Bigfoot caught on tape in New York?

After checking out this YouTube user's channel, we're sure this is a hoax. There were other videos clearly showing a costume, but those videos have been deleted. What's left is this obscured video:


  1. Replies
    1. ^now that is a fantastic false first, congrats!!

  2. So you're sure this is a hoax but you post the story anyway? This is getting frustrating. ..

    1. Go in your room and squeeze off a few rounds.

    2. Shawn covers ALL the news, even the hoax news.

    3. Well he should try to encourage and cultivate worthwhile comments/discussions instead of the nonsense that goes on here.

    4. At the top it says ... "Bigfoot News Blog" Encouraging readers to draw their own conclusions from the evidence and arguments. It doesn't say anything about getting frustrated, you may be experiencing pre menstrual syndrome young lady

    5. Fair enough but what about the comments section? You have to admit it could be so much more. While funny at times it is the major source of frustration. This is claimed as the largest bigfoot blog in the world and the comment section is a joke. Am I naive in believing that there are ppl out there who can have both an interest in bigfoot and have an intelligent discussion?
      The site is what it's owner/operator want it to be....Shawn

    6. ^^^not claiming to be Shawn. Was directing my comment to shawn

    7. I see worth while discussions amongst the redundant skepturd trolling if you come here telling yourself its not worthwhile and its frustrating me because of it then you will be frustrated i enjoy and learn a lot from the intelligent conversations and laugh at the rest.

    8. "Be the change you want to see in the world". Ignore the comments you don't like and start up the conversation you want to engage in.

  3. I hate hoaxer's even more than I hate those pesky Tards!

    Only joking skeps. Now that you guys get pounded on a daily basis. I kinds feel a bit sorry for you. ;0)


  4. Imagine if you will a bigfoot blog that posts accurate up to the minute sasquatch news where intelligent well meaning people openly discuss the topic at hand....
    what happened to this site? Why doesn't Shawn monitor this? This could be so much more!!!

    1. What happened to this site? Really?

      It's the home of the BF lunatic fringe with just a sprinkling of reckless, misinformed flaming/debate thrown in.

      If you want rules go to the BFF. However, please note that site has now been over-run by the Psychic/Habituation crazies.


    2. Why don't you cry about it you big girl

    3. What?

      The same way you cried when you walked in on your Mom and me getting nasty?

      Ever wondered why your brother looks nothing like you?


    4. Sorry MMG was for topsquatch ... and ouch LOL

    5. Lol!!! Apologies Anon 2:54!!

      Your Mom and me were purely platonic! Honest. :)

      Don't have nightmares my friend.


  5. So I've seen Shawn's recent outings and endeavors with Justin Smeja and Ro Sahebi. Is all of this just a dance to make money? Is Shawn serious about bigfoot or is this just a business idea?

    1. It's show me the money time.

    2. Is Shawn serious about BF?

      Shawn do you own a sleeveless shirt?

      Without one you are NOTHING.



  6. This is what prevents me from posting any
    videos of Big foots I get!

    You "Stay at home Big foot experts" are waiting for a clear close up picture of a Big foot, well, it ain't going to happen.

    Out in the field, when movement in the woods is noticed, by the time you get your camera up, to track whatever was seen, it's gone! So all we get is blurry shaken videos, that will be called a "Hoax" the minute it is posted.

    Even when I sit all day in a blind, then notice a "Big foot" walking through, all I get is a blurry shaken video!

    If you, I, or anybody finally gets a clear close-up picture or a Video of them, as soon as it is posted, You all(and others) will say it's a "Hoax"!

    Damn if you do, Damn if you don't! I don't think any of "You stay at home Bigfoot experts, knows the amount of work, time and money it takes to try to get their picture!

    My name is John W. Jones my Email address is: Only mature comments please!

    1. Didn't you claim a bunch of stuff was fake on the other post?

    2. Yes he did. Credibility shot now. Is he just on here selling lawn fertilizer?

    3. A new paradigm of spamming.


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