M.K. Davis: Patty's Hair

In 1968, a year after Patterson-Gimlin filmed the famous footage of Bigfoot, a magazine published a dot-matrix image from one of the original negatives. It has been 45 years since it was first published, and it still holds incredibly detail and sharpness, compared to current copies of the film. In this video, M.K. Davis points out that Patty had more than just a simple braid -- she had smooth free flowing hair that seems to be blowing in the wind.


  1. Replies
    1. Congrats friend but I'm here now good luck on the next one

    2. anything and everything M.K.Davis releases involving Patty is invalid. he Manipulated and distorts the video so extremely you could even see Spock from Star Trek's Face in Patty's ass.. some one should really put M.K.Davis out to Pasture. he is done.. cooked in the brian along time ago


    1. Yes save the roaches! SAVE THE ROACHES. SAVE THE ROACHES

  3. Replies
    1. I hope by your comment you mean Sasquatch does exist, and that they are NOT apes, any more than we are apes. Hominids, an evolutionary lineage that led to we humans and apparently Sasquatch and similar species around the world, separated from the great apes over 5 million years ago. Sasquatch lives within the context of nature. We have sought to separate ourselves from nature. We threaten nature, they don't! The lessons will go beyond our ignorance and denial of the existence of another hominid species. Read "Of Ravens and Contrails," available as an e-book on Amazon.

    2. Beautiful comment my friend! You have a great weekend sir!


    3. Fucking idiots are out in force today! MK is good for Shawn's click rate it seems

    4. still crying about Shawn, go change your tampon lady

  4. Does anyone besides Joe/MMG seriously believe this crap?

    1. By anyone I mean anyone here and by crap I mean Mk's video.

    2. Joe how about have you got monkey suit? Nothing but a 100% recreation of the matilda video will do im afraid. Until you can do that then by your logic the matilda video is real.


    3. Not me I keep telling you guys go to you tube look up moon or NASA secret moon or something along those lines it doesn't say MK Davis but it's his voice for sure and he makes it look like there's an alligator megalith tubing highways and other nonsense on the moon fukin quack

    4. http://www.cryptomundo.com/bigfoot-report/bill-munns-matilda/

      Now your turn... By your logic the too pieces of footage are comparable (Sigh).


    5. Hey Joe, what do you think of MK's Bluff Creek "massacre" theory?

    6. I think I got PWNED again!



    7. I don't know enough about the massacre theory, I have never said MK Davis has never been wrong and I think you need to actually contest me in something before you can make that claim.


    8. How long have you been into bigfoot Joe? For someone that claims to know so much about the subject and always telling people to check something out, how could you you not know about that?

    9. Sounds like you need some schoolin'

    10. What?! You would have more than enough of a gripe if I commented on something inaccurately, would you not?! This the difference from me and 90% of people on this blog, I don't comment on something unless I know the facts first.

      I made it very clear that I didn't know 'enough' about the theory to comment in complete confidence, not that I didn't know anything about it... Learn to read sir.

    11. I converse with many footers. I get hundreds of e mails a year. Joe is one of the most knowledgeable person I know and have talked to. even though he is from Wales, he has more knowledge and is way smarter than a lot of you.

      Most of you don't know shit! You just repeat the same old tired information,(wrong information, at that) you get from others who also don't know shit

      I am a very active Big foot researcher, I am a retired fur trapper/hunting guide so I can search full time. Me and my team, just got back from our third 3 week Bigfoot trip,9which we got numerous photos/videos, and had some very interesting and exciting encounters with them. We will go out again for 2-3 weeks in October. we search only in New York state around the Catskill and Hudson highland mountains.

      So I don't just talk about this subject, I am out looking all year. Do any of you, even venture in the woods?

      If Joe was ever able to come to this country, I would be proud to take him out and give him some "in the field' lessons. (and we usually don't take anyone with us).

      My name is John W. Jones, my email address is healthyhappylawns@reagan.com
      please,only "Mature" people can respond or ask questions.

    12. My name is John W. Jones, and I've got zero evidence from all of my time spent in the woods.

    13. Joe says the braid is clearly there. I disagree. It is just like the bloody paw print, pool of
      blood, bullet impact, etc.

    14. You disagree.


      However you are just another worthless Anon trolling a Bigfoot site, so your opinion isn't worth sh*t.


    15. John...

      That coming from someone of the life experience, intelligence and understanding of this subject as you, that really meant a lot. Thank you my friend. I will defend your hard work and research to the end.

      Anon 10:26...

      I can see a long piece of matted hair coming down the right side of her head. Deal with it.


      How are you bro?!

      Peace all.

    16. I'm good Joe. How are you my friend.

      Sykes 2-3 weeks.

      Interesting times huh?


    17. Very exciting! I really didn't expect him to rush this through after giving himself an extension... He's made his mind up that's for sure!

      Peace buddy.

    18. It also fits the kind of time scale round the Halloween season which no doubt the beeb will use as justification to air the Shooting Bigfoot doc and the Sykes doc too

  5. Whoever says Sasquatch is a human is a fucking moron! Sasquatch are apes! They don't make fires, have spears, build houses etc. You people who wanna make bigfoot human are just a bunch o liberal turds who are into beastiality and we are the world crap. get your head out your asses and quit thinking an animal is human.

    1. I agree I think if it's there it's definitely an ape of some sort

    2. According to Native American legends these creatures understand how to even use fire and have used various tools over the ages such as primitive forms of baskets and sharpened sticks to spear fish. Jim Vieira has come across the documentation of countless native American burial mounds that have uncovered giant skeletons with giant tools and sometimes even weapons. The When considering the Australian Yowie (and I use this creature in comparison as I firmly believe I am talking about the exact same creature), there is a fascinating account of 'The Wildman of Monaro' (you can find this in Google Image Search) that tells of a sighting of a gorilla-type being holding what appeared to be a nulla-nulla; this is an Aboriginal war/hunting club. Furthermore; the images of Medieval European Woodwose almost always portray these beings as possessing a large stick-like club. You can check this out on Google Image Search, where you will see these creatures often fighting knights in shining armour,

      Here is an account by D L Soucy of a Bigfoot in the Grand Canyon that uses a giant club, it's very fascinating I feel. It won't take too much of your time...


