Patty Has a Braid?

In this video, M.K. Davis finds a possible hair braid on the Patterson-Gimlin creature using a special image enhancement tool. He claims to see a "a loose strand of hair with a recognizable pattern on the head of the Patterson subject".


  1. Replies
    1. 'Joe is a joke boo hoo guy, you reading? Ha!


    2. I wonder if I can hit ten comments before anyone else comments once?!

    3. I thought the Bigfoot account by Mike on the other page really compelling!!


    4. A braid means culture and implies a higher level of intelligence akin to ours.

      These are a type of human, people.


    5. This is how I can invest so much faith in them burying their dead. Check out some Jim Vieira and also check out some Cherokee/Bigfoot burial mounds on Google Search.


    6. No... In work and perfectly sober. What a beautiful day it is in South Wales!

      Thank you for your concern... I was just trying to celebrate my first 'first' in ages.


    7. Jeez joe, grow up! That the shit that makes us footers look like childish morons.

    8. No... Contributing to confrontational stuff like that is what makes us Footers look like morons from the outside. Stop taking yourself so seriously and grow a pair.

      If you have a problem with me, challenge my points... Otherwise contribute to the subject matter when it's required of you; then you can make a claim about how we look to other theory groups.

    9. Challenge your points? We're on the same team! I'm just nor down with that childisg bullshit! Why stoop to that level? Are you drunk?

    10. It's either me doing it, or like the way the entire week has gone; trolls doing it. What would you rather? I think the regular input I give to this blog would outline how I roll, which is why I am confused at how quick you were to have a pop at me at the first opportunity.

    11. Hahahahahahaha joe has his own minions yelling at him now! Hahaha get a girl and a life joe!

    12. Its just annoying to see stoop to the level of a skeptard. Very disappointung

    13. That person clearly has issues with me other than what I posted up top. Probably has problem with holding his own ground to which I am very good at.

      As for you... I have a girl, I am hell of laugh out with my friends on the weekends and have a very responsible job I hold down with the greatest of pride.

      Grow a pair vulture boy.

    14. U just asked you to act with a little dignity joe. This blog is going down hill fast. The last thing we need is one of our own acting juvenile.

    15. I was trying to prove something by doing it... I hoped you would catch on with that.


    16. If you havent figured out by now that joe is a very insecure adolescent, than you're just as big of idiot as he is!

    17. Ha ha ha ha!!! That's the best I've heard in ages! For an insecure adolescent, I sure do put the schooling on you don't I?

      No, I'm 31 and have absolutely no qualms about the way I am. This is my real name and find it very rich coming from someone who chooses to remain anonymous when making such comments.


    18. Oooh, internet tough guy! Joe, who exactly do you school? Shoving your opinions on someone else who is not an open recipient to said opinions is not schooling. Not to mention, you spend every hour of every day on a blog arguing with people. If that doesnt point to an insecure adolescent, I dont know what does. Hell, you had your own people telling you to chill out earlier!

    19. No, I spend a lot of my time debating on a blog against people who are ignorant enough to post their poisonous little points of view. That is schooling. Having someone counter my points with nothing but cynicism is evidence of me schooling, and having numb nuts like you challenge me with nothing that can threaten the subject matter is more evidence of schooling... And bitterness on your part.

      I never initiate arguments, I initiate conversation. It's when I have people who outwardly feel they need to ridicule the subject, putting traumatised eye witnesses and dedicated researchers' time into question, that I respond... And I'm good at it it seems because you are more preoccupied with me than the contents of this blog page for example.

      I am more educated than you, more intelligent than you and are more confident than you, and can ring any of your stupid logic out to dry if you were to challenge me. Like I said earlier... I couldn't care want that bloke commented, if the guy read between the lines of what I was trying to state and knew for one second what I contribute to this blog he would have piped down, especially as an enthusiast... A new comer, clearly, or just looking for a argument with someone who can handle themselves.

