Other Bigfoot Related News [8/31/2013]

Can't get enough Bigfoot news updates? Here are some other awesome Bigfoot news and stories from several sources.


Debating on rather they can see IR and what to do to get around it.

Chuck P.'s blog:


  1. It took 12 hours to post the Sykes news. I wonder why. We sat through the usual weather and animal and nature stuff all day without the Sykes news.

    1. BECAUSE THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BIGFOOT! The bigfoot culture is awesome, I love it! But, THERE IS NO SUCH THING!

    2. ..lols..What do you think of the Loch Ness Monster culture?

    3. 10:58, the all-seeing-all-knowing skeptard.

      For you would truly need to be all-seeing to make such an absurd claim as there's no such thing.

      It's a foolhardy statement.

    4. What? Foolhardy statements on BFE?

      You must be mistaken my friend...


    5. I always thought hoss was spelled haus I still learn something new every day just another useless fact taking up space in my brain

  2. Whats up with the Matt Moneymaker wig?

  3. "Young Bigfoot Travel in the Trees Like Tarzan"

    What, fictitiously? :P

    1. Yeah, this tree-dwelling crap is getting pretty popular. Can't find them on the ground? They're in the trees! Can't find them in the trees? They are inter-dimensional travelers!

  4. (clive squashy)

    Great commentary !

    This guy could give Henry May a run for his money.

  5. Why is a giant squid attacking Bigfoot while a baby UFO dry humps his leg? Weird...

  6. UPDATE - August 2013

    Thanks to all who have contributed samples to the project. We have collected and analysed over thirty samples and results are being prepared for publication. Following normal procedure, no results or other information will be available prior to publication, so please do not enquire.

    Though the collection phase is now over, hair samples can still be submitted for analysis, but the costs (about $2,000 per sample) will no longer be covered.

    Bryan Sykes.

    ..lol..I heard if you send $4,000 you get to be in the sequel "Son Of Pwned"....

    1. The smell of fear is thick in the air... I am very excited to hear the creativity of these people.


    2. Shit I'd literally fukin kill myself if I sent him 2g for this scam just to be told it's a scam 30 for Melba's bullshittin was bad enough but for 2g I could never hold my head high with pride ever again

  7. I hope Sykes does prove in bigfoots existance,i believe in bigfoot anyway but i would love to know whats in bigfoots genes,how much is it like us?what else is it part of?it might even shed some light on our origins xx

  8. Good post Eva.

    The big fear is that if Sykes does confirm the race will be on to get that specimen.

    No squatch is coming alive peacefully so the woods and mountains will be filled with pro-kill gunning for that multi million dollar bounty.

    Protection legislation can take time...


  9. Love that mans Peggy Flemming wig.

    Put the little Dutch boy Moneymaker beside him and they'd make quite a pair.


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