      They have language, you can check this out with anything on YouTube by Scott Nelson, they bury their dead, for this check out anything on YouTube by Jim Vieira (this being in tradition with Cherokee legends that they shared burial mounds with them), and a dumb would have been found by the skeptical world by now, plain and simple. All th above I have referenced would indicate a level of intelligence that implies culture; something an ape other than homo sapien cannot achieve. The fact that it can evade us so cumulatively and intelligently; renders it on par intellectually with us, to be able to understand us and our methods, as it has observed us from a far and learned.


    3. Erm what.

      Sasquatch don't even exist you moron. Argueing whether it is human or ape is fucking retarded.

    4. Joe please visit a doctor.

    5. Who ever said an ape has to be retarded monkeys watched peace core workers and picked up and used tools

    6. Exactly. Humans used tools 30,000 years before Christ. Bigfoot is apparently an ultra-retard.

    7. We bigfoot use'm tools. Ug.

      Club anyone who call us ultra-retard. Ug.

      We got'em no ponytail. Laugh at M.K. Davis stupidity. Ug.

    8. Anon 5:06...

      Get some new material bro, you seem like you are repeating yourself on some psychological therapeutic level... Reassurance is thin around here and can't be doing your self esteen too good.

      Anon 5:08...

      I never make any claims that I cannot back up by the thorough research of either myself or of people who have ten times more education & qualifications than you.


      Apes (apart from us), don't have language. Language is culture and suggests intelligence on par with us.

      Anon 5:12...

      Bigfoot are not ultra-retards, or they would have been hunted and killed in droves by now.


    9. 5:26 LOL.

      Are you trying to do bigfoot as a caveman? Or are you doing bigfoot as a 1950s TV American Indian?

    10. Well, the "ug" should give it away as a caveman. The 1950s TV Indians said "how" all the time, not ug.

    11. The language arguement is more along the lines of it's vocal cords and no one has seen an ape that large who knows how their anatomy is as far as complex language I don't know about recordings if a Sasquatch came up to me or hell any camera man and introduced himself in a foreign language then maybe I'd lend credence to it having a language till then it's pure speculation and yes I believe in Bigfoot but bullshit and shitty evidence and speculation isn't gonna get us anywhere we need to keep our eyes on the prize

    12. Bigfoot speak Japanese. They use a form of samurai chatter. This is well documented.

    13. Bandini, I suggest you check out some Sierra Sounds and some Scott Nelson.


    14. "According to Native American legends" is the most credible phrase in the bigfoot world.

    15. It is actually, because these legends span ten thousand years, and these people would have had to have been psychic to have had to know what a monkey or gorilla looked like to have had to have 'made up' a secret society of suit wearing hoaxers... eh?


    16. That's the point I'm getting at joe is they are sounds that's just it without a visual of the animal itself producing it therefore it could be anything I'm not giving you a hard time brother simply explaining what it would take for the public at large to get on board see what I'm saying like I could see one and watch it make the noise and record it on a digital recorder I can then come here and have Shawn post it you know where that'll get me NOWHERE not to mention teased to death

    17. Ok. The sounds captured are both above and below the frequency of human hearing. Also, when you slow a chatter down to 50% and get a complex dialect, it seals it for someone withfrm my viewpoint, beacause I have an open mind and have actually spent time looking at Scott's research, as opposed to most who ridicule him. Once you do that, it is very difficult to come to any other conclusion.

      I know you are not giving me a hard time bro, I have heard a lot of good things about you and am trying to have a discussion with you, that's all. I do not disagree with much that you say and on the larger part, very much agree with your comment bro.

      Like I have stated previously on another blog page; you do not have to be a linguistics expert to listen to what is in front, you do however have to be a cryptolinguist to have the necessary tools to transcribe it. Out of the tens of thousands, MAYBE MILLIONS of people to have heard these sounds, it would have taken someone with the equivalent expertise as Scott, seconds to come to a counter claim if it was the case. Though I agree that in an ideal world all sources of Bigfoot evidence should be peer reviewed and backed up with a second opinion, it is not realistic to the few people willing to put their reputations on the line; hence the reason why so many researchers apply their expertise after their retirements. With the dogma surrounding this subject, along with the wider negative agendas, skeptics cannot perceive Scott as a pioneer as opposed to a lone theorist.


    18. I'm not ridiculing anything brother I'm simply saying if it doesn't have footage of the animal making the noise and no matter how difficult the sound is able to be reproduced then we cannot put this forward as proof I'm open minded as well I'm sure I'd find the samples interesting as well and I don't know Scott I'm not calling him a liar hell he could be the most honest man in the world I'm simply saying we cannot put something of this nature up as proof that's all Joe I'm by no means attacking you

    19. Scratch the last sentence I missed the part about you understand I have no ill will.
      But side not standing behind anything MK Davis puts out makes us all look retarded please don't do that anything but that

    20. They're not apes, for Pete's sake. Understand that part will you, thousands of wild giant apes can't go undetected over centuries in America. And these suppossedly are smart enough to interact with us, but you skeptics can't have it both ways.

