my brother has seen one and I have a good friend who has had multiple encounters with BF, I have had my own experiences. Why tear apart an old film that will never be proven real or fake, it really is a pointless argument for or against it. I say it's time to move along and put that to bed.

    4. Obviously not me. Looks like I'm gonna have to get a picture tagged to my name so people know it's me in future. These children will stoop to any level and have the intelligence of a small child.

      Really pleased this has been posted again, a very compelling account and totally convincing in my mind!


    5. Hey Rush...

      Listen buddy, I am perfectly happy to move on from Patty, but I simply cannot sit by and let people post their ignorance. I honestly would like nothing more than to move on. My reaction to the braid video was so expressive purely because I haven't seen it before and thought it a brilliant piece of observance. But I can assure you bro, I would like to have a rest from it...

      Peace Rush.

    6. Actually... Rush... that wasn't even me posting at 9:04. It's someone behaving like a child.

    7. Got it Joe, that is cowardly to steal another mans handle, but I know you can take it. Anyway, I hear you regarding the PGF, I just don't care anymore and believe me, the PGF used to be a huge deal to me, I am just tired of the arguing. Fight your fight Joe, stand your ground.

    8. personally, I think there is still a lot we can learn from the PGF. I disagree with a great deal of m.k. davis' work but in some cases like the last post, he can do some incredible work.

    9. I hear you Rush and can't agree more Reynolds. There's times when I would like to move on from it though.

      Peace guys.

    10. Unfortunately qe have little to move on with as far as videos as clear as patty.

    11. Than you're just as ignorant as the rest. I will have you all kicked off of here!

    12. There is plenty of videos as clear as patty. Its all right in front of your eyes but you skeptards are to blind to see it because you're scared. Listen to me for I am all-knowing.

    13. HA HA HA HA!!

      Hey Reynolds... pay no attention that wasn't me, it's someone with an obsession with me... clearly.


    14. Seriously though Reynolds... Have you seen the Leaping Russian Yeti video?


    15. Good call on the photo Joe, it will help. Maybe I will join the club one of these days...

    16. Of course I have joe. But as someone who is naturally skeptical of everything, I need to see it broken down, slowed, chopped, enhanced etc. Definitely intriguing though.

    17. I love the way honest people like yourself do find it intriguing. I base my belief that it's real in the consistency of accounts on the creature's stealth, and the screen shots. I wouldn't have thought it as compelling had I not seen them.

      Peace Reynolds bro.

    18. Anyway guys! What you think of this account up top then??


    19. I just pulled off the greatest hoax of all and you ignorant little monkeys followed like the sheep that you are.

    20. Joe I love ya bro and I understand the point your trying to make with the mind games but it may be a little too much.


    21. Joes so tired of getting pwned hes trying to pwn everybody else!! Hahahaha

    22. The patterson gimlin film was a hoax y'all, its fake!

    23. It's clear that that battle has been won Joe.

      Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Alas there is nothing sincere about these maggots.

      Waste of however time guys as everyone can spot a false post a mile off.


    24. Exactly.

      This is what it's come to see MMG. People resorting to this as opposed to confronting anything with an ounce of intelligence.

      People know when I'm commenting and thanks for the recognition bro.

    25. Insecure adolescent who screws over his fellow theorists. Pathetic.

    26. I did what I had to do to make my point. If someone followed like a little sheep, that's their problem not mine. The real blokes on here like MMG understand and didn't fall for it at all. Most people here know that I know everything and they know nothing.


    27. So does the fake joe now have the same pic as real joe?? Cyber-stalking shit. Crazy.

    28. Insecure adolescent?

      Interesting from the guy who has post that same weak & lame statement over and over.

      Inept Skeptard Tactic 1: Use false user names to discredit the guy who is pwning us.

      Inept Skeptard Tactic 2: Attempt to discredit the guy who is pwning us by suggesting he is working against his own peer group.

      Weak & Transparent.



    29. Ha ha ha ha!

      These people are f***ing nuts! I can't believe the depths some of these people will stoop. It;s obviously the same guy answering his own comments.


    30. False Joe's picture is brighter. No way you can lock your profile Joe, stop someone stealing a picture? These blogger accounts are not very good are they.


    31. Ha! They're not my friend. Not to worry though, I think people will realise quite quickly it's not me.

      I actually laughed when I saw the same clown had taken the picture! Ha! Some people are just weird. It's all good though. I actually was quite pleased with the photo I found too!

      Peace GT.

