This Zombie Plant-Like Thing Is The Weirdest Thing I've Seen Today

WTF is this? This plant, or fungus, (or insect) seems to have a mind of its own. Biker Craig Werner was on the trail when he spotted this strange looking thing covered in white "fungus". He writes:

While I was out doing trail maintenance on a local mountain bike trail I came across this weird leaf that was bluish white and had a phosphoric glow to it. I took a closer look at it and assume that it was covered in a fungus. The strange thing was that the fungus was moving. I guess that they might also be a larva or some kind of pupa but I really have no idea what these are but it looks really freaky.I guess it could be the start of the zombie apocalypse. If anyone out there knows what it is let me know.

After a quick research, we pretty sure know what this is. It appears to be a "Dancing woolly" or a type of aphid -- a small insect in the order Hemiptera that feeds on the sap of American beech trees. Here's what Scientific American says about it:

Commonly known as woolly aphids, these fuzzy little guys are distinguished by the long, white, waxy filaments that cover their posteriors. Not to be confused with the woolly aphids from the Eriosomatinae family, which terrorise apple trees under an expansive blanket of white fluff, these are beech blight aphids (Grylloprociphilus imbricator), a species that lives off the sap of beech trees in North America.

A population of beech blight aphids will settle onto a beech tree, amassing by the thousands across its branches like freshly fallen snow. Here they’ll pierce the bark with their syringe-like mouthparts called stylets and suck the sap out. Their calling card is a dark, ugly build-up around the tree caused by sooty mold fungi (Ascomycete), which turn aphid excretions called honeydew black while extracting the nutrients. Despite the worrying appearance of this thick, black tar, these aphids are not considered a serious threat to their beech tree hosts – at the very worst they might distort or slightly stunt the growth of the leaves or kill off a small branch.


  1. Replies
    1. Jeez I'm gone for seven hours and the firsting has fallen to this? ^great first second false first, congrats!!

  2. Zombie Plant-Like Thing is one of the most credible voices in the bigfoot community.

    1. "Zombie Plant-Like Thing is one of the most credible voices in the bigfoot community" is one of the most incredible voices in the bigfoot community.

    2. Zombie plant-like thing is growing in my pants and is more of a credible voice in the BF community.Now I'm naked again...

    3. Zombie like plant thing is the weirdest thing I've seen all day, which is a pretty big deal since I hang around with perverted hoaxers, pathological truth benders and anyone pathologically susceptible to psychosis and/or psychologically biases.

  3. I'll wait for VaJayJay Cooney to change his mind about what it is, and then we will know because he knows all there is to know about everything

    1. If you're the same moron who posted a similar comment back on the sloth thread, I already responded to you back there. You do realize the person you are trying to ridicule (and failing miserably) is just a kid, unless you are also a child yourself you should know better. Wait a couple years then talk all the shit you want probably best of you didn't though, better to stay silent and thought a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

    2. yah dude listen to what this lady says

  4. Joe Cool! I've never been to first base before, no less 3rd, so can you spare a pint?


  5. Snowalker Prime thinks that it could be a Turkey.

  6. I am intrigued by witness reports of red eyes,are there any animals which have or reflect red eyes?xx

  7. I saw Fozzie’s eyes reflect Green with purple pin stripes once.

  8. If you leave a bag of Funyuns or Flamin Hot Cheetos out on your porch at 4:20 with a cold Coke you might get footage of one!

  9. If you have a comfortable chase lounge outside. Fluff the pillows amd leave an iPad out there with the A Team turned on. They will likely curl up for a nap and then you have them.

  10. Eva. If you need help, get some high potency medical marihuana and place it beside the Cheetos Coke Funyuns and Chase Lounge. I will set up a strategic blind not far away and help watch for them. They are very elusive.

  11. I will try and alert you before they escape. But there are no guarantees in this business. All I can do is my best Eva. Just alert me when you're ready to research. Joe F has my email address !

    1. Eva. If you live in any of the medical marijuana states simply go to a dispensing physician and explain that your cataracts has given you anxiety. If that doesn't work I know a guy named Carlos from Nuevo Laredo I'm fairly certain he's a doctor. I just don't know why he chooses to play frisbee golf all day. :)

    2. I don't know if we have marijuana states in the UK and the thing is i haven't got cataracts,will they know if i'm lying?are you sure Carlos is a doctor?xx

    3. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! What a thread of comments!!!

    4. Hello Joe,i'm not sure if Mike's winding me up or if it really is possible to catch red eyed Texan pot smokers in my back garden xx

    5. Don't ever trust that dirty Sanchez guy.

    6. Carlos told me about this new medicine called Mike Flower Nephalia, it's quite popular with all the feral humans.

  12. Also people who report Dogman sightings often report,i think it's yellow or orange eyes and another odd thing is they often report a smell of wet dog,so lots of these sightings have similar traits,that must mean something xx

    1. In my research; there are a particular type of Sasquatch with the red eyes and I am leaning towards the more ape-like, gorilla looking 'Mike Wooley' version. Some Sasquatch have green eyes (the more human native faced ones) but for some reason the red eye shine is the one that is most reported during night time encounters. For some really, REALLY far out stuff about eye shine; check out some JP Smith and Freeman Young on YouTube.

      Peace Eva.

  13. Ha ha ha ha ha!! I half two pints for you Skunkey!!

    Peace bro!!

  14. I saw a CrackSquatch outside the liquour store the other night twerkin and trying to lick his left eyeball like Miley Cyrus. I threw the dirty bastard a 20 and he mind-raped me. These creatures are just plain weird. I could have sworn when he was done, he said "not monkey, just hairy person...Peace!"

  15. ah joe wheres the matilda recreation video?

  16. here is the REAL ZOMBIE PLANT that PLAYS DEAD when you Touch it!!


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