    21. I know that bro... I think this can go on the list of things we are happy to disagree with. I think that the average skeptic must look at how much the Sierra Sounds were scrutinized prior to Scott coming along, which has only been very recently. The same level of attention & scrutiny would not diminish over the past couple of years surely? So that tells me that Scott's work stands up. The Sierra Sounds being that of some of the most profound Bigfoot Evidence enthusiasts have and therefore in the firing line more. It can be claimed that if something is not yet questioned or double opinionated; it comes down to whether your glass is half empty, or half full, or whether you have an agenda to accept it or be skeptical of it... However, with the wider scientific dogma surrounding this subject, along with the wider negative agendas, comparing this subject to mainstream scientific research accumulation as an example is in my eyes not sufficient because mainstream science has done everything it can to ridicule and censor this type of anthropological research up until now. No mainstream science would give this subject the first bit of legitimate time so skeptics use that to their advantage to claim it can't stand up without backing or complimentary piece of supporting evidence. Not that I'm branding you a skeptic of course.

      Much respect Bandini, I appreciate your viewpoint very much.

      Peace bro.

    22. I'm not a skeptic how do you know an ape 8' + wouldn't have a larger brain or more intelligence you are on just as little a limb calling it human as I am calling it an ape so............

    23. That's all I'm saying, is that we would have found bones (if it didn't bury it's dead aesthetically) and we would have caught it on trail cams (if it were as dumb as a bear or a mountain lion)... All, if in accepted by the individual concerning the question of ape/human, lean towards a creature of the intelligence of us.

      I would recommend everyone check out some Jim Vieira.

      Peace all.

    24. I agree with you Joe the last comment was directed to the other dude

    25. I know bro, my last comment was me thinking out loud.

      Peace Bandini.

  6. The M.K. Davis stuff is so stoooooopid. The asinine meter goes all the way up on his stuff.

    Poncho wearing bigfoot, bigfoot with a "female problem," braided bigfoot, ponytail bigfoot, unicycle riding bigfoot... The idiocy just keeps coming.

    1. Especially from you, yes.

    2. He is just a guy, one of many, who will say or do anything to make a few bigfoot bucks...As Ro Sahebi astutely pointed out, when you run a bigfoot business\site you get a well known "brand" for free..

  7. Ever seen an ape heard ungulates. Cause that's what JC says. And Bart is leaning that way to. Like the Laplanders and Reindeer these animals are more and more being associated with huge migrating herds. There are some locals. Like the above skeptic trolling his local bigfoot blog or gay bar. He sticks around because he likes what men leave him there. All in all if they exist, and I've seen some compelling evidence they do, they are going to stay as close to resources that they can either manage or readily access that provide calories and clean water. And we are all apes really. Just look at Anton's mothers brow ridge and skin folds. :)

    1. Dream on. Theses things would have to eat like moose, and still remain completely undetected.
      A physical impossibility.

    2. You need to take'em English composition course. Ug.

      You writing not so good. Ug.

    3. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Great post Mike B!!

      Peace bro.

    4. I agree'em with caveman bigfoot. How.

      Mike's writing ability stink'em. How.

      Not sure what he try to say. How.

    5. I really can't understand that to be honest.

    6. only a small,closed mind would make gay jokes.

    7. Having listened to the radio interview with JC I wouldn't listen to a word that retard says, the guy is a joke and a total bullshit artist. As for Bigfoot being people none of what anyone on here says would support that even if it was true. Was Scot the crypto linguist that Joe Rogan spoke to? If so I wouldn't believe what he's peddling either, doesn't Meldrum think they're apes too? I think the answer is yes and as he is the sole credible academic involved in Bigfoot maybe he's right? Plenty of carnivores will herd their prey and work in teams it doesn't mean lions and hyenas are human too

  8. M.K. Davis is sounding crazier by the video. He wasn't so bad at first, but keeps looking for things that aren't there.

    Sasquatch braid? I think before any more of you start hinting at a possible culture aspect, snap a decent picture first. it will save you self doubt, regret and integrity.

    1. Yeah, his earlier poncho wearing bigfoot hypothesis sounded so much less crazy.

    2. Your forgetting the great Bigfoot massacre of '56 one of my MK favorites

  9. Todays conundrum:

    Who is more crazy:

    MK davis or joe?

    1. We don't know if MK believes the crap he peddles-he may just be a cynical bigfoot promoter having a laugh and making a few internet bucks..I find it hard to believe he honestly does not know what pareidolia is and thinks he sees hemmorrhoids and ribbons in this grainy artifact laced film...

  10. Does human hair braid or easily dreadlock itself when it's not often washed. Who knows. MK is like a kid in a candy store. And if he's wrong so what. It's usually entertaining. When Joe F offers his opinion I listen because its usually backed up by some hard working research behind it. I'm doing some now on my own now. I believe these creatures exist in a much more relict form than they once may have. They have adapted well in stealth and following caloric resources. Maybe they've lost a few IQ points. Would you know if you were near another species. Can you mimic one so as to fool them. It takes a complex social structure to work as a stealthy unit and avoid contact. Some elite military units can stare at a target and each other, make a series of hand gestures and completely communicate danger or an objective. I am challenged ordering at a drive thru window. Lets not portray them as fools until someone other cowboy rides up on one with his Odor scented by horse or quietly bicycles upon one. Or follows a herd animal right to a point of contact and shoots a great series of shots. Or a Doctor. Lets say Sykes, shocks the world. It will be soon I think. That a few of you will have to find a new hobby.

    1. Firstly thank you Mike. Secondly, I can't agree more. The interactions you have had from these creatures are not that of a dumb animal, but that of a methodical, potentially very gentle and forward thinking creature that can obviously can manipulate and use subtle changes to objects that would indicate a very good understanding of what we would notice and recognize as communication. There cannot be any other conclusion that these creatures understand us and can apply their social imagination & understanding in complete confidence in working out what we would recognize as communication, and though there is a very high possibility that these creatures do not understand our culture, that in it's self, as long as you buy it... Is evidence that we need to change from trying to catch out a dumb animal and offer respect to which I feel will be returned over time that evokes trust. We share some values, I am convinced of that.