    32. And these guys spend their entire time trying to maintain that 'footers' are crazy.

      Just hope the person responsible was clever enough to us IP hiding software.... ;o)


    33. False Joe's picture may indeed be brighter GT. But the real Joe's Brain is much brighter than the false Joe's. J.D.

    34. joe your profile pic should really be the leaping yeti, just be careful I think melissa hovey claims ownership of it and might sue you.

    35. Anyway... What does everyone think of the video?


  2. Hi Joe, J.D. here. Wow below the belt is about all I can say about what has transpired. When I first started watching this blog someone did the same thing to a person named Leon W. They used his name then exagerated the little nuances of his writing style and opinions to the point of being ridiculous. I guess the real Leon W. has had actual encounters with a bigfoot somewhere in California if I remember correctly but it has been a long time. I was also wondering how long it would be before someone wrote a really good fake bigfoot story and conned you for a while then revealed it to everyone thus claiming a "victory" of sorts over you. The elbe trackway incident hoax included contacting Cliff Bareckman specificly but I really never followed the outcome too much as other have much more knowledge of the event than I. So I guess at this point your detractors have decided debate is a loosing proposition for them and they will resort to whatever underhanded means they can think of to drive you off the site. Of course they will ultimatly fail. J.D. PS grammer spelling wingman this is your que as I'm sure I made numerous mistakes on both accounts. Help appreciated as in the past.

    1. Hey JD!!

      Thanks for that pal! You're a top friend and a someone I seriously listen to when they decide to comment.

      They won't drive me away pal. I absolutely love blogging and am learning all the time and putting what I have learnt into practice against people like that.

      You're the man JD. Much respect bro.

      PS. What a shame that Leon guys doesn't blog anymore... If yore reading pal, you're very welcome back.


    2. Hey JD, what so you think of the video up top?

      Peace bro.

  3. He told a convincing story. It might be more true than false, because of his accurate description of it's teeth and it's face.

    I had close encounter in a large thick blueberry patch in the Catskill mountains. as I was doing a 'nature call" the Big foot reared up not 10 feet away. I am 6'2' the blueberry bushes were another1/2 a foot over my head, so this one was at least7' tall. I got a real good look (Sideways) at his facial features and it barred it's teeth at some Coyotes chasing deer outside the bushes. it never knew I was there! my legs were shaking and I did pissed my pants!

    And I don't care if you believe my story. I believe his. I look for Big foots also every day, as I am retired. I just got back from a 3 week expedition in the northern New York mountains near Canada and Vermont.This was my third trip of the year. How many of you even ever camped out, or go by horses 20 miles into a dense wilderness? I am not some "roadside" researcher!

    Most people on this site just sit, talk and cicatrize and never go out. Big foots are real, just like Bears and Moose are real!

    Also screw all of you that think the P/G film is fake. Since I have had numerous encounter/sightings over the past 10 years, I "do know' a real Big foot when I see them. the p/g film shows the "Ape type" not the "human type" Yes there 2 or more types of Big foots out there. This fact just adds more confusion!

    My name is John W. Jones my E mail is: You can write me but please only mature discussions!

    1. John!!

      Wow man, what an account!!! Thank you for that buddy, I would so much appreciate you commenting on your other accounts when you feel ready to do so. Email them to me if you'd rather?

      John, much, much respect.

      (PS. If you hadn't noticed by my comments over the past few days, without actually using your name I've referred to you quite a lot. I have so much respect for you pal, I hope you know that)


    2. And thank you for referencing the different types John!

      Coming from someone so credible it's very important!

      Peace buddy.

    3. Hey joe hilarious profile pic HA HA!

    4. Ha ha! Glad you like it! Looks like me after about ten pints!!


  4. Mike Wooley!!

    If by any chance you are reading... Thank you so much for sharing your account. I believe you and there are coultless amounts of people who do not comment that believe you too.

    Much respect bro, you have the heart of a lion.


    1. Mike has another video on YouTube where he goes into a little extra detail. I wanna hug this guy he's without a doubt telling the truth.

      Thank you Mike.


    2. In his other video about the same account, be states that the creature looking at him smiles at him before he runs to his pick up... Creepy!!


  5. Mike is working on growing a W.C. Fields nose. "I always keep a supply of stimulant handy in case I see a snake--which I also keep handy."

  6. How many types are there?

    baboon face (dogman)
    skunk ape (monkey man)
    regular tall (grande at starbucks)
    feral human


    1. Those seem to be the main types, Mike. The "booger" of the southeastern states leaves a lot of 3 toed tracks. Maybe it has webbed toes?


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