Possible Bigfoot Vocalization Captured In Yosemite

YouTube user darthtader shared this audio clip of what he says is "Bigfoot talking". According to Mr. Tader, this was recorded at night in Yosemite, California. No other information was given to us and the comments in the video is currently disabled, so we're a little suspicious about this one. If this is real, this isn't the first time Bigfoot language has been captured in the Sierras. The famous "Sierra Sounds" was also captured on these mountain ranges in the early 1970s by Al Berry and his long time friend Ron Morehead. Though this audio is a far cry from Morehead's "Samurai Chatter", it's bears a striking resemblance to what Sasquatch Ontario has been picking up in Canada lately.

Yosemite National Park, 2013

Sasquatch Vocalizations: Clips from the Berry/Morehead Recordings


  1. Replies
    1. ...that is how you anti-first...

    2. Excellent! stand in girl for Eva R.

    3. Thankyou Anon 11:37,that was very generous xx

    4. I told you about the golden rule of firsting Eva...

    5. You guys are a bunch of brown nosers, chasing a guy named eva, thank you.....fla fla flow high...m,.

    6. go get drunk and have another meltdown joe. because that is always funny.

    7. Meltdown? No what's funny is you... again... resorting to this stuff as opposed to countering any claims.

      Silly little minds resort to silly little measures.

    8. Thanks Joe xx........Piss off Anon 12:28,being a women born with Trannsexualism doesn't make me a guy you numpty,get back under your bridge you bad troll!

    9. Don't worry Eva... I'm gonna start adding ten bad karma points to every cowardly, nasty little bitch of a comment the clown makes from now on. Karma doesn't care if you're anonymous.

      Peace Eva.

    10. Your claims are a joke. There is nothing to refute.

    11. Yes Joe a meltdown. Maybe not so much funny as sad. You put so much work into writing out pages of crap no one reads. No wonder you are so angry all the time.

    12. Joke's on you bully boy... Your the one prioritized with a hate campaign. You also need the capacity in the first place to even attempt to refute any of my expert backed research.

    13. I read Joe's comments. I find him a logical man a broad. Wait a minute, was that an oxymoron?

  2. Nobody's gonna pick up on the "Mr. Tader"? where's the taterhole guy when you need him?!

    1. Taterhole is good.

    2. ^^^^^^ the taterhole kid

      LMFAO. Now that's funny

      You gotta have a side kick. What's his name ?


    3. Sometimes The Turd Inspector helps me out on my endeavors.


    4. Brown eye guy at your service.

    5. Close encounters of the turd kind.

  3. Track slowed down and played backwards over crickets. It's actually a recording of Rick Dyer rummaging through his favorite dumpster.

  4. Another summer of wildfires. And yet not one bigfoot has been killed,injured,or seen fleeing by firefighters.


    1. And how would you know if there were?


    2. Pretty sure that would be all over the news you idiot.

    3. Would it? You have a lot of faith in the news media don't you? The idiot is the one that thinks all is made public through State controlled media.

    4. oh come on why would the state controlled media want to lie to anyone lol

    5. And how exactly would the government explain that one?

      How to empty National parks overnight...


    6. Well since America is not Britain and there is a very healthy independent media and not a state controlled one I say with confidence it would be huge news. You all know this.

      Why did not one of you comment on why nothing was found in the search for James Lee DiMaggio and Hannah Anderson? Oh thats right it is because you know I am right and there is no monkey or super intelligent almost invisible 7 foot tall race of proto-humans wandering freely in North America.

    7. Let's say the Fed's or FBI did find something BF related in their search of a missing person.

      Would this incredible information be casually released to the media or passed to another agency to investigate?

      I'm an advocate of the BF cover-up theory. If there is BF out there, our government and military is aware of them.

      The impact of releasing any such information would be huge. It would have a massive impact on the logging industry as enviromentalist's would insist, quite rightly on protecting these animals.

      It was also make most North Americans reconsider their views of the outdoors. National park campsites may not be as popular as they once were...

      If you think that we have 'free' media here in the US you are very, very mistaken my friend.