    2. Oh, and the matted hair part really made think!

      Peace Mike.

    3. Mike said, "And if he's wrong so what."

      There is a big difference from being innocently wrong or stupidly wrong, and being fraudulent by deliberate misrepresentation. That later being potentially both a civil violation and criminal felony. If you go back to the braid superposition story, you can see the outline of the frame that he superimposed. In that frame is the word "tip". Note that the color and shading of that word, IS EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE COLOR AND SHADING OF THE BRAID. Now what are the odds of than happening, if that frame was not fabricated elsewhere and then superimposed on the photograph? Slim to none. MK Davis is making fools out of everyone who supports him, by clearly superimposing the braid and not covering up his tracks that prove that he fraudulently misrepresented the photograph.

      Using your reasoning then, if MK Davis is commiting a civil violation, then so what. If MK Davis is commiting a criminal felony, then so what. If MK Davis is making fools out of all who support him, then so what. Apparently, there is no red line.

    4. Well. Lets follow your line of reasoning out before we correctly ascertain that you have none. The Plaintiff , Patty will very likely not file for damages for portraying her as a braid wearing weave seeking harlot! So MK can probably sleep well tonight knowing there is no such silly statute. And any idiot filing on her behalf will surely get Rule 11 sanctions imposed against them for filing a frivolous action. It's clearly an opinion and there is no plaintiff. Case closed.

    5. HA HA HA HA HA!!

      Making a claim that someone could be possibly wrong about something as debatable as this footage is really not as wild as some of the claims you have just made.

      What you fail to understand in your your wild court room referencing and defamation of MK, is that the superimposed braid is not being sold as the actual piece of footage, but has been worked upon and outlines to help suggest to the viewer what is there but cannot be seen so easily due to pixelation. The braid or matted piece of hair is there over consecutive frames at multiple head angles. The shading of the word is the same because it is the same and has not been sold otherwise.


    6. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!! Great stuff Mike!!

    7. Joe & Mike, You both appear to have a closed mind. I am not suggesting that the film is not of a genuine creature. I am showing that MK Davis has superimposed a braid upon Patty's photo, where only skin shows in the Bill Munns HD copy of the master archive copy. That is fraud by misrepresentation. Furthermore, an examination of Bill Munns video shows that there is no wavy hair. That is an anomoly off of a garbage copy of the film. Mike, after apparently having not passed the bar, is attempting to imply that MK must commit a civil violation or criminal crime against a Bigfoot. Bigfoot have no civil rights. MK only has to commit such acts against one single human who relied on MK to be truthful. And he has committed such acts on hundreds if not thousands of people. When MK is wrong by fraudulent misrepresentation, he is a hoaxer. Pure and simple.

    8. Close minded? I can see the same piece of long matted hair on Munns' version of the close up of her face.


  11. Oh and to Anon. You makum big fun of tiny typo when u walkum upon intellectual superior cause u can't makem big point worth shit. :)

    1. Somebody need'em nap. How.

      Got up on wrong side of bed. How.

      Writing ability still stink'em. How.

      Me laugh'em at "intellectually superior" who write like third grade squaw. How.

    2. LMAO. I just peed my pants laughing so hard.

    3. Ok. I surrender. I agree. Your riff on Native American speak from the Tonto era is hilarious. You are the anonymous Lenny Bruce of Bigfoot Evidence. Say one thing about this subject new or unknown to other posters. I'll wait. But you can't. Can you. Have you ever been to the deep woods? Does your ass do anything but make cute imprints that ticke you. C'mon Einstein. I'm waiting.

    4. I really can't understand it to be honest.

    5. Welshman not watch reruns 1950s American TV westerns. How.

      Bigfoot seen for many moons. How.

      White man take bigfoot and speak lies and make fork-ed tongue talk. How.

    6. Have we found a Tard with a sense of humor?

      Good to see these guys can still raise a smile after a another pounding.


    7. racism is funny? wow you footers are assholes.

    8. Racism or stereotype? I think you need to learn the difference.


    9. For the record 12:45 it was a dumbass sceptic who made the unsavoury racist/stereotypical comments.

      I note you haven't taken issue with this person. This makes you a joke/troll.

      Now GTFO.


  12. Me seeum u also agree with self. Who is equally dum fuk

  13. It's one thing to say you believe and it's another to claim you've seen one. Look at the ridicule one gets on here for saying they believe....
    So what is the motivation for someone (especially someone with credibility like, police, forest ranger) what makes them risk all when they go public with their encounters?
    Don't say it's fame cause I don't remember any of them...

  14. You don't remember Paul Freeman?

    1. No I don't. Please tell me and tell me what his motivation was? Was he in the paper for a day? Did he receive any money but more importantly did have a good job and family that he may have lost?
      I've read of people who do and they seem reluctant but are so disturbed they have to speak, against there family wishes??
      If your going to make something up, why not a dragon!!
      That be cool and they'd probably remember that guy!

    2. The late Paul Freeman was a forest worker who filmed two sasquatches in Oregon in the 90s. His footage is some of the most credible out there.

      You can look up Freeman Footage on Youtube to watch his clip.

    3. Absolutely, only PGF and Marble Mt. is better than his stunning video.

    4. Marble Mountain? That footage is a joke. The "bigfoot" in the Marble Mountain footage is so obviously a hiker with a backpack. I can't believe that anyone thinks that the Marble Mountain footage shows a bigfoot.

  15. And you won't. Many of them stay quiet for twenty years to protect their jobs and families. They are concerned small minded cynical pricks (see above) will ridicule them. Destroy their reputations. Means of income. Etc. Those that do. And I can think of one In particular Paul Freeman are ridiculed. Until someone like Jeff Meldrum gets stunned by their discovery. And he too is ridiculed. It's a pretty rough reward for hard work and unfunded or self funded punishment. So curiosity. Maybe your first sighting was an accident. Or you have a theory you just have to test. Something brings them back. It certainly isn't financial reward or public accolades.

