This Spooky Photo Was Taken In Gifford Pinchot

We received these spooky photographs from a person who wants to remain anonymous. Though the pictures are very blurry, we're not going to tell you it's a Bigfoot because to be honest, it could be anything! Here's the story from "Tam":

I was up by Mt. Saint Helens in the Gifford Pinchot Nat'l Forest (Skamania County) last Saturday. I had spent about an hour by a stream taking pictures and just being in nature. I walked up the embankment to go to the bathroom and saw this thing between the trees. Something told me not to get closer, so I didn't. It never moved. The next day I went back to the same spot and it was gone. My car broke down up there and I'm waiting for it to be fixed, but as soon as it is I'm driving back up there to take more pics, and will go to the exact spot (the pics were 40-60ft away) and look for evidence. I never gave it too much thought until I got home and saw the enlarged pics. That, and the fact that whatever it was was GONE the next day when I returned. I will try and send all 4 pics through here (I also lost my smart phone in the woods, on a separate trip lol) Maybe you guys can clean up the pics a bit? I have no idea on how to go about that... I would like to know what you guys think... Thank you for your time


  1. Replies
    1. Shit! I thought Joe Rogan blessed me with a first.

    2. It's Chewie!!! Peaking in Melba's bedroom window

    3. A bigfoot story that is anonymous is usually synonymous with BS.

      That being said, the story by anonymous states, "I never gave it too much thought until I got home and saw the enlarged pics."

      Really? Earlier, anonymous wrote that he or she, "...saw this thing between the trees. Something told me not to get closer, so I didn't."

      So, you saw this thing and took pictures of it and were afraid to get any close and, "never gave it too much thought until I got home and saw the enlarged pics."

      This is a clear indication that this story is fabricated. No one who had an actual experience like this would forget about it and not give it "too much thought."

    4. ^nice call on that, it does sound like BS

    5. You serious, Clark?

      Cousin Eddie

    6. Not my best shot......but hell....just got done with an all night Rave. Rule number one, don't eat Shrooms from a guy named Fast Eddie....

    7. Ahhhh

      goos to see you after the rave my friend

      hey how did it go with those 2 hotties from the
      Chutack clan?????

      hope ya got some.

      Joe Rogaine

  2. Looks like Dick Ryders mask from the Florida hoax.

  3. more blurry hoaxes. No body No bigfoot.

    1. That's the way it will probably stay even if bigfoot IS real. There's a certain mystique to Bigfoot, and it's a multi-million dollar market as is. If a type specimen were found, a lot of people will lose their job. I don't feel the new demographics and outlets brought in will allow for a profit in the market with such a loss...not to mention the billions lost in timber and mining. If it would be a type of human, the church would be seriously damaged as would our current understanding of evolution.

    2. Yep bigfoot don't exist. Thats a fact these bleevers cant grasp. Reality is a good thing folks.

    3. I wouldn't trust information that was given to me by a person who cannot formulate a proper sentence, 2:05pm. Therefore, while it is highly unlikely a creature such as Sasquatch exists, it is completely ignorant of life itself to wholly deny that chance of it's existence. Learn some proper grammar, jack wagon.

    4. I happen to know with 100% certainty that bigfoot exists, and I can prove to all of you.

  4. guy in a black/dark ski mask.

    1. In many ways that would be creepier than a Bigfoot...

    2. Wesley 'Bigfoot' Snipes

  5. It is a very creepy-looking object. I wouldn't go any closer to that thing either. In a way, this photo is more convincing than many videos. It has a certain atmosphere. It suggests more than it shows. If it's a hoax, well done. Sometimes less is more.

    1. I'd go up there and taterhole into next week I'm not scared

  6. It's remind Todd Standing's photos.

    1. You know, Todd (AKA Fraud) Standing. One of a number of serial bigfoot hoaxing jackasses.

  7. I believe this is the spot where they are filming "Critters V"..

  8. howard stern working towards a first.... and a ba ba booye to ya allz to..

  9. It's Gary Dellabate ...smells like a monkey, talks like a monkey, It's freakin Joe Rogan...

  10. ITS OVER FOLKS!!!!!




    1. Desperation had set in at Jref Towers. There's a 5 dollar bounty for the first minion who can 'pwn' Joe and myself.

      Looks like Sharon Hill won't be opening her purse any time soon.


  11. well at least he got more than one photo which seems like that's all people ever get

  12. I was in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest in July 2011. I drove along the southern edge of the forest and parked the car and hiked in a bit. It is the most dense, creepiest forest that I've ever been to.

    1. I knew a girl that had a dense forest back in the 80s.We called her Bush Baby.

    2. Was it back in Quahog. i think i may know the girl

  13. Ok everybody
    This is Joe Rogaine here to answer the question every one is asking here.

    the answer is it is me!

    you see I was one of the first people to have tested Rogaine back in the day ,
    it was such a success that I grew hair all over my FANTASTC body,
    which was very upsetting to me as I was in the runner up for MR universe w/ Arnold Swartzenpecker but I was going bald so I decided to let them test this stuff on me and it worked great at first but with continued use I grew too much hair and could not cut it quick enough.

    So to say the least you could no longer see my beautifully sculpted body which was pretty much a career killer for me,

    Not to mention that no matter how much I washed I still smelled like wet dog and ass, which the ladies did not particularly care for.

    the Rogaine they use now is only 5% the stuff I used was 95%
    so of course it worked too good.

    so I decided to run away from the world and go to the only place I could be accepted which was of course to live with the squatches.

    so yes that is me in the photo I saw this good looking person that had passed and was trying to get a better look

    when this ASSHOLE snapped a pic of me and now the scientists that have been searching for me for the last 20 yrs. or so are now going to find me thanks to this idiot.

    so if you do not hear from me again for a while it is because I will be moving on for now.

    so there you have it question answered.

    By Joe Rogaine

    1. ok for ye of limited literary skills
      the short and sweet version

      it is me in the picture

      J o e R o g a i n e

      is dt short enuff fo you wittle bwains

  14. It is totally confirmed by the experts, Dyer, Biscardi, Sells and Johnson among others, this may or may not be a bigfoot. The only way to know is to freeze it in a cooler with a bunch of entrails and put it on ebay.

    What's that you say, another suited pervert you say, stalking a naive helpless girl? NO, SKEPTARD, STAY BACK, SOKA SOKA.

  15. Could be, literally, anything with fur or hair.

  16. another bs piece of evidence.

  17. The only absolute in regards to this hoax is that Clueless Joe Fitzgerald BLEEBS it.


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