    8. Again... you have a lot of faith in your State controlled media; good for you, as long as you're happy with the selected information you are drip fed.

      If you think that these creatures are gonna stick around while all those hard working, deliberately noisy police are trouncing up and down those wilderness areas... then I would suggest you learn a little something about the most elusive creature on the planet and it's ability to evade even very small units of very quiet people, let alone whole search groups. The likelihood of those search groups coming across recognized animals would have been very slim with all the commotion, let alone a creature with the intelligence of a Bigfoot.

      Oh, and no monkeys, giant hairy people.


    9. Get a load of these guys^

    10. Joe

      Unfortunately anon 2:23 is an example of what we call a libtard here in the states. It's a mental disorder with no known cure and they can't help themselves. I understand that some inventor is currently inventing a muzzle with a replaceable diaper. Can't wait for that. They will sell out fast


    11. Well, two dead bigfoot were found in the fires that are threatening the sequoias in California. My uncle is a firefighter there right now. He said that he and two of his buddies came across two huge carcasses of what looked like badly burned sasquatches. He said that these were either sasquatches or two huge and very tall people who happened to be hiking together and got caught in the fire (which is of course unlikely). The bodies were badly burned.

      After the bodies were found, a truck pulled up out of nowhere less than an hour later. A few guys got out and loaded the two bodies into the back of the truck using a winch and then drove off to who knows where.

      True story. My uncle was there.

    12. get a load of this made up story^

    13. Firstly... MMC, ha! I like it bro!

      Secondly... Anon 3:16... I''m not going to jump in feet first, but that was a very interesting story. Are there any more details?


    14. Hey 3:21, if you can't prove that it's a made up story, then it's true. Unless you can produce the burned bodies, the story is true.

      Got charred sasquatch bodies?

    15. You actually messed up your own pop at my logic... That ended up not making sense.

      Unlucky dumb arss.

    16. joe logic right there!

      also note that the matilda footage is real because no one has made a recreation.

      pwneedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd like mulder in the dark

    17. Uh Joe, that was the point. It was supposed to be stupid.

    18. http://www.cryptomundo.com/bigfoot-report/bill-munns-matilda/

      ... G-g-g-g... Got monkey suit?

    19. Anon 3:55...

      To be honest... I can't tell if you're trying to be clever about me or just trying to be funny... So I'll apologise to you just in case.


    20. ..Because the fire is still raging. You have to wait a few months for the unverifiable lies...

  5. SweatyYeti or Bill Munns would be my vote for looking at this - BFSleuth @ BFF

  6. Just let everybody know, I work for costume making company (That I will be leaving soon) and orders for "Big foot costumes" has tripled in the past 3 months.

    Now all I do is create "Big foot costumes"! and they now want "manhoods" and Butt cracks on them!

    Also I am letting you know that I received orders from Rick Dyer, Tim Fiasnio and Tom Biscardi,

    1. What size is the taterholes on these bigfoot suits?

    2. So son tell tell me about this new job you got in the City?

      Well Pop, I design and build Bigfoot Pee-Pee's and Ass Cracks...


  7. Replies
    1. Hello pwned guy. I was wondering where you were.

    2. Jeez....

      'Got Monkey' and 'Joe Is Pwned'?

      Could be a long, dull week Joe... :)


    3. MMG is the most deluded voice in the bigfoot community.

    4. MMG puts the sweats on people like you... And plays with your emotions.

      True dat, true dat.


    5. lol joe your kinda funny

      deluded, but funny


  8. Bad news, folks:
    Bipto over at BFF isn't going to make it to his Bigfoot hunting ground this fall. Seems he has a retreat that he has to go to. Hmmm...what a joke.

    1. 'Operation not quite as persistent as we perhaps should be'?


    2. bipto

      yet another footer who claims regular contact with bigfoots yet provides zero proof of this claim.

      bigfoot does not exist.

      enjoy prolonging pattersons bigfoot myth

    3. yep check out the gemora suit, identical diaper butt to patty

      suits can and have been made tailored to any outcome the creator desires.

      what there hasn't been however is a bigfoot, anywhere, ever.

      pwned joe, too easy my friend

    4. You must have the miraculous magic monkey suit then?

      Wow! How did you manage that?! The BBC and 46 years of technological advancements couldn't manage it, how did you manage to come across it?!