    1. No financial reward? Moneymaker and crew are making bucks looking for bigfoot. They will soon be traveling to Nepal for vacation while I can only afford a staycation.

    2. Wildlife consultant john miedzinski when working for the fish and game in the State of Wyoming had his job threatened because of his involvement into an investigation into Bigfoot prints and an encounter. He had to remain silent for 30 years and is now an researcher and adviser to Jeff Meldrum.


    3. The Finding Bigfoot crew are just scaring anything alive out of their general areas and fixing cameras on their own faces... whilst lining their pockets from ratings of people who don't really understand what they are doing is a joke. Over time, and the general understanding get's better, it'll cease.


    4. Mike Brookreson is spot on and I will give an example. During our annual family reunion/vacation during July 4th time period, this was in 2011 at my sister's lake cabin in Iosco County, MI (Sand Lake Region) I talked 3 of my nephews, all in early 20s into an overnite bigfoot excursion near the Ausable River in Oscoda County. When the neighbors heard about it, Nancy said I needed to talk to her husband Rob, because he had seen one. Needless to say my curiosity was stoked. I had known Rob for 8 years and we snowmobiled in winter, motorcycled in summer and partied at the lake together every time I went there. He is an executive for a major Chryler supplier in the greater Detroit area. He had never told me or anyone else about his encounter for the very reasons Mike stated and most people don't. It was only when he learned of my great interest that he opened up. Ten years earlier he had been bowhunting in Iosco County near the Au Gres River concealed by the brush about 100 feet from a game trail. At first he noticed a person walking the trail and caught glimpses of it as it approaced. His thoughts were what large person is out during deer season dressed in dark coveralls with no orange markings? Then the creature stepped into the clearing, and Rob realized it was no person but a Bigfoot which he had considered mythical. Rob was choking up and you see the fear in his voice even 10 years later when he described it to me. It was massive and what he thought were coveralls from the earlier glimpses was indeed redish brown hair covering it from head to toes. He noticed the slumped over walk and strange walk it had, however the fear factor took over and he prayed to God the creature would not discover him. He went over and over again how astounded he was of the size and massive build, well over 8 feet tall, and close to four feet thick across the chest. His thoughts were the bow would due no harm to this thing and if it discovered him it could tear him in half. The Bigfoot never looked in his direction and left the area. It frightened him so bad he gave up hunting just knowing these things are out there.

      Three weeks later I talked Rob into riding our bikes to the Bigfoot bash in Comins, MI where people would be open to his story. When he again told of his encounter to some researchers his voice was still quivering and body shaking. He made the statement to myself and others that he could not understand how we would want to see one, because he never wants to be this frightened again.


    5. Chuck. Any free moment you have drop me your email at mkbrookresom@aol.com. I have something I would love your opinion on and it's the very reason I'm headed to a point where I will have to go in armed. I've got pictures of something looking at me. And it's just scary as shit. Thank you.

    6. Thank you Chuck!! Not seen you post in ages, and THEN you go and post something as profound as that!!

      Thank you buddy, you should post more often bro!!


  16. Joe. I appreciate that. I'm going to head to the woods now. I also appreciate the time you have given my curious endeavors. I'll have to work on my spelling Joe. I really got taken to the woodshed today.

    1. HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Your spelling is just fine pal... notice how none of your theories got countered?

      Man, I can promise you I have more appreciation for you involving me. Go and enjoy yourself my friend and stay safe out there. I'll be awaiting your feedback.

      Peace buddy.

  17. Well another summer has come and gone.

    Got lemur/monkey/ape/hairy people YET?

    You guys are ridiculous.

    1. ..lol..No we are short on specimens but long on excuses,conjecture and paranoid ravings...May I interest you in a story about a guy who knew a forest ranger? Send me all your money...

    2. How about you actually, for once, try and present something that could threaten the enthusiast's theory group. How about you try and present something that would back up your stupid cynicism, before claiming that backed up, repetitive evidence is merely 'excuses, conjecture and paranoid ravings'. You are as stupid as your comment suggests others are, why would anyone listen to you over those that have experiences? You have the same level of credibility?

      We will see how you try and describe one of the greatest voices in modern science at the end of the year. I doubt we'll see you, but rest assured, I will be...

    3. ..Joe, the academic year is up and running and there is absolutely ZERO indication that Sykes will be discussing cryptid dna in any seminar run by any department on any campus..lol...He is making a monsterquest, and the rest of academia is as interested in that as they are in his stamp collection...Now, run along you silly little man-but don't forget to post the link to Ro's podcast before you do...lol...

    4. "there is absolutely ZERO indication that Sykes will be discussing cryptid dna in any seminar run by any department on any campus."

      ... No, his work is not finished yet because he has given himself an extension. Why/ We will get to that in a bit... there are more claims first;

      "He is making a monsterquest..."

      ... No, he is not making a Monsterquest. He has invited the BBC to make a three part documentary series about his research.

      "... and the rest of academia is as interested in that as they are in his stamp collection..."

      ... Really/ Isn't Lausanne University participating in the research as well??

      "Now, run along you silly little man-but don't forget to post the link to Ro's podcast before you do..."

      In your effort to try and persuade anyone other than yourself, with the level of claims that you make, that anyone else is a 'silly little man', is laughable. You don't even do your theory group justice; who would have you shot no doubt for your funny little effort at skeptical logic.

      You were right about one thing however;


      ... Fast forward to 29 minutes and suck it up real nice. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!

  18. Hey 6:05. Maybe we have a little more than you think (wink wink ) which maybe is a little less than it should be......adios muchachos

  19. I say this to all you non-believers, will give you a challenge, let's see if you can do it put your money where your big mouth is:

    Black Bears have been proven to exist right? Nobody disputes that! and they can be quite plentiful in certain areas of any given state.

