Other Bigfoot Related News [8/30/2013]

Can't get enough Bigfoot news updates? Here are some other awesome Bigfoot news and stories from several sources.


July 21st 2013 was a very exciting day. As I was shooting footage of the area above the stick structure, I had heard a noise somewhere behind me. I swung the camera around to pan the area behind. We were positioned on the edge of a ridge just below the top of the hill,when I caught this creature walking up behind us. We were below the line of vision of this creature and he apparently did not see us until I stood up during panning the camera. I still believe that had I not stood up he may have walked right down onto us. Much can be learned from the nearly 3 hours spent going over the area of this encounter (we stopped as it was getting dark). For starters..we were in the hard wood section of the woods and the creature was traveling in the pines that butt up against the hardwood area. The pines provide a naturally quiet place in which to walk and to stay concealed. The hardwood section is where the food supply is located.In this area there is an abundance of such foods as raspberries,black berries,wild blueberries and apples,along with a number of other varieties of food. The whole area here is thick dense woods with an occasional clearing. After examining the foot prints found from this creature it has been determined it had feet measuring about 17 1/2 inches long.Estimated height at this point..6 1/2 to 7 feet tall. Much more investigations will be done here.

Cliff Barackman's blog:

Tim Fasano's blog:


  1. Nice first! But be prepared for war! Joe thinks his opinions are right and everyone elses are wrong. He even has minions like MMG who can't argue for themselves so they hid behind him. He thinks that the government covers up the existence of bigfoot. Quit being sheep! The fact is, bigfoots are an intelligent bipedal mammal that has slipped through the cracks of science and zoology, nothing more nothing less.

  2. You sir, apparently dont know who joe is. I'm a park ranger in oregeon my friend and you are a child. Am I wrong?

  3. Awwwww Shawn erased my post I'm gonna cry now

    1. Mine too Harry. He likes to keep us on our toes from time to time.


    2. You can't write about "Dirty Sanchez" and where your fingers are right now!!

    3. You can't write about "Dirty Sanchez" and where your fingers are right now!!

  4. Hello Park Ranger from Oregon... I would love to pick your brains to some accountsa you have attained. If this is ok with you, I will leave my email address.

    I will return to this blog frequently to check your response, if this is not something you would like to do, then that is completely fine, but post more often as your input is very important.


  5. Joe, you can't pick my brains, but I'll let you pick my nose.


    Park Ranger from Oregon.


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