      Wow man... You have the monkey suit?

      (Nargh, didn't think so numb nut... Keep telling yourself anyone other than yourself is pwned. Anyone reading your comments would think otherwise.)


    5. check out the gemora suit, identical diaper butt that you will no doubt ignore

      pwned like fb/fb sitting front row at the premiere of shooting bigfoot

    6. Gemora yourself back to sleep numb but... You must be tired blurting out crap like that.


  9. The last section of the second set of sounds is definitely some humans screwing around.

    The "samurai chatter" sounds like someone splicing various sections of a tape together and playing it back out of its original order.

    Would someone please get a specimen and end all of the uncertainty? Someone figure out how to do it. These creatures are certainly shy and reclusive. But to misquote a movie line, "If they bleed, we can kill them."

    1. I am 100% convinced that the Sierra Sounds are legitimate. I really do respect people's countering opinions on this, I understand that there are a lot of Bigfoot enthusiasts that do not feel these creatures are capable of speech, but I would recommend anyone willing to give the time to check out Scott Nelson, to do so and then make their minds up.

      Also, if you had a crack team of Navy Seals, these creatures would out-think them and avoid them with the greatest of ease... It's really not that easy to just go and get a specimen otherwise we would have done it by now.

      Boss of the woods.


    2. If you are ever in Michigan joe We will go Squatching, with beer


    3. In his book Big Footprints, the late Dr. Grover Krantz gave some suggested ideas for how to get a bigfoot specimen. Dr. Krantz was pro-kill (one specimen taken out in order to legally protect the rest).

      One idea in his book was to modify a car window with a gap in it so that a gun barrel could fit through the windshield on the passenger side. Once this is done, you drive back and forth on desolate country roads late at night. When/if a bigfoot is spotted crossing the road, the passenger blasts it with the gun.

      The majority of bigfoot sightings are by people who see them crossing in front of them on a road at night. So, as Krantz argued, this scenario is the most likely way of spotting one and taking it out.


      The sierra sounds are legitimate... HAHAHA jesus fucking Christ Joe I bet you think santa clause is the real deal too... Scott Nelson got fuckin pwned on Joe Rogans show, fuckin PWNED. Joe rogan is very open to some wild ideas but even he saw the complete BS of Scott Nelson and his sierra "kung fu movie" sounds.

      "If you had a crack team of Navy Seals, these creatures would out-think them and avoid them with the greatest ease"... fucking hell do you live in a mental hospital? We have equipment already in use for surveying real animals over large areas using aerial thermal equipment. Imagine what the Navy Seals and their tech could do. They could scan a 1000 acre forest and find any 8 foot monkeys no problem and home in and nail that damn monkey.

      Schooled again my friend.

      GG GG

    5. 3:27 yet zero bigfoot road kills? wow just wow

    6. Bigfoot are more intelligent than deer, squirrels, raccoons, etc. They know when to cross for their own safety.

    7. Hey jackass, how many humans become "roadkill."

    8. Ask the guy that was run over in the Bigfoot suit last year,he'll tell you.

    9. Anon 3:31...

      An ex-UFC commentator trying to understand one of the most complex methods of attaining hidden languages? Joe Rogan looks like he needs a second take to follow properly and that suits the skeptics as 'proof' Nelson's work doesn't stand up? It amazes me how easily you people claim a score at the slightest of cynicism; even from an ex-UFC commentator now it seems?

      Compared Rogan's resume to Nelson's; now that would be a laugh.

      Scott Nelson - Retired from the U.S. Navy as a Crypto-Linguist with over 30 years experience in Foreign Language and Linguistics, including the collection, transcription, analysis and reporting of voice communications. He is a two time graduate of the U.S. Navy Cryptologic Voice Transcription School (Russian and Spanish) and has logged thousands of hours of voice transcription in his target languages as well as in Persian. He is currently teaching Russian, Spanish, Persian, Philosophy and Comparative Religions at Wentworth College in Missouri.