    Now the challenge: Go out to "Bear country" and film one, just one (and I am not talking about Dump bears) but those in a wilderness area. You got 1 week to get a picture or a video. You must stay in the woods the whole time, regardless of the weather, you can;t go home to Mommy", you can't go home to shower, you must stay 1 full week in the woods to try to get a picture/Video of a black bear.

    99.9% of you won't do it, 99.9% of you can't do it, 99.9% of you wouldn't know where to begin, 99.9% of you wouldn't last 3 days 99.9% of you will fail.
    yet, Black bears exist and you still wouldn't be able to get their picture!

    It's always the Wimps, Mommy's boy, Girly boys, computer nerds that always post here saying that Big foots do not exist. black Bears exist, Now PROVE IT!

    healthyhappylawns@reagan.com my name is John W. Jones, and I don't hid behind anonymous listing like 99.9% of you do! Forget the monkey suit, "Got a backbone"?

    1. Ya that is curious... How do all the anonymous's tell each other a part on here?
      Is there some secret anonymous language or tree knocks they do?
      Do they even exist or am I making the up?

    2. Great precise comment, John. These desk boys are all talk and no action but of course some of them already know it's extremely difficult to get a Sasquatch on film, for its very nature, not being what many expect. These beings aren't what footers and pretending skeptards want them to be thousands of (magical) apes.

    3. Why not a dump bear? If squatches are said to go through garbage, dumps, and dumpsters from time to time, why can't I film a dump bear as part of the challenge? Footage of a dump squatch would be good. Why not a dump bear?

    4. I wish we had a camera that was activated by motion that could take pictures.

      You fuckin retarded footer.

    5. Oh shit lol
      Only if Walmart had one of those in sporting goods right

    6. Imagine if we had cameras that could catch thermal images of wildlife. There is no way they could escape being photographed!

      Um, they are warm-blooded, I guess. Hairy titties, right?

    7. John!!

      Great post my friend!! And so, so, so true!!!

      Peace buddy!!

    8. 6:14 Are you on glue? A classic, but cheap and dirty high...Anyway, I can do better than that and get pics of polar bears in Central Park!! Send me all your money...

    9. A good indication of a less than fertile mind is the extent to which the owner engages in internet tough guy posturing..lol..That's your 2nd Joe..The first is how you embrace all these loony theories in order to substitute a false sense of having "solved a mystery" for genuine erudition. You can lie all you want, but it is clear you are not educated-self or formally....Like they say Joe, you are a joke(something I would loathe to point out if you were not so obnoxious..lol..)..Thanks for the laughs...

    10. The only indication necessary of a mind full of fertilizer is the absolute necessity to continue to rely on the weak crutch of cynicism to attack others while offering absolutely nothing to the field of discussion. It is an absolute crutch for a weak minded soul who lacks any form of creativity or originality. It's only effective as a tool when used with great satiric effect (see Oscar Wilde). I would suggest you re read "The Importance of Earnest who Goes to Camp!"

    11. Anon 10:01... The arss-winker...

      You see to enthusiasts, it has never really been a 'mystery to solve', yet more like proving the evidence to validate. We have droves of it... And what you never do, EVER... is bring a single piece of anything other than hate, cynicism and bitterness to any of these blog pages. Furthermore, after all these exchanges and let's be honest, all that you have learnt in recent times from us enthusiasts, you cannot bring yourself to muster the balls to come up with anything that could counter anything we have, other than hate; a sign that you have nothing left, have run out of ideas and have exhausted all your avenues to promote your ignorance and fear.

      Joke? That would be the way you prioritize your time and focus on me a few times a week? Why?? Because I have turned you inside and out so many times. Not only that, but I turn your theory group inside out weekly which is a direct threat to you. The joke is the person who has to hide behind anonymity in expressing hate. It's the most cowardice form of taking stabs at something that obviously quite scares you. It is a particular type of person that requires this and this is why I can label you the arss-winker; the one who's arss does so in fear of this creature being recognized by science.

      I am more educated than you and I am more confident in my theories than you and I will always be here, long after you have gone and found some other avenue to vent your contemptful little personalty, which is what everyone who has an ounce of intelligence can gage from your efforts to make anyone look as stupid as you come across.

      Hope that drove home arss-winker...

    12. ..Which journal published your theories? Maybe they were posted on a website like Melba's hoax..Maybe you can charge her 30 bucks to download your theory and recoup your loss sucker..lol...

    13. My theories are attained from researchers, experts and professionals that are much cleverer than you,, clearly.


      Check that out an impartial point of view on Melba... loser.

  20. That is my new Indian name. I am Dump Bear. Of the Wilslapaho tribe. My foreskin fathers kick me out if tribe for bad grammar. They say "Ho. There is Dump Bear. He cannot even spell herd. Or maybe he too stupid to use autocorrect !" "Do nut return to this village until u can speakum the People's Tongue better". But Dump Bear say to skeptic In Tribe this and only this. " I may not Speakum your Tongue Well. But Dump Bear has better use for your tongue than maybe even you can think of!" Look. Poor Dump Bear go now. He ended sentence with prepositions. UGH!

    1. I like your approach Mike. Sometime you just have to laugh along with the clown's in this circus.


  21. Apologies to all. Especially my Native American brothers. John. Thanks man. Point taken.

  22. Replies
    1. He always does, and then he comes back with the same old tired "got monkey suit" argument again and again.

    2. Can you point to me where I have been 'destroyed', I missed that?

    3. Joe, got Matilda suit yet?

    4. Well, what do you expect from someone who thinks Roger Patterson's film shows an undocumented North American primate? A person like that is a huckster's dream and will find themselves getting pwned on a regular basis..lol..He is a joke you know-and probably a drunk to boot...lol..