      As for you? Well I think you need to actually come back at me with something that could challenge my theories. I don't put mine on other's, but are not worried about voicing them and calling numb nuts like you in when they're wrong. I have a subject and research group to defend. I can sleep better at night knowing that I won't be threatened anytime soon by vulturous little anonymous nobodies like you though.


    20. See?? A response consisting of 3 ridiculously long paragraphs that I didnt even bother to read. Insecure adolescent.

    21. ANON 8:08, So you have been following Joe to know this about his internet activities??? Do you secretly wish he was shoveing something other than his opinion and that you Are the open recipient? Whats even more disturbing is you're predilection for him to be an adolescent. You sick, taterreceptive, pedophilic, bastard.

    22. Wow! Make that 4 paragraphs!! Why do you feel the need to constantly explain yourself joe? Insecure adolescent.


    24. This comment has been removed by the author.

    25. Seriously, leave me alone or I will tell shawn!!

    26. I see that someone is now using my name, the previous comment was not from me. Has it really come to this, and people want to accuse me of acting adolescent? Ha! People will know when I'm speaking.

      As for the adolescent name calling guy. Grow up, grow a pair and go troll somewhere else. You have been battered too many times, your self esteem must be in tatters.

    27. So footers cant have a bit fun once in a while? Joe just made the firsting clowns look like fools.

    28. Thank you sir, I'm glad someone other than MMG caught on with what I was trying to do.


    29. maybe it's a uk ThinG ;) haha

    30. Inept Skeptard Tactic 1: Use false user names to discredit the guy who is pwning us.

      Inept Skeptard Tactic 2: Attempt to discredit the guy who is pwning us by suggesting he is working against his own peer group.

      Weak & Transparent.



  2. ^geez louise get a f*kin life looser...

  3. Hey Joe, where yo going with that gun in your hand?

    1. Hi Joe, I watched a program on the history channel 2 entitled [How the earth made man] It deals with certain human traits and why we have them and where they stem from in our past. One segment dealt with pareidolia. It seems humans have been hardwired to see things that look like faces. I guess it is a survival instinct. If you have access to this program I think you would find it most interesting. Lots of other good info, albeit none related to bigfoot there is some talk of primative man that could be of interest to you. and could be extrapolated to include traits a bigfoot might have. Thanks J.D. PS Joe we need more "sigh"

    2. Heeeeeeeeyyy buddy! I read the small introductory part regarding those giant skulls found in Georgia and am gonna pay for the article this week to read. The skull has what looks like fangs which is quite incredible. It also looks very similar to the large skulls found in Lovelock cave, which is very, VERY interesting to me.

      There is no doubt in my mind that people see faces in various wilderness areas that are due to tricks of the late and so forth. I myself have experienced this on a couple of occasions and it is fascinating how much the human mind can try and make out what the immediate sensory organs are confused to make out. This has been proven with various paranormal experiments, when people hear and imagine things that the for example the eyes lack from attaining information in pitch dark night time circumstances. The idea that we as humans project human like beings into vast unknown wilderness areas that historically have been a source of fear of various things such as apex predators is also called anthropomorphism. This to many psychologists, the fact that that there are reports of this worldwide, is evidence to them that this is a very natural psychological necessity and is explained merely as that... however to people like me, the fact that people worldwide are experiencing such things is just evident that there is something more credible to the experiences. You must remember also, that if Native Legends, lets say in North America and North-Eastern Europe were trying to imitate various aspects of ape-like creatures and incorporate them into their rituals and culture, then how was this possible if they had no knowledge of what apes looked like?

      Also, something I was going to email you about last week... A friend of mine who I haven't seen since school, who is a forestry commissioner has seen around about twelve photographs in total of dead big cats that have been found right across the UK. I was absolutely amazed when he told me. What are your thoughts on this JD?

      Peace bro... I was starting to wonder if my antics up top had repelled any sort of intelligent conversation for the day!