      Joe Rogan - Commentator for Ultimate Fighting Championship. Has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. Has a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

      It's really quite simple... If you slow chatter down to half it's speed and you come up with a complex layered dialect; you don't have to really try too hard to see what's in front of your eyes... That's unless you are scared of the truth.

      Let me tell you something about interviewing processes, I can do so because I have conducted them on many an occasions in front and off of camera. If you put someone on edge by coming across cynical; then you can make pretty much anyone mumble, trip and look foolish. The crafty thing about editing processes is that this then hides this and gives the whole process on camera a very fluid feel. I have seen many an interview and presentation with Scott and it is not in his nature to look like that; he is a very respectable, confident person and comes across impeccably at the worst of times; this is how I know he was put on edge through the interviewers technique.


    10. Would have been schooled had I read it, but I didn't bother, as you just type worthless drivel.

      pwned yet again

    11. That guy was drinking. The fact that bigfoot are smart enough to know when to cross the road really bothers you, doesn't it?

      Do you feel envious because bigfoot are more intelligent than you are. Is that what it is? Is that what's bothering you? Is it because you have trouble knowing when to cross a road?

    12. Anon 3:50...

      You either have the attention span of a child... The debate skills of a child... Or like a child, too scared to face the music when you're wrong.

      Hopefully your attention span would at least last the length of this comment.

      (I won't hold my breath... Sigh)

    13. Oh and dumb ass... I'm not finished with you yet.

      Some of the best trackers and outdoorsmen in the world are native Americans. For this reason they have been inducted into the special forces for a long time. Now... If they refer to these creatures as the 'boss of the woods'... That means they're the boss of the woods.

      You dig numb nut?

      Now that was a schooling.

    14. As an ex Navy SEAL, I guarantee one of our "crack teams" would bring back a squatch if given the order to do so.

    15. Ha! I dare you go and get one then... What you waiting for? You could earn millions!

      Oh and MMC bro!! I would love to take you up on that one day! But it would have to be ten beers!

      Peace bro!!

    16. We have 12 packs here. That Meens two bonus beers !

      Gifts for the big guy


    17. Hey Joe, are you ever wrong? If so have you ever admitted it?

    18. Ha ha ha!!

      Peace bro... Michigan's a cool place.

  10. DWA has been ranting again on the BFF, well worth a read folks if you enjoy some light entertainment in the evening

    1. He finally drove me from cryptomundo. I tried to question him and of course craig would not post it. I am now in time out there so I quit the site.

      Fuck DWA. He is without question mentally unstable and a danger to those around him.

    2. Yep, not worth the trouble. He and Mulder are impossible to reason with.

  11. I like Joe Rogan, but he does play up these questions everything documentaries. The believers will watch it anyway, so by acting like these people are crazy he can pull in the skeptic non believer audience too.


    1. every single person he has had on his show, ive watched all episodes so far, have been complete lunatics, is it a coincidence all these "woo" topics attract such people?


  12. i'm so sick of silly hoaxes, this recording is casio bullcrap and a four track recorder.

    posers and amateurs all yall

    --- all smalls

  13. hi guyz joe here

    in north America there is a species of giant blue monkeys known as the navi

    there was a film a few years back documenting this amazing species

    now not a single person has been able to recreate the suit let alone find a 10 foot person to wear the suit

    therefore the navi are a real species folks


  14. "If you had a crack team of Navy Seals, these creatures would out-think them and avoid them with the greatest ease"
    Even Chuck Norris would get his ass kicked by bf.

  15. They should send "Rambo" and "Chuck Norris" in as solo bigfoot hunters to take out a squatch.

  16. LOL a few troll posts and idiot joe and mmg lose it again. you guys are too easy.

  17. I thought Daniel Boone claimed to have killed a bigfoot type creature he called a yahoo. Some say it is just a story he invented out of the book Gullivers Travels. Anyone know the truth of the matter?


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