    5. 7:10 & 7:12 are the same guy. Tragic.

      The Matilda suit BS doesn't make any sense. It's that all you have? Thought it was so obvious that BF didn't exist but you want to try and compare the Matilda scam to the PGF footage?

      Farcical and embarrassing.


    6. Anon 9:56...


      ... Your turn with Patty?

      Anon 10:06... Arss-winker...

      Got monkey suit?

      HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!

  23. One more reason to never leave the basement:

    New ‘walking’ shark species discovered in Indonesia!!!!!




    Are we doomed?

    1. Oh shit they must be doin nuclear something without stringent guidelines we're fucked
      They need their version OSHA and the EPA

    2. Don't be scared fozzie with a little luck and a dab of nuclear waste we may just be able to turn you into a real bear at the very least the incredible hulk

    3. OMG,i thought Fozzie was a real bear,please tell me he is! xx

    4. He is don't worry the world is right again Eva

  24. MK Davis is back stepping to claim that Patty has long hair that waves in the wind, as supposed proven by one frame. Then, he weaves his pony tail claim into the same story, in an attempt to give credibility to his superimposed braid. Very clever. Then, despite the lack of a secure chain of evidence for the video that he has, he reviews his manipulated video copy where he added an ear, a braid and a contorted mouth, NONE OF WHICH SHOWS UP ON BILL MUNNS HIGH DEFINITION COPIES OF THE FILM made from Mrs Patterson's video. MK Davis does not have HD copies from that early copy.

    Does long hair on the head prove that Patty is real? No. Yet MK dwells on this long hair hypothesis in order to base his latest attempt undo the hoaxing evidence that he has submitted recently. That is, evidence of his hoaxing his videos in order to make outlandish and false claims, for the purpose of regaining his long lost position of authority on the PG film. Bill Munns is now the authority on that film. MK Davis is just another hoaxer. If you hoax just once, then all your work is suspect. He has hoaxed a lot more than once, in conjunction with the film.

    1. Anybody can view this Bill Munns video and plainly see that Patty does not have long head hair. Which proves that MK Davis got it wrong yet again.


    2. But but but Joe says it is CLEARLY there! How DARE you challenge Joe!

    3. Bill Munns showed in his report, that the later copies of the PG film, contain anamolies that are not present in the pristine master archive copy that his HD version came from. Bill Munns found the supposed stick anamoly in the later versions that MK Davis has, but not in the pristine master archive copy. MK Davis is therefore working with what is essentially a garbage version of the video. Which does not stop MK Davis from claiming his manipulations of that garbage version, to be factual.

    4. Anon 7:46...

      Where have I claimed to believe that Patty has long hair? I do maintain however that I feel that Patty has a braid, or what my friend Mike B suggested; a piece of matted hair and that this is also recognizable in Bill Munns' versions of her face. You can have a look on Google Image Search if you are in disagreement.

      I celebrate Bill Munns at every opportunity, so before some one suggests I do not back his work, then think again.


    5. The Jrefer's fear Munns.

      They had to kick him off their forum because the Mom's basement keyboard cultists couldn't handle someone so knowledgeable on the subject.

      Bill should be congratulated for taking these clowns on in their own backyard.


    6. Is that what happened? Not a JREFer, just a lurker but I know what you say is false-posts relevant to the lawsuit he threatened were removed...There are plenty of posts from Sweaty-Yeti and other believers still up there? Why were they not removed...See, you've been listening to half-truths mixed with lies for so long you are unwittingly making the same kind of statements...Or, you are one of those bigfoot promoters who just lies on purpose..lol...

    7. I cannot make any sense from your post.

      Please try again. This time concentrate.



    8. I'm actually quite used to arss-winker's dribble like that... Let me translate for you MMG...

      "Blah blah blah opinion BS duh? Repeat about ten times"

  25. how many times must a man beat a dead horse
    before he calls it a bear
    the answer M.K
    is blowing in the wind
    the answer is blowing in the wind

    1. I never get tired of a good massacre theory! I hope when MK reboots it there will be rape and sodomy involved...

    2. What am I getting at ?
      isn't it obvious ?

      after almost 50 years he's trying to give everyone clues to that
      the mystery has been solved....deep throat has been revealed
      M.K is bigfoot's hair stylist
      he's the one who did the braids !

    3. Oh ok. I thought you were threatening to turn me into a dead horse or something.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Oh and I was wearing my seahorse furry outfit they were so abused they commuted suicide on the spot hence all the blood MK has shown you all


  26. I have a question for anyone who can answer it, I've never been on any of these sites don't now if I'm in the right place here. Anyways I'm from northern Ontario Canada and have recently got a whole bunch of pictures of two different sasqwatch es on my game camera I put out for bear. The pictures have great detail and you can tell there two different creatures just buy there facial differences so I'm wondering would someone buy $ these pictures for good money if so,? Who? Thank you have a good day !

    1. You need to sell more details before someone considers that bro.


    2. After I looked at the pictures and then did some reading on the Internet it seems like what I have could be a big deal just don't now how to go about it thanks anyways, have a good day.

    3. After I looked at the pictures and then did some reading on the Internet it seems like what I have could be a big deal just don't now how to go about it thanks anyways, have a good day.

    4. Hang on bro, don't shoot off just yet... Gimme some details???


    5. If you want to sell them, give some details bro???


    6. I will give you $20 for the set. FIRST BID

    7. There are several people worth speaking to about this. If the pics are 'interesting' then there could be some $$ coming your way.

      Pics can never be proven either way however so this will be reflected in the price.


    8. Thanks but just got a reply and the offer is substantially a lot more than 20$ and they want the video more than the pictures but thanks anyways have a good day.

    9. Thanks but just got a reply and the offer is substantially a lot more than 20$ and they want the video more than the pictures but thanks anyways have a good day.

