Kelly Shaw's Team Just Sent This Possible Bigfoot Hair For Analysis

Here's the latest update on the possible Bigfoot hair Kelly Shaw and his team discovered near an 11 inch juvenile sasquatch foot print:

Sent two samples of hair each to two independent Universities of the unusual hair samples we found on 8/24/13 in active an active sighting location hot spot. Uintah Mountains,  Utah.

Sent one to an accredited University in the USA.

The other to an accredited University in the U.K.

May take two weeks to several months to have this unusual possible bigfoot hair that we discovered to analyze properly, We will let viewers know exactly what each independent government agency finds on the same exact physical evidence processed by each.

Yellowstone Canyon Utah'

Wish RMSO the best!  casted 15 inch bigfoot print. 15 inch foot print found. 1st 15 incher for our team. Not the largest, but a 15 incher.


  1. Joe believes bigfoots are some type of paranormal entity that has the ability to cloak and mindspeak.

    1. This is the same prat who posts BS about me everyday. Are you that sad and desperate for attention in your personal and social life that you have to try and get it here? Are you obsessive? I think so...

      Get a life you stupid person. If you have a problem with me write something that could threaten my theories, as opposed to prioritising your time to writing BS that nobody believes, or gives to shits about.

      Weird loser.

    2. Joe, everything you just wrote could be said about you as well. Wow, just wow.

    3. 3:57 Believes that his obsession with Joe isn't somehow gay ... Wow, just wow

    4. 3:57 I coin thee "the gay for Joe guy"

  2. What is everyone's opinion on what this hair is?

    JD? John Jones?


    1. Its most likely hair from your mother's twat, ay joe?

    2. What the hell do you care? Your opinion is the only correct opinion anyway.

    3. Hi Joe, I'm stumped. No idea at all. The different shades are weird. Looks as though it has hair and underfur. Domestic dog or cat????? J.D.

    4. Its a very interesting texture. Could be anything though. I don't even want to speculate at this point but i'd love it to be squatch hair.

    5. Hmmmm, would a domestic cat or dog be in these areas? Also, got your email, thank you for that pal, expect a response later.

      Thanks JD

    6. I'm not suggesting it's Bigfoot hair, just wanted an opinion from someone who knows about these things.


    7. Hi Joe, I just looked at the hair. But You would be suprised just how many feral cats live in the woods and some can live pretty darned far away from civilization. Rarely are they seen but you find their tracks in the snow up in the mountains during the winter. No these are not lynx bobcat or cougar tracks but just average cats that live in the woods.. But really the hair looks unfamiliar to me. I'm stumped. I'm glad the British have decided not to follow lock step with the US and rush to military action in the middle east. If anyone really thinks the Hobamanid gives a crap about the people killed with chemical weapons then they are the delusional people we should be talking about. This is nothing more than a pretext for a much wider agenda. J.D. And yes I did just invent the word Hobamanid.

    8. Ha ha ha!!

      Thank you very much for that JD, again... Another really important insight for people who can't access wilderness areas such as myself. All the more intriguing is the fact that someone of your experience should be 'stumped' as to what the hair could be.

      As for Syria, I can't agree more with you my friend!! Good post again sir!!!!!

      Peace JD!!!

    9. Hi Joe, my experiance is limited to the western Washington area and the animals and plants of that region particularly King, Pierce, and Thurston counties. Later J.D.

    10. It's still very important buddy, and a life time's more experience than 90% of people who post on here.

      Peace buddy.

    11. Alert: Has anyone seen my Toupee? I have seemed to misplaced it and my head is getting sunburned! Hey Joe and co..
      But seriously, it looks to thick, something you would find on a tail?

    12. I've gotta say... The post at 3:53 made me chuckle.

  3. Joe believes bigfoots are actually rogue combat soldiers genetically created by u.s. scientists but they escaped and reproduced with intentions of some day taking over the world.

    1. If you have a problem with that then write something to threaten his theories.

    2. Ok, they are an intelligent bipedal mammal that have somehow slipped through the cracks of science and zoology. There you go.

