Holy Crap! The Strange Sounds In The Sky Are Back!

What could this be? An alien spaceship? Or Bigfoot perhaps? It sounds too mechanic to be natural. A few years ago, these strange noise have been heard all around the world, and it's been a while since we heard them. They seem to be coming back at full force this time.

The actual video is on Facebook, but we have a YouTube version available for those who don't have access to Facebook at work. Here's the Facebook link via Kimberly W.: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10153206488455331


Last year, these same types of eerie noise was heard in the woods of Conklin, Alberta:


  1. Replies
    1. ...that's crazy, no first again!!!...

    2. It sounds like a metal fab shop. Really.

  2. Don't whales sound off like that are these places near the ocean and was it around the same time the year before maybe it's a mating call

    1. I was thinking someone was call blasting whale mating sounds..

    2. I was thinking someone was call blasting whale mating sounds..

  3. The Angels are moving furniture

  4. But I agree the top video sounds like a big ass rusty dumpster door the way it kinda echoes

    1. It kinda sounds like a long heavy Union Pacific train coming to a stop, the brakes are extremely loud and echos like that at the end but thats to inconsistent ... wierd

  5. So I came to this site for some bigfoot info and discussion. After hanging around and reading all the comments I called out Shawn on a couple things. Now all of a sudden I haven't been able and the site is not loading properly. Anyone run into this issue?

    1. Maybe its from all the tears falling on your computer because you're crying so much about it lady

    2. have you had a discussion with joe yet?

      you will lose all hope in humanity if you do

    3. What haven't you been able to do and sometimes yes blogspot tweaks out

    4. Bigfoot effectively is an alien species we can't find them just like the ETs so who knows, nothing weird or dangerous it's just unexplained and covered up.

    5. Howdy Harry. Page keeps freezing on me and won't allow me to reply.
      Also what's with all the "internet toughs" hiding behind anonymity? Do they think they are fooling anyone? Not even good trolling really. Haha

    6. Where is PJ, our resident beetle browed buffoon? I'm here for my daily dose of nonsense.

    7. I will admit some anons are funny. Just not anon 3:37. Lame

    8. pretty sure that's our looser anti-firster- we refer to him as 'the gigantic homosexual'

    9. ^wrong pal, don't be jealous I kick your ass getting the first post and not typing "first" to claim it you loser.

    10. Yep, I have the same problems.

    11. Sound blasting. Has to be. .....right???

  6. why do people, when encountering something they don't understand, instantly attribute it to some looney toon woo explanation like bigfoot or aliens or some other bullshit?

    1. Why don't you go join topsquatch and go have a good cry about it together, lady

    2. Maybe because neither of those options are looney toon bullshit only your ignorance is? Yeah, that's it.

    3. Hey lighten up lol without dreamers we wouldn't even have technology

    4. A recent survey by the wife of a MIT physicist proved that 78% of footers are a drag on society. And pretty much just a drag in general.

  7. I'm a little dissappointed in the English. I guess they are going to Kill 5,000 badgers near Somerset. Bummer If you are a badger.

    1. We don't need no stinking badgers!

    2. Qualifications?
      Applicant: Rape, murder, arson, and rape.
      Hedley Lamarr: You said rape twice.
      Applicant: I like rape.

    3. Blazing Saddles..lol..Although Brook's best is "The Producers"..

  8. The second trumpets of the Apocalypse maybe ?

  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vuvuzela

  10. reminds me of MIB when Will Smith pulls that heavy table towards him, during that test they were taking. Same sound. And when you compare some of the sounds on the videos over the past 2 years they sound exactly like the sounds the aliens make in the movie War of the Worlds... Cruise version...compare, as I did..

  11. 2 totally different sounds. 1st sounds like a whale or whales. 2nd, not so sure. In the middle of the mountains of Canada... Weird, just weird.

  12. Check out the "HAARP Project". You can find these sounds on YouTube.

  13. I do not trust a you tube video but the fact is in the last couple of years strange noises from the sky are being heard around the world, most unreported and not recorded, and no one has a clue what they are, mere guesses. It is a phenomena that parallels the ongoing crop circles mystery.

    As man's arrogance grows about the nature of the universe he keeps getting confronted with things he can not understand.


  14. a sky quake before an incoming storm?

  15. Has Phil done a breakdown of the freaky sounds yet?

  16. Its a train you fucking idiots!!!!!!!

  17. I've heard a lot of trains I would get stuck waiting on them in traffic in Chicago and the shipping yard off the river was 3 blocks from my house I'd walk my dog over there you record me trains that sound like that

    1. Actually sorry in the one recording I hear it that's possible again sorry

  18. its a run away train with melba penetrating shawns cheese. You fucktards shawn you suck and your spying bitches. you made it a war now you can get whats cumming watchout if you can.

  19. its a run away train with melba penetrating shawns cheese. You fucktards shawn you suck and your spying bitches. you made it a war now you can get whats cumming watchout if you can.

  20. Sounds like Lucy Ricardo play her saxophone. No wonder Ricky wouldn't let her in the show.

  21. Sound carries between dimensions.


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