    10. Did your nose get a little longer?


    11. The key to my great pics and footage was using a scope mounted to my trail camera which was then pointed at a big mirro in front of my bait which is over 100 yards yards away, I've been doing this for years it's been saving my cameras and less human sent at my bait station etc

    12. The key to my great pics and footage was using a scope mounted to my trail camera which was then pointed at a big mirro in front of my bait which is over 100 yards yards away, I've been doing this for years it's been saving my cameras and less human sent at my bait station etc

    13. ..Congratulations, but the best you can do with your hoax or pareidolia is to use them for hit generating content on a website or youtube channel...The hucksters that are up and running won't buy them because they already know how to hoax and most of them probably don't even believe in bigfoot anyway..lol..

  27. Has MK Davis ever said which "enhancement" programs he's using to manipulate those stills? I can't be bothered sitting through all 200+ of his videos to find out.

    1. MK Davis will not even admit to his own height of about 5'-5", and he certainly has not admitted to the type of photo manipulation software that he is using. I tried and he failed to answer. The video copy that he is working off of, is a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy. Everything item that he brings up, is either superimposed by him, a poor copy photo anomoly, a penciled in feature, a color altered feature, or a contrast altered feature. You can't say that he isn't resourceful. You can say that he isn't being truthful.

    2. ANYTHING mk davis doies with any piece of video is invalid...he manipulates and distorts it so badly it is no longer worth anything. it becomes so manipulated and distorted you can see spock from start treks face.. in patty's ass if you looked hard enough.. enything and everything M.K.Davis does is not worth the time and effort to even acknowledge anymore are any type of 'research'. the man has clearly lost touch with reality

  28. I am a Costume maker. I work for the largest costume maker in the U.S. I will be leaving soon (moving) so what's it's worth, CHEW ON THIS FOOTERS!

    We cannot, I repeat cannot, duplicate the hair that is shown on the P/G film! We tried several times but couldn't even come close! we ordered different hair samples from all over, and could not get it to match!

    Our biggest requests in the last 3 years are for Big foot costumes!! Sales/Orders for these have tripled!

    Tom Biscardi, Rick Dyer, Matt Moneymaker have all ordered "Big foot suits" from us. Matt wanted his with an obvious "manhood" and with a butt crack.

    and one more thing, if you see a video where the bigfoot is running or climbing very fast, then it is of a real big foot, cause with our costumes the way they are designed and put together prevents anyone from moving or climbing fast, it's impossible to do

    Chew on that footers!

    1. That would register as an "Ouch!" to the JREF paid scoftics.

  29. Joe and all will be interested:



    1. Sykes has tested over 30 sample. Feasibly he could have noted 'positive' results months ago.


    2. Of course, these guys want to be FIRST..lol..If he discovered even an extinct hominid via dna it would be a big deal and his main objective would be to get the seal of approval from other geneticists and anthropologists...Even if a paper wasn't published yet he'd be talking at seminars and\or passing around what are generally called 'pre-prints'-you sometimes see papers labeled as such in bibliographies..Sometimes, they are listed as "to appear"...Most likely though, if he had anything, it would have been published by now-its been awhile...

      I knew this was just Sykes personal business(emphasis on business..lol..) and had everything to do with entertainment after I saw photos from the film sites..ugh..The popular science comes after the academic process, not before...

    3. Sorry I know you are the same Anon as 12:58, so again I'm struggling to work out what you mean.

      Can I suggest a little proof reading before pressing 'Publish'?



  30. It's clear Patty had thicker longer hair from scalp to upper back between shoulders. It might have been bristling, spiking, which has been a detail in other reports.

    The longer head hair is also a detail in many other reports since the PGF.

    These details tally with other reports and lend credence both to the PGF and the other reports, because:

    Patty's longer head to shoulder hair isn't a commonly known, easily seen detail which could have informed the other reports.

  31. I have a question for anyone who can give me a real answer, if u have a couple bigfoots hanging out in one area in about a 20 to 30 square mile area how do u figure out were there Home or dwelling is, we're do they live? Or do they have a main hang out ?? Thanks

  32. I have a question for anyone who can give me a real answer, if u have a couple bigfoots hanging out in one area in about a 20 to 30 square mile area how do u figure out were there Home or dwelling is, we're do they live? Or do they have a main hang out ?? Thanks

    1. You follow them to where they sleep. Look for tp like stick structures according to the definitive guide to Bigfoot

    2. Why do you repeat yourself twice bro? Anyway... I think there are a few people who can help you with your question, as this blog page is getting a little old you may need to post it in a newer blog page to get the attention your question deserves.


  33. In 20 or 30 square mile area, you could have up to about 30 Bigfoot. They sleep during the daytime. After midnight, you drive into the the most remote section of road into that area. Get out of your car without setting off your ignition beeper or slamming your car doors. Bring a lawn chair and get comfortable for about 15 minutes. Rap a drum stick on a wood block or jam block. Wait for the running bipedal footsteps to come in your direction before they do a dimension change on the fly at 30 yards. Keep listening because they will maintain the same path but now break only twigs. Eventually they will take up an observation position that will allow them to see everything that you do. But you won't be able to see them because they are invisible. They can stay in the one place without making any further noise, indefinitely. If you were hoping to see them, forget it.

    1. We seen two this year, two different times some what of the same area. We haven't really tryed doing anything yet were trying to figure out the right approach , so looking for very good suggestions?

  34. Dammit..Shawn....Please post a Warning with every single M.K.Davis video you post...the warning should say...

    "Watching ANY Video Released by M.K.Davis can LOWER you I.Q."

    1. please some one make m.k.davis dissapear

    2. Sorry man I wished really hard apparently it's not working oh and get a load of this shit my wife just informed me it turns out unicorns are magical and do not exist do you believe this horse shit I think my world is crumbling


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