We Can't Get Enough of This Bigfoot Nest Video

Oh hell. We're just going to make today Mitch Waite day. Waite's team has been featured on numerous television shows including Finding Bigfoot -- and for good reasons. His team is one of few teams to find actual Bigfoot "evidence". Take a look at this Bigfoot nest his team found in Arizona. Some say they see a juvenile Bigfoot in the den, but unfortunately, the team was too spooked out to go inside.


  1. Definitely a squatch nest. They construct the entries to their domains to resemble a little hairy taterhole. Lucky they stayed back or they would have surely been mind-raped.

  2. this is bs and the vid is super old idk what Sean is thinking on this one.the guy goes all the way in and then gets spooke bc he thinks there is a baby in there lol douche bags!

    1. ^Exactly right, some of the comments even stated that they thought they could see two pairs of eyes...

    2. Nope I just see one big brown cycloptic eye.

  3. I have to admit that big black hole with all that coarse bush around the opening and a maw that would swallow a man whole. It gets me really hot.

  4. Bad monkey, that funky monkey.


  6. Set up a perimeter and clear a spot for Matt Moneymaker's helicopter to land.

  7. This is either man made or a squatch made nest. No other animal is capable of doing this. If there is actually a juvinile bigfoot inside is another issue.This could have been one of the greatest scientific discoveries of our time and they just leave- not come back with a flashlight or a better camera that could be sent further into the hole. it amazes me how dumb and useless some bigfooters can be . If that was me i'd be doing everything i can to find out what is inside - but i'm a pro not a bumbling amateur like these clowns

  8. There was obviously something inside! This is very frustrating to watch. They cornered what could have possibly been a young bigfoot, and just walked away.

    1. another example as to why most of the REAL scientific community shies away from this nonsense.
      Mitch spends half his life researching bigfoot, makes a find like this, and then walks away at such an opportunity?!


  9. I'm glad they didn't go in. That's where I keep all of my Hustler magazines.

  10. Did anyone see the truck in the background at the end of the video? Why would a BF make a den in such an open area that close to vehicle access? And no headlight or flash light?

    1. That's how squatches hide, in plain sight. There could be one in your living room right now!

    2. Chuck Norris raises baby bigfoots in his pare time

  11. Let'sth get the persthpective on this nestht.

  12. Let me analyze this...Ok...I'm pretty sure a squatch built this but then again it could be man-made. But...it appears an unknown hominid from the Pleistocene epoch could have made this. But then again...It could be a bunch of kids. My final analysis? This appears to be the work of wood hobos.

  13. Sorry,messed that up,too many eggs,you will get constipated.xx

  14. This is just another example of Bigfoot 'researchers' doing the 'Maxwell Smart' "I was THIS close" routine. If you found this 'nest' and maybe see something which you may think is a baby squatch inside, wouldn't you maybe investigate further, set up trail cams, go get a light source and light that sucker up? Nahhhh, just post this slop then move on.....dumb asses.

    1. Nope. Better to make this into something it's not. More attention and Youtube views. Oh and this guy has books for sale on Amazon. More mystery=more sales.

  15. To the search team: Did they smell the order that is normally associated with Bigfoot?

    1. No they did not, nor did any adult bigfoot show up to defend the baby, nor were any bigfoot prints found. Also, the entrance is obviously smaller than the human trying to enter, meaning a bigfoot must stuff it's baby in and walk away. It is also located in an area humans frequent and with many brush piles from fire control. The only thing to indicate this is a bigfoot nest is the bigfoot expert, saying it is. The lack of follow up tells it all.

    2. And a porcupine! Which was caught on video. But edited out later folks!

  16. The nothing category gets larger daily.

    1. so does my ass. From all the bigfoot online researching I do.

  17. One last detail. Check out one of the branches the 'Bigfoot' used to support the walls of his nest at the 4:33 mark. Bigfoot was using an axe by the looks of those cut marks. Bahahaha...and I'm a believer in the big boy. I just can't stand hoaxers and dung brains presenting stuff as serious research..

  18. In the orignal when he first posted this long time ago you could see the road with the road grader marks. the forest service pushe the pine needles into bails and then pushes them off the road. seen many times up there. small animals makes dens out of them. mitch is the biggest hoaxter in arizona along with alex hearn.

  19. That's an "Oh Brother" Video!

  20. some gys build a hut for whatever reason. probably shelter and bears move in to ready made home



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