    3. Hi Joe, on the big cats why haven't they been acknowledged publicly big time? Seems after all of those instances of documented big cats it would be taken very seriously when ever a new report came in. Surely it would be advantageous to the local wildlife to make sure a breeding population of big cats did not become established. Also for ever dead cat how many more living ones are there??? On the pareidolia {I hate that word}, Perhaps we are hard wired to see the ape like creatures because they do exist and the meetings did not end well for the humans?. Also pareidolia does not explain anything other than visual evidence seeing a bigfoot then finding some evidence such as a track pretty much eliminates pareidolia. The program had a lot of other stuff you would have found interesting. Yes the FANGS on that skull are awesome. Later J.D.

    4. Firstly, about the big cats... I really don't know why it is not made public. Could it be that it would be an admittance that the people in charge simply don't know what they are doing, an admittance that they are not in control?? I really can't get my head around it if I'm honest buddy but it's something I'm slowly edging towards investigating further.

      As for the pareidolia, it's very interesting. There is something in us however that is linked to generation to generation before us, over a period of time that has seen us evolve from way back as primitive people to 'civilized' cultures. Ever know exactly when you are being watched?

      A very interesting topic of discussion indeed.

      Peace JD.

    5. Theres a missing poster just down the road from me, 4000 pound reward if someone finds their missing jungle cat hybrid. Escaped pets aside, i have a family member and two friends that have seen a big cat in the U.K. One of those sightings was in a nearby forest, i was once in that forest at night and herd a strange sort of loud grunt, me and my friends couldn't get over the wall fast enough. Out of the known UK animals, i'd say it sounded like a pig, but it would have been a bit out of place, not any pig farms in this area. Who knows.

      Scotland. GT

    6. Hey GT!

      Man, you wouldn't believe the accounts from around my area of big cat sightings. There simply has to be something in it! There are only about 40-50 snow leopards left... That goes to show that such a small number could survive across a significant land mass.

      Check out some Tom Brown, you'd be interested in what he has to say about big cats in the UK.

      Peace GT.

    7. I'll check that out Joe thanks. Only thing i've really watched on it was the monster quest. If you're ever out camping or walking in the country at night with a friend... its always fun to bring the subject up haha hairs start standing on end.


    8. There was an amazing account from only a couple of years ago down the road from me (I'd give you the village name but you'll probably soak the laptop screen with saliva trying to pronounce it), where a farmer watched a big cat mawl his doh in front of his eyes!

      There are loads of really compelling accounts and I'm starting to develop a real interest for it.

      Peace GT.

    9. Oh, and what you think of my orangutan picture? I had to use something, there's a clown around here pretending to be me.


    10. Yeah it is interesting, plus theres a good chance there's something in it. I'm not totally convinced these cats will be quite puma size, but certainly bigger than a domestic cat, i'm liking hybrid at the moment. I'll brush up on identifying footprints, i'm out ferreting most weekends, over hills etc and am always trying to track what's been about, see what i find.

      Noticed someone had been imitating you, i'm surprised two people can make the same account name? Keep meaning to make an account myself.


    11. I was quite surprised... I had to laugh then though when someone then used the same orangutan picture that I've got in the next blog page. This is what it's come to though.


  4. bigfoot has corn rows- everyone should know that
    M.K = more krap

  5. Boom!

    Taking this blog BACK!


    1. Great work as ever Joe!

      Need to drop you that mail! Busy times my friend!


    2. Do you want my email address bro?


    3. Sorry man, think I misread your comment, but if ever you want it, you're welcome to it all the same.


    4. Well look with who it is. The resident butthurt footers.

    5. Hey look at the video up top and ask yourself...

      Got monkey suit?


    6. Haha the irony. The monkey suit is right there in that video

    7. Keep saying it like some therapeutic psychological exercise... It may help you but doesn't make it fact I'm afraid bro.


    8. 7:10 9:21 is resident sceptard with an achy breaky butt.

      If that is a suit shown in the PGF, that is one mythical magical miraculous megadocious mystical mysterious monumental monkey man costume. Look, it even has bones, muscles, tendons and arm extensions with prehensile fingers.

