Craziest Thing Today: Luckiest Driver In The World Escapes Being Crushed By Giant Boulder

This video from Taiwan shows a sudden landslide causing a gigantic boulder to tumble down a mountainside nearly crushing a car. This driver is the luckiest person alive.



  1. Why isn't BEB covering the Sykes update?

    1. Sykes will mostly be ignored here, since he will be hammering in the final nail in the coffin of footery.

      When all of the best samples footers have to offer, vetted by none other than meldrum, come up as known animals, it really will be the final death knell for footery.

      The best option for this blog is to ignore it.

    2. Thank God that 12:45 is an all-knowing skeptard.

      If Sykes finds known animals, this will have no effect on the existence of Sasquatch.

      In the Sykes case, this time it is a win-win for the enthusiasts, and a lose-lose for the skeptards.

      This is because negative results will only be neutral and won't disprove the existence of such creatures, and positive results will be very interesting and supportive of the existence of such creatures.

      Should Sykes only find known animals, the skeptards will be unable to make any claims. Sykes' findings in that outcome will only show what 30 samples could offer; they won't disprove thousands of reports and other evidence such as hair which has repeatedly tested as unknown hominid.

      Skeptard you pray for the "final" nail (why final? all the other nails are pounded in? wishful thinking on your part!) in the coffin. Your beliefs and plans are grossly misplaced because Sykes won't disprove the existence of Sasquatch; therefore he won't pound any final nail into any coffin.

      Of course as a skeptard you can pray that he is suppressed and controlled in what he releases or doesn't release, arm-in-arm with the BBC which already blew it and shot themselves in the big-foot with their silly Hackham Strutting Orange Stickman phony creature job. You can pray, if there's anything, he's suppressed or shut down.

      Still, you will have no reason to celebrate, as hopeful as you are that these results will end the phenomenon. No such thing will happen, whatever the study produces.

      Skeptards will be singing impotently into the wind as usual.

    3. "In the Sykes case, this time it is a win-win for the enthusiasts, and a lose-lose for the skeptards.

      This is because negative results will only be neutral and won't disprove the existence of such creatures, and positive results will be very interesting and supportive of the existence of such creatures."

      And so, in either outcome outlined above, enthusiasts win, skeptards lose.

    4. What about the hair of the yeti josh gates found that came back to no known species? Why has everyone forgot about this and act like there's no way in hell there's an undiscovered species?

    5. Hey Harry, didn't Melba test that sample? I don't know if anything was left over from it but I hope Sykes got to test some of it too.

    6. I know another lab did the lab that genomes dogs in California she may have as well

  2. According to Joe, bigfoot pushed this boulder.

  3. Hey now get it straight that's yeti over there

  4. Replies
    1. Correction: Rock & Roll ape

      Type O Negative RULES

    2. That is true.


    3. Saw Type O at The Wave in Staten Island some years back.

      Craziest gig ever. Pete had to stop halfway through every song such was the level of violence breaking out in the pit.

      Loved it.


    4. I saw them back in 2000 and there were cops in full riot gear lined up outside the doors after the show! Everyone was like "really?" Totally ridiculous and completely uncalled for.

      I've got a hankering for some bacon...

  5. From Wikipedia:

    A well publicized expedition to Bhutan reported that a hair sample had been obtained which by DNA analysis by Professor Bryan Sykes could not be matched to any known animal.[63] Analysis completed after the media release, however, clearly showed the samples were from a Brown bear (Ursus arctos) and an Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus).[64]

    When he first read this, Joe wept like a woman.

    1. Boo hoo hoo. If indeed true, another 29 to go eh?

    2. Can you smell what I smell Joe?

      Begins with F......


    3. Fortitude fukers farts females French people what is it MMG

    4. I can smell it alright MMG! You'll hear me screaming with victory from the other side of the pond!

      Peace bro.

    5. Frazzled fruit cake fragrances fouls firmament foolishness foliage fat people

    6. Please MMG give me the answer before I lose my shit

    7. O. O. O. I know, I know !!!!

      Funky Finger Fumes

    8. Lol smells like fish taste like chicken was what I was told as a kid good thing older women take care of themselves properly should you encounter this problem then scream and run fast a woman who can't take care of her parts won't take care of your child's or yours

    9. Damn it MMG you STOP fukin ignoring me what's the answer

    10. MMG is currently on a lock down cooling off period at the hospital. He will be allowed out tomorrow.

    11. You crack me up Harry!

      F is for flange! You can sleep tonight HB.


    12. Oh thank god it's not fairies I hate those creepy little fukers

    13. As a Platinum Level Cryptozoologist I can say that fairies do in fact wear boots.

    14. Fairies are creepy I don't want your magic dust and there's a reason people catch you in jars you're fukin creepy

    15. ..and I gotta believe you Fozzie..Congrats on the membership-they just don't let anyone in over there. Dallas and Wayne! you meet them yet?

    16. Yeah they said I had to follow them around carying this nasty smelling bucket. I was like "to hell with this" and threw it in the woods. About an hour later they asked for the bucket and when I told them I threw it away they got REALLY pissed off and started yelling at me and being completely belligerent. Then they waddled off into the woods screaming obscenities I've never heard before. :(

  6. Replies
    1. His problem is there's not enough tards to school in one sitting.


    2. ^^ Pwned? Are you still upset cos Bobo is going to Nepal without you?


  7. Luckiest Driver In The World is the most reputable person in the bigfoot community

    1. How are they going to move that thing? They better hurry, because I think MMG's self esteem is under there.

    2. You so funny bitch lips. Got under your skin much.

      I'd get back to firsting my friend. I don't want to make you cry in front of your fellow turds, I mean tards.


    3. What an ass home skillet?

  8. Q: How many skeptards can you put on a bus ?

    A: Not many because its a short bus


  9. so what are you footers going to do after sykes fully debunks your religion?

    1. I doubt he is going to do that on a crypto program...The producers know the majority of viewers tune in for the fun of it, but, like they say in politics, never alienate the
      There probably will be a sample they couldn't identify or make a publishable conjecture about and will spin it into an "unknown donor"....

  10. I hope his new pair of made in China pants are better constructed that that made in China mountain.

  11. What's crazier than the craziest thing today? This bitch:

    Damn Mayor! What the hell are you putting in those McNuggets?

  12. Side note what about the crypto linguist who was on through the wormhole who showed that dolphins even though we can't understand their language the way the speak shows that it's actual a passing of information and not just gibberish it had to do with counting words and it plotted on a graph as a 45* angle showing an actual language

    1. You are describing the line y=x....If one represents the number of words, what is the other? I.e, how were the axis labeled?
      What we do know for sure is that the logarithm of the slope, using any base for the logarithm, yields the number of bigfoot specimens.....

    2. x=# of words
      y=# of fish you can stick in your blowhole

    3. Lol nonarchaic hominin is right!

      No seriously he used war of the worlds as an example and put them in order from the most common to least and ( of ) was used the most then and I think anyway the words were the y axis and frequency of use was the x and it was a perfect degree of drop then he picked up a sheet of paper with just random words gibberish and it came out to a straight line if I catch the episode again I'll let you know which one it is I think it was the does ET exist one they talked about SETI and Michio Kaku did a segment of it

    4. That was the jist of it as you can see grammar and punctuation are not my friends I'm mathematically oriented so that's the best I can explain

    5. It sounds interesting. There's plenty of mystery in the universe without having to make shit up. Like: what is she buying and why does it cost so fucking much?

    6. guys are off the wall...

  13. Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project

    SAMPLE SUBMISSION PHASE May – September 2012
    DNA ANALYSIS PHASE September – November 2012
    PUBLICATION PHASE November – December 2012

    Hmm. What's the delay? Smeja's stinky boot?

    1. Slow, but effective, string search algorithm..The results are stunning-


    2. Good to see you guys are on point with this one.

      As been pointed out it's a lose - lose scenario for the Tard.


  14. Sykes will turn out to be a disappointment for the believers. I'm guessing he is using this bigfoot thing for personal gain, the nature of which will become known in time.

    1. He will use it as a vehicle for Oxford Ancestors. He's probably tapped out all of the hard core genealogists and sees the opportunity to pick the footer's pockets.

      Right out of Meldrum's playbook.

    2. Sounds like he is working with FB/FB...Will he tell me how many bigfoots are in my family? Good to know FB\FB is back in the game..thanks NA!!

    3. More idle speculation and misinformation.

      Trying to connect Sykes to FB/FB is laughable.

      Oh don't forget Meldrum is a scientist while you are a fear ridden nobody posting on a BF blog.

      Hope that last Jref check for $4.28 cleared okay....


  15. That boulder was a guy in a suit--you can see the zipper

  16. Wow the posts on here take self obsessed trollery to new & previously undreamt of levels.

    'skeptard'? Ok how about tardtard. Thats what much of the froth on here is, the musings of tardtards.

    I keep coming back every now n then just to remind myself how arrogant and deluded humans can be. So at least the sock-trolls on here have some use.

  17. Wow the posts on here take self obsessed trollery to new & previously undreamt of levels.

    'skeptard'? Ok how about tardtard. Thats what much of the froth on here is, the musings of tardtards.

    I keep coming back every now n then just to remind myself how arrogant and deluded humans can be. So at least the sock-trolls on here have some use.

  18. Wow the posts on here take self obsessed trollery to new & previously undreamt of levels.

    'skeptard'? Ok how about tardtard. Thats what much of the froth on here is, the musings of tardtards.

    I keep coming back every now n then just to remind myself how arrogant and deluded humans can be. So at least the sock-trolls on here have some use.

  19. Wow the posts on here take self obsessed trollery to new & previously undreamt of levels.

    'skeptard'? Ok how about tardtard. Thats what much of the froth on here is, the musings of tardtards.

    I keep coming back every now n then just to remind myself how arrogant and deluded humans can be. So at least the sock-trolls on here have some use.


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