    3. 3:57 I coin thee "the gay for Joe guy"

    4. Certainly gay for Joe!

      Is it the same guy who had a crush on Travis.

      Nothing more tragic than unrequited love...


    5. ^ Owned. Deal with it.


    6. 3:57 bleeves Patty was a robot which Gimlin operated remotely from horseback while Patterson manned the camera. That theory is an attempt to explain away the arm length, and prehensile fingers, which fluster the skeptards so.

      Patty the robot. Yup, these skeptardz iz brite wuns.

  4. Can someone tell me why a couple are tryind to sell their house and land because they say they are visted / pestered by Bigfoots almost every night and wee have teams running around the rest of the USA struggling to find one??

    1. Sounds like your couple are trying to entice a buyer a la the Erickson Project.

    2. Most likely because they don't exist.

    3. The poster at 4:03...

      What couple would you be referring to?


    4. Joe. We need to purchase this property ASAP. The poor father squatch. His old lady bailed and left him those unruly brats to raise. Now they go about slappin the sides of this poor Georgia Families home. Running across the roof late at night. Carrying on at all all hours uttering complete fucking nonsense gibberish like that idiot Anon above. Why don't we help this poor family. I'm all in Joe. I'll set these brats on Gods good path. All I need is a high voltage cattle prod used by elephant trainers and an AK 47. What's the asking price. Hurry. Joe. You know that homoerotic idiot will post again soon before we can finish this important discussion

    5. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! Hey Mike bro! Ha ha ha ha!!!

    6. Is Sasfooty selling up?

      Those toast and cinnamon biggies are going to miss her gifting!




  6. Say it's the end of August. Did'nt R. Dyer say he would release the big foot body at the end of August.So he will finally be vindicated and everyone will know he was not a liar.Well i'm waiting he will probably post the pictures any minute now. Still waiting. he said he would release them. This is his chance to prove to everyone he was right.Still waiting.Well i'll check back later.

    1. ..He postponed the reveal to January..This hoax died in April, but he is still pushing it...

  7. It's, it's, it's Patty's braid!

  8. Ever since Pattys braid was revealed I picture her as a female Bo Derek from 10. Jogging down the old creek beach with Roger and Bob representing cowboy versions of the Dudley Moore character. Joe please tell me by now you have researched the Georgia home for sale due to Sasquatch Infestation.

    1. Is that the home of Lori and Dustin Chandler?

      Peace buddy, ha ha ha ha!!

  9. Joe. There are some infestations that even Ricky the Exterminator and the Turtleman can't handle. And when that happens you simply Have to list the property in question. I'll await your response. Kelly Shaw. If the hair has no medulla and has never been cut by scissors. Them you've got possible squatch hair. A high powered microscope will tell you that before you move forward on testing. Let me know. Better Sasquatch than Catsquatch.

  10. I wager Shawn's left nut that either the results never come back or that they are from a known animal. When I win, I want Joe to tell everyone that there is no Bigfoot and that he has just been blowing smoke up our asses this entire time.

    By the way, ponies are pretty, as is Sharon Hill.

    1. Why would the results of this hair have anything to do with what I think of it, or anything to do with the wider picture of Bigfoot?


    2. Ponies are pretty
      But Sharon's a shill,
      Wizened nor witty--
      The quips from her quill.

  11. Joe, it was a completely tongue-in-cheek comment, illogical, nonsensical, with no real point other than to poke you a little bit. No harm intended.


    1. Of course peace buddy, no hard feelings. Take my buddy.

  12. Joe. Be careful. The distinction between a big poking and a little prick can be hard to discern :). I'm headed out tomorrow. Check your email. Big weekend. Ranch is shut down. Where do all the Texas Squatches go when there activity up and down the creek. Our property of course.

    1. Good luck this weekend, I'm only an email away if you wanna discuss anything and look forward to your feedback.

      Peace Mike, you're the man.


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