      Gee, would those fingers then be mechanically operated, or are you one of the achy breaky butted sceptards who bleeves Patty was a cyborg controlled by Gimlin from horseback?

      Or maybe you simply bleeve in your fantasy land of Care Bears and Candy Canes, that only the fingers were electronic and radio controlled, again by Gimlin on horseback.

      Patty the robot, Patty the cyborg, suit with arm extensions with mechanical or electronic fingers, all on a cowboy budget, yes sceptards iz bright.

      It will be enjoyable watching MMG lay waste to Sceptardia again today.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This website should post warnings on M.K.Davis' videos...something along the lines that, watching this video may actually lower your I.Q.

    1. I see a braid and I celebrate him finding that in that footage.


    2. ^That is because you are a fool-I bet MK Davis is laughing at you and anyone else who laps this post up...Unbelievable...

    3. You see... This is what makes me laugh. You people would claim we are 'seeing things' when you would deny something that is clearly in front of your eyes.


    4. Joe would like to see a bigfoots cock in front of his eyes!

  8. M.K.Davis has a good eye for detail,i like watching his videos it's amazing what he picks out xx

  9. "Damn Bob, you forgot to take off the price tag...think it will show??"

    1. "Nah...Everyone will be looking at the hairy tittie we glued on..Damn, I'm getting horny myself..Lets ditch Heironymous and get some hookers..."

    2. ^That's what the Canadian scientist said after they saw this and what the Americans said when asked to watch it...

      Krantz-"My friend Roger was making a bigfoot movie but, as luck would have it, he filmed a real one. Think we should hold a screening?"

      Random Washington State professor-"hahahahhahahahhahaha.."

    3. Lucky these days we have the technology to know better, eh?


  10. MK Davis's contrast enhancement = unproven photo contrast manipulation causing temporary photo anomolies. He then proceeds to ignore the anomolies that do not support whatever hypothesis he has dreamed up that day.

    For instance, on his frame studied at 3:50 above, the contrast manipulated photo shows a deep chip cut out of the back right of Patty's skull. This would be similar to taking a couple of wacks at her skull with an axe. This chip is even more clear than the so called braid. But since that gash would cause death and Patty is clearly not dead, he ignores this pseudo evidence that is more compelling than either the phony braid or the 12 inch long hair concoction. The mere presence of that chip, would cause this photo to be thrown bodily out of court, as it has contradicted itself. It has revealed itself to be a lie. Since the background cannot be ruled out as causing the 12 inch long hair anomoly, his allegations of that long hair can be tossed in the trash as well.

    MK is cherry picking the temporary anomolies of his tampered photos in order to support a fraudulent discovery that he believes will bring him back into the limelight. This video has been so heavily tampered with that it is worthless as an investigative tool.

    Last time MK Davie brought up this braid was in about 2006. This was quickly folowed by his Digger Indian and paddleboarding hypothesis. Which infuriated everyone. All of his claims have no court admissable supporting evidence. He was thoroughly admonished at that time by Meldrum and the entire research community. Apparently now, with so many newbies on the internet, he now thinks that he can resurrect his past snake oil claims to an entirely new crowd, perhaps in hopes of BEING SOMEBODY AGAIN.

    1. The braid is clear to see over a number of frames in different shots of the creature's head.



      Go ahead! Try and find a braid. Try and find a stick. Try and find an ear. Try and find a mouth. Go for it.

      In law, there is something called "Chain of Evidence". By maintaining custody of the evidence, and a record of where it came from, who had custody, and keeping it in a sealed container of some sort to prevent tampering, only then can evidence be submissable in a court of law.

      There is no Chain of Evidence with MK Davis's copy of the PG video because all he does is tamper with the video, to add images of ears, mouths, braids, rocks, head gashes, blood, hemorhoids, and bullet wounds. He loves the pencil tool, the increase contrast tool and the color enhancement tool. As soon as the photo is tampered with in any way, it is no longer evidence of the original event.

