Photographer Captures Video of Lochness Monster? (Video)

Check out this video of what some believe is sea monster swimming near the shore of Lock Ness. It was filmed in northern Scotland by David Elder, an amateur photographer. The 50-year old believes his video is proof that Lochness is alive and well:

'We were at the pier head at Fort Augustus and I was taking a picture of a swan at the time,' he said.

'Out of the corner of my right eye I caught site of a black area of water about 15ft long which developed into a kind of bow wave.

'I'm convinced this was caused by a solid black object under the water. The water was very still at the time and there were no ripples coming off the wave and no other activity on the water.

'Water was definitely going over something solid and making the wave. It looks like the sort of wave perhaps created by a windsurfing board but there was nobody on the loch at the time, no boats, nothing.

'The disturbance in the water began moving up the Loch sideways. It is something I just can't explain.'


  1. no fisting on the first date

  2. Still not believing in Nessie. But we still welcome the tourists :) £££


    1. Americans say the same about Sasquatch. See how this works?

    2. Lol Joe, cool pIcture by your name. You did say you were going to start using a picture because of an impostor that was using your name. Is that an orangutan? It looks kind of weird. Wolf

    3. HA!

      Hey Wolf! Yeah, it's an orangutan alright... meant to be after ten pints!

      Peace Wolf, good to see you post.

  3. Giant sea going eels that have their young in the loch


    1. Completely agree with you MMC. I know polygraphs can be cheated... Gary Ridgway passed one, but some people have passed them in recalling accounts of seeing Nessie?

      In total agreement with you... But just a thought.


    2. I say," Put that muther fucking boat in gear and run that thing over" .Then make the video of what you got. Hopefully not a tourist. Hey Joe + cool avatar. I heard some one is trying to impersonate you and we already know that thier's only 1 joe fitzgerald!

    3. Hey Skunkey bro!!

      Ha! The avatar's meant to be me after ten pints. Yeah man, some hater thinking he's clever. When you get to these people as much as I do, it's only natural that they pull such stunts. They don't hurt the subject matter with that crap so I'm quite willing to take a few for the team. It's what these people have to resorted to of late.

      Ha! That comment was funny too bro.


    4. Did you check out the Mike Wooley video?


    5. Yes sir I did. I thought that was Bill Murray from the old Saturday Night Live talking about he couldn't shoot because it looked like a bicycle pedal. Maybe I misunderstood. But I must say that he had great detail and must be telling the truth or he is Bill Murray(Caddy Shack dude)..

  4. bout time nessy got back into the game,maybe now we can hear her say.."mike, flower".. thank you, Howard Stern. .. oh yea, Travis rules...

  5. Just a guy in a Nessie suit. Move along; nothing to see here.

  6. Joe, with your last blathering and blubbering hysteria over the MK braid video and you're still here? You are SCARY.

    No peace for you ever.

    1. ^^ owned, pwned and mentally dethroned....

    2. Ha ha ha!! These people are slowly getting a little obsessed with me you know. I must be getting to these people, which is fine by me.


    3. You aint gettin to nobody dork. You are a big slow moving target and we are the poop flingin chimps.

    4. Meya.You ain't getting to us see? Ain't getting to us! Meya, meya... that's it.

  7. Joe,i just watched Mike Wooleys clip and it seems to me he's telling the truth,that must have been very scary,do you think they just wanted to scare him off because i think the first bigfoot he spotted could have just got him straight away without calling his mate xx

    1. Hey Eva! Have you seen his other video on YouTube where he claims the Bigfoot smiled at him?! Oh lord, that would have finished me! I just wanna give the guy a hug, he looks so, so effected by the experience!!

      It's really hard to say what their agenda was. I think that they were probably trying to scare him out of there... If these things wanted you, they'd just have you.

      His other video is about 9mins, goes into a little more detail. Just type into YouTube 'Mike Wooley'... This guy is a hero.

      Peace Eva.

    2. Blame the iPhone, German sounding guy... Not heard from you since you corrected the 'here-say' comments.


  8. Thanks Joe,i'll watch it now and then i'm off to bed,night night xx

    1. Joe, O.K. I watched the Mike Wooley video interesting and he seems sincere and an account from so long ago seems have stuck with him. The only thing, I have never seen a deer sweat. That does not mean I'm a biologist or anything. I have just not seen it. {Phd. biologist weigh in now} But I have no reason to doubt the guy. Even though he had a gun humans are hardwired to exhibit either a fight or flight response. I do take issue with the idea he would loose if he confronted the bigfoot with what he termed a high powered rifle. Many many african elephants have been killed with single headshots from rifles of 30-06 and smaller. The Neah bay indian tribe used I believe a .50 caliber rifle to Kill a Gray whale off of the Washington coast after they had harpooned it {they are legally entitled to do so} Find that video and you will see how fast a well placed shot stops an animal whether it is a whale an elephant or a bigfoot. You may find it disturbing as well.So there are two of them? See how fast a bolt action rifle can be cycled aimed and make kill shot by watching recreations of the Oswald shooting of JFK. You know I'm on the fence with PGF but lets for the sake of discussion say it is real. At the range depicted just about any deer cartridge well placed would knock {that Patty} down. Flesh and bone is flesh and bone. J.D.

    2. "he would loose if he confronted the bigfoot"

    3. Some people are shaking so bad when they see one, especially if he's big, they can't bank on getting it done. If you don't? Hogs, cape buffalo have killed many! I'm sure a nine foot squatch would lay an ass-whoopin on you ----- especially if you shot at him.

      But then again, some arn't shaking and are use too shooting alot! JS?

    4. Hmmmm, something to think about there JD, thank you for that bro. Someone of a hunter of many years like you would definitely know too... Could it be the human like-ness that came into play?

      Peace JD.

    5. Joe my response is at bottom of this thread J.D.

  9. It's a wake. I've seen tons of those on lakes in the southern states. Boat wake.

    1. Exactly! They happen a lot at Loch Ness as it's so large a lake, there is no Nessie guys it's just a way to make money for the Scotish tourist board. Over the years that Loch has been scanned and investigated repeatedly and no one has found diddly squat it's a fun story but that's all. People see ripples, floating debris and water fowl and jump to ridiculous conclusions because of the fame attached to the Loch most of it from hoaxed photos but the stories go back hundreds of years to I think round 13th century? Hmm, lots of sightings from indigenous population over hundreds of years, lots of folklore, eyewitness accounts and hoaxed photos, what's that sound like? Like I said though Nessie is bullshit no dead creatures or any fossils found in all that time unlike Sasquatch where there's been loads, right?

    2. It doesn't even need a boat:

  10. MMG gets fooled by a cowboy from the 60s





  12. Breaking! Joe Fitzgerald convinces die-hard skeptics of absolutely nothing!

  13. Looks like a Boat wake, I believe in the possibility of the "Death of Lockness"...the theory that the animals, whatever they were, have died out sometime since the 1970's.

  14. When am them dang gong stunk apes gonna be caught??

  15. Hi Joe, I should have written Makah Tribe rather than Neah bay. Also just because I believe that a bigfoot would be killed by any cartridge suitable for similarly sized game, does not mean I would advocate the killing of one. Yes he mentioned the human likeness was why he didn't shoot it but then he mentioned something to the effect of the human loosing if he confronted the bigfoot which is why the above opinion was written about bullets etc. All in all I would tend to believe the mans story as the deer could easily have been wet from dew on the bushes. I could not say what my reaction would be to such an encounter whether it would be a fight or flight or just plain freeze solid in fear after crapping my pants. The blond haired lady in Alaska feature on Bigfoot the definative guide tells a similar story of being chased thru the woods and I believe her story as well. Later J.D.


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