This Family In Alaska Saw Bigfoot a Mile Away

Unless they were using binoculars, it's unclear how this family picking berries near the small village of Napakiak was able to get a good look at the Bigfoot creature. It must have been huge! Apparently, the creature ducked down into a crouched position when a plane flew overhead. According to the mom, the creature was "so black and tall", and "scary" she says. Here's the story via The Delta Discovery:

On Saturday, August 3rd, 2013, a family from Bethel witnessed a very tall, black colored creature walking upright while they were out picking berries.

The family of three – the dad and mom and their young daughter – were out on the Penguq River near the village of Napakiak. The creature was walking on the winter Napakiak-Atmautluak Trail when the family saw it. The dad saw it first and pointed it out to his wife when she got closer to where he was picking berries.

“Look honey, do you see that?” he asked. “Yes, I see it! Ila-i, it looks so black and huge,” said the wife.

While they were observing it, the creature crouched down when an airplane flew overhead. The being then walked down a rise in the tundra.

The sight of the creature scared the mother and daughter so they started heading back to their boat.

“We were so scared,” said the mom. “It was so black and tall.”

The Bigfoot-like creature was approximately a mile away from their berry picking site. It did not look like a human person because a person from that far away would not look very big. The creature was significantly large, even at that distance.

The sighting occurred around 6:30pm before a torrential rainstorm hit the area.


  1. Replies
    1. Fozzie's loaded for bear and nobody shows up. This is what happens when you are the fastest gun in the west

  2. Replies
    1. Anti was waiting but this fricking storm knocked out the internet for a bit, Damn!!

  3. Holy crap...must have dozed off. Where were you guys? Didja see PJ get uber-pwned? Classic.

    1. Hell yeah I saw that. I was one of the many that served up that pwnage. Joe's arrogant "I am right because I say so" ass got handed too him. I'll let him post and get the last word so he feels like he won.

      By the way, 9/11 was an OUTSIDE job!

    2. "I am right because I say so" is what Joe says?

      You are confused. That is the daily incessant cry of the JREFing skeptard.

      It's frankly weird you apply it to Joe.

      Thank heavens, you are right because you say so and you know all and you are an expert on 911 too. Phew, wow are we lucky!

      Thanks for stopping by and tossing us a few crumbs from your "I am right because I say so"-all-knowing-all-seeing miniature skeptard brain.


    3. Hypocrite is right. 10:31 complains of the POV which says "I am right because I say so," then proceeds to proclaim an all-knowing-I-am-right opinion on 911. 10:31 does precisely what he or she just complained about. The definition of a hypocrite.

      What a laugh.

    4. ^ said the gay for Joe guy

    5. Skeptics say "give us some decent evidence to support your extraordinary claims", believers respond by calling them bad names and using naughty words.

  4. Hmm...That is only 17 football fields and a long field goal away-bet they saw the hemorrhoids...

  5. This report is really interesting because of the ducking down from the airplane.

    Please go to the page and scroll down to links to other hairy man reports and read the aircraft/frozen lake article. Something very strange happens.

    1. Where is the link where something strange happens? I'm on my mobile...can't find it


    1. I think Joe just peed a little.

    2. And squealed like a little school girl.

    3. Buckle up!!!

      Feel the fear.


    4. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!

    5. I hope it's still safe in the basement...

    6. Footers are anxiously awaiting the news. Wiping the sweat from their prominent brow ridges and the flies from their prominent taterholes.

    7. Either way this pans out, crows will become an endangered species.

      To hell with the whales. SAVE THE CROWS!

    8. It could have all been prevented if people would have just been patient.

    9. The bottom line is that 'footers' have nothing to lose here.

      Sykes unfortunately, is at the mercy of the samples he's been provided.

      If he reports negative results, does anyone think for a minute that anything will change?

      If he reports positive however.... :)


    10. Where is FB for this momentous occasion?

      In Nepal, on the other side of the planet.

  7. The report shows that they eat clams!I like clams. I like fire trucks too!

  8. it looks so black and huge,” said the wife.
    c'mon people not one joke about what the wife said really poor show trolls,

  9. After his DUI arrest Odum fled to Alaska. This is so explainable not Bigfoot.

  10. There have been numerous Bigfoot sightings (reports) out of the Bethel area the last few months. This is in attempt to increase tourism in the area. Prior to this there have been few sightings.

    Another waste of time....

    1. Thanks for coming by and wasting time with us

  11. the photos they took were compelling. hmmm,thats right they don't have any. adults out in the country don't have a cell. find that very hard tobelieve .who doesn't have a cell,who goes out in the countryside ,with a child,without a cell

    just another dumb story

    1. Yeah, the inuit are known for their love of the newest technological gadgets.


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