    3. With all due respect... Blah blah blah blah and more blah. You can laughably sound off about courts of law and rubbish like that, the PGF would never be used in a court of law and the detail is there for all to see, unless you have a negative agenda to ignore it.

      Regardless of the stick nonsense, I see a braid and the braid is consistent over a number of frames and is there at multiple head angles. In an effort to counter that fact, you can dig up all the crap about MK you like... I have never said I agree with all of his research, though there is very little I don't... and many enthusiasts hold the same attitude towards his work. The detail is there for all to see. I can see a mouth (I think there is a chance you need to get with the times) and the ears are not visible due to the long hair.

      MK's techniques have enhanced the footage and helped it stand for what it is. One of the most remarkable capturings of film in history.


    4. Nice post 8:03...You are right, his braid claim is recycled. He may soon resurrect the massacre theory, too..

    5. Correct, the braid stuff may well be recycled.

      No big deal. We'd all rather see Davis concentrate on the PGF rather than pedal the Mike Sells VHS BS.

      I can understand your fear however. Davis is a skilled, knowledgeable proponent of the PGF.

      Good to have him back on point.


  11. Joe believes this shit. No surprise there.

    1. A brain dead moronic bleever who bleeves any claim and any anomaly no matter how ridiculous is the worst nightmare of anyone who ponders the existence of bigfoot. Go check out Scott Carpenters videos Joe. You'll have a blast.

    2. From the youtube comments for this video:

      "At 00:22 there is a black sausage shaped gap in the background foliage just in front of the forehead, she then walks into this and it looks like part of her head."

      BOOM! Patty's braid thoroughly debunked.

      I'm your worst f*****g nightmare.

    3. No... You're a numb skull with the intelligence of a child and the clown before you is an angry stupid little hater who's a little obsessed with me after I've handed his arss to him a few too many times for his handling.

      How does it feel guys... Really? Am I getting to you??

      I hope so.

    4. Joe is having some homosexual fantasies!

  12. Replies
    1. I'm your worst f**king nightmare.


    2. Go MMG, it's fun seeing you wipe the floor with these skeptards.

    3. The monkey I'm going to pull out your fat sceptical ass...


  13. The word is that several skeptards may be graduated to the rank of supertard today due to the impressive depth of their stupidity and lack of perception.

    There may be a candidate for the position of gigantotard as well.

    We are also considering applicants for the positions of ultratard, megatard, and stupendotard.

    Let's all lend our support to the advancement of these skeptards today. We believe in you, skeptards, we know you can do it.

  14. LOONS. All of you and all of this utter and complete moronic banter. You mean nothing, this blog means nothing and MK? Well, he's just got WAY too much time on his hands. Period.

    Please, all of you. Go do something else with your life and let this pitifully lame blog and web site wither away like Rick Dyer's odiferous and maligned presence.

    1. The trolls have the time because it's their occupation. Pretty sad affair having to do this for a living, isn't it.

    2. Sad little haters that probably cannot claw any self respect in their social lives... It is sad that they have to post anonymous hate and proritize their time to do so. Karma don't care if you're anonymous... Karma's a bitch, just like the hammer of truth coming at them in Sykes.

    3. "Joe" - just because you attach a name to your pathetic and silly rants means NOTHING. The anonymity of the internet does NOT exclude fuckheads like you. Yep, "haters gonna hate"........waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh

      Karma will get you too. :)

    4. No you little pussy, I don't contribute to name calling at trolling you nasty little child-minded pratt.

      Get a life, I'm ten of you.

  15. The more encounters I have the more it supports what MK has shown us - that bigfoot is smarter than the average bear.

  16. Don't forget that she has a tattoo as well! MK Davis is a fucking idiot!

    1. She does. It's right below the striking image of your mother.

  17. My theory: what M.K. is calling a "braid" is actually a diagonally-oriented shadow on the brush in the background. You can see this braid "detached" from Patty's head a few tenths of a second before the "braid" starts to swing. After watching it a second time, you can actually see the same diagonal shadow in the background after Patty has walked by.


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