Check Out The Size of These Bigfoot Tracks From Idaho

Bigfoot Evidence reader Zachary S. shared this interesting video of some huge tracks he found last year. He tells us this is a hot spot and heard some strange vocalization in this same area six years earlier. He writes:

Took this video of large tracks in the Coure D' Alene national forest in April 2012. Early season hiking. No trail repair work had been done at the time. Didn't see the tracks going up or coming back done! Heard some grouse(never heard grouse before) and ran back up a shortcut to a high point on the trail and that's when we found the tracks. Had to come back a week later with a camera. The best part of the video is near the end I'm walking up-hill and you can see a left foot then right foot imprint.


  1. Damn I wasn't even close on this one that's what I get for getting out of the bath

  2. Why all the "firsting"? No comments on the BF tracks story?

    1. Get with the programme TS.

      Your constant whining will only make you a target for trolls.

      If this site pisses you off just now....


    2. I was giving Harry and Eva more credit than trolls. I ignore trolls.
      well most anyway there are only one or two who are actually funny.

    3. Plus was an honest question. I'm fairly new here and was curious why the focus on being first. I know it's an old trick used by bloggers to get ppl to pay attention to their blog so was just wondering if that's what was going on here. You know... emperor's clothes kinda thing

    4. That's ok Top Squatch,don't worry,it took me a while to work out what the firsting was about xx

    5. Not a lot to be honest,except it's fun to get a first once in a while,although i still can't work out the false firsts and anti firsts xx

    6. Well then congrats...
      Plus honesty I like it

    7. The sport of firsting is a sport of kings. NOTHING compares to the rush you get when you see "no comments" and a big empty box just waiting for you to type "FIRST". I get goosebumps just thinking about it.

    8. ^^
      Ditto: well said sir! I may never reach it, but I can still dream.

    9. I firsted once and now my life is awesomeness personified.

  3. Sorry Top Squatch that tends to come after,impressive prints though,especially the last two xx

  4. The first print looks as if it's been dug out.

    No reason for the weight of the 'creature' to obliterate or remove all grass/moss underfoot.


    1. Agreed, it definitely looks like someone has literally just ripped a clump of grass and soil out of the ground.


  5. Good call MMG. A common hoaxer mistake. Or a mistake made by innocent yet naive ppl who want to "clean it out" to get a better look.

  6. It wasnt dug out. It started to erode after a couple days. The video was made a week after the tracks were found.

    1. Would have been good to see the before and after pics Zachary, but my personal view is that some of the prints just don't look right.

      Not using the 'H' word Zach, I'm sure you have just filmed what you've found but I just don't get why that first print would look like it did unless the BF had acid on the soles of his feet.

      Thanks for sharing Z.


    2. I don't think anyone's hoaxing, but honest feedback is very important. Keep up the hard work Zachary, your work is appreciated and very important!

      Peace bro.

    3. Apart from the first track, the other two look pretty good you know?!


    4. I know where you are coming from Z, but if BF's had that kind of impact on grass and plant life we'd find prints continually.

      There would be literally no place for these guys to hide.


    5. I agree. My only guess is the steepness of the hill at that spot had something to do with it.

  7. Yeah sorry that's not how erosion works. I don't believe there was hoaxing going on just mistaken identity. In that substrate anything could have made that track by literally ripping away the top layer in an attempt to gain traction. What was torn away is what was left to observe.

    1. Yes and thanks for sharing. I'm sure you shared to get a variety of opinions and ideas.

    2. I dont think it was torn. I think it was crushed under the weight. The plants were pushed down exposing the dirt. When I first found the tracks the toes were clearly visible. The erotion comment was ment to explain why u cant really see the toes anymore. Not to explain why u can see the dirt.

    3. I think you need to keep up the good work Zachary, the following two prints look quite good. Hope you can understand the response to the first print. What type of vocalisation did you hear bro?

      Peace Zachary.

    4. Did you search the surrounding area for further evidence? Take note of time, date, weather, etc? Did you map where it could have been coming from/going to such as a water source?

    5. Sorry top I didnt do any of those things. It was my first time finding something like that. Ive learned alot since I made the video. I searched around. Found some potential tracks above and below filmed area but they werent defined enough. There is a creek about a half mile away. It was at the southern tip of the coure d alene national forest. There are a few encounter stories from that area up to sandpoint where a hunter found tracks.

    6. You definitely found the real deal in my opinion Zachery. Thank you for sharing this video with us.

    7. The real deal in my opinion too, Zachery. I usually note the location/elevation in relation to the time of the year and go back to the same places at the same time of year. I have had good results doing this.

  8. Great foot prints. I have wanted to squatch in Coure D' Alene national forest for several years now. That area is very active with sighting reports. Perhaps this will motivate me into getting out there sooner than I had planned.

    1. Go For it! Very good catch here, just wish they had been recorded fresh.

  9. Good grief! Just have a group